You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 105 I'm going to have sex, I don't have time to listen to your nagging (Additional

Dong dong dong~

After knocking on the door as a courtesy, Brian pushed the door open and entered.

Susan was teasing Thirteen with beef jerky. When she saw Brian push the door open and come in, she glared at him: "Employee Brian, please pay attention to your identity!"

"Of course I know I'm a man, no need to remind me, team leader." Brian chuckled and took out a folded movie poster from his pocket: "When I went to play, I saw this in a small store. A limited edition signed poster of a Western cowboy. I begged the shop owner for a long time before I bought it.”

When Susan saw the poster, her eyes lit up and she snatched it over: "It's a signed limited edition movie poster of Death Showdown! I spent tens of thousands of dollars to get it but I didn't get it. How did you find it?"

Brian shook his head: "I don't know. Maybe it was God's guidance, thinking that it should appear in your hands. By the way, the case you asked me about before was another case besides the poisoning case?"

Susan nodded:

"Yes, a pervert, wandering at night, wearing a clown mask, holding a sledgehammer, appearing in any remote location, waiting for prey to come to him.

There are already four victims.

There was a surveillance camera that captured a blurry image of the other party, but it was of no use. The other party acted simply and neatly, without picking anyone. He would leave after killing the person and the location of his next appearance would be random.

The characteristic mask and hammer are also very common COS styles for Halloween.

You know.

It's almost Halloween.

This also puts our investigation into trouble. "

Brian looked into her eyes: "But the poisoning case is related to your stay."

Susan shrugged: "It doesn't matter. When I came here, I made a bet with my father. Now that the former leader of Group A1 who made me bet is dead, I can become a bounty hunter at any time. This is also my dream. "

"Tsk, tsk." Brian's eyes were full of disappointment: "You don't have any regrets about me and Thirteen. You are really a scumbag!"


Thirteen, who was chewing beef vigorously, even though he didn’t know what a scumbag was, he still helped the big dog and barked in response.


Susan slapped the table and stood up: "Isn't it useful to be reluctant? If you have the ability, you can solve the case within three days!"


Almost the moment Susan slapped her on the desk, Thirteen had already jumped off the table with beef jerky in his mouth and hid aside.

Susan was still sullen at first, but was immediately amused by Thirteen's reaction: "What kind of owner there is, there is what kind of dog. Okay, Brian, there will always be some people who will appear in front of you, and they will Some people have left. You have the highest ranking in Group B6. I will recommend you to become the new team leader."

"No, no, no." Brian held out a finger to express his refusal:

“Group B6 cannot live without you, just like the West cannot live without Jerusalem!

Susan, I don’t want to continue to hang out in NW without you taking the blame. Let’s make a bet. I can solve the poisoning case in one day! "

Susan was a little embarrassed by Brian's words.

Is he really that important in Brian's heart?

She lowered her head and clasped the revolver at her waist with her little hand: "What are you betting on?"

"If I win, just let me kiss you!"

Susan raised her head with a dangerous look in her eyes: "What if you lose?"

Brian shrugged: "I'll take a small loss and let you kiss me twice."


Susan took out the revolver directly.

The man greeted the dog, and the dog took the beef jerky in its mouth. One man and one dog fled in confusion.

After leaving.

Brian is preparing to communicate with Thirteen about today's important tasks.

A text message appeared on his mobile phone: "Limited edition signed photo, how much did it cost? - Susan."

Brian replied instantly: "The brand new knife is ten dollars, the old one is more expensive, it costs fifteen dollars. The most expensive one I bought for you is from a regular grocery store. You can check the invoice."

Finish expressing your sincerity.

In order to prevent women from affecting his efficiency in solving crimes, Brian put away his mobile phone, smiled and touched Thirteen's head: "Thirteen, you are not young anymore, do you want to try some adult stuff?"

Thirteen looked at Brian straightforwardly: "Wang?"

Brian took out a small bag of powder: "Come on, smell it. We must find the place with the strongest smell tonight!"

The ignorant Thirteen, encouraged by his good master who had no bad habits, made his first mistake.

In fact, NW has also considered using trained police dogs to track this batch of special banned drugs, but it is simply not feasible.

Because those police dogs cannot distinguish the difference between special prohibited drugs and ordinary prohibited drugs, nor can they understand overly complex commands.

Brian is different from Thirteen. They have the ability to think for themselves, analyze, and capture the unique ingredients in special banned drugs. They are extraordinary police dogs.

After some pheromone exchange.

Brian drove the newly purchased used car and took a stroll in the slums of Los Angeles.

the other side.

After Susan got home, she sat down next to her friend who was wearing cool clothes.

A friend who was watching a soap opera saw Susan in this state, holding a crumpled poster in her hand, as if she had seen a volcanic eruption in Yellowstone Park: "God, which witch put a curse on you, Susan?" , this is the first time I’ve seen signs of estrus in you!”

