You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 108 New obsession, how old are you? (Additional chapter 2 for the leader ‘I don’t know if an

"Hee hee~"

The clown didn't seem to expect to meet such an interesting person, and made a sharp and hoarse voice: "Aren't you afraid of me?"

Brian was also afraid that he would scare the other party away.

He walked along the fence and said: "As a law-abiding federal citizen, if I see a murder case and don't call the police, my conscience will be uneasy."

The short clown, dragging a bloody hammer, followed Brian's steps across the basketball net fence: "What do you want?"

"This is conscience, my most precious thing, you want to buy it." Brian tossed the stone in his hand: "You have to pay more!"

"Hee hee~"

The clown looked at the fence that was about to end and laughed happily: "Okay."

The atmosphere is here.

It's not appropriate not to kill this person.

Brian also acted very happy.

In order to deal with the family behind Susan and obtain NW's deeper research data on the deformed, he needs to keep climbing up and have a higher status.

He has no prominent family background, and can only rely on the reputation and achievements that increase by solving cases.

The clown in front of him was the stepping stone for him to build a path to the power class.

Neither of them spoke anymore, leaving only the clown's hammer with a long bloodstain, rubbing against the concrete floor, making a clanging friction sound that echoed in the middle of the night.

The fence of dozens of meters was gone in the blink of an eye.

The clown tilted his head and looked at the tall man in front of him. The smile under the mask gradually became perverted: "Why aren't you afraid of me? Why aren't you afraid of me? You must be afraid of me!"

There was no tall fence blocking him.

Without waiting for Brian to reply.

The clown said nothing, raised the 20-pound hammer, and smashed it hard at Brian with a whistling sound.

Feeling the power condensed on the hammer, Brian was slightly shocked.

The clown looked only a little over 1.6 meters tall, but he didn't expect him to be so strong.

It was just a little slow.

Bryan tiptoed and slid back to avoid the heavy blow of the hammer.

How could he know.

The next moment.

Under such strong inertia, the opponent actually swung the hammer, unscientifically changing from smashing to sweeping, with the blessing of inertia, sweeping towards Brian's abdomen more fiercely.

Under supercomputer perception.

Brian's abdomen was strangely concave, and he barely avoided the hammer again.


The clown didn't expect Brian to be able to avoid it, and became more excited. His hands seemed to be holding light wood, and he swung it heavily and swept it horizontally. He was like a hammer master, changing his moves, lifting heavy objects with ease, and rubbing Newton's coffin board under his feet.

Brian was even more perverted.

Under supercomputer perception + physical control talent, he rubbed the clown's hammer every time and danced a mechanical dance.

Over and over again.

Even the obviously abnormal clown was a little exhausted.

There was a flash of blood in his eyes: "Why are you not afraid of me!"

The next moment.

The Joker closed his eyes and locked Brian's position in the world of sound. With the force of rotation, the hammer that was supposed to sweep towards Brian suddenly slipped out of his hand and hit Brian who couldn't dodge in time.

Hearing the muffled sound of hitting the flesh.

The corners of the Joker's mouth curled up under the mask.


He opened his eyes, wanting to see the fear on Brian's face.

The next moment.

The Joker was stunned in place.

I saw his big hammer, as if embedded in the chest of the tall man in front of him, motionless.

"That's it?"

Brian took off the hammer clamped by his muscles with some disappointment, and swung it in his hand: "I wanted to see what special abilities you have, but your strength is average, your speed is not good, and except for your keen perception, it's completely garbage."

He was hit with internal injuries, but recovered in the blink of an eye, and did not feel how amazing the Joker's abilities were.

Brian imitated the clown's movements, dragged the hammer on the ground, and walked towards the clown step by step: "Your turn is over, now it's my turn."

The clown, with nothing in his hand, seemed to have lost his courage after losing the hammer in his hand.


He screamed in fear and turned to run back.

How could his short legs outrun Brian, who was considered the limit of the human body?

Bryan's three steps turned into one, and with the burst of hundreds of pounds of power, the hammer was imprinted on the clown's back.

A dull thud.

The clown's short body flew out directly, hit the ground hard, and stopped after swiping three or four meters.

He curled up, spitting blood and crawling forward under the strong desire to survive, and even cried in fear: "No, don't hit me, mom, woo woo, mom, save me"

This sudden change almost made Brian unable to do it.

Thinking of the other party's hoarse and sharp voice before.

He was a little confused.

This guy, can't he still be a deformed person in the voice change period?

However, Brian was not soft-hearted.

Evil knows no age.

Think about those victims who died miserably.

If you are wrong, you must admit it, and stand at attention when you are beaten!

Brian stepped on the opponent's back, raised the hammer, aimed at the clown's struggling hands, and fell hard.

One hammer after another.

With each hammer.

Brian felt that his mind became clearer, as if he was baptized by the spirit particles of the dead every time, making his mental state more stable.

This feeling is simply addictive.

In the screams, the clown finally enjoyed the pain and fear that the victims who were killed by his hammer suffered before they died.

Until a red ball of obsession slowly emerged.

Only then did Brian drop the hammer that was full of meat.

He wiped the blood from his face and crushed the ball.

An obsession emerged in Brian's mind: He must make his brother Pierre afraid, he must be afraid!

This time, it was completely different from when Brian accepted his obsession before!

He could actually feel the gift choices contained in this obsession!

Brian is in high spirits!

This change must be related to my previous evolution in the Mexican border town!

The gift ability has evolved.

My abilities are naturally even more powerful!

As soon as Brian's thoughts crossed his mind, several things immediately came to mind: Gift Energy 20, Hearing Enhancement, and Master Hammer Technique.

