You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 107 It's just such a small amount of money. It's hard for me to keep it a secret f

Team leader's office.

Susan wiped the blood off her hands with a tissue, looked at Brian who was yawning and looked very tired, stood up and closed the office door: "I have warned Hamed that he will not retaliate against you."

Brian glanced at the closed door, put away his disguise, and came to Susan who pretended to be calm: "Don't talk about that idiot, Susan, the poisoning case has been solved"

"It's all thanks to Thirteen, you wu."

For a long time.

Susan stepped on Brian's chest, wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth, looked down at Brian and said: "Before you tell me how many women you have slept with, you are not allowed to sneak attack your boss' mouth in the office, otherwise I will blow your head off!"

Brian nodded aggrievedly.

You don't have this attitude when kissing.

The poisoning case has been solved.

Team B6 has another case on hand, that is the clown murder case.

In the afternoon.

Brian took Thirteen and took turns to check the scenes where the clown committed crimes.

Unfortunately, the scenes were all empty areas.

Apart from the smell of blood left by the victims, there was nothing to be gained.

He went to check the bodies of the victims again.

All were killed by hammers.

The hammer was a long-handled iron hammer used on construction sites, weighing about 20 pounds. Although it was not so common, there were many in circulation, so it was difficult to use it to investigate the identity of the murderer.

The workload was too heavy.

Even for a hacker, facing this kind of random killing case just for the sake of killing, Brian was a little helpless for a while.

He could only wait for the other party to commit a crime again to see if there was a chance to find some useful clues.

After get off work.

Brian wanted to find Susan to enhance their relationship, but he received a shocking bad news.

Susan rode a motorcycle and said to Brian with a smile: "Brian, because you solved the poisoning case, the headquarters rewarded me to go to the Commonwealth headquarters for a month of training. It happened that I exchanged a few strengthening liquids and needed to adapt, so see you in a month."


Brian wanted to say something else.


Susan has already turned the accelerator of the motorcycle and rushed out from in front of Brian.

She wants to use this month to see if Brian will be honest.

A promiscuous rubbish.

Even if she is moved, she won't want him!

Brian felt a little disappointed as he watched Susan disappear.

The women he met in the part-time job before were just pure physical relationships. He was really attracted to Susan at first, but after getting along for a long time, he was really moved.

But in the middle, it is not easy.

Getting Susan is just the first step, and there is also the family behind Susan that needs to be challenged.

Still have to work hard!

"Let's go, Thirteen, you are now a baby of two months and several days. Dad will take you to have a drink today."

While there is nothing to do.

Tomorrow is Halloween again, and the group will have a holiday.

Brian is going to call the group members and the two new members who will join the group soon to get in touch with each other.


There are only two bachelors in the B6 group, Ivan and Glenn, who accepted Brian's invitation.

Old Harden and weapons expert Ali were going home to spend Halloween with their families.

The new female Edna was fine.

But when she accompanied Glenn back to his house, she found that the doorbell of Glenn's house was a silicone head with a woman's mouth open.

Well, it was the small mouth head of a sex doll.

Every time you press the doorbell, you need to put your finger into the mouth once.

Edna felt that Glenn did not respect women and kicked him on the spot.

She heard that Glenn would come.

She rejected Brian's invitation to the party.

The two newcomers, one was Brian's former colleague Tom, and the other was the black patrolman Green.

After introducing each other.

Brian placed the disposable wine glass in front of the curious Thirteen, and looked at the somewhat restrained black patrolman Green and his former colleague Tom from the Forensic Bureau: "Why haven't you applied for transfer yet?"

Thom shrugged: "I've already done it, and the personnel file has been transferred to Group B6, but the female clerk in your group called me to go back to work after the holiday."

The black patrolman Green had a bitter face: "The bureau asked me to transfer after Halloween."

Thom sipped the cold beer and said with empathy: "It's normal. Every holiday is the busiest time. When I was a detective, I hated the holidays the most."

"Okay, try to hurry up." Brian also drank the beer in the glass in one gulp.

Except for the last bar party of Group B6.

He hasn't been so relaxed for a long time.


Thom asked curiously: "Brian, I heard that your group has solved the serious contraband poisoning case discovered a few days ago?"

This matter was not leaked, but as a strong man in the on-site investigation, Tom knew some information.

Brian nodded: "Well, Thirteen found the production den through the smell of special contraband and solved the case."

Thom looked at Thirteen licking beer under the table and said enviously: "What a good dog, I will raise one in the future. My former team leader said before that if I can get merit, I can exchange it for a magical reagent to restore my health."

He had been shot almost fatally before, and his body was seriously injured, so he couldn't work on the front line, so he went to the Forensic Bureau.

Hearing this, Brian didn't tell Tom that unless he made a great contribution and supported the component sequence, there would only be monetary rewards.

If you follow him, as long as Tom helps you, it's just a healing agent, not a big deal.

Green is just a patrolman who has just started working, and he has never even heard of poisoning cases.

After Tom gave him a general knowledge.

Green looked at Brian with admiration:

"I really hope I can transfer to the B6 group now and see some big cases.

Patrol is too boring.

I heard from my colleagues that Halloween is quite boring for us. We need to drive around and catch some kids who drink beer secretly, and some women who are drunk and crazy and run around the street without clothes."


