You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 103 Beast Transformation Reagent


Stanley instinctively turned his neck 180 degrees, and then his pupils shrank.

The guy who was shot seven or eight times by his modified rifle actually stood up again!

How can it be!

The rifle in his hand is a weapon specially modified to deal with those aberrations!

Even ordinary body armor cannot withstand the special bullets fired by this rifle!

How could the other party be okay?


A big fist, with a roar of wind, struck hard on his scaly face.


Two bloody fangs flew out.

Stanley felt as if he had been hit by a truck. His feet left the ground and he flew backwards in a daze.

next moment.

Two big hands with ferocious muscles and swollen blood vessels grabbed his feet off the ground, raised them high, and smashed them down hard!


Dust exploded.

A shallow human-shaped concave impression appeared in the soft Gobi soil and rocks.


The ground shook again.

In the opposite direction, a shallow human-shaped concave mark also appeared.

Once and for a while.

Again and again.

Brian's face was ferocious, like the Hulk throwing away Loki, and he smashed the humanoid meat sticks in his hands left and right, venting the anger of being shot for the first time!


I don’t know how many times I hit it.

Brian felt his hands loosen and realized that the bastard who shot him had been shattered into pieces. Only the short legs that had been separated from flesh and bones were left alone in his hands.

He threw away the short legs in his hand and spat on the opponent's rotten flesh: "Hetui, you are such a piece of trash, you dare to call yourself a monster, and you are not afraid of being beaten to death when you go out!"

Brian glanced at the unconscious Sandy, took off his coat and tattered body armor, and looked down.

In the rising dust, on his chest, blood-red granules were squirming in the air, squeezing out the bullets like squeezing pimples, and then fell to the ground. Then the granules connected, and the injured Skin spread combines.

Gift Energy -3.

in a blink.

Except for the bloody hole in his shirt.

There was no longer any trace of being shot on his body.

Gift energy + physical body control talent = super low-end version of immortality, cool!


Seeing that the overall situation was decided, Thirteen climbed out from under the car again and barked fiercely at the rotten meat on the ground.

If the big dog hadn't stopped it just now.

It must have rushed up and killed the guy who injured the big dog.

"In hindsight, what the hell, go and guard the surroundings!"

Brian gave Thirteen a headache.

Thirteen glanced at Brian aggrievedly, jumped into the car, and tried to be alert.

Brian retracted his gaze, picked up a scale, looked at it for a moment, smelled it, and frowned.

On the scales, there is a unique pheromone similar to that of a crocodile, but it is very light.

No closer.

Even with the enhanced sense of smell turned on, I can't smell it.


After the other person died, the pheromones emitted by the corpse seemed to contain owl pheromones.

It feels like a crossbreed.

Be curious.

Brian first confirmed that Sandy was indeed in a coma and did not notice his abnormal state, so he slapped her face directly.

After a few clicks.

Sandy opened her eyes drowsily.

When she saw the shirtless Brian clearly, her eyes widened: "You're not dead?"

Brian shrugged: "If you keep talking nonsense, you will definitely not see the day I die."

Sandy quickly covered her mouth.

Brian nodded with satisfaction, pointed to the pile of rotten meat on the ground, and asked curiously: "What is this weak and ugly thing?"

"Human." Sandy, who had experienced death and jumped repeatedly, was extremely well-behaved at the moment: "He is Stanley, a member of the Aryan Brotherhood, nicknamed Ghoul, and a monster injected with a lycanthropic agent."

Animalization reagent?

Brian has seen the USB flash drive left by his uncle and some common sense on the NW internal website.

But there is no relevant information.

Can humans turn into beasts?

Brian knew about the Aryan Brotherhood.

This is one of the largest gangs in the American Federation. It originated in prisons and its main members are all white prisoners. Their characteristics are Nazi cross tattoos and bald heads.

The reason why the members are all white is because they are white supremacists, and their members are widely distributed. They have members almost inside the federal government and in most prisons.

Brian looked at the ugly and broken body on the ground and found that the man was indeed a white man, with a cross tattoo and a very conspicuous bald head.

He nodded: "What is the animal transformation reagent? Why are they hunting you?"

Sandy's lips moved and she said hesitantly:

"The lycanthropy reagent is a product of a deformed cult - the Doomsday Sect. By injecting lycanthropy reagents, humans can possess some of the abilities of animals as long as they survive.

The specific amount of strengthening depends on genetic compatibility.

