You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 96 The Prototype of the Deformed Beast, the Truth! (Additional chapter 2 for March monthly t

Susan and Brian, who almost lost their lives this time, were very tired, so they naturally would not go to work.

Go back and park the car.

The two left and went home.

As for the case, in the case of insufficient manpower, it can only be handed over to other teams to handle.

When he woke up, it was almost evening.

Brian stretched and was about to wash up when a pitiful milky yellow puppy holding a food bowl blocked his way.

"Woo~ (food, hungry)"

Thirteen looked at Brian pitifully.

"Sorry, Thirteen, I'm too tired to come back and forgot to prepare food and drink for you." Brian slapped his forehead and got busy.

Speaking of which, Thirteen is really spiritual.

Usually he doesn't destroy the house, and he can understand some simple instructions. The most amazing thing is that he can read people's expressions. For example, if he sees him sleeping, even if he is hungry, he will not foolishly run over to disturb him. He is not like a dog.

Brian suspects that this is related to the way veterinarian Laura treated Thirteen.

At that time, Thirteen was almost dead, but Laura used some method to make Thirteen recover in a short time, so that Brian could fulfill Thirteen's obsession and gain the talent of enhanced sense of smell.

Don't say it, my efforts are worth it.

Looking at Thirteen who was working hard, Brian touched his chin.

The strengthening potion of NW organization is basically useless to him. The exchange is just to make himself stronger and stronger.

That thing is not easy to sell.

Otherwise, just give it to Thirteen.

I don't know if he will get a super dog in the future.

Thinking of that scene.

Brian feels it's worth a try.

It's rare that I don't go to work today.

After a simple meal, Brian sat in front of the computer desk, entered the complicated password, and prepared to go to the NW internal website to see if the merit points have been received.

After a complicated verification.

An overall bright interface appeared in front of Brian.

The NW internal website is mainly divided into three areas.

One is the personal interface.

The other is the exchange interface.

One is a forum-like interface for popular science + gossip and chat.

The third one is the most interesting. Brian not only learned a lot of knowledge on it, but also got a lot of gossip.

Click into the personal interface.

A new message appeared in front of Brian: Dear B-sequence employee Brian, you have 120 merit points after review.

"Wow, the efficiency is quite fast, which means I now have 200 merit points."

Brian immediately bought on the redemption page, and finally ordered home delivery.

In addition to redeeming NW's existing comprehensive strengthening potions.

He also redeemed two additional healing potions to avoid the situation like last night. If there is gift energy, it is not easy to use it in person. In case of an emergency, he can also save the people he wants to save.

After spending a lot of money.

Brian only had 89 merit points left.

He closed the internal webpage, opened the mailbox, sent the number of merit points that could be sold to Susan, and then clicked on the unread emails in the mailbox and read them.

The earliest email was sent by Susan.

There was a phone number on it, and the steps and sequence of the transfer, with the note "Tarot Club".

She actually got the contact information of the intelligence organization Tarot Club as soon as she returned.

After thinking about it.

Brian took out an unused mobile phone and card number, and dialed the number according to Susan's tutorial.

The number here is not real-name.

He has a lot of purchased card numbers and new mobile phones.

He was busy for a minute or two.

A mechanical female voice came from the other side: "Tarot Club, do you need to hire or buy intelligence?"

"Intelligence purchase."

"Please provide a customer number. If you don't have it, please register and recharge."


According to the prompts, he recharged an account for one million US dollars and obtained his own customer number and key. The whole process was very similar to the telecommunications fraud he had heard of in his previous life.

With the deposit, Brian can finally publish the intelligence he wants to find.

The first one is the family of the shapeshifter.

Through the memory playback when the skill was absorbed, Brian knew:

The shapeshifter was probably in his forties, formerly known as Tam, and his face was disfigured by a fire. After obtaining the ability given by the blood moon, the first person he retaliated against was a blond boy named Jimmy, and in the days that followed, he killed many of his peers who had bullied him.

Considering the magical ability of the shapeshifter.

Brian only mentioned Tam, the fire, and the disappearance of many teenagers in the area where he lived for a short period of time, including a blond freckled boy named Jimmy.

The second piece of information was to ask if there were any groups or organizations that used the Taotie pattern in Chinese mythology as tattoos, preferably related to wild animals.

For Tarot cards, the investigation was completed first, and then the quotation was given. Brian then just had to wait for notification.

After all this.

While he had time today.

Brian left Thirteen to look after the house and came to the morgue of the hospital he had been to before.

Money opened the way.

He first went around, and after seeing that he had not found anything, he began to chat with the security guard about some interesting and strange things that happened in the hospital. When a corpse was sent over, he went over to take a look.

Bad luck today.

Until the security personnel at NW headquarters notified Brian to go to a coffee shop near his home to sign for the reagents, he did not gain any new obsessions.

The delivery point was a small coffee shop with average business.

Brian had been there before, but the food was not good, so he did not come again.

After entering.

