You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 93 The terrifying deformed beast!

What is the concept of 30mm single barrel chain gun.

Note, this thing is called a cannon, not a machine gun.

A bullet is as long as an adult's hand and as thick as two or three thumbs side by side. As long as it hits the torso, it will turn into fragments of the human body.

Watching this thing fire is very relaxing.

I guess the only one who has any resentment may be the loader after he returns.

More than a second later.

On the top of the mountain, countless dust exploded, and the night vision capture camera on the helicopter could no longer clearly capture the scene below.

even so.

Until more than three seconds later.

After completing the saturation strike, the CH-47 transport helicopter that Brian and Susan were riding in slowly descended to the small mountain peak.

"The radar can't find them, get off the ground!"

The six soldiers on the cabin jumped out of the plane first, turned on the bright tactical flashlights on their shoulders, and searched towards the hilltop that was full of craters, broken trees, and a mess.

When dealing with non-human creatures, night vision can lead to delayed reactions.


After Susan finished speaking, she also followed.

Brian was the last to get off the helicopter.

After taking off the M4 from his back, he turned on the enhanced sense of smell.

This time, Brian finally smelled something different from the scent of an ordinary beast.

This was a very dry, complex smell that was very similar to the body odor of some white people and black people. After the smell poured into the nasal cavity, even though it was not clear what kind of smell it was, it still made Brian feel trembling, as if it was a kind of smell. Fear engraved in human DNA.

Brian had only experienced this feeling from his uncle when he was a weak child.

Since experiencing the blood moon radiation.

Even his uncle only made him feel a sense of oppression. He would definitely not be like now, when he didn't see anyone but just smelled it, and his body started to tremble.

He finally knew why Thirteen acted so scared after entering the forest park area.

Thirteen's perception is much sharper than his own who only has an enhanced sense of smell.

Brian wasn't too worried about this.

Such powerful firepower poured out.

He doesn't believe any carbon-based life could survive.

Instead, strong curiosity arose in his heart.

Who is the owner of this smell?

Really human?

The key is, after the other party dies, will his obsession break out?

With curiosity and anticipation.

Brian sped up and followed.

The dust mist transformed from the rocks dispersed quickly.

The light of a strong tactical flashlight turned the area into daylight.

Everyone soon made the discovery.

"Target found!"

A soldier warned.

Everyone subconsciously looked over and saw a stump of a meter-long, hairy, curved limb with long sharp claws. It fell to the ground and was still twitching, like a broken gecko tail. Even if it was separated from the body, Still showing inhuman activity.

"FK, it's an aberration!"

The commander among the soldiers shrank his pupils and said loudly: "This is the 12th detachment of Group C, Sequence B. We have determined that the target is an aberrant beast. Please apply for fire alert!"

"Received, the fire control radar lock has been turned on, and the ballistics have been turned on. Team 12, I wish you good luck."

In the ears of the soldiers, the blessings of the helicopter pilot came.

But that didn't make them look good.

Under the command of the soldier captain, they formed a defensive formation with staggered firepower and searched forward more carefully.

Even the transport helicopter that was staying on the ground began to rotate its propellers and slowly rose into the air, not daring to stay on the ground any longer.

The reaction of these professionals is obviously that the saturation attack just now may not be effective!

in a blink.

On the top of the mountain, only the six-person team, Brian, and Susan were left.

Brian's heart skipped a beat when he heard about the aberrant beast.

This is trouble!

He used his B-series soldier permissions to read the information on NW's internal official website.

Aberrant beasts are also the product of blood moon radiation. They are aberrations among animals and are extremely rare. Even within the NW organization, no relevant research materials have been obtained, and the data are still shared from other organizations.

For this group, there is only one evaluation on the internal website: Horrible!

No one expected it.

The murderer of this crime was actually not a human being, but two aberrant beasts!

Brian grabbed the M4 and quickly ran to Susan's side.

Susan, a woman who is not afraid of anything, was also a little panicked at the moment, breathing rapidly, and her big eyes scanned the surroundings frequently.

She didn't even look at Brian, but said urgently: "Follow me!"

Brian was just about to say something.

next moment.

An afterimage, accompanied by the whistling of the wind, flashed past the team of soldiers in front.

Da da da~

The nervous soldiers immediately pulled the trigger.

