You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 92 Searching the mountain? Direct fire coverage! (Additional chapter 2 for the leader ‘Xi Ch

After throwing the policewoman.

With the endless night behind him, a tall figure in white robes let out an unpleasant and harsh laugh.

Before anyone shoots.

He tiptoed a little, like a white crane dancing, soaring into the air, landing on the lakeside, tapping the ground again and again, as fast as a ghost, turning into an afterimage and disappearing into the dark depths of the forest.

Saw colleagues being killed.

The eyes of a group of patrol officers were red!


"Fuck him!"

A large number of gunshots poured in the direction where the white-robed figure disappeared!

Wait until the gunfire stops.

A group of patrolmen looked over with their lights on, but except for the messy bullet holes on the ground, they didn't see a single hair.

After several people were on guard.

The remaining people gathered around the policewoman.

Brian squatted next to the other party, looked at her twice, and shook his head at everyone: "A lot of internal organs were damaged, the back of the brain was damaged, and there was a lot of blood loss. Even in the hospital, she can't be saved. She is in pain now."

The policewoman is still alive.

She was lying on the ground, her back was slightly raised, her body was twitching slightly, and black blood continued to flow from her mouth. She looked at everyone with painful eyes, full of desire for life.

Her internal organs were damaged, causing her to lose the ability to breathe.

In a few dozen seconds at most, she will leave this world.


An older white policeman took out his pistol, knelt in front of the policewoman, touched her forehead with trembling hands, and tears kept pouring out: "Jenny, I'm sorry, Daddy is so sorry."

Accompanied by a gunshot.

The man's wails of pain and hatred echoed throughout the camp.

Contain the corpses of colleagues.

Brian is preparing to discuss the attack with Susan.

They have realized that the murderer of this case is not a human being, or in other words, not a normal human being, but a group of at least two aberrants!

Fortunately, Susan used the satellite phone to know that the group of people who had left with the body had not been attacked and had driven away safely.

Otherwise, it is not impossible for that group of logistics personnel to be wiped out.

At that moment, the rest of the police, led by the white policewoman's father, surrounded them.

The white middle-aged policeman, with red eyes: "The truth, we need to know the truth! I want to know what kind of monster is the one who killed my daughter!"

They are not fools!

That speed, that power!

Normal humans simply cannot do this!

When Susan saw this, her eyes turned cold, and she stopped in front of Brian, about to speak.

Brian grabbed her, looked at everyone, and said in a sincere tone:

"A monster, a monster in human skin!

Trust me, man.

I can understand how you are feeling right now!

I was also very angry about the death of my companion. If I could, I wanted to catch those two monsters and put them on a shelf and burn them to death.

My name is Brian, you may have heard my name.

I swear that I will execute the monster that attacked us today and avenge our companions!

But before you sign the confidentiality agreement, I can't tell you the truth about those monsters, otherwise it will bring you a lot of trouble.

You must also keep today’s matters in your heart.

Believe me.

Otherwise, the consequences are not what you want to know.

If you want to know, you can apply to join NW. "

Brian wasn't lying.

If the information about the aberrants spreads, it will cause social unrest.

At that time, everyone will look at the people around them with vigilance and distrust.

People are prone to stress when they are stressed for a long time.

America is another country with free guns

Even in a country where guns are not free, we do not want to see social shock.

Therefore, the world's ruling class maintains a zero-tolerance attitude towards insiders who dare to leak secrets. Once discovered, they will be physically destroyed. There are also a large number of commissioners at any time to monitor the flow of information through various channels and cut off all information dissemination that causes instability.

"FK Squid's confidentiality agreement, now I just want to avenge my daughter!" The middle-aged policeman was still furious, but the police officers behind him retreated under Brian's repeated words of dismissal.

As members of a violent group, they are even more aware of the indifference of this federation.

Brian hugged the man who was out of control: "Man, if you want to avenge your daughter, calm down, take a deep breath, listen to me, take a deep breath, calm down, I will lead people to find those monsters!"

Green, a black policeman, also advised: "He is Brian. Brian solved three cases in one day. He is a capable person. You should trust him!"

"Brian, I know. I just heard his name today. He is a very powerful person in the new department."

The other police officers who had heard Brian's name today also tried to persuade their companions.

Mainly, they were also frightened by Brian's words and didn't want to cause trouble for themselves.

Finally, losing the support of his companions and feeling relieved, the middle-aged male policeman sat dejectedly in front of his daughter's body bag and became stunned.

