You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 104 The Horrifying Crime of a Genius (Additional chapter 1 for the leader ‘Sister is Beautif

“What case is the most difficult to solve?”

In the corridor, Susan was full of anticipation, waiting for the man on the other end of the phone to answer.

In the sound of footsteps.

A lazy voice said: "Random murder for no reason."

Hear the answer.

Susan was a little disappointed: "If you encounter this kind of case, do you have any ideas for solving it?"

"Normally, there is no such thing."

"Isn't that unusual?"

"You have to ask God."

Susan rolled her eyes: "Get out of here, if I don't see you tomorrow, I'll put you on a wanted notice. I'm serious, you're doing this perverted appraiser!"

As she spoke, she touched the dog's head that appeared in front of her.


Dog head?

Susan turned around suddenly and found a tall man at the end of the corridor, leaning against the wall and looking at her with his head tilted.

That bastard Brian is back!

Brian shrugged: "Susan, you actually secretly investigated my information. This is really sad."

Susan's eyes flashed with surprise, but she snorted coldly: "Do you want to wait for me to accuse you verbally, and then you take out the stack of payment bills for private medical nursing homes, so that my conscience will be condemned, and then I will subconsciously Compensate you?"

Brian:? ? ?

You have finished speaking, what should I say?

Damn, what the hell!

The script is wrong!

Susan is enlightened?

Seeing Brian dumbfounded, Susan snorted coldly and walked towards the office: "Since you are here, come here quickly. We have encountered a difficult case."

Brian looked at her back and winked at Thirteen.

Thirteen sensibly chased after him and rubbed him back and forth.

By the time Brian entered the smoky conference room, Susan was already hiding in her office with Thirteen in her arms and moving wildly.

"Brian? Didn't the team leader say that you need to rest for three days because of something?" Ivan, the fierce man, was very happy to see Brian come in.

His face was greasy and haggard, and he seemed to be tortured by the case.

Several others were not much better.

The trendy clothes that Old Harden carefully takes care of every day exude a rancid smell.

Glenn, a sultry man, has lost his former sophistication and looks like he has no energy to do anything. He looks like he hasn't pulled a carrot for more than 24 hours and he is addicted.

Ms. Edna, the new member of the logistics department, was even worse. Her eyes were red. She didn't know whether it was her relationship with Glenn that went wrong in two days, or whether it was because of the smoke in the conference room.

The only one who feels comfortable is probably Eli, the weapons expert who sits at the underground shooting range as soon as he gets to work.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what's wrong with you, guys." Brian opened the surrounding windows: "Seeing your appearance, I even wonder if I have been away for two months."

In terms of solving crimes, Ivan is the more responsible and serious person.

He held a laser pointer and pointed at the seven photos of the deceased on the projector:

“Currently, we have two cases on hand.

The most troublesome thing is the one in front of me.

This is a week ago, seven mummified bodies were discovered in a warehouse in the B5 area.

The corpse had been dead for too long and had been processed using special techniques, making it impossible to recognize its original appearance. Even the 3D bone restoration technology was unable to provide technical support.

Their data was not found in the DNA database.

Their abdomens were cut open and their internal organs disappeared.

The only thing that is certain is two things.

One is gender.

Four of them are men and three are women.

Another thing is that they are all drug addicts. "

Brian carefully looked at the knife marks on the abdomens of the corpses for a few times before wondering: "Since this case is under the jurisdiction of Group B5, why was it assigned to us?"

Old Harden sighed and interjected:

“Someone stuffed a privately made time bomb into their takeaway fast food.

There were five people in the office at the time, and four were killed on the spot. The remaining one is still in a coma. Now, there is only one team leader and two team members left in their team.

The headquarters sent people to investigate and found that the cause was just one time when eating at a fast food restaurant, a member of the B5 team wanted to have sex with a female waitress there. His boyfriend was so angry that he gave them a big gift. "

Glenn expressed the deepest emotion: "I feel that people nowadays are getting more and more grumpy."

Old Harden immediately retorted: "You are just afraid that the husbands of those women you have slept with will stuff the black and dirty muzzles of guns into your mouth! I just hope you will not implicate us by then!"

"You'd better resolve your prostitution matters first, old prostitute!" Glenn counterattacked unceremoniously.

The two have been bickering since their first discordant meeting.

While talking.

Old Harden's cell phone rang.

He glanced at the number, ignored the quarrel with Glenn, and ran out of the conference room with a shy smile: "Ophelia, don't be like this, I thought our relationship was not measured by money."

Edna, who was sitting next to Old Harden, rubbed her red eyes: "He has been very busy recently. I heard that he didn't want to be blackmailed by the women in the drag club and was planning to take the relationship route, but it didn't look like it was going well. "


No wonder Susan saw herself as if she were her biological father.

Having such a group of subordinates was truly a blessing that she had cultivated in her previous life.

Brian walked to the projector, looked at the knife marks on the abdomens of the corpses again, and said to Ivan: "Is this case troublesome?"

Ivan nodded:

"We investigated the warehouse and found that the previous owner of the warehouse died half a year ago. He was a weird old man who didn't communicate and there was no useful information on him.

This is actually nothing.

The biggest problem is that there have been frequent murders of drug addicts in Los Angeles recently.

