You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 106 Say Thank You! (5,700 words long chapter, two chapters in one)

NW Operations Department, Group B6 office.

The guard who was standing in the guard room stretching his body with a cup of coffee looked at the tall man bathing in the morning light, dragging a blood-stained trailer towards the gate, and nervously dropped the coffee cup in his hand to the ground.

Ignoring the heat, he hurriedly pulled out the pistol from his waist and issued a warning: "Stop, this is the NW station, stop quickly!"


A cream-yellow puppy, only thirty centimeters long and somewhat compact in appearance, poked its head out from behind the tall man and grinned at the guard.

Brian looked at the doorman in confusion and pointed to the NW police badge pinned to the collar of his suit: "Man, I am Brian, the coroner here. You look a little strange. Where is the previous doorman?"

After seeing the badge clearly, the guard took back his pistol and breathed a sigh of relief: "Sorry, I've only been here a day. I heard that the previous guard was reading a color magazine during the attack a few days ago, and his throat was cut by a madman with a knife. "


He came forward and said, "I need help. Um..."

The guard saw clearly the thin man on the shelf who was motionless, his limbs covered with blood, wearing a dirty smelly apron and a gas mask hanging around his neck. The smile on his face froze again: "Is this a corpse?"

"No, he's a criminal. Open the door for me. Man, if you can, help me find someone to clean the pickup truck parked on the roadside with water. The cost will be listed on the B6 group's bill."

"Okay, Brian, um, let me ask you, did you say before that you were the coroner?" The doorman asked again uncertainly, looking at the gunshot wounds that accurately hit the limb joints of the man on the trailer.

Such ruthless shooting skills.

You call this a coroner?

Brian frowned slightly: "Yes, man, open the door, I'm in a hurry, otherwise this guy will lose too much blood."

This new guard talks a lot.

It's about seven o'clock in the morning.

The working time is nine o'clock, and everyone hasn't come to work yet.

While there is still time.

Brian pulled the trailer to the underground level, threw the suspect whose name he didn't know into the morgue, poured disinfectant on it, took out an unused dissecting scalpel, and cut open the wound to remove the bullet.

in process.

The unconscious man screamed like a slaughtering pig.

This is an anatomy room, not a medical room.

Brian punched the man directly and used physical anesthesia on the man.

He was like an extremely precise robot. Without any unnecessary movement, he swiftly removed the bullet stuck in the man's joint, and then scrawledly bandaged and sutured the man's wound.

Unless precious special treatment reagents are used for this kind of gunshot wound, it will still be a disability. In addition, the other party committed such a thing, so there is no need to waste more energy.

I have to mention it.

California has the death penalty, and although you have to wait in line for a long time, it's a pretty pleasant death.

The world is different.

Because of the blood moon, felons who have been in prison for hundreds of years have a high rate of transition. Various official aberration laboratories have dedicated personnel in prisons, waving money to welcome these felons.

After hemostasis and wound suturing are completed.

Brian carried the man to the office, found a large box, arranged him like a gift, and placed a large bag of illegal drugs that had not yet been cleaned and had a fishy smell beside it. He tied it with a bow and threw it to Susan. Office door.

Do it all.

Brian yawned, lay down directly on the big sofa in Susan's office, and fell asleep.

Thirteen, who was pecking at the rice, lay down under the sofa and snored lightly.

It's past eight o'clock.

Susan, with dark circles under her eyes, was the first to come to the office.

The moment I opened the office door.

She twitched her nose twice, placed her right hand on the revolver at her waist vigilantly, and scanned the office until she saw the large cardboard box placed at the door of her office.

"Isn't this the cardboard box that used to contain the TV?"

With doubts.

Susan walked forward and found a note stuck on the carton: "A gift for Susan, don't forget the promise - Brian."

Below the font, there is the address of the crematorium.

It was already noon when Brian was woken up.

He opened his eyes and found that there were yelling and the sound of objects colliding in the office outside, and he was covered with a thin blanket.

"FK Squid!"

There was a loud bang.

A strange man with a bruised nose and face knocked open the door of Susan's office, fell on the carpet, curled up, covered his stomach with his hands, and made a grunting sound.

Brian glanced at him to make sure he didn't recognize him, then stepped over the other person's body and came to the outer office.

I saw that the small office was crowded with people.

On one side were the weak Old Harden and the others, on the other side were a dozen strong men with firearms and NW Operations Department police badges, and a capable woman holding a tablet.

