You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 91 Cruel, Night Attack! (Additional chapter 1 for the leader ‘Xi Chenyue’)

"Brian, do you want to change hands on this case?"

Even the very nervous Susan felt pressure when looking at these corpses.

"Let's take a look first. By the way, Thirteen has been digging around in the open space next to the wooden house. What did he find?" Brian asked curiously.

He had been checking the marks on the victims and didn't pay attention to Thirteen's situation.

Susan took out a piece of fabric with some bumps in a transparent bag: "This is it. It was buried very shallowly, as if it was stepped on after it fell on the ground. The material of this thing looks quite strange. Thirteen also kept looking towards it. I yelled at the cloth, so I put it on."

Brian took the bag, looked at it for a moment, and smelled it again. He found that there was only a strong earthy smell, and then said to Susan Kopp: "This is silk."

Susan rolled her eyes: "Don't think of me as an ignorant little girl. I have a lot of custom-fitted silk vests in my wardrobe!"

"A tight-fitting silk vest?"

Brian was a little confused.

Susan nodded: "Yes, it's just a little strange. The vest only covers the front and only one thread at the back, but it's very comfortable to wear."

Brian rolled his eyes.

What kind of close-fitting silk vest is just a bellyband?

He pointed at the uneven fabric in the bag and said:

“This is also a type of silk, but it’s called pearl satin.

It is generally used to make shirts or skirts, but because the color of the material is generally relatively elegant, the price is not cheap. Here in Los Angeles, clothes made of this material are not very popular, and some young Chinese people prefer it. "

Brian knew it because he owned several pearl satin linings.

There is customization in Chinatown.

"Well, you are so knowledgeable." Susan took back the small bag and waved it: "Then why is Thirteen curious about this?"

"I don't know either. Just ask."

With that said, Brian whispered to Thirteen: "Wang?"

Thirteen shook his tail: "Wangwang!"

Susan:? ? ?

She rolled her eyes: "Brian, stop playing around, we are solving a case!!!"

Brian's eyes turned strange: "Wangwangwang?"

Thirteen bared his teeth and said, "Wang!"

"Good dog!" After receiving the affirmative message, Brian took out a pure meat sausage from his pocket, tore open the package and threw it to Thirteen: "Don't run around after eating."

Thirteen held the meat sausage in his mouth and ran to the side to taste it happily.

Brian turned his head and said seriously to Susan: "Check who left this fabric here in the cabin. Remember, Chinese groups or individuals, wearing white shorts or white skirts, have been in the mountains and near the cabin for more than a month. !”

"No problem!" Susan clenched her fists: "But before that, can you tell me, Brian, what did you and your dog brother communicate with?"

"I asked Thirteen why he was afraid of this fabric, and he said there was an aura on it that scared him." Brian said with a serious face: "Do you still remember Thirteen's reaction when we first entered here? This is what it was afraid of. The owner of the clothes."

He couldn't smell anything from the rags.

But Thirteen is a real dog after all, and a very spiritual real dog, and its perception does not rely solely on smell.

Seeing Brian's serious nonsense, Susan felt herself hardened! The fist is hard!

What serious person can communicate with a dog?

"Do you think I'm talking nonsense?"

Brian glanced at the busy crowd with the large searchlight turned on, took out a pair of gloves and put them on: "Thirteen is very spiritual. You look at it every day, and you can also simply communicate with it. You know, Su Shan, I never lie."

Susan finally took the small bag and went to find the rangers.

After she was ready to finish her work, she went to talk to Thirteen.

Brian also came to the makeshift dissection table.

The assistant is his former detective colleague Thom.

This guy was either lucky or unlucky. He finally moved from the Forensic Bureau to the NW Operations Department and joined the B1 team.

The main target of the last primitive sect's attack was them.

Thom had better luck at that time and was out in the field.

His colleagues, including the team leader Aiden who wanted to poach Brian, died miserably.

The entire B1 group was dispersed.

With nowhere to go, Thom had no choice but to return to the Bureau of Forensic Medicine and continue working as a field investigator.

This time I was sent here to help.

"Thom, I'm glad to see you're okay." Brian picked up the chainsaw and cut in a circular motion toward the edge of the head of a victim's corpse.

Thom rolled his eyes and said in a hoarse voice: "I would rather die in that attack, so that my family can at least get a generous pension. Now that I am back at the Forensic Bureau, I am not happy."


A piece of skull was sawed off by Brian.

He carefully removed the deceased's skull, first used materials to make an impression of the wound on the skull, and then said to Thom: "Come to Group B6 and be my assistant, but this requires you to learn how to dissect. "

Tom became interested: "Can I?"

