You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 95: Harvest and Monster's Obsession (March Monthly Pass Plus 1)

between walking.

A steady stream of warmth surges through the body.

By the time the energy was given and there were still seven o'clock left, Brian had completely recovered from his injuries, except that he was dirty, mentally exhausted and a little dizzy.

He speeded up and trotted to the messy open space where sporadic flames were still burning.

Unfortunately, after searching a one-kilometer radius, Brian found no trace of obsession except for a ferocious monster head.

Brian returned to the previous hill with his head disappointed.

The bodies at the scene had all been carried onto the transport plane by the pilots.

Seeing Brian coming back, Susan angrily said, "Brian, I heard they said you went over there to pee just to vent your anger?"

"I'm not so cautious." Brian tossed the monster head in his hand and said, "Hey, an unexpected bonus. Also, I was worried that the missile just now would cause a wildfire, so I went over to take a look."

"Don't worry, man, the troops handling the scene have already arrived. They will take care of this. If we hadn't waited for you, we would have gone back a long time ago. This time we have a big harvest!"

The bruised and swollen commander of the flying team pointed at the monster head in Brian's hand: "Aberrant beasts are rare. We already have a complete corpse. You may be able to take this back and make it into a specimen."

Brian wasn't interested.

He was more curious about the wounds on the other person's face: "After I left, there was another fight here?"

The commander hid his face and ran away, unwilling to say more.

Susan clenched her fists and wrote lightly: "He walked carelessly and fell!"

Finally, the monster head in Brian's hand fell into Susan's hand.

She planned to take it back to make a specimen and store it.

On the way back.

Brian sat on a chair with his eyes closed, concentrating, but he was actually checking the monster's obsession:

Kill these hairless bipeds, kill them all! ! !

The monster's obsession is paranoid and crazy.

When accepting obsession.

A tattoo "shaped like a sheep body and a human face, with eyes under the armpits, tiger teeth and human claws" naturally came to Brian's mind.

He looked at it and felt familiar.

Thinking about it for a long time.

Only then did he remember, isn’t this Taotie!

So, that monster’s obsession is to kill a certain gang with gluttonous tattoos?

Brian breathed a sigh of relief.

He was also worried that the monster's obsession was to kill him, Susan, or the armed men who flew the helicopter today.

Neither one is easy to handle.

It’s okay if it’s not.

This monster is truly perverted, and Brian is prepared to regard this obsession as the most important thing at the moment.

Once you gain the opponent's speed or physical fitness...


Brian didn't even dare to think how happy he would be then!


At this moment, Susan patted Brian on the shoulder: "Abnormal beasts are very rare and have high research value. We estimate that we can get a lot of merit points. Have you figured out what to exchange for?"

Brian opened his eyes, and his mind flashed through the exchange supplies he had seen on the internal website, and finally shook his head: "It seems there is nothing needed."

"No, no, no, even if you don't want it, you still have to redeem it."

Susan's tone became serious and she stretched out her fingers to calculate:

"I estimate that we can all get at least 100 merit points as a reward. Adding the 80 merit points you had left before, you will have 180 merit points in your hand.

This amount is too much.

It's not a good thing when you don't have enough status. "

Hearing this, Brian looked at Susan in surprise: "Team leader, you seem to have become smarter."

"Go to hell!" Susan punched Brian hard and then sighed:

"you do not know.

In fact, after I helped you block a lot of attention last time, some old people in my family have been annoying me.

What I just said was what my father said to me.

I was embarrassed to tell you before, but now that I have earned so many merit points, I can’t help but tell you. "

As she said that, she glared at Brian: "It's so hard for everyone to earn merit points, but you've only been around for a long time and you've already earned so much. Being your team leader is so stressful! It's so annoying!"


The issue is.

The exchange potions at the base either repair body damage, strengthen certain parts, or extend a certain life span, etc.

These are basically useless to him.

Brian thought for a moment: "Susan, how about this? I'll exchange it for a set of comprehensive body-strengthening potions, and you can help me sell the rest of my merits."

"Change money?"

"Gold, money, or anything else is fine."

Susan explained to Brian seriously:

“The value of merit is not as valuable as you think.

