The broken desks and computers in the office have been replaced.

Sitting at the workstation.

Brian flipped through his mailbox.

Over the past night, he received more than two hundred new emails.

Some were from former colleagues in the Forensic Bureau, and the rest were from female police officers Brian didn't know. The emails were mostly congratulations from familiar people, and some were for wooing, asking for dates, and trying to make unspoken rules for strangers.

Some bold female police officers left their cool life photos and uniform photos, and their contact information was inevitably attached to the photos.

There were even two female senior officers in their forties in the police force.

Brian was a little helpless about this.

Isn't my buddy just a little handsome and talented?

Can't these women be more subtle?

What do you mean by opening a room and asking me to go over to talk about job transfers and promotions?

Is he that kind of person?

He has become a good person now, and he just wants to make a living by his talent!

But then again

If the person who was being manipulated was Susan, she would force Brian to live in a villa, drive a luxury car, eat delicious food and fish every day, and he would not have to go to work. He would be willing to do it.

Old Harden, with a pair of dark circles under his eyes from staying up late, held a cup of coffee and said to Brian enviously:

"The police force rarely publicizes a case when it is still in the process. The people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs should want to use your case to boost the low morale caused by the terrorist attack."

There are many people who are good at solving cases.

But there are not many who can publicize and create momentum for the whole police news.

This requires opportunities.

Brian just caught up with this opportunity.

This is luck.

There are also many benefits.

The police news faces the entire Los Angeles system, including those senior officials.

Maybe because of this police news, Brian will be remembered by a leader, and when he gets the opportunity in the future, he can be promoted directly, cross the class, and go smoothly from then on.

In addition.

People with a little fame and those without a name will get different treatment when doing the same thing.

Let's not talk about anything else.

If you need assistance when handling a case.

You are an unknown person, and the patrolmen may help you, but perfunctory and serious are two completely different efficiencies.

They are all paid.

You can't blame them.

On the contrary.

When they see it, it turns out to be Brian, a good case solver.

At this time, even without you saying anything, he will call his friends and help you seriously.

After all, they will also benefit from solving the case.

This is the role of reputation.

In short.

When he joined the B6 group of the NW Operations Department, when most of them were still unknown, Brian had already begun to gain fame and built a good starting point.

I don't know what happened today.

It's past ten o'clock.

Susan hasn't come to work yet.

A new case has come again.

Edna, a new female employee who worked overtime last night, couldn't help complaining: "Why do I feel that the frequency of murders nowadays is much higher than before? It seems that people nowadays are more impetuous than before, and they kill people at every turn."

Old Harden on the side yawned: "It's normal. It will get better in two or three years."

"Why?" Edna said puzzledly: "I read the police weekly. Not only in Los Angeles, but also in the entire United States, the number of vicious cases has increased a lot. This is a social atmosphere problem."

Old Harden also realized that he had said something he shouldn't have said, and hurriedly explained: "What I mean is that the accelerated pace of life has brought about an impetuous atmosphere. When everyone slows down, it will be better."


He looked at Brian and changed the subject: "Someone caught a body while fishing in Forest Park. Susan hasn't come to work yet. How about I go out with you today?"

According to regulations, two people must be guaranteed to be on duty.

Even NW has continued this rule.

"That's fine."

Brian stretched and whistled at Thirteen who was running around.

Ivan and Glenn haven't come back yet.

The team is short of people.

He recently wanted to investigate the family of the shapeshifter, complete the second obsession of the shapeshifter, or work part-time in the hospital morgue, but he didn't have time, and he didn't know when the farm would be over.

The two of them and the dog came to the parking lot.

A motorcycle made a rumbling sound, flew across the sky, crossed the guardrail, hit the ground, braked and drifted all the way, and stopped accurately in front of the two.

The helmet was taken off, revealing Susan's delicate face and blonde hair.

She looked at Brian and Old Harden a little embarrassed: "Sorry, I slept a little late last night. Is there another case?"