Among them, Ivan was carrying a man on his back, pulling two men who were trying to hold him, riding on the other man, firing his bow from left to right, beating the other man until he screamed and vomited blood.

Glenn did the opposite.

This Kid with Kidney Deficiency was pinned to the ground by two people and shot from left to right. He had been beaten into a pig's head and was unconscious.

"Hey, someone is bullying me."

Brian silently took out his Glock 17 gun and pointed it at a man who was watching a movie with his arms folded and a cigarette in his mouth: "Excuse me, can I ask what the matter is?"

The man with his arms folded across his chest noticed Brian coming out of the team leader's office.

He glanced at the pistol in Brian's hand, disdain flashed in his eyes, and asked the woman next to him: "Who is this guy?"

The woman glanced at the tablet and said expressionlessly: "Brian, Group B6 coroner, B-series soldier, a lucky guy who killed a wanted S-class aberrant."

"I seem to have heard of this name"

The man thought for a moment and found that he couldn't think of it, so he didn't bother to think about it.

Anyway, in the entire B6 group, the only person he can pay a little attention to is the group leader Susan.

It's a pity that this woman is not here, so I can only vent my anger on her men first.

The man said to the men beside him: "Two of you are gone."

next moment.

There was a bang.

The hot impact passed through the man's mouth, exploding the cigarette in his mouth into sputtering tobacco.

The whole office fell silent instantly.

Everyone stopped and looked at Brian who fired the gun.

Ivan also pushed away the three men who were trying to pull him away, walked up to Glenn, and dragged the unconscious Glenn to Brian: "These are the people from the A1 team. These people want to find Susan." Team leader, we said the team leader was not here, so they took action.”

Brian nodded and waved his gun impatiently: "Ask me again, can I ask what it is?"

The man seemed to have no idea that someone would dare to shoot him.

He stretched out his hand tremblingly, touched his lips that were burned by the bullet, and said angrily: "FK, are you dead? Get your gun!"

The others immediately stretched their hands to their waists.

Old Harden, who was holding a mobile phone at the side, said anxiously: "It's broken, why did Brian shoot directly? Team leader Susan's phone can't be reached again. Edna, call the headquarters quickly, something is going to happen!"


Old Harden also took out his gun and wanted to stand next to Brian and confront the group of people.

He really can't fight.

But at this time, if you don't stand up with a gun, don't hang out in the B6 group in the future.

Before Old Harden could take a step.

Bang bang bang~

There was a volley of gunfire.

Pistols were accurately hit by bullets. They were either thrown away or the handles were cracked by the blows. The hands of those who touched the guns were shocked and screamed, and they were all frightened into a cold sweat.

What an accurate shot!

Fifteen pistols were shot away in a row.

Brian faced the horrified looks of those people and walked up to the man who gave the order.

"You", the man felt something was wrong and wanted to retreat.

Brian kicked out, interrupted the man's words, kicked the man to his knees on the ground, added a gun butt, hit him on the head, beat him until he hugged his head and wailed, and then turned to look at the expression on the side. Calm woman: "Who is this idiot?"

The woman cooperated: "Hamad White, the new leader of the AI ​​team, his grandfather is the founder of NW and one of the three major decision-makers. However, his grandfather has eight children, and his children have more than three children." He's just one of ten."

Brian looked at this honest woman in surprise, then squatted down and grabbed the hair of the wailing man on the ground: "Hamed, it's nice to meet you, but I don't like rude people. I'll give you another chance. Tell me, what’s the purpose of coming to our B6 group today?”

Hamed was grabbed by his hair and forced to hold his head up.

He looked at Brian with hatred: "You bastard, I won't let you go."

"wrong answer!"

Brian directly inserted the muzzle of the gun into Hamed's mouth, raised his cheek, and pulled the trigger directly!

Flesh and blood exploded.

A large hole was directly torn out of half of Hamed's cheek muscles, exposing the opponent's gums to the air. Under the gushing blood, they looked like ferocious rotting zombies.

He stared at Brian with wide eyes, and his whole body was shaking. He didn't know whether it was pain or fear.

Others at the scene were also stunned.

They looked at the handsome and gentle Brian like a lunatic, completely unable to understand why this guy dared to shoot after he knew about their boss's life experience.

Brian didn't care at all what other people were looking at.