The waitress pointed directly behind the bar.

With doubts.

Brian walked through the bar and came to the back kitchen of the coffee shop, only to find that there were three big men in casual clothes carrying a safe in this small place.

The big man holding the box glanced at Brian, stretched out his palm, and showed his staff watch.

Brian also stretched out his palm.

The next moment.

The watch on the big man's hand glowed green.

He then handed the box to Brian: "Your goods, Brian."

"Thank you." Brian took the box and complained: "Is this cafe also NW's business? I feel like we are trading flour now."

The big man completed the task and shrugged: "Yes, it is an intelligence collection point. We have many similar places. After all, some employees who died in the line of duty have ordinary family conditions. The organization needs a place to arrange their families. As for the transaction method, if you are willing, we can send it to your home."

Farewell to the courier team.

Brian was about to go back to the apartment and toss thirteen, but a strange phone call came.

"Brian the coroner, this is Green."

Brian raised his eyebrows: "Hello, man, is there any progress in the case?"

"Yes, we found the initial victim information based on the information you provided, and finally found some...some very bizarre things. I think this is the truth about our encounter with the monster that night."

"You guys?"

"I asked some friends to help, very good friends, they didn't see the video I found. I know the importance of the matter and pay attention to it."

Green said very carefully.

He had seen the style of the NW armed team last night - artillery washing the ground, missiles finishing, he would not be stupid enough to betray his friends.

Leave the meeting address.

Brian shook his head and sat back in the cafe.

Why is he busy?

After thinking about it.

While Green hadn't come yet, Brian went to the bank to withdraw some cash before returning to the cafe.

At this time, it should have been closed.

Only after giving enough tips, an employee was willing to stay and work overtime.

It was past nine o'clock in the evening.

Green and a few black people in ordinary clothes came to the cafe.

After he asked a few friends to sit in the corner, he took a camera and sat in front of Brian and told him the whole story.

It turned out that through the surveillance at the forest park, Green found the owner of the pearl satin material in Brian's hand.

It was a team of three men and two women, five people.

Two of the men and two women were college students, Chinese, and had good families. The remaining man was Vietnamese, 37 years old.

This group of people entered the forest park with a lot of stuff after registering on the 11th of last month, the day before the blood moon.

The Vietnamese man drove away alone that day.


This guy is a middleman who sells wild animals. He brought a few young people into the forest park to collect the goods.

The goods were two mandrills and a golden monkey.

Green pushed the camera in his hand to Brian: "The Vietnamese put the goods in the cave in the forest park where many victims' luggage were found. As for the four young people, they were going to eat them."

Brian took the camera, turned it on and flipped through the videos inside.

The filmer, from the sound, was a woman. She first filmed three ingredients, introduced them, and then filmed her companions wearing masks.

After that, they started eating.

The first one to be eaten was the golden monkey.

In front of the two mandrills, they turned their heads manually and drilled a small hole on the golden monkey's head, and then

the two mandrills were scared silly.

The next day.

There is no next day.

Because the next day is September 12, the day when the blood moon descends.

The four young men all died.

They died from the way they liked to eat.


The case is solved.

The deformed beasts are the two mandrills that were almost eaten!

No wonder the two deformed beasts chose that method after attacking humans.

It turns out that it is both imitation and revenge.

The problem is.

This means that the two deformed beasts have only been transformed for less than a month, right?

So fierce? ? ?

With this doubt.

Bryan asked Green to wait for his news, and then stuffed a few hundred dollars of hard work fee into his friend.

Green was a little embarrassed: "This"

"You and your friend are both from the slums, right?"

Brian did not give Green a chance to speak, and continued: "In my heart, hard work should be rewarded, and merit should be rewarded. Similarly, if you follow me, I will have meat to eat, and the people around me will at least have soup to drink. This is my principle of life."

After speaking.

He patted Green's shoulder and went home with the box.

The video recorder must be reported.

The case in Forest Park involves a freak beast. For research purposes, NW will also send people to conduct a detailed investigation. The follow-up is none of their business.

Watching Brian's back as he left.

Green’s friend said to Green enviously: “Dude, you have a good eye. This is a generous guy. If you follow such a guy, you will be rich in the future.”

They are all scoundrels living at the bottom of society.

They don’t understand the truth.

They only know that a boss who is willing to share must be a good boss.

Green nodded heavily.

He called his brothers to go shopping and prepare to go back to Happy together.

Back to the apartment.

Bryan took a shower and opened the box.

A chill spread outward.

In the box, eight metal syringes with different notes came into view.

Bryan first took two of the treatment reagents and put them away, then whistled at Thirteen who was gnawing on a bone and gnashing his teeth, and hooked his finger.

Thirteen looked ignorant and ran to Brian with his tail wagging happily.

Bryan first rode on Thirteen and fixed it, then smiled and took off the silicone sheaths of the needles of the syringes, revealing the sparkling and sharp needles inside.


It wagged its tail happily, then drooped.

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