"No problem." Brian pointed to the slap mark on his face that had not dissipated: "Did you see it? This is the stamp our team leader stamped on me this morning. We are very close. If I speak, she will agree. of."

Tom thought of the woman who also had a bruised nose and face, and two large revolvers stuck in her waist, with a strange look in her eyes: "It can be seen that you are really close."

While the mold is still dry.

Brian motioned to Thom to hold a strong flashlight and shine it on the inside of the deceased's head, which had the Tianling Cap removed. Using the light, he could carefully observe the traces inside.


His eyes became serious.

Thom asked curiously: "What's the matter, Brian?"

Brian took a deep breath and revealed his findings: "The brains of the deceased were not eaten by small fish, but were taken away by the murderer!"

Tom glanced at the hole in the skull, which was only as thick as a thumb, and wondered: "The wound is so small, how did the murderer get away the brains of the deceased?"



"Yes!" Brian nodded: "Take something like a straw, put it into the wound, and then...suck!"

He thought of a food he had heard of in his previous life: monkey brains cooked in hot oil.

The process is simple:

Dig a circle in the middle of the semi-circular table, then separate the table, tuck the monkey's neck into the semi-circle, and then close the table.

Similar to ancient Chinese shackles that fixed prisoners.

In this way, no matter how hard the monkey struggles, it can't hurt anyone or run away.


There are two ways to eat it.

(The eating method was too cruel to pass the trial. It was deleted)

When Brian told Thom this.

Thom, a former police detective who had served, been shot, and killed people, tightened his clothes directly, and his exposed skin was covered with goosebumps: "This is too cruel, yuck~"

Seeing this colleague with rich associations, he hid aside and retched.

With a smirk on his face, Brian began to open the skull of the second victim with satisfaction.

An autopsy will witness a lot of the ugliness in human nature, and it is a job with heavy negative emotions.

Doing things with emotions is not good.

working status.

Brian is a mind-numbing robot.

Only when he finishes work and is alone will he appreciate the diversity of human nature, or he may not want to say a word for a long time.

One after another, the skulls were removed from the corpses.

Except for a few corpses that were extremely decomposed, no traces of brain matter were found inside the skulls of most corpses.

In some of the victims' heads, there were traces of small fish eating them, but more of them were the remains of some punctured wounds. These are the traces that can only be left by sharp hollow tubes.

All the evidence can prove that the murderer used an irregular sharp object to smash open the victim's skull, and then inserted a sharp hollow pipe into it.

This is a very cruel and inhumane serial murder case!

After the autopsy was completed, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

One by one, the bodies were put into body bags, thrown on stretchers, and transported out of the forest overnight.

A team of six people also returned to this temporary camp.

One of the black police officers broke away from the group and ran towards Brian.

The black policeman was the rookie policeman named Greene who was involved in the previous shooting case of the homeless man.

Green was also arranged to help here this time, and was captured by Brian.

Come to Brian.

Green's young face was full of solemnity:

"Coroner Brian, under the leadership of the mountain ranger, we came to a cave with many rocks. It was filled with tents and various items, which should be the belongings of the victims.


We also found a lot of hair, broken bones and dried blood in a pit inside the cave.

However, no traces of living people were seen. "

Brian nodded: "It seems we have found the first crime scene."

at this time.


Thirteen, who had been lying on the steps of the wooden house, licking the sausage and reluctant to eat it, suddenly got up from the steps and faced the dark forest behind the wooden house, trembling and grinning.

Susan, who was waiting for a call back from the park reception center, stood up suddenly and looked behind the cabin.


There was a strange noise.

Something is moving fast in the forest!


Susan shouted over there: "This is the LAPD! Stop, talk back!"

Brian and the others also reacted, took out their firearms and moved closer.

The unknown existence in the forest continued to move around the lake without any intention of replying.

Susan no longer hesitated, and the revolver on her waist drew two arcs, spitting out fireworks that illuminated the night!

The sound of gunfire tore through the silence of the night forest.

She just shot!

Dare not reply.

Either a murderer or a bad guy!

Susan's eyes were cold!

This is what her father has always taught: It is better to kill the wrong person than let him go!

next moment.


A woman's scream came.

The direction it came from was not the forest, but a temporary camp near the lake.


Make a sound in the east and attack in the west!

Brian, who was running towards Susan, suddenly turned around and saw a tall figure in a white robe grabbing a policewoman who was screaming randomly in the air and slamming it onto the ground.

The policewoman's panicked shouts suddenly stopped.

Large streams of blood spread out from under her body, dyeing the land blood red.

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