You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 94: Counterattack, obsession explodes!

This monster is so fast that it's frightening.

Brian didn't dare to fire a single shot, and directly turned on the M4's automatic rapid-fire.

The STANAG magazine with 30 rounds of bullets was emptied in just three seconds in front of the M4 assault automatic rifle with a firing rate of 700 to 800 per minute.

Brian didn't even have time to look at the results of the battle. He took out the hand speed of being single for decades in his previous life. Almost at the moment when the magazine was emptied, he had already removed the magazine and inserted a new one.

With two clicks, the cavity hung up, and the internal spring pushed the new bullet up, and it was stimulated again, and the muzzle spewed out a new gun flame.

Just as Brian said before.

It doesn't matter whether it's accurate or not.

He always shoots very fast.

Susan was dumbfounded.

Under the tactical strong light flashlight on the corpse, the hairless monster was so fast that it seemed to have turned on the teleportation plug-in, moving left and right, leaving a trail of afterimages, rubbing the hot aftermath of those bullets, and floating like a ghost.

How to aim?

Brian also found something wrong!

Damn it!

Are you hiding from bullets by COSing Wesker, the villain of Resident Evil?

The monster liked their reaction very much.

It was erratic several times, approaching the two, but it didn't choose to attack. Its collapsed nose moved, as if it could smell the fear emanating from their bodies.

It laughed like a nightingale, and its red eyes became more and more charming.

Under this sense of oppression.

The eight magazines carried by Brian were used up in less than a minute.

Susan didn't fire a single shot.

The speed of the monster had exceeded the limit of her eyes' capture. If she fired rashly, she would completely give up the last chance of counterattack.


Brian was so angry at the monster's piercing laughter that a nameless fire surged in his chest.

It was this feeling of being unable to control his own destiny again!

Thinking of the 17 points of reserve energy he had stored.

A trace of cruelty flashed in Brian's eyes.

"Susan, I'll give you a chance to shoot, seize it!"

After saying that, he didn't wait for Susan to respond.

He threw away the M4 in his hand, pulled off his coat, revealing a bulletproof vest, and snatched the large revolver in Susan's left hand, walked to the open space in front, and hooked his finger at the monster who was also standing still, tilting his head and looking at them: "Come on, single combat!"

The monster's nostrils twitched, and doubt flashed in his red eyes.

Why did this hairless biped suddenly emit a very fragrant smell?

No matter.

The big bird in the sky gave it a great sense of crisis.

It already knew that it would die today.

Before dying.

It wanted to kill these two hairless bipeds!

All hairless bipeds must die!

It stretched out its slender tongue, licked its nose, pulled the rags on its body, and gently kicked its bent feet.

The next moment.

The fantasy of movies and TV, shining into reality!

There was a slight explosion with a whoosh.

The afterimage was like a bubble shattering.

Brian's retina had lost the image of the monster.

A creepy feeling rose from the back of his neck.


Under the blessing of adrenaline.

Brian's nose twitched, and without looking, he kicked to the right.

Bang, bang, bang~

Susan finally fired!

Six gunshots.

Six large-caliber special-seed bullets covered the white shadow that suddenly appeared on Brian's left, penetrated through, and smashed the white figure into countless scattered broken pieces.


Susan almost shouted excitedly.

A muffled sound of "dong~".

Brian's right foot also touched the soft object.

As if predicted.

The moment he kicked out his right foot with all his strength, the monster appeared at the tip of his toes.

The tearing feeling was transmitted from the sole of his foot to his brain.

A huge impact force was transmitted along Brian's right leg to his whole body, knocking him out.

The monster looked at his chest strangely, as if he didn't understand how this hairless beast with slow reaction could kick him.

It tilted its head, bent its legs and exerted force, and disappeared again. It caught up with Brian who was knocked into the air, and stretched out its only remaining right claw.

The sharp claw knife shone with scarlet jade in the moonlight.

In the distance, Susan's face was pale.

She realized that what she hit was the clothes torn off the monster.

This beast can use tricks!


She let out a sharp roar, grabbed the empty revolver, forgot to change the bullet, and chased after Brian's flying body like crazy.

She failed the only chance that Brian had exchanged for his life.

If we have to die, let's die together!

In the air.

The hearts of several pilots who had been paying attention to the ground battle were also shrouded in a shadow.

"Idiot, you didn't even know to take the opportunity to escape!" On the transport plane, the commander's face was gloomy and he issued an order: "The jewel in the Adams family's crown should not survive, prepare to destroy this area."

The speed of that deformed beast was too terrifying.

Once the other party escaped into the human living area, unless they ignored the civilians and directly covered the other party with heavy firepower and bombed them to death, otherwise the ground combat team alone would not be the opponent of this beast in the complex terrain of the city.

If I had known, I would have used missiles at the beginning!

Brian was flying in the air, closing his eyes tightly. Under the supercomputer perception + enhanced sense of smell, a large amount of data poured into his brain, turning into countless three-dimensional worlds like lines, which appeared in his mind.

at this time.

He grabbed the revolver from Susan's hand and without any hesitation, fired three shots into the open space below.

Almost at the same time.

