You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 97 Enhanced Version Thirteen, Colleagues Who Have Collapsed (3 more chapters for March month

If Thirteen could talk, he would definitely say to Brian: "Although I am not a human, you are a real dog!!!"

The poor little guy was so scared that he covered his eyes with his front paws when he saw the boss, Brian, stabbing him with a long, sharp needle. He couldn't escape.

The first shot goes down.

Thirteen's eyes turned white.

Its body softened, as if it was drunk, and it hummed softly, and its small body twitched from time to time.

See it.

Brian jumped under the bed and looked nervously at Thirteen's subsequent reaction.

In order to prevent Thirteen from suffocating.

He also thoughtfully took cotton swabs and transparent glue, made a simple mouth expander, opened Thirteen's mouth, and pushed its tongue out.

As a result, Thirteen's reaction became even greater as he went to the end, and even his little mouth began to spit out white foam.

"Fuck, it can't be a fake that I bought!"

Brian was angry.

The merit points were gained by risking his life!

Is there any royal law for selling fake goods?

The key is that he can do anatomy but not cure diseases.

If Thirteen's breathing hadn't remained normal, Brian couldn't help but want to give Thirteen first aid.

If there were NW A-series staff here, they would give Brian two big mouths: If you use the dosage for an adult to inject a puppy of about two months old, is your brain abnormal?

Only when Thirteen slowly opened his eyes and looked at him aggrievedly did Brian react and slap himself.

Damn, I forgot about the dosage.

Fortunately, Thirteen's dog life is strong enough.


Brian learned his lesson and injected the reagent into Thirteen in batches.

The reaction was indeed much lighter this time.

The only one who suffered was Thirteen.

It originally only required six injections, but now it requires more than twenty injections.

At first, Thirteen would wiggle his tail in protest, but later, he was already on his back, letting Brian fiddle with him, and he lay flat on his back.

Didn't sleep all night.

Brian looked at the sleeping Thirteen and yawned.

Although I don’t know the effect of those strengthening reagents on Thirteen.

But by strengthening his sense of smell, Brian clearly felt that there was an indescribable and unique oppressive smell in Thirteen's smell, similar to the smell of 'Uncle Billy' and 'Abnormal Beast'.

The only difference is that the unique aura on Thirteen is still very weak.

Brian is looking forward to whether the enhanced version of Thirteen will become more spiritual.

He put extra food and water in the dog bowl, took his gun certificate, and drove to work.

Originally they had a vacation.

However, because Ivan and Glenn were called up, the B6 group was unable to schedule a normal break until they came back.

Nine in the morning.

Brian showed up at his work station on time.


He twitched his nose twice and looked at Ivan and his team's workstation. Seeing that there was no one there, he ran to Old Harden who was having breakfast and knocked on his table: "Ivan and his team are back?"

"Back." Old Harden nodded:

"They arrived at around eight o'clock, and team leader Susan came very early today, so they went to the conference room to explain the investigation situation.

That's right, Brian.

I received a notice that the case of the body found in Forest Park has been transferred. Is it because the investigation was not going well? "

"The case has been closed, but it involves aberrations, so the case was transferred to the NW headquarters." Brian explained briefly, but did not mention the aberrations.

"Hey, okay, I'm glad you and the team leader are fine. It's not easy to make money."

Old Harden nodded and continued to eat breakfast.

Brian looked at Old Harden strangely.

He found that as long as things involving aberrants were involved, Lao Deng would quickly end the topic or not speak at all.

There is a story.

Come to the conference room.

Before Brian even got close, he heard Susan's roar: "Get out, get out of here."

next moment.

The conference room door was pushed open.

Ivan and Glenn escaped in embarrassment.

Meet Brian.

The two of them forced out an awkward smile and greeted him.

Brian shrugged: "Guys, what did you do to make the team leader so angry?"

Ivan hesitated: "Some work matters."

Glenn had a different answer: "Something emotional."

Brian touched his chin: "According to the criminal psychology books I read recently, when people lie, they will habitually use half-truths and half-falsehoods to increase the authenticity of their words, so..."

Think of that possibility.

His eyes widened: "Did you attack your colleagues during recruitment?"

Glenn was dissatisfied:

"What colleague?

What does those FBI people have to do with our NW?

Brian, don't you see how perverted those people are, what cute girls they are, just because they joined the FBI, at their most beautiful age, they keep a straight face all day long!

I couldn't stand it anymore, and they let out screams and joy that belonged to their age.

Am I wrong? "


Brian gave him a thumbs up and looked at Ivan.

Ivan spread his hands:

“It’s not my fault.

I saw a handsome guy from the FBI with a sad face during his break.

Out of concern.

I went and asked him what was wrong.

He told me that he owed a lot of debt, and if he couldn't solve the case and get the bonus, he would be in trouble. Man, as you know, we paid a lot of bonuses last month.