This thing, similar to a game currency, is a game currency used to distribute the interests between the Los Angeles official and those cooperative forces.

In order to prevent everyone from having problems with resource allocation.

It was the founder of NW who came up with the merit point system. What is truly valuable are the various special reagents produced in limited quantities each year, which are also the most worth redeeming.

Each family has a fixed distribution of merit points every year.

There are also staff, scientific research and operations departments, but for them, those reagents are not necessarily needed.

Our families will arrange for people to collect their merit points within the organization.

Some families have resources in the entertainment industry, so they will use handsome boys and beauties to induce them. Some families have business resources, and they will use continuous company shares to induce them. But no matter what, the value of merit points cannot be given very high. "

"Then can I exchange it for reagents first, and then sell the reagents outside?"

"Of course not.

In order to protect the interests of the families and consortium behind NW, the reagents exchanged by employees can only be used by themselves or given to relatives. Once they are found to be taking away the reagents without permission, the consequences will be serious.

And the entire United States is so big, there are many organizations similar to NW.

Ordinary reagents are far less valuable than you think.

The valuable ones are those reagents that are rarely produced and have special effects. For example, the one you were rewarded after killing the shapeshifter last time is a rare reagent that everyone is willing to pay a lot of money to trade with you. "

"Then why do you think you can't protect me, team leader, when I have so little merit?"

Susan rolled her eyes:

"Why are you stupider than me?

No one would care about a little merit point, but nearly two hundred, and there are nearly a dozen general reagents that can be redeemed.

This is enough for any force to pay attention to.

to them.

There is no way to buy reagents at the base with money. You can only exchange it for additional merit points through you staff, and then you can use the merit points to exchange for reagents.

This model is actually a rule model determined by the founder of NW for the benefit of the employees.

However, under the unspoken rules, everyone will control the price of merit points within a reasonable range, instead of using an auction-like method to allow employees to gain too much benefit.

Although the merit value in your hand is quite a lot, whether it is in exchange for money or something else, it is actually only a few million dollars at most, which is not too high.

When the time comes, everyone will come to you to discuss deals.

There will inevitably be some narrow-minded people here.

To you, these people are the biggest trouble.

Therefore, the first thought of ordinary employees after receiving a large number of meritorious deeds is to exchange for reagents. If they are not needed, they will find a buyer with whom they have a good relationship and exchange them for the resources they want.

Very few people exchange cash. "

How could Brian not know this? He was just teasing Susan on purpose: "Team leader, you know so much."

Susan grinned: "My father told me this. By the way, are you sure you want to exchange it into money? If you are sure, I will let the family members exchange it."


Brian exchanged the body enhancement reagent for his own increasingly stronger physical fitness. He had a reasonable explanation. The remaining meritorious deeds that Susan came forward to exchange for money were to convey a message to the outside world: I am Susan's person!

He had previously thought about using his meritorious service to make connections.

Think about it later.

Susan is his best connection at the moment!

Susan has strength, a background, and some relationship foundation with herself. She has a straightforward temperament and is protective of her children. The key is that she has a good figure, is beautiful, and has a clean circle.

Except it's a little bloody and a little violent.

Brian could hardly imagine Susan's faults.

That’s a shitty network of people to make.

Just befriend Susan.

Although Susan felt that it was a bit wasteful for Brian to exchange his merits for money, she did not persuade him.

This is Brian's freedom.

She nodded: "Then do you have any other needs, such as customized weapons, equipment, or anything else?"

"May I?"

Susan nodded: "Not everyone is qualified to buy merit points. There are hidden rules here. For those people, money is just a bunch of numbers. Precious resources are the only valuable things."

Hearing this, Brian probed: "Are there any sources of intelligence that are confidential enough?"

His previous sources of intelligence were all through the black market, which was not very secure.

"Intelligence source?"

Susan thought for a moment and then nodded:

"When I was working in the security team, I heard from my colleagues about an intelligence organization that was very famous in the mercenary world, called Tarot.

Except for some intelligence between big countries, which they will not touch, as long as you can pay a price, they can help you investigate anything you want to know. They are also very principled and are a century-old organization.