Old Harden nodded: "Yes, someone found a body while fishing. I don't know when Ivan and the others will be back. There are so many vicious cases every day. Team leader, I feel we need to recruit more field staff."

"Too many people is too troublesome, let's talk about it later."

Susan shook her head and left the motorcycle to Old Harden: "Please stop the car for me, Brian and I will go out for field work."

After that.

She grabbed Thirteen, who had no time to hide, and got on the passenger seat of the on-site investigation vehicle.

"Looks like you can catch up on some sleep."

Brian laughed at Old Harden and got in the car.

On the way.

Susan looked a little listless and kept yawning.

"Did you go out partying last night?"

It was the first time Brian saw Susan listless.

Susan looked at Brian with a blush.

She didn't sleep much last night and spent the whole night reading alert comments.

When someone compliments Brian, he kicks on the bed with joy.

When he sees an angry bitch, he will get angry and beat up the rogue rabbit doll that he has slept with for many years.

Finally, I fell asleep and had a very shameful dream.

She definitely couldn't tell Brian this, it was a bit unspeakable.

Seeing Susan, she said nothing.

Brian's nose twitched twice, revealing a sudden look, and he reminded Susan: "If there is a sudden change in your normal routine, it may be because of your menstrual period. Do you have any patches on you?"

"Tie Tie?"

Susan, who was thinking wildly, was confused at first, then realized, and then thought about her previous mental state, she felt that Brian was mocking her for being in heat!

A big slap landed on Brian's face, which was caught off guard.

Brian:? ? ?

Don't slap people in the face!

Brian was confused at first, and then angry.

Susan is so crazy!

Can this be tolerated?

He stopped the car and rushed towards Susan!

More than ten minutes later.

Brian came out of the convenience store with an obvious slap mark on the right side of his face and a bruised nose and face.

Back to the car.

He threw a plastic bag to Susan, who was also bruised and swollen, but beaming with joy.

Damn it!

There’s not enough space in the car to stretch your legs, so I’m not winning!

Susan took the bag and hung it around Thirteen's neck.

After the fight, she was in better spirits.


Thirteen transformed into a dog-head hook and asked Brian for help.

Brian gave Thirteen an apologetic look, and without daring to say a word, he continued to drive honestly to the crime scene.

no way.

Those who lose have no right to speak.

Susan, this bitch, is not only good at marksmanship, but also good at unarmed combat.

The opponent's exaggerated strength and reaction speed, as well as his extremely skilled joint skills, made Brian no match in the narrow space.

All I can say is that women during their menstrual period should not be provoked if they can.

So many mood changes.

It's impossible to figure out what they are thinking.

Not as innocent as men.

When Brian was at the Forensic Bureau, he studied male psychology for a period of time.

simply put.

There are only two kinds of male psychology.

One is child psychology.

One is criminal psychology.

Either childishly like a child, or mature like a pervert.

How simple.

More than half an hour later.

Brian drove the vehicle and arrived at the case handling point.

This is a forest park. The crime scene is still inside and cars cannot enter.

Two people and one dog had to get out of the car and walk.

do not know why.

After getting off the car.

Thirteen acted very fearful. He kept whimpering in Susan's arms, and his body continued to emit fearful pheromones.

Susan glanced around vigilantly to see if there was anything strange, then she looked at Brian: "What's wrong with Thirteen?"

Brian frowned and said to Susan: "Be careful, Thirteen is scared. Its senses are very keen. There may be danger in the forest!"

Reaction to Thirteen.

Brian was familiar.

That was the reaction of Thirteen when he came back after massacring the entire base that day.


Susan listened to the advice and put on her customized body armor and stopped holding Thirteen.

Brian also put on the bomb vest he got from his colleague Eli, and carried an M4 on his back.

After being fully armed.

Two people and one dog locked the vehicle, took the tools, and walked towards the forest park ahead.

Awesome, brothers, the monthly pass will be 3,000 yuan soon, another chapter is added, don’t, don’t stop!

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