He took out the barrel of the gun, which was somewhat heated due to continuous shooting, changed its position, inserted it into Hamed's mouth again, and pushed up the other cheek of the other side:

"Although I don't understand why your mother forgot to recharge your IQ when she gave birth to you, but you must thank her for giving you two cheeks.

Now, you have one last chance to speak."

Hamed was horrified.

Because of his life experience, he has always had smooth sailing since he was born, and what he wants can basically be obtained by opening his mouth.

No one had ever treated him so rudely.

Now, not only was he beaten to the ground like a dead dog in front of a group of men, but his cheeks were also blown off in a humiliating way.

If it is usual.

Hamed would be so angry that he would be beaten to death.

But now, he just wants to go back alive, hide in his mother's arms and cry about what happened to him today.

While swallowing the blood that flowed into his throat, Hamed wanted to speak, but because one side of his mouth was broken and the muzzle of the gun was blocked, his tongue could not move, so he could only make a whine.

Seeing this, Brian's eyes flashed with amusement, and he said deliberately: "As expected of a big shot like the team leader, he is very tough. It seems that I can only ask someone else to ask."

As he spoke, he put his finger on the trigger, pressed down, and pulled the trigger.


Brian did a very bad job of simulating the sound of a gunshot.

No bullet was fired from the gun.

It turned out that the seventeen-round magazine had just been empty.

Woo! ! !

Hamed was so frightened that he rolled his eyes and twitched. He saw that the expensive custom-made handmade trousers were directly dyed dark by some kind of liquid, and he fainted from the fright.

After making sure to leave enough psychological shadow on this guy.

Brian slowly drew out his pistol, wiped the saliva off Hamed's body, stood up to change the ammunition, and looked at the woman next to Hamed: "Tell me, what are you doing here?"

The woman said calmly:

“Hamad got the message.

You caught the murderer of the poisoning case.

Your team leader, Susan, took the murderer and people from the headquarters to the drug manufacturing site, not the office.

Therefore, on the advice of his assistant, Hamed deliberately brought people here to cause trouble, intending to use you to threaten Susan and give him part of the credit. "

The people behind the woman were a little embarrassed when they saw the woman telling them the reason for their visit. Some picked up the gun, some lowered their heads and rubbed their hands, but no one cared about Hamed on the ground.

You can see it.

They have almost no sense of belonging to the new captain Hamed.

Brian looked at the woman in surprise: "You are very honest."

"Although this is true, thank you for the compliment."

The woman smiled for the first time:

"Hamed is stupid, and the assistant he brought here is stupid and disgusting. Being led by such a person is irresponsible for our lives.

We originally wanted to use the hands of team leader Susan to take him down, but we didn't expect that your B6 team would have such a ruthless person like you. "

Hearing this, Brian didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

This shit sounds like a stupid thing done by a second generation who was raised and wasted, under the advice of an equally stupid assistant.

The reason why Brian dared to be so arrogant was because this was the office of Group B6.

There are rules in the industry.

Unless someone from the NW Internal Affairs Department comes to the door with a signed warrant.

Otherwise, if others dare to attack them, they have the right to fight back.

As long as no one is killed, it doesn't matter.

It can be seen from this that the veterans of Team A's Group 1 really hate the new Hamed, which is why they did not explain these unspoken rules to the other party.

Because unless Susan, the leader of the B6 group, does not pursue the case.

Otherwise, even if Hamed's family is powerful, Hamed will face an investigation by the NW Ministry of Internal Affairs afterwards and will not be able to stay in NW.

"All right."

Brian took back his pistol: "Where is Hamed's assistant?"

The woman pointed to the door of the team leader's office behind Brian: "He was the first to strike. He was beaten by your tall colleague and flew into the office."

Ivan wiped the wound on the corner of his mouth: "If I had known you guys were just pretending, I would have taken out my gun and shot that bad-mouthed bastard to death!"

When had he and Glenn ever suffered such a loss?

If it weren't for the two weak old men, Old Harden and female colleague Edna, who were at the scene, they would have drawn their guns!

"Okay!" Brian looked at the messy office, picked up the coffee on a table, and walked impatiently to Hamed, who had passed out, and poured the coffee on Hamed's bloody hole. On the cheek.

Stimulated by drinks.

Hamed woke up in pain.

He glanced around blankly at first, and when his eyes met Brian's, he was so frightened that he backed away, climbed up from the ground, and hid behind his subordinates: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I say."

