You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 98 Thirteen's changes, investigation results (thanks to the leader of the book friend &

On the way back.

Brian received an apology text message from Susan: "You can take a maximum of three days off. If you don't come back after three days, I will blow your head off!!!"

The tone and style of this text message is very Susan.

He whistled.

Brian drove his car to the second-hand market and sold it at a low price. Then he went to the car supermarket and bought a fine second-hand durable pickup truck worth more than 20,000 US dollars before returning to the apartment.

Before entering the door.


The door was opened from the inside.

As the iron door slowly pulled back.

Thirteen woke up, squatted on the ground, stuck out his tongue, and wagged his tail happily, welcoming Brian back.

Brian looked at the open door, and then looked at Thirteen: "Did you open the door?"


Thirteen nodded his head.

After testing.

Brian found that Thirteen was more spiritual than before, and had a stronger ability to imitate and learn than before.

In addition.

Thirteen's perception was also much stronger.

Even if it was separated by buildings and stairs, it could actually sense Brian's approach in advance within a range of 20 meters.

This is no longer something that can be done simply by smell.

This made Brian realize that compared to humans, animals have more magical sensory organs.

And the special smell that Thirteen had before was also more intense and stable.

This similar smell, or aura that is different from the same kind, Brian has only felt on Uncle Billy and the Deformed Beast.

The special smell on Thirteen is somewhat similar.

He couldn't say whether it was a smell or a special aura emitted by the body itself.

But it shouldn't be a bad thing.

After all, whether it was Uncle Billy or the Deformed Beast, they were not good people. Perhaps this was an individual life force field similar to Tiger Power?

As for the improvement of Thirteen's imitation ability, Brian thought of the two Deformed Beasts before.

Whether it was the way they killed people or the way they handled the corpses, they were probably imitating humans, but they didn't learn the essence enough, so they exposed the corpses and exposed themselves.

The way to kill people should be to learn the way the four young people eat and vent their anger.

The way to deal with the corpses can only be to catch them and the group of people with Taotie tattoos.

So it seems.

Those guys with Taotie tattoos are not good people.

There is no feedback from the tarot cards.

Brian simply took Thirteen out for a walk, using pheromones and language to teach it, and let it have a clearer understanding of the things in this world.

Dogs are very spiritual animals.

The best of them, after education, can have an IQ comparable to that of a seven or eight-year-old child.

After testing.

Brian was surprised to find that although Thirteen was only two or three months old, his IQ and agility were no less than that of a child with imperfect cognition.

He was a little suspicious whether Thirteen was also a deformed beast.

But seeing it running around stupidly and without any mind, Brian overturned this conclusion.

The dog looked like himself, kind-hearted.

It wouldn't be a bad dog.

At this time.

A Dalmatian passed by biting a bone. Thirteen, who was strolling around, saw this and rushed to the big dog, which was two times bigger than himself, and made a threatening whimper.

The spotted dog seemed to have seen its natural enemy, and directly put the big bone in its mouth in front of Thirteen, then ran away with its tail between its legs.


Thirteen picked up the big bone, ran back to Brian, and showed off to him.


But then again, although Thirteen is timid and afraid of death, bullies the weak and fears the strong, it is still a two-month-old baby and cannot be blamed too much.

Brian believes that under his influence, Thirteen will become a good dog in the future.

And Brian can be sure that the special smell on Thirteen should be a kind of power similar to the power of a tiger, or a life force field.

Because the wild dogs encountered along the way, no matter how big they are or how fierce they look, they subconsciously avoid Thirteen after seeing him.

This reminds Brian of the fact that before he received the gift of the blood moon, he was just glared at by his uncle and lost his mind for a long time.

The special aura on his uncle should be something similar.

Perhaps, when the vitality of each species is strong to a certain extent, the body will actively emit this kind of vitality field that only wild animals can feel.

Brian also smelled himself.

The result was no.

It is estimated that the strengthening level is not enough.

After a day of playing.

Thirteen is still energetic and constantly emits pleasant pheromones.

This is the first time that Brian, the dog boss, has really taken it out for a walk.

It is very happy.

In the evening.

Before the news came from the tarot card, Susan had already sold all the remaining merit points of Brian.

According to the contact information.

Brian logged into the NW internal website and transferred money one by one.

At around nine o'clock.

He received virtual currency equivalent to the market price of 3.6 million US dollars.

In other words.

One merit point, the price is about 40,000 US dollars.

As Susan said, the price of merit points is not high under the unspoken rules.

But he has no choice.

This thing, if you don't exchange reagents, you can only exchange things with those fixed people inside.

In order to protect their own interests, those people have their own unspoken rules and will not set things too high or too low.

At most, it is just to get you to exchange it with him, and he will give you some special resources: such as sending a certain female star to your bed, or other unique temptation resources.

The internal exchange value of merit points cannot be the same as the auction.

The last time Brian killed the high-pollution aberration - Mad Dog Ike, the team received a bonus of one million US dollars. It was simply because the B6 team had too few people that everyone seemed to get a lot of money.

This situation is actually rare.

At this point in time, the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar is still very strong.

Another point, after entering the NW intranet, Brian learned that every state and county in the United States has organizations similar to NW, and there are a lot of messy consortiums, plus organizations like the FBI...