He can choose one of three, or a small amount of energy plus a skill or talent.

Just as Brian had surmised before.

The gift of obsession must bring energy.

As for talent or skills, it all depends on luck.

With good luck, talent determines skills, and you can basically get them all, such as Mad Dog Ike and Shapeshifter.

Bad luck, like now.

This clown is indeed a deformed person, and his potential is estimated to be quite high. However, he only has the gift of hearing enhancement, the master hammer technique, and pretty good strength. It should be that when he was deformed, he wanted too much, so his abilities are so messy, and he still has a lot of abilities. Neither is good.

However, auditory enhancement is also very good.

This is equivalent to further strengthening the versatile talent of supercomputer perception.

Brian was curious.

In the future, will I collect all the visual enhancements, the entire low-end version of clairvoyance, and Shunfeng Ear?

Because the scene was a bit tragic.

It's late at night again, and my colleagues must have gone to bed long ago.

Brian contacted headquarters directly.

Concerning the aberrants.

The efficiency at the headquarters is really good.

Less than forty minutes.

A military jeep appeared on this dilapidated basketball court.

Several heavily armed soldiers, led by an acquaintance, jumped out of the car and walked towards Brian.

Brian was sitting on the steps, smoking a cigarette found on the deceased's body.

When he saw the leader, he asked unexpectedly: "Is it you?"

The person who came was none other than the commander of those armed helicopters a few days ago.

"It's me. I was on duty today. I found out that it was your information, so I applied to lead the team over." The team leader stretched out his hand to Brian: "By the way, my name is Olba, a B-series soldier."

Brian shook hands with the other party and briefly explained the situation.

Seeing the tragic death of the clown.

Olba and several soldiers were silent.

Alba licked his lips: "Brian, I remember your job, it seems to be a coroner?"

Brian was a little embarrassed: "Sorry, I have injected S-T cell activity injection reagent before, and recently I have injected several other types of strengthening reagents. My strength and speed have increased a lot. I felt so good for a while that I couldn't control it."

"How's the effect?" Alba became interested.

Everyone's suitability for reagents is different. Even if the same reagent is injected, the strengthening effect and upper limit are very different, and there is no rule.

Brian wrote lightly: "I haven't tested it specifically, but my strength is about 400 to 500 kilograms, I can run 100 meters in ten seconds, and my endurance is pretty good. At least I ran at least 20 to 30 miles today and fought another battle. I don’t feel tired.”

Olba and several soldiers were silent again.



My teeth are sore!

Alba forced a smile: "I haven't seen someone with such potential like you for a long time. Man, do you want to consider joining our combat department? If you join us, you can play with many big toys that you can't see on the market. Absolutely. Cool!"

Although he was a little afraid of Susan's female tyrannosaurus, Alba still mustered up the courage to recruit.

He didn't want to miss such a potential stock.

As a result, Brian shook his head decisively: "Forget it, I join you. I don't know how long it will take to earn some merit points. It's better to be in the operations department."

Thinking that Brian had gained more than two hundred merit points in just over a month.

This time, there was more or less gain.

Olba and several soldiers were silent again.

Alba's smile disappeared: "Okay, Brian, you are a sequence employee, but not a team leader. You can only choose money or merit. If this guy is a deformed person, do you want a monetary reward? Or is merit worth a reward?”

"Just give me the money. Your meritorious service is worth too much, and I want to exchange it for money. You can just give me the money."

Alba doesn’t want to listen to Brian Versailles anymore.

With a dark face, he asked the soldiers to put the bodies stuck on the ground into body bags and prepare to leave.

Brian stopped him: "Alba, let me ask you something. I saw this guy's appearance and he looks only fifteen or sixteen years old. Are people of this age more susceptible to the effects of the blood moon?"

Alba nodded:

"Yes, the younger the child, the less likely he is to have a sense of good and evil, only the instinct of an animal.

Their emotions are simpler.

To a certain extent, children between the ages of 6 and 16 are more likely to be deformed.

Therefore, we often focus on investigating such families to avoid familial aberrations. "


He licked his lips with a fierce look in his eyes: "This is also our main source of merit points."

A strange look flashed in Brian's eyes, he stepped forward and whispered a few words in Alba's ear.

After listening, Orba thought for a moment, nodded, and led his men away.

Half an hour later.

The patrolman on duty who received the news also rushed over to do the aftermath.

So far, the clown murder case was directly closed because it involved a deformed person!

Brian also solved another case.

The next day.

During the day on Halloween.

According to the information given by Orba, Brian came to a dirty and smelly old slaughterhouse of a small family workshop type.

This is the home of the clown.

The clown is seventeen years old this year. He is a dwarf with developmental delay. His parents run a slaughterhouse and he has an eight-year-old brother.

Brian is very curious.

After the clown became a deformed person, he kept killing people. It is estimated that he has become a lot stronger. At least before he met Brian, the clown's body became a lot taller and his strength was nearly three hundred kilograms.

In this case, why is the other party so obsessed with scaring his eight-year-old brother?

Including when killing people, the clown's purpose seems to be to enjoy the fear of the victims.

Is it all because of his brother?

With curiosity.

Brian walked into the stinking slaughterhouse.

A moment.

Brian looked at the fat man in front of him, who was more than 1.8 meters tall and a circle bigger than himself, and was silent.

How old are you?

Brian: Thank you for the reward from the book friend ‘20220730113012785’, and thank you boss!

Reward: 16-2=14 chapters

First order: 22 chapters

Today’s 13,000 is presented, see you tomorrow at 5 pm on time.

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