Glenn, who has been looking for targets in the bar, turned back suddenly: "Dude, you mean, drunk women without clothes?"

Green nodded: "Yes, I heard that we catch a few every holiday, and then we will take them back to the police station to lock them up. Get up, and let them go back after they sober up."

Ivan also put down his glass: "A lot of beer?"

"Quite a lot." Green nodded again: "You know, middle school students like to imitate adults. They will take advantage of the holidays to buy some beer and hide to have a party."

Ivan and Glenn looked at each other, and at the same time said to the black patrolman Green seriously: "Man, as a new colleague who is about to join our team, we have the obligation to accompany you to complete the last day of patrol work tomorrow!"

Green was overjoyed: "Thank you, we must have a drink!"

Looking at the happy young people, Brian's eyes showed pity.

This guy doesn't know what he will suffer tomorrow with Teddy Brothers.

Alcohol really promotes feelings.

After drinking a little wine and bragging, the few people became familiar with each other.

But because they have to drive later.

Everyone drank more restrainedly.

Drunk driving is also checked here, but it is difficult to judge. It probably needs to meet Brian's drunk driving standard in his previous life to be considered drunk driving.

If the person is conscious and can walk freely, then even if the other party exceeds the standard, he will generally not be prosecuted.

Brian could excrete the alcohol in his body at any time, so he didn't care about it, but he didn't want his colleagues to hurt others and themselves. After drinking almost enough and making sure that everyone could walk freely, he proposed to leave.

Back to the apartment.

Brian parked the car and was about to go upstairs with Thirteen who was still burping.

On the balcony above his head, a man suddenly exclaimed in a low voice:

"You said you had my child? FK, impossible, absolutely impossible, so many people were on it at that time, you can't say it's my child just because I have some money, I won't admit it!"

The inferior mobile phone did not protect the man's privacy.

On the other end of the phone, a woman's angry voice came: "Don't quibble, it's yours, I can swear to God, because among so many people, you are the only one who didn't wear it..."


The man glanced at Brian who was eating melons downstairs, hung up the phone in a hurry, and disappeared on the balcony.

Seeing this, Brian grinned and chuckled.

If it's true, this guy is going to be in trouble.


He thought of something.

Susan said that in addition to keeping a group of mutants in captivity inside the NW base, they also use technological means to control their reproduction and select offspring with some mutant characteristics.

As a BOSS-level mutant, will my offspring be affected?

Thinking of this possibility.

The smile on Brian's face disappeared.

In theory, the children of my uncle all look normal, and the FBI did not disturb them, which means that the probability of affecting offspring by simply having one parent is a mutant is not high.

But Brian was still a little irritable.

In addition, he had taken a nap during the day.

After Brian threw Thirteen on the sofa, he changed into casual clothes and went out again, running on the street at night.

He has a strong physical fitness and endurance comparable to that of cattle and horses.


He ran to a subway entrance of the MRT Red Line.

Los Angeles has a well-developed road network, but the light rail subway is average and short. It was stopped for a long time before. It was restarted in 1993 and began to extend.

At this time, there were no passengers.

There were only a few homeless people, curled up on the cardboard under the surveillance and sleeping soundly.

This is a very smart approach.

Even if there are some people who want to tease and bully the homeless, they generally won't choose the homeless under surveillance, so the places with surveillance are good choices for homeless people.

However, such places are more likely to be expelled.

Brian has a keen sense of smell. Even if he doesn't turn on the enhanced sense of smell, he can still smell some excrement, and subconsciously speeds up.

After passing through the subway entrance and coming to a flower bed, he slowed down.


His ears moved slightly, and the enhanced sense of smell was turned on instantly.

The next moment.

A strong smell of blood rushed into the nasal cavity from behind the flower bed.

Brian narrowed his eyes slightly, stopped, and wanted to take out his gun, but found that he changed his clothes because he was in a bad mood and came out. Now he only has a bunch of keys and a mobile phone on him.

If it were normal, without absolute certainty, Brian would probably pretend not to notice and turn around and leave directly.

It's a pity that he is in a bad mood now.

In addition, the low-profile immortal body now gives Brian confidence.

He casually picked up an irregular stone weighing about one pound and disappeared behind the flower bed.

Behind the flower bed was an old public basketball court.

At this time, under the dim light.

On the basketball court, a figure wearing a clown mask and holding a big hammer was tilting his head, staring at the two bodies of a man and a woman on the ground in a daze.

In his hand, he was holding a bulging wallet.

Brian's eyes lit up.

The clown hammer killer!

The clown was sensitive and noticed Brian who appeared more than 20 meters away at the first time.

He glanced at the fence outside the basketball court, scratched his head, and suddenly threw the wallet in his hand directly to Brian.

The wallet fell accurately at Brian's feet.

Brian glanced at the wallet containing about a few hundred US dollars in cash, and looked at the clown on the basketball court again.

The other party pointed at the wallet, then pointed at his hammer that was still dripping with blood, stretched out his finger, and made a zipper-like motion on his mouth.

Brian shook his head, walked to the fence under the clown's curious eyes, and smiled at the clown across the fence: "Dude, it's just such a small amount of money, it's hard for me to keep it a secret for you!"

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