Common reagents are not that valuable.

Only special reagents like those that extend life span or have a limited output like last time will attract people's attention.

As for the merit points, they can only be used within the nw organization. At most, if you stock up too much and don't use it, some people will use their thoughts in order to complete their performance.

If you sell a small amount, you can sell it best. If you don't sell it, others won't care at all.

After converting the virtual currency into cash and transferring it to his overseas bearer account, Brian took Thirteen directly to the hospital to work part-time after dinner.

Today's security guard has been replaced.

But relying on money, Brian still got in.

His excuse also changed to praying for the dead to gain spiritual satisfaction and peace.

Twelve o'clock in the morning.

Just when Brian thought there was nothing to gain today, the body of an old man was pushed to the morgue by the caregiver.

In the sky above the corpse, a small red ball slowly condensed.

Brian said hello to the nurse, came to the body, and prayed. At the same time, a piece of information came into his mind: I hid all the painkillers prescribed by the doctor in the secret box on the bedside table, hoping that Jimmy would find these painkillers. Finally, the money from the sale can give him a breather in his tired life.

Finish praying.

Brian said to the nurse: "He didn't look very peaceful. Cancer?"

The nurse nodded: "For patients with bone cancer and poor economic conditions, the hospital will only prescribe some conservative drugs out of humanitarianism. I hope his son will come to take him."

Conservative drugs are actually powerful prescription painkillers with the same ingredients as drugs, so they are considered legal drugs. The black market in Los Angeles buys them in large quantities and the prices are very generous.

Many celebrities with chaotic private lives like this kind of ‘legal drug’.

Generally, hospitals will pay attention to protecting the privacy of patients.

But for patients who died without family members around them, the caregivers were much more casual, allowing Brian to extract a lot of information.

The old man's wife died very young and had only one son. She was fooling around outside all year round. She also kept telling the old man that she was doing business outside, but the business environment was not good, and she would often write to the old man asking for money.

The old man is too old to understand this.

But people around him knew that he was a bastard who deceived the old man after hearing him talk about his son.


Brian grinned, called Thirteen who was hiding in the security room to enjoy the air conditioner, and left the hospital.

after an hour.

The alley near the old man's house.

A middle-aged gangster with red hair, many earrings, and a nose ring looked at the man wearing a clown mask in front of him, feeling vaguely uneasy.

"You said that my father left me a lot of money?" Jimmy touched the pistol on his waist and said bravely.

If the other party hadn't said he had money, he wouldn't have gone out at this time.

Brian tilted his head and looked at the big boy in the old man's eyes, and threw a bag in front of him: "Your father passed away tonight, and he died of pain because he wanted to leave money to you. He has not taken the strong painkillers prescribed by his doctor.”

Jimmy picked up the bag carefully and showed joy when he saw the logos on the bottles inside, and said perfunctorily: "I know, thank you, kindhearted person, I will send flowers to my father's grave to express my gratitude."

Feel the warmth surging through your body.

Brian knew that the old man's obsession was complete.

He asked strangely: "Aren't you sad? From now on, you have nowhere to come from, and your future is only a countdown."

Jimmy looked at Brian like he was an idiot:

"Who cares, maybe I'll die tomorrow too.

Everyone will die.

I'm grateful for what my dad did for me.

But I am his son, and he should have paid for me since he gave birth to me. This is what I deserve.

Okay, man.

Thank you for not hiding these medications.

Would you like to have a drink? I'll treat you. "

"Forget it, I hope the money can make your life easier." Brian shook his head and retreated into the shadows behind him.

"What a weirdo." Jimmy opened the bag again, smiled and whistled in the distance.

Several people ran over: "How about it, Jimmy, are you being fooled?"

"It's true. Some of the prescription drugs my father left for me can probably be sold for two to three thousand dollars. Let's go. I'm rich again. Let's go play together. I'm treating you today."

Jimmy said with a smile.

A group of people talked and laughed and drove away.

Top of the alley.

Brian looked at the departing vehicle and said to Thirteen beside him: "Thirteen, let's go home."

He didn't do anything extra.

The father was willing to pay for his son, and it wasn't a crime.

As for Jimmy's idiot,

it was none of his business.

After a busy night, he earned 6 feedback energy.

The obsession feedback of ordinary people is easier to complete, but the reward is also small. It is only suitable as a guaranteed income, and a little bit adds up.

Current reserve energy: 13 points.

Not bad.

The next day.

Brian was still asleep when a call came: Dear customer 3221, your commission has been completed, please log in to XXX to check whether it has been received.

The mechanical voice broadcast ended.

Brian's disposable mobile phone card also received a website and key.

He jumped up from the bed, bounced Thirteen who was lying on his stomach, washed and dressed, and then drove to a cafe, using the network here to log in to the website.

After entering the key.

The general information of the two intelligences appeared in front of him.

More than a day.

The two pieces of information he wanted to investigate actually gave the results of the investigation!

Tarot Intelligence Organization, awesome!

Brian: Thanks to the book friend ‘I don’t know if anyone is still alive after the song’ for the 100,000 book coins and character rewards, thanks boss!

And the Scarlet King, if you think the contribution value is not enough, you can go back to chapter 94 and read Susan’s explanation.

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