You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 90 Twenty-seven bodies! Big case!

Along the way.

The two of them found no danger, not even a trace of the wild beast.

More than twenty minutes later.

They came to a lake with several cabins.

This is a lake located in the Forest Park area.

Nearby residents like to come to places like this for picnics and camping with their families during holidays. For safety, the Z government will arrange for mountain rangers to patrol the forest park area regularly.

In this kind of place, unless it is open during fixed opening hours, if you are caught fishing or swimming in the water, you will be fined by the ranger.

By the lake, there were several men with guns standing.

Next to these people, there was a middle-aged black man sitting.

After Brian and the others came forward to communicate, they found out what happened.

The reporter was a middle-aged black man.

He had curly hair, wore a yellow short-sleeved shirt, and was holding a fishing rod. Next to him was an empty bucket filled only with water. He looked a little lifeless.

The body was placed on the shore, and they had already brought it ashore.

Looking at Brian and Brian, who had a bruised nose and swollen face and wrinkled clothes, the middle-aged black man had a strange look on his face.

Several mountain rangers paid more attention to the slap marks on Brian's face.

no way.

The beautiful female partner, the big mouth mark, and the messy clothes all add up to really arouse people's imagination.

Brian is very thick-skinned.

He ignored everyone's gaze, and while looking at the badly decomposed male corpse, he asked the black fisherman: "Man, your catch is not small. Tell me what happened."

Middle-aged black people are not in high spirits.

He said feebly:

“Today I have a day off, so I secretly come here to fish.

In the end, nothing was gained for several hours.

I finally managed to hook something. I thought something big was coming, but after struggling to pull it up, I discovered it was a body. So I returned to the parking lot, looked for a park employee, borrowed a phone, and reported the crime.

Man, can you please stop these guys from pursuing me for stealing fishing?"

Brian shook his head: "Sorry, I don't have the right, but if the case is solved, as a citizen who provides information, you can apply for some rewards from the police station in your jurisdiction."

"All right."

Middle-aged black people are a little sad.

Even if he didn't catch the fish, he would still be in trouble.

Not as good as the Air Force!

"Brian, what did you find?"

Susan squatted next to Brian, while the dog Thirteen timidly sniffed around the wooden house by the lake, looking a little lewd.

Brian glanced at Thirteen, then pointed to the large and small gaps on the body, some obvious marks of strangulation, and the entangled vines and said:

"This is clear murder.

The body was so badly decomposed that the appearance could not be identified. Only the wear and tear on the teeth determined that it was a man in his thirties.

Because he was soaked in water, I cannot give the exact time of death of the deceased now.

There was a incomplete depression on the top of the corpse's head, and the skull was obviously damaged, as if it was caused by being struck by some irregular sharp object. This should be the cause of death of the deceased.

Those strangulation marks and vines should be the traces left by the murderer's body.

But the murderer's experience is not good enough.

The most suitable way to sink a corpse is to pour cement at a ratio of more than five times the body weight. Otherwise, there is still a risk of the corpse floating after it decomposes. "

The black fisherman was lucky. The hook caught the tied vines, and the body's decomposition pushed all the rocks aside, so he took the body out.

Susan pointed at the dense wounds on the surface of the body and said, "Can you tell what murder weapon caused this?"

"This is the mark left by the fish eating."

With that said, Brian comforted the black angler: "Man, be happy, you can't catch fish, it's not because your fishing skills are not good, it's because these fish are all fed."

Before the middle-aged black man said anything, a younger ranger suddenly said: "No wonder the stupid fish here used to be easy to catch, but in the past month, they have always refused to take the hook."

His companion quickly tugged at the corner of his clothes.

Didn't this idiot reveal that he had neglected his duties and violated the law?

"This month?" Brian grasped the key point, looked at the young ranger, and said in a solemn tone: "Man, I don't care about your fishing and hunting. Please answer me seriously. It's the last month, here. Have all the fish taken the bait?”

He was frightened by Brian's serious attitude and hid behind his teammates.

An older mountain ranger heard the meaning of Brian's words, stepped forward and nodded:

"Yes, our work every day is quite boring. Sometimes we catch some fish from the lake to improve our diet.

In the past month, it has become obviously difficult to catch fish in the lake.

We thought it was because there were too many fishermen last season and the catch was depleted, so we applied to the bureau for new fry. "

Susan didn't understand the key here and looked at Brian.

Brian explained:

“The flesh and bones of this corpse have not been separated, and the time of death will definitely not exceed a week. It is impossible for the fish in the small lake to stop eating hooks for a month.

This kind of fish, which rarely experiences severe beatings, is silly and not difficult to catch.