A tall monster with a ghostly face, fangs, and hair appeared under Brian. Feeling the heat approaching, with the terrifying speed of nerve reaction, he only had time to catch his injured left shoulder. Three specially-made large-caliber bullets were fired, and at the same time, he waved his sharp right claw hatefully towards Brian.

Brian's body was like a scrap of cloth, and he was knocked away again, hitting him five or six meters away, raising a cloud of dust.


A shrill howl roared out from the monster's mouth.

It knelt on the ground, and most of its body was torn apart, exposing the wriggling internal organs and the squirming granulation at the wound location. The black bones were broken, and in the dark red blood, marrow that was almost as black as oil slowly flowed out.


When Susan saw Brian who was motionless, her big eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes. She actually jumped into the air and hit the monster's neck with her long thighs and heavy boots.

The monster was severely injured and was kicked more than a meter away.

Still not relieved, Susan took out her revolver, filled it with a bullet, and fired at the monster. She first broke the monster's remaining arm, and then destroyed its soles, leg joints, and crotch.

Wait until you can no longer touch the bullet.

The monster on the ground has turned into a mass of squirming mud.

Susan threw away the revolver in her hand, walked to Brian in despair, knelt in front of him, tears streaked her cheeks: "Brian, I'm sorry, it's all my fault for missing the shot, otherwise"

"Ahem, that Susan, you better stop crying, ahem, otherwise I'm afraid you'll kill me later."

Susan wiped her tears subconsciously, and then realized what she was doing!

With trembling hands, she turned Brian's body over, only to find that Brian, who she thought had been disemboweled, was blinking at her.


Susan held Brian in her arms in surprise and said excitedly: "You're not dead! It's good that you're not dead! It's good that you're not dead!"

Who knows how guilty she felt just now.

Brian struggled desperately to escape from Susan's suffocating embrace.

He collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath: "I was lucky, the monster's claws only tore the body armor, allowing me to survive."

This is of course false.

Just that moment of contact.

Brian's right foot was kicked out and was severely fractured by the impact of the monster's terrifying speed. The monster's right claw also tore into the body armor on his chest and opened his chest at the same time.

Just when he didn't move, he was using the gift energy to heal his wounds.

The metamorphosis of this aberrant beast refreshed Brian's understanding of the world.

The speed of the explosion is as fast as teleportation. It will hurt you if you touch it, and you will die if you touch it.

Compared with the aberrants he met, including Uncle Billy, the difference between a fertilized egg and an adult was completely incomparable.

Brian even felt that the aberrant beast was a completely different level of life!

Susan didn't know Brian's mental activities at this moment.

She lay weakly next to Brian and used a rare swear word: "I almost thought I wouldn't survive today, FK, this feeling is so exciting. After relaxing, I don't want to move a finger now. "

Buzz buzz~

Several helicopters landed slowly on the top of the mountain.

Several pilots on the front and co-pilots, plus the commander on the transport plane, all rushed to the squirming body of the aberration with excitement on their faces, and cheered: "It's done, we've done it!"

Aberrant beasts are rare in the world.

Such a complete and fresh corpse of an aberrant beast is even rarer.

Transported back to base.

Each of them can reap a huge bonus!

There are even precious merit points rewards here!

Get rich!

Hear the movement of this group of people.

Brian's face changed slightly.

After looking up, he quickly got up from the ground, rushed over, pushed the pilots away, and in front of their shocked eyes, he jumped on the squirming rotten meat on the ground and punched it.

Obsession plus one!

Feeling the information in his mind, Brian let out a contented sigh.


Unexpectedly, this terrifying aberration beast would actually show its obsession!

If he could gain the opponent's terrifying physical fitness and speed, Brian felt that he could try wearing underwear outside.

"Hey, man, calm down! Calm down! Don't be so vindictive. It's already dead. This is a huge fortune." Several pilots quickly lifted up Brian, who was leaning on the body of the aberration to vent his anger. Put it aside.

Their movements are gentle.

The military is a place full of hormones, and the most respected thing is strength and iron-bloodedness.

For this man who physically seduces you, you can still kill him.

They really admire it.

And if Brian and the two hadn't killed the aberration, they would have been able to use missiles to physically destroy the aberration, and there was a high probability that they would not get such a complete body.

The guy in front of them is equivalent to their God of Wealth!

Brian didn't have time to check the information in his mind and quickly asked the pilots: "Where is the other aberration?"

"It's about two or three kilometers to the east, but I think it has turned into mud. If you want to vent, maybe you can go there and pee."

The leading commander joked.

"Thank you."

Under the surprised eyes of these people, Brian limped and trotted towards the east.

Looking at his disappearing back.

The commander shrugged: "This kid is really a vengeful character. What's his name?"

"Brian, a newly promoted B-sequence soldier in the Operations Department, seems to be an autopsy officer. He was lucky and killed an S-level wanted criminal, so he was promoted to a sequence. He is not a real combatant."

Because of the deeds of the S-level wanted criminal-transformer.

There are really people in this NW armed force flight team who know Brian's situation.

The commander nodded: "So he is Brian, not bad, go back and see if you can dig him up, I like this kid very much."

The voice fell.

He didn't hear the echo of his men.

The commander sensed something was wrong and turned his head, only to see a tall, cold-faced blonde beauty standing behind him, sneering at him.

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