Susan glanced at her friend and sighed: "Okay, I really seem to have different feelings about Brian."

Hearing this, the friend's eyes lit up: "He came back early?"


"Did you do what I said?", the friend said while looking around, but found that he had eaten all the fries, and couldn't help feeling that the melon was a bit dry.

Susan nodded, and then told Brian's reaction.

Hearing this, the friend sneered: "Susan, through your mouth, I can smell the scumbag smell of Brian, he is like..."

"Caroline!", Susan stood up suddenly, looking at her only good friend and bestie with disappointment: "Stop talking! You don't understand him at all!"

After that.

She went straight back to the bedroom and closed the door heavily.

Caroline rolled her eyes, and a flying razor appeared on her fingers: "Interesting, my wife is going to be robbed."

It was more than four o'clock in the morning.

One person and one dog mechanically stretched their heads out of the window, like nerves, and inhaled the air outside.

Suddenly. Thirteen's dull eyes lit up: "Wang! (Big Dog, there is a smell over here!)"


Brian got out of the car and took Thirteen to the direction where the smell came from.

There was no way.

After a long search.

They had found similar smells no less than a hundred times.

But every time they tracked the direction where the smell disappeared, they found that it was either the hiding place or residence of drug addicts, or a building, chair, or even a telephone pole with no clue.

There was no logic at all.

It was as if those special contraband fell from the sky.

After so many times.

Brian became numb.

Thirteen's mind was much simpler. He failed again and again, just like playing a game, and the more he played, the more excited he became.

Follow the smell.

The two walked through the alley, then through a residential area, and finally came to a remote and empty building.

There was only a dim street lamp on around.

A few bare trees were scattered in a mess, hanging pairs of eyes with dim light.

"So many crows?"

Brian narrowed his eyes slightly. He recognized the crows at a glance. They were North American crows, which were not common here. Adults can reach 40 to 50 centimeters in size. They usually live in the wilderness, but some like to live in cities and catch mice and small insects for a living.

The key is that these things usually live in small groups, three to five in a group. Looking at the eyeballs here, there are no less than 30 or 40 pairs. Something is wrong!

"Thirteen, go!"

Brian felt the strong smell around him and found that the crows were staring at this side. He whispered to Thirteen.


Thirteen responded softly and got into the building in front.

Brian continued to wander around the building.

When he saw the sign, he realized that this was actually a small private crematorium.

Cremation, crows...

Brian clenched his fists.

Damn it!

I finally found you!

This kind of small crematorium is generally a family-owned private enterprise or self-employed. The maintenance cost is not small, but there are not many businesses that can be operated. They mainly rely on cremation and selling boxes to make money.

And part of this cost has to be shared with the people in the funeral home.

So the general staff are all family members, or even just one person.

Brian saw that Thirteen had not returned yet, glanced at the crows, took out a large bottle of colorless isoflurane liquid from his pocket, found a position where the crows were in the limelight, and drank a large can of anesthetic liquid.

These liquids, before they took effect, were isolated and decomposed into gas under the action of Brian's body, and then discharged outward through his pores, blending into the air, and became volatile isoflurane anesthetic gas.

More than a minute later.

One crow after another fell from the tree.

After Brian stepped on a few of them to death, he jumped directly and rushed to the wall of the crematorium, following Thirteen's smell and chasing after him.

This crematorium is not big.

Three or four minutes later, Brian followed the smell and came to a warehouse where boxes and other funeral items were stored.

Thirteen, this stupid dog, was squatting in front of a drainpipe stupidly.

Seeing Brian coming over.

It wagged its tail happily: "Wang~ (Found it~)"

"Silly dog." Brian, like an old father, taught it the traces left by sneaking in, and then took it along the water pipe to find the underground entrance.

Brian worked in the Forensic Bureau and had followed some old forensic doctors to go out on field trips and visited some old-fashioned crematoriums.

Under these old-fashioned crematoriums, there is often an underground space for regular furnace maintenance and diesel addition.

See the underground entrance, there is a surveillance.

Brian was too lazy to sneak.

He took out his pistol and asked Thirteen to hide, then turned the corner and aimed at the door lock connection and fired three shots in a row.

After three shots.

Brian kicked it hard.

With a muffled thud, the thick wooden door was kicked open, revealing a dark passage leading to the underground.

Brian took a deep breath, fully activated, and rushed in directly.

There is not much space in this kind of place.

Three or five big strides.

Brian came to a modified narrow space filled with internal organs and purification equipment.

A man who looked to be in his thirties, wearing a gas mask, raised his head somewhat slowly, and when he saw Brian holding a gun, his dull eyes moved twice, and he reached out to take off the gas mask, wanting to say something.

Bang bang bang bang~

Four consecutive gunshots.

Brian looked at the man with his limbs broken and said with a smile: "Sorry, I have to go to make love, I don't have time to listen to your nonsense."

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Additional update:

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