Even if they succeed, most people will experience physical alienation, equivalent to a weakened version of the aberrants who cannot lose control. "

Brian was surprised: "You still know about the aberrants?"

Sandy nodded: "My parents worked for the Bounty Guild and specialized in hunting those aberrants, but they died later. I only know this through the notes they left."

The Bounty Guild is an organization with a long history in the United States. It can be traced back to the cowboy era. Bounty hunters make a living by hunting down escaped criminals and then collecting high bounties.

This tradition has continued to this day.

Team leader Susan's previous idea was to become a bounty hunter.

The NW intranet also has an introduction to this organization.

It is said that after the blood moon phenomenon, several consortiums invested in this guild, so they also have the right to legally hunt deformers, but only senior bounty hunters are eligible to participate.

If Sandy is telling the truth.

Then her parents should be very powerful.

I thought about it.

Brian kicked the bald head of the "monster" on the ground: "Then he is chasing you for the beast reagent you mentioned?"

Sandy nodded:

"Yes, I know from the information I bought that the Aryan Brotherhood has purchased several beast reagents, so I sneaked in and stole one.

As long as you let me go, I will give you the reagent.

I really didn't mean to drag you into danger. At that angle, I didn't know there were cars on the road. It was a complete accident.

It really doesn't work.

Can you wait until I help my parents get revenge before killing me?"

Looking at Sandy begging for mercy pitifully, Brian suddenly had an idea in his mind.

The deformed people with enhanced nerve reaction speed are too random and difficult to find, so can he turn his attention to those beast people with animal nerve reaction speed?

After all, something that a gang can get should not be too precious, right?

He took out the satellite phone, walked aside, and called Susan.

A moment.

Brian put away his phone.

According to Susan, there is indeed such a thing as animal transformation potion. In fact, in the underground world unknown to ordinary people, there are many private institutions that circulate things developed from deformed people.

However, although this thing is effective, the mortality rate after use is very high, and most of them have serious side effects.

Out of humanitarianism.

Official organizations have blocked relevant news on the surface.

But secretly, these things have been circulating on the black market.

Brian guessed that the uncle did not record these, probably because he simply looked down on them.

Brian returned to Sandy and said, "Yes, you didn't try to escape. Now hand over the potion you stole. If the thing is fine, you can survive."

Sandy breathed a sigh of relief.

She reluctantly came to her backpack and pulled out the small pendant on the zipper. After pulling it off, she revealed a metal syringe that was only about the length and thickness of her little finger: "This is it."

"Are you sure?"

Sandy nodded and said with certainty: "I am sure, this is a beast reagent mixed with several cat genes. As long as the Aryan Brotherhood gets it, it is real. The reason I kept it until now is mainly because I am afraid of death."

Took the metal syringe.

Brian put it to his nose and smelled it, then put it away and opened the back door of his car: "Since your parents are bounty hunters, I see that you also like money. Do you want to make a deal?"

Seeing Brian holding the money that he had robbed at the risk of his life, asking himself if he wanted to make a deal.

Sandy really wanted to pounce on him and bite him hard.

But thinking of the ghouls who died inexplicably and miserably, Sandy nodded from the bottom of her heart: "Yes, yes, yes, I like doing missions the most."

"Very good."

Brian took out another healing reagent he had exchanged:

"I need you to go to the underground world and collect all the information about beastmen who have obtained nerve reactions beyond normal people. As a reward, in addition to this money, this healing reagent produced by the NW organization in Los Angeles can also be given to you."

"Healing reagent?" Sandy widened her eyes and said suddenly: "No wonder I saw you shot, but there were no wounds on your body. Are you from NW?"

She was full of envy:

"NW in Los Angeles, an organization in a metropolis!

I heard that your benefits are very good, and there are opportunities to exchange various strengthening reagents without side effects. Unfortunately, I have a lot of criminal records, otherwise I would like to apply to join."

Brian shrugged: "Our team is short of people. If you help me complete the task, I can guarantee you to come in, and even your parents' revenge, I can accompany you to avenge them in the future."

"So good?" Sandy felt like she was dreaming.

She regretted handing over the fake reagent.

Should she confess?

She was a little entangled.

"No big deal, by the way, Sandy..." Brian said suddenly.

Sandy, who was thinking about it, looked up blankly, but was horrified to find that a fist as big as a sandbag hit her face.


There was a crisp sound.