A large number of bullets were scattered in the direction where the afterimages disappeared, smashing the branches and leaves of the trees in front, and raising large amounts of dust from the ground.

Almost at the same time.


A roar seemed to explode in everyone's ears.

A tall figure wearing tattered robes jumped from nowhere, fell from the sky, and landed in the middle of several soldiers. His exaggerated one-arm swept around, and the sound of flying guns stopped.

Several dead-eyed heads flew around.

When Brian and Susan reacted and looked over there, there were only six headless corpses in front of them that had not fallen down because they died too quickly, and a monster looking at them coldly!

What a monster that is!

With a ghost face and fangs, hair all over his body, and bloody eyes and a snub nose, he looked like a demon crawling out of hell.

It was wearing a white robe that resembled a lady's skirt, but the white robe was in tatters, and one of the monster's arms on the left side had disappeared, leaving only a pile of naked flesh sprouts that were still twisting.

Looking at Susan and Brian alone.

It raised its remaining right arm, which was more than one meter long, stretched out its long tongue, and licked the blood stained on its sharp claws. Its red eyes were smart and cruel, as if it was looking at two piles of pigs waiting to be slaughtered.


The sound of slight footsteps came from behind.

Another long-haired monster with disheveled hair, a smaller body, and a hunched back also slowly walked out from behind the forest on the other side and squatted ten meters away from Brian and the others, blocking their way back.

The saturation strike that was just enough to wipe out hundreds of people actually only broke the arm of one of the monsters?

Is the dodge speed so abnormal?

Susan reacted quickly, changed direction, pressed against Brian's back, stared at the second monster, and whispered: "Brian, it seems we are going to die here."

Brian thought about the 17 points of gift energy he had left and licked his lips: "Isn't the helicopter above already locked on this place?"

"The meaning of locking is that we have become a bait to attract monsters. If our group is destroyed, they will directly launch missile groups to physically destroy all living creatures within a kilometer radius."

Susan is very adaptable. She was a little panicked before, but now she has regained her composure and is even in the mood to joke: "You have to thank me. If I weren't with you, those pilots would have launched missiles directly."


What else did he say.

Directly in front, after licking the blood, the monster with only one right hand left made some movement.

Its pair of bloody eyes glanced at the helicopter hovering above its head, and it let out a strange scream.

Another long-haired monster hesitated, slowly retreated, then turned around, rushed out twenty or thirty meters in an instant, and disappeared into the darkness ahead.

Surprise flashed in Brian's eyes.

Such high spirituality!

What kind of monster is this?

After the companion leaves.

The monster with a broken arm continued to remain motionless, only looking at the helicopter overhead from time to time.

Ten seconds later.

Whoosh whoosh~

More than a dozen missiles dragging tail flames, guided by lasers, circled and disappeared over this land.


A shrill, desperate howl came from afar with great penetrating power.

next moment!


The ground shook.

More than a dozen missiles were detonated with precise guidance, and the flames caused by the explosion soared into the sky, rendering the sky above the dark forest orange-red.

After the aberrant beast left the vicinity of Susan and the two of them.

Overhead, the armed helicopter directly under the NW Armed Forces Department, without any hesitation, directly used missiles worth millions to give the aberrant beast a dazzling funeral.


Hearing the desperate howls of its companions, the one-armed aberrant beast's big blood-red eyes were filled with sadness.

Tested by peers.

It knows that it can't run away either.

It retracted its gaze and looked at Brian and Susan with hatred. Its body was stooped, its long right paw dragged on the ground, and it began to stride towards them.


Seeing that there was only one target left, Susan's eyes regained hope, and she signaled Brian to shoot and seal the opponent's position.

Brian knew that Susan's marksmanship was far superior to his own and was the key to their survival.

Without any hesitation, he pointed the M4 in his hand at the aberration in front of him and pulled the trigger.

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A total of three chapters plus updates, it’s just as good as it gets.

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Thanks to the book friend ‘W Mirror Flowers, Water Moon W’ for the reward of 10,000 book coins, and thanks to the boss!

Thanks to book friend ‘cyue’ for the five hundred book coins reward, and thanks to the boss!

Thanks to the two book friends "Tang Monk Washes His Hair with Rejoice 00" and "A Flying Pig", and thanks to the two bosses!

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