I asked him, since he owed a huge debt, should he consider paying it off with his butt.

I just want to care about my colleagues! Is this also wrong? "

Brian: You have thick eyebrows and big eyes, you are so cunning!

He gave Ivan a thumbs up as well.

Good guy.

Listening to what these two beasts mean, they have been taking action a lot in the past two days.

I don’t know how many people sent by the FBI are still intact.

Considering Susan is still on her period.

Brian, who originally wanted to ask about the case, turned around and prepared to go back to his work station to fish.

In the conference room, Susan looked at the documents sent to her by the FBI and felt like her head was going to explode.

Hear the noise outside.

She patted the table: "Brian, come in!"

"Sorry, man, it was us who hurt you." Ivan patted Brian on the shoulder and ran away.

Glenn also apologized: "Brian, based on my many years of experience, the team leader should be on his menstrual period. At this time, he should say more right and less reasonable."

Brian rolled his eyes: "Thank you for the reminder, Glenn!"

open the door.

Before Brian could speak, Susan threw a document in front of Brian.

He picked up the file, looked at it, and found that it contained photos and some information of seven women and six men. He couldn't help but asked with some confusion: "What's wrong, Susan, is this a newcomer's information?"

Susan said word by word: "This is the victim information. In two days, plus commuting, in less than 48 hours, the two investigation teams from the FBI were completely wiped out after contacting Ivan and Glenn. !”

Even though he knew about such a thing when he was outside before, Brian was still a little stunned.

Damn it!

I underestimated these two idiots!

Look at the photos, white ones, black ones, small ones, big ones, these are completely vegetarian!

All of a sudden.

Brian didn't know how to reply to Susan's words.

She grabbed her hair a little crazily: "Only now do I know this is what the Teddy group means, and Old Harden!"

Susan threw out another piece of paper.

Brian took it and laughed.

This is actually Old Harden's indictment.

The prosecution was also a group of strippers.

This old man, out of respect for his elders, often frequents a regular cross-dressing nightclub. When he drinks too much, he paints cakes for those women and then tricks them into discussing art.

Lao Deng probably thought that he was charming and making money, but in fact he was caught in a fairy trap.

What's even more amazing is.

This group of people not only retained the DNA evidence that Lao Deng left on various underwear, but also directly sent the indictment to the unit, with the purpose of forcing Lao Deng to pay for settlement.

The address was probably revealed by Lao Deng himself.

In this kind of case, it is difficult to have a specific dimension to judge right and wrong. The key point is that old Harden is an employee of the Z government. If it gets bigger, the impact will be bad.

If there wasn't a lot of bleeding this time, Old Harden would probably be in a terrible state.

"Laugh", Susan looked at Brian who was laughing loudly, and her eyes became playful: "Brian, when I recruited you, Uncle Pavel told me that you all had problems. I didn't believe it at first, but now there have been three verifications. "Excuse me, Mr. Bryan, what are you hiding from me?"


Something is wrong with your luck today.

Eat melon and eat it on yourself.

He immediately said angrily: "Susan, as good partners who have experienced life and death together, I think trusting each other is the most basic respect for me!"

Susan didn't expect Brian to react so strongly, and for a moment she didn't know how to reply.

She stood up quickly: "Brian, me"

"Needless to say." Brian sighed, "I know you're in a bad mood right now. Susan, I understand you, and I also know that you said such hurtful words unintentionally. So be it, I'm just right." If you have something to deal with, just take a few days off and relax.”

After saying that, he ran away without giving Susan a chance to object.

Just take time off to complete your obsession with shapeshifters or aberrations.

If any one of these two obsessions is completed, once the talent is revealed, Brian's strength will be qualitatively improved.

Now that Ivan and the others are back, it's time for him to deal with it.

As for Susan's emotions.


If a woman's emotions towards you have always been very stable, then you should go to bed as soon as possible.

Brian wasn't worried about Susan finding out about his affair.

He kept all the payment slips from medical institutions.

If Susan found out about this and tried to show off to him, then Brian would have a montage of a filial son who was forced to sell himself to save his parents. Susan would probably have to get up and give herself to two big boys when she got home and slept until midnight. Mouth.

The only problem.

That's when the tarot card side will give intelligence feedback.

No matter which one it is, it works!

When it comes to feedback from aberrants, it’s no different!

Brian had a strong premonition.

The feedback after completing these two obsessions will be the beginning of your own take-off!

The monthly pass for March is available with extra updates.


Tips will add 20-2 = 18 chapters (forgot to count on the 31st)

22 additional chapters will be added to the first order.

As for the average subscription and additional updates, this is always changing. I plan to wait until all the additional updates are completed and then do a one-time calculation.

This month's goal is to reach 5,000 average subscriptions. Brothers, please help me!

Updates are coming!

Today's 16,000 subscriptions are here.

See you tomorrow at 5pm on time!

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