You don’t need to find someone to redeem this.

After I inquire about the transaction method, I will tell you directly. "

Hearing this, Brian felt happy.

In this case, the obsessive investigation of the previous shapeshifters and the current aberrations will be successful.

He nodded towards Susan: "Thank you. In that case, I don't have any other needs. Try to help me change more money, and then ask for an overseas bearer large-denomination account."

If this kind of account changes hands several times, it will take twice as much energy to trace it.

People who have this ability will not spend this energy on a small role like Brian. People who don't have this ability, even if they want to check, they don't have the ability.

"no problem."

Susan agreed readily without asking too much.

Everyone has their own secrets.

As long as she has no ill intentions towards herself, Susan will not delve into these matters.

Such is her character.

Otherwise, when he first joined the company, the situation of Brian and others would have been thoroughly investigated.

In order to avoid encountering trouble after returning to the NW base.

Brian and the two got off the plane directly at the previous temporary camp.

Several C-series logistics personnel and armed soldiers who were previously responsible for signing confidentiality agreements with the camp patrols also returned to the transport helicopter and left here.

I don’t know what the group of people said, but the atmosphere in the camp seemed a bit weird.

Everyone was sitting scattered, not talking, and in a daze.

See it.

Brian asked Susan to take the monster's head wrapped in clothes and walk towards the middle-aged policeman who had lost his daughter.

Smell the strong smell of blood.

The middle-aged policeman sitting in front of his daughter's body raised his head and focused on Brian's hand: "What is this?"

"The monster's head! There were two of them, and they were both killed." Brian opened his clothes, revealing the monster's head with a ghostly face and fangs: "For this reason, our team of six people was completely wiped out, and Susan and I were also one year away. Diandian died at the hands of monsters. Fortunately, the result was good, we killed them. "

Looking at the ferocious monster's face and the squirming flesh buds on his neck after who knows how long, the middle-aged policeman was both angry and frightened.

He wanted to pounce on her, smash her with his fists, and bite her with his teeth to vent the pain of losing his daughter.


All kinds of emotions surged in my heart, and finally they all turned into inexplicable tears.

The man held his head and cried loudly: "Thank you, thank you, Brian."

Brian wrapped his head again and patted his shoulder: "Please keep the monster's situation a secret. Also, don't forget to tell me the time of your daughter's funeral via email. When the time comes, I hope to come to the scene and send her a message." bless."

"I will!"


Brian nodded and turned to leave.

At this moment, in the eyes of the patrol officers who secretly looked over, he looked tall and upright, a kind, trustworthy, and capable man!

After today, these people will become Brian's reputation spreading machine at the bottom of the Los Angeles Police Department.

late at night.

Brian glanced at Susan, who was sleeping soundly with Thirteen in her arms, and whispered into the darkness ahead: "Come over and tell me if you have anything to do. Why are you hiding there?"

A few seconds later.

Green, the black policeman, sat down in front of Brian with some anxiety: "Coroner Brian, I want to follow you."

Brian didn't ask why he wanted to hang out with him or anything like that.

He nodded directly: "No problem, as long as you can find out the truth behind this case, I will ask the team leader to accept you."

It can be seen from Green's previous homeless case that he has some brains. When he encountered him again this time, he was the first to find him among a group of patrol officers, which shows that he is good at seizing opportunities.

It's also good to keep it and run errands.

As for loyalty

Brian didn't believe this.

When he heard that this case related to monsters was to be investigated, fear flashed in Green's eyes.

But thinking about the situation at home and hearing about the benefits of the NW Operations Department, Green nodded decisively and agreed without thinking for a few seconds.

After watching Green leave, Brian closed his eyes again.

He was indeed curious about the situation of the two aberrant beasts.

Until now.

He didn't even know what the monster's identity was.

Ghost face and fangs.

Is there such a creature?

the next day.

Everyone packed up their things and returned to the outside world with the body of the sacrificed policewoman.

Green took the information provided by Brian, called a few of his friends, carried guns and ammunition, and set foot in the Forest Park again.

Noble people are rare and opportunities are rare.

He wants to fight for his future!

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