Because there was a big hole in his mouth, he could barely speak.

Brian shrugged, wiped away the blood splattered on his face, and said in a gentle tone: "Captain Hamed, you misunderstood. We are all civilized people, how could we kill our own people? I was just looking at you. Smoking in our office uses some drastic measures to warn you that smoking is harmful to your health.”

"I'm sorry, I was wrong. I won't smoke anymore. My mouth hurts now. I need to see a doctor!"

Seeing that Brian showed no signs of further action, Hamed covered his wounds and wanted to escape from this place, not even caring about the life or death of his trusted assistant.

"Wait a moment!"

Brian stopped Hamed who was about to run away.

Hamed was frightened by Brian's previous crazy behavior.

He didn't dare to gamble on whether he could leave alive if he angered a madman, so he could only endure the fear and the severe pain on his cheek and turned around obediently.

Brian walked toward Hamed.

When passing by.

Hamed's subordinates moved out of the way.

Seeing Brian, who was a head taller than him, looking down at him, Hamed felt that his bladder, which had just lost control, was about to lose control again.

He didn't even dare to continue to look at Brian, letting the blood on his cheeks flow to the collar of his expensive handmade suit, and said tremblingly: "Is there anything else?"

"Be polite." Brian exuded his biological force field and enveloped Hamed, smiling kindly at him: "When someone advises you to smoke, say thank you."

In an instant.

Hamed felt an invisible hand gripping his heart.

He said blankly: "Thank you."

"Very good." Brian nodded: "Go see a doctor and don't smoke so arrogantly next time on other people's territory."

Until Brian stayed away.

Hamed, who was completely frightened, was pulled by his subordinates and left here stupidly and mechanically.

"Brian, are your marksmanship so good?"

Glenn woke up, with a swollen pig's head, and stared blankly at the surveillance camera, where Brian accurately shot down fifteen people's pistols, as if he was seeing God.

He considers his marksmanship to be among the best in the police force.

But in front of Brian's marksmanship, it was like a child playing with a water gun, not worth mentioning.

Ivan and Old Harden all nodded in agreement.

Although Brian often stayed at the shooting range and was accurate, he was slow to shoot and had never shown his marksmanship in actual combat in front of them.

Brian shrugged: "I can't help it. Men can do anything, but they can't do anything with marksmanship."

The two looked at each other and laughed.

In addition to some innocent female clerk Edna, the two old fritters Old Harden and Ivan also started laughing.

There have been several incidents.

This group, which has only been established for more than a month, has finally gained some cohesion.

the other side.

Susan, who was a little confused about how to face Brian, came out of the parking lot distractedly.

She has mixed emotions now.

I was surprised, happy, and a little shy.

Surprisingly, it was confirmed by headquarters staff that the man caught by Brian was the murderer of the poisoning case.

The other party was originally a bird trainer in the acrobatic troupe, but his father was shot and killed by a drug addict who was robbing him, and this revenge plan was launched.

He wants to kill all the drug addicts in Los Angeles!

It's a pity that I met a fool like Brian, otherwise even if he was caught later, many drug addicts and innocent people would die from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (prion disease).

prevented such a disaster.

The B6 team that quickly solved the case was a blessing in disguise and received a commendation from the headquarters.

Susan, the team leader, is also expected to win the title of NW Operations Department's Team Leader of the Year. This is a qualification and means that she will have the opportunity to continue to rise in the future.

Although Susan didn't care, she still felt a little proud after getting results.


Susan thought about what Brian said about the kiss before, and wondered... How could this damn guy be so powerful? He actually caught the murderer that no one had a clue to in one night!

I thought that after I came back, I would sleep very hard on the sofa in the office, one person and one dog.

Susan admitted she was touched.

She touched her pocket for the oral cleaning spray she bought specially when she came back, took a deep breath, and decided to act stronger in front of her male subordinates later, so as not to lose face as a team leader!

at this time.

A group of people with incomprehensible expressions, surrounded by a man with stiff movements and a big hole in his face, walked towards the parking lot.

As soon as the two sides met.

Susan narrowed her eyes slightly and her hand had already touched the handle of the revolver at her waist: "Hamad, why did you appear in my territory?"

Except for one 'closet' who stood next to Hamed with a bruised nose and face, everyone took a step back in tacit agreement and let Hamed and his assistant out.


At this moment, he was very helpless.

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