When the bodies of these drug addicts were found, their organs were all hollowed out!

This reminds us of a terrible thing."

Hearing Ivan's words, Brian's mind worked quickly: drug addicts, organs...


Brian thought of a terrible guess!

His expression also became serious: "You mean, someone is using the bodies of drug addicts to make drugs?"

Ivan nodded: "Yes, it is likely to be the case."

Brian nodded: "That is indeed troublesome."

Due to long-term use of illegal drugs by drug addicts, there will be a large amount of unmetabolized illegal drugs in their organs. In other words, their organs can be extracted with high purity illegal drugs after simple operations.


Sell illegal drugs to drug addicts.

After the money of drug addicts is drained, they are killed and their organs are taken to extract illegal drugs.

The extracted illegal drugs are then sold to drug addicts.

It is a closed loop.

The person who came up with this idea is really a genius.

Because drug addicts are originally a group of bugs hiding in the sewers, even their relatives do not pay attention to them at all.

The probability of sudden death of drug addicts is also high.

Even if someone remembers that they haven't appeared for a long time, they will just sigh and say that this guy is finally free, and then do what they should do instead of wasting time to find out where the other person died.

This kind of thing is too common.

Every year, the number of unclaimed bodies in Los Angeles exceeds four digits.

To put it bluntly.

Ordinary police officers, unless they are drug lords who can gain benefits, will not pay special attention to the cases of drug addicts being killed.

So why are Ivan and others so nervous?

Because the banned drugs extracted from the bodies of drug addicts will carry a very scary substance: prions!

Once prions enter the human body, there is a high probability that the host will suffer from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (prion disease).

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is a relatively rare terminal illness that will cause the host to have sleep disorders, resulting in sudden personality changes, and then the host will gradually lose the ability to speak and see, and eventually die within one or two years.

The mortality rate is 100%, and no one survives.

The key is that this disease is contagious and hereditary!

The transmission routes include body fluids, blood, medical and surgical instruments, which are almost the same as HIV.

The problem is.

During surgery or medical treatment, basic HIV testing will be performed. Unless the symptoms of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease are obvious, it is easy to neglect it.


that is sexual transmission.

As the saying goes, pornography, gambling and drugs.

Pornography and the two are closely linked.

It is also normal for drug addicts to party after taking drugs.

This will form a human-to-human transmission phenomenon.

The reason why few people know about Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, also known as prion disease, is mainly because this disease is not common.

Generally, it is not that someone is perverted and takes the initiative to eat the brain of the same kind, or carries related genetic genes and is also diseased. The probability of getting sick is very small.

The death of drug addicts is just a small matter.

The transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease from person to person is a big problem!

Brian rubbed his head: "How could such a case be handed over to us? Normally, shouldn't the FBI be directly involved?"

Ivan looked apologetic:

"The FBI said that members of their branch were persecuted and currently need psychological counseling.

NW thinks that this is the trouble caused by our B6 group, because it was originally mainly the fault of the FBI, but now it has become the main responsibility of NW.

They will arrange people to help investigate together.

But if it doesn't go well, our group needs to take the blame."


Isn't this Susan taking the blame?

He let out a long breath: "Tell me about the current progress of the investigation. There is also a body. I want to see the body."

When you are in doubt, ask the cheat.

For his future daughter-in-law Susan, Brian is ready to open up a little.

Ivan spread his hands:

"The bodies have been sent to the other A teams.

Glenn mobilized his informants and found that all the drugs detected to carry prions on the market were randomly thrown out at night. The murderer had no intention of selling them. It was more like a revenge action and a terrorist attack.

The problem is that there are too many people harmed by drug addicts.

There are also many people who have the corresponding extraction technology.

This group is too large. Even if we screen the crime features that meet both conditions, it will take a long time.

When that time comes.

Even if we catch the initiator, we will be thrown out to take the blame."

Hearing this.

Brian also felt a headache.

Not for money is equivalent to reducing the steps of crime and reducing the risk of being caught.

He also lit a cigarette with some depression: "What about the investigation of the extraction site? If you want to extract banned drugs from so many organs, the smell will be very strong, and the site required must be very large. There are only so many suitable places. Maybe there will be gains?"

"Useless!" Ivan shook his head directly:

"When this case was discovered, the entire black and white in Los Angeles were mobilized. In one night, they searched all possible places, but there was no gain.

We didn't even dare to issue a notice, otherwise it would cause panic among the masses.

And even if the notice was issued, those drug addicts who are addicted to drugs would not care about these.

The only way we can solve the dilemma is to arrange a large number of people to lurk in the streets at night, and secretly install cameras on some streets with more drug addicts to see if we can bump into the guy who spreads prion drugs.

As long as we find the source, whether we catch the other party or kill him, we can solve the problem."

After listening to Ivan's narration.

Brian felt a headache.

Thinking for a long time.

He thought of a solution that was not a solution.

Looking at Ivan who was anxious and guilty.

Brian patted him on the shoulder and said, "I know. I have a way to find the other party. Leave this case to me. You can have a good rest for the night and deal with another case first."

After that.

Brian walked towards Susan's office.

Raise a dog for ten days, use it for a moment.

Go ahead, Thirteen!

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