Brian asked the black police officer Green to pay attention to the emotions of his colleagues and said to Susan: "Is there any news from the reception desk in Forest Park?"

"No." Susan's face showed an angry look: "It's been so long, even if no one is on duty, there should be news feedback, those bastards!"

Brian patted Susan on the shoulder: "Calm down, what do you think of the strength of the aberrants this time?"

"Very strong!" Susan's eyes were solemn: "I can hit six targets in one second, but I just fired twelve bullets and didn't hit a single one. The enemy's speed was too fast, so fast that I couldn't complete the preview lock."

Brian nodded: "Call the headquarters for support."

The forest, the night, and the enemy's speed were inhuman.

In this case, it's hard to say who is the prey and who is the hunter in the forest.

He originally wanted to take people to the cave where the victim's remains were found to check the situation, but now he has given up this idea and even the case.

The ability of the deformed is weird, and it can't be dealt with according to the idea of ​​dealing with ordinary criminals.

People, must be killed.

But don't go into the forest and search the mountain stupidly.

What era is it, and still play the lone hero?

In this case, shaking people is the kingly way.

Although Susan was a little unwilling, she still pressed the rescue button on her watch and went to the side to explain the situation.

Brian called the police officers, took out all the grenades on his body, and set traps around to prevent the unknown number of deformed people from launching another sneak attack.

After finishing the work.

Susan asked Brian for a cigarette irritably: "Why did you stop me just now?"

"If I didn't stop you, you would hurt them by telling them about the deformed people."

Brian rolled his eyes.

He was also afraid that Susan would say something inappropriate and ignite the emotions of the police.

Those people all had guns in their hands.

Susan, who was a straightforward person, probably didn't understand the art of speech in his words.

As long as he dealt with those deformed people this time.

He would be equivalent to winning over this group of police officers in the jurisdiction, and his reputation would be passed on to more grassroots police officers from the mouths of these people.

Brian still remembered the second to last paragraph of his uncle's letter: When that group of people comes to you, you will know the reason.

He didn't know what group that group of people was.

He didn't want to know.

Brian only knew that only when he became stronger and stronger could he dominate his own destiny.

Personal power is ultimately limited.

As a hidden deformed boss, he needs greater influence to protect himself, and even become one of the chess players in this federation!

This will take some time, a process.

Now, this is his first step on this road: unite the power of unity!

Ten minutes later.

Three AH-64 (Apache) armed helicopters fully loaded with ammunition, plus a CH-47 (Chinook) transport helicopter, arrived above the camp.

The CH-47 transport helicopter fell.

Several soldiers and two NW C-sequence staff began to sign and warn the patrolmen in the camp.

Brian told Green and his group to stay in the camp and not run around, and then he and Susan climbed onto the CH-47 transport helicopter.

The helicopter took off.

The driver said to the two: "Target information."

"The target action area is within a radius of five kilometers from this lake, mainly the mountain caves seven kilometers to the east. The speed is very fast. I wonder if you can conduct a night search?"

Brian told the driver the information he knew so far.

The driver nodded coldly and said to the communication channel: "Turn on the radar search..."

The next moment.

On the electronic display screen, in a circle of green ripples, life forms were marked one by one, with a number of up to hundreds.

Just then.

A message came from the communication channel: "Battle sequence, No. 3, a high-speed moving target was found in the west, with a speed of more than 180 kilometers per hour, repeat, west."

The shock in the voice of the No. 3 helicopter pilot could be heard.

This speed in the forest terrain is too fast!

The helicopter Brian was in immediately turned around and followed.

Less than a minute later.

Three Apaches hovered over a small mountain: "Two targets, the action has been stopped, and the drones are deployed..."

More than a dozen drones flew down the mountain.

More than a dozen seconds later.

The image of the drone was transmitted to the screen.

A tall, blurred figure in a robe appeared in the camera.

The next moment.

The messy stones accurately hit a drone.

Brian said directly: "It's them, they are too fast, just open fire and kill them!"

"Confirm the target, lock it!"

After the pilots finished speaking, they tilted their heads slightly, and the barrel of the M-230E-1 30mm single-barreled chain gun under the nose of the aircraft turned and locked it below following the driver's movements.



The next moment.

Da Da Da~

Three long dragons of fire fell from the sky and poured on the hill in front

Searching the mountain?

Sorry, direct fire coverage!

Have a good weekend.

Brothers, today is the last day of the month, and I am just short of 3,000 votes. Don't be reluctant and throw it on my face.

Here is today's 12,000.

See you tomorrow at 5 pm on time.

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