Sandy's head tilted back, and a nosebleed spurted out of her straight nose. Her eyes rolled back and she fainted again.

Looking at Sandy lying on the ground, sleeping peacefully.

Brian checked her body and confirmed that she had no alien features. He touched her chin and said, "She can't even avoid attacks at the speed of ordinary people. Her body is also clean. It seems that she has not been injected with animal reagents."

He helped Sandy put on her clothes again and threw her into the back seat of the car.

Brian found the car where the guy he killed was not far away. After touching the body, he found that there was nothing valuable except the modified gun and some special bullets.

Back to the car.

He gathered the things at the scene together, poured gasoline on them skillfully and set them on fire, and then sprinkled a circle of chemical powder around to obscure the smell.

After doing all this.

Brian called Thirteen to get in the car, turned the car around, and drove back.

"Don't pretend if you wake up."

Brian glanced at the rearview mirror and said softly.

Sandy covered her swollen nose and said dryly: "Brian, you look very skilled in handling the scene."

"As a professional autopsy officer, isn't this basic professional quality?"

Brian threw the animal reagent back to the back seat: "If you are not afraid of death, use your stuff, if you are afraid of death, sell it. This syringe should have a location. I just found a small tracking radar on the dead man's car."

Sandy suddenly realized: "No wonder I ran here, but was still caught. I should not have sold animal reagents."

"The money under you is the money from selling reagents?"

"Yes, those Mexicans wanted to rob me, so I found an opportunity to blow them up and ran away with the money. As a result, these bastards ambushed people, which caused me to be chased." Sandy gritted his teeth when he said this.

"How many times have you sold it?"


Sandy's face froze, she raised her hands in surrender, wiped the fingerprints off the syringe, and threw it out of the car:

"I was wrong, I sold it the first time, but the guy injected it directly and his body collapsed and died.

I saw the intact syringe, so I thought about modifying it to cheat some bastards and make some money, but I ended up being robbed twice."

Brian was not surprised at all.

The smell he smelled on the injection was glucose.


Brian stopped talking.

Sandy sat in the back seat nervously, like a prisoner waiting for his fate.

Half an hour later.

The entrance to a small town appeared in sight.

Brian turned into the small road and entered the town, then got off the car with Thirteen: "The money, guns, and cars are all left to you. The treatment reagents are also left to you. This is my private number. If you have any news I need, contact me directly."

Sandy took the business card blankly: "Aren't you angry?"

"I really hate people cheating me, provided that the person is useless."

Brian came forward, released the biological force field on his body, touched Sandy's head who dared not move, and said softly: "Well, as a punishment, I refuse to guarantee you to enter NW, but if you can complete the task I assigned to you in secret, my promise to assist you in revenge will still be valid."

A strange feeling surged into Sandy's heart.

Until she came to her senses, there was no shadow of people and dogs in her field of vision.

Sandy touched her hot face and violently beating chest, but her mind couldn't stop recalling every bit after meeting Brian, and she subconsciously clamped her legs.


Sandy murmured, but touched her red and swollen nose.

She regained consciousness, looked at her disfigured self in the rearview mirror, and gritted her teeth: "Asshole, you still want me to help you, get out!"

That being said.

But for some reason, she wanted to see him again. It was as if she was possessed by a demon, and she couldn't control her thoughts like she had taken drugs. The previous experience that made her angry also became a self-brainwashing.

With mixed emotions.

Sandy drove away from the town.

Forget it.

I'll settle the matter of that asshole bullying me another day.

After returning, I'll help pay attention to the information of those beastmen with fast nerve reactions.

Sandy swears.

She's not here to see Brian again.

She just wants to find the deformed person who killed her parents, so that she can have a helper who looks strong!

She swears!

Not far away.

Brian retracted his gaze and silently lit a cigarette.

Male succubus, so scary!

I'm afraid I'll lose the fun of chasing women in the future.


Boring, really boring.

With a little feeling that life is as lonely as snow.

Brian called Thirteen and prepared to go to the town to buy a used car and return to Los Angeles.

Two days have passed.

I don't know if Susan's physiological irritability has passed.

I hope the team members are safe.

At this time.

Los Angeles, NW Operations Department, B6 Team Office.

A group of people looked at the seven corpse photos on the projector, frowning, as if they had encountered a big problem.

Susan looked at the smoke-filled conference room, and suddenly an idea popped up in her mind.

It would be fine if Brian was here

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