There is only one reason for not eating hooks, and that is that they are usually very full and have no shortage of food at all! "

Susan understood now: "You mean, there are still corpses in the lake?"

Brian nodded: "It's very possible!"

After inspection.

There are several small boats tied to the lake, and the rope on one of them has very new signs of wear and tear.

This means that someone has been using this boat recently.

But it is not certain whether it is used by poachers or picnickers who sneak into the park.

Ten minutes later.

The young patrolman who interrupted before rowed to the center of the lake alone, tied a rope around his body, and jumped into the lake in his shorts with a reluctant look on his face.

He is a good swimmer and can float up and down easily.

Seeing this.

Brian came to the older ranger: "Hey, man, do you come here often?"

The ranger shook his head:

"Usually every month, I come here at a fixed time to take a walk and record the distribution of animals in the mountains.

If there are signs of poaching, we will search the mountain carefully. In addition, if we receive a GPS call for help, we will also go into the mountain to search. This is our biggest source of extra income.

At other times, no one likes to stay in the mountains."

Going into the mountains to rescue people here is charged.

The rescue fee is not cheap.

Brian continued, "So how is your rescue business recently?"

The old ranger realized something was wrong.

He looked at his companion: "Sam, haven't we received many rescue requests from last month to now?"

Sam is a fat man.

He spread his hands: "Dude, didn't you notice that your bonus was much less last month?"

It's bad.

Now everyone knows something is wrong!

You know.

Because of the good welfare system, many young people in Los Angeles like to commit suicide.

When they have time, they wander around.

This kind of wild beast is regularly cleaned up, and the forest park with good scenery is the first choice for these people.

People often sneak in with their friends during non-opening hours and when there are few people.

For this reason, there are many small shops outside the forest park that rent satellite phones and GPS emergency machines, and they post many advertisements at various entrances to the mountain.

The rangers are also happy to have good extra money every month, and they will even deliberately post their patrol time to relevant website forums to give reference to those young people who are preparing to sneak in.

Not everyone has rich experience in wild survival.

Without external influence, the number of unlucky people who apply for rescue every month in the forest park will not suddenly drop sharply.

Unless, they don't even have the chance to ask for help.

At this moment.

The young ranger who had dived into the center of the lake to check the situation surfaced, and he didn't know what he found. He shouted and swam towards the boat like crazy.

He lay on the boat, vomiting and crying: "FK! FK! All corpses! My God! There are corpses all under the water!"

The scene just seen underwater will become the nightmare of this unlucky guy for a lifetime.

Seeing this, Brian silently lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and then said to Susan: "Team leader, call the reporting center, explain the situation here, and apply for support."

Although it is unknown how many corpses there are underwater, even if there are five or six, it is a very troublesome thing to deal with.

Underwater operations are more troublesome and require professional equipment support.

Seven or eight hours later.

Near dusk.

The bodies that were salvaged were placed on the shore of the small lake.

There were flashes of light reflecting from the surrounding forests.

Those were the reflections of cameras from reporters who were well-informed and followed to take pictures.

There was nothing we could do.

There were quite a lot of people coming this time, so it was inevitable that some staff members had connections with those reporters and took the opportunity to make some extra money. In addition, cameras were getting more and more powerful nowadays, so it was difficult to prevent the news from leaking out without the order from the top management.

"It seems that this case will attract a lot of attention." Susan's face was a little unhappy.

Even though she was an outsider, she knew that this kind of random crime in the wilderness was extremely difficult to solve.

Now more than twenty bodies have been found!

Once reported by those reporters, it would undoubtedly become the headlines of Los Angeles and even the entire California.

This was a big test for the B6 team.

Brian's expression was not relaxed either.

He had already turned on the enhanced sense of smell and searched the surroundings.

The environmental impact was too great.

The open area, coupled with the constant mountain wind, made it impossible for the smell to stay around for too long.

What was even worse was that the bodies had been soaked in water.

I'm afraid that the enhanced sense of smell would not be of much help this time.

Brian bit his lip and looked at the bodies again.

These bodies included men and women, big and small. The worst ones were eaten by fish in the lake, leaving only a skeleton.

Other than that.

Brian did not find any obvious external injuries on these bodies. The only common point was that they were all cut open and the brains inside were gone.

The murderer seemed to have some obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The wounds on the heads of these victims were very small and located in the middle.

As for the missing brains, it is difficult to use as a reference.

Because it may be that small fish went in along the wounds and ate the brains and some tissues.

The underwater search team found a lot of stones underwater.

This caused a lot of trouble for their underwater search.

This is the only useful clue.

It is not easy to find so many stones in the forest area!

In the evening.

The underwater search finally ended.

Twenty-seven badly damaged and decayed bodies were laid out in a long line, shocking to the eyes.

A major case!

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