You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 109: A 300-pound child and missing parents

Brian thought he had found the wrong person, so he asked Fatty again, who was holding a basin and eating a pile of invisible things: "Are you Pierre? You have a dwarf brother, Pierre, who is eight years old this year?"

Pang Dun looked at Brian and swallowed: "Yes, that's me."

His voice did sound like a child's, but a little rougher.

Looking at Pierre who was tall and weighed at least 300 pounds, Brian wanted to ask him, did you grow up taking hormones? ! !

How can a child's bones hold up such a frame?

Considering the purpose of coming today.

Brian didn't waste time on such insignificant matters.

He smiled at Pierre and said: "Uncle is a reporter for a TV station. It's like this. I want to ask you some questions. If you answer them honestly, you can get some bonuses. With the bonuses, you can buy a lot of delicious food. "

Hearing the delicious food, Pier became energetic.

He nodded honestly: "Ask, Pierre is very honest."

"Where are your parents?"

Pierre shook his head: "I don't know. They disappeared many days ago. My brother is still here, and he still wants to beat Pierre, but he has grown taller and can't beat Pierre. After being beaten by Pierre yesterday, he ran away crying. Went out and haven’t come back yet.”


He already felt something was wrong.

But in order to fulfill the clown's obsession, he continued to ask: "Then what are you afraid of?"

Pierre looked down at the big basin in front of him, then at Brian, and licked his lips: "I'm afraid of being hungry, Pierre gets hungry very quickly, Pierre is hungry now."

As he spoke, he grabbed the basin in front of him with his plump palms with swimming rings, wanting to continue eating.

Pa da ~

Suddenly a stone flew over and knocked the basin over.

Something like feed was scattered all over the floor, giving off a rancid smell.

Pierre blinked and looked at Brian blankly, as if he didn't understand why he knocked over his basin.

When Brian saw this, he showed a fierce expression: "You are not allowed to eat!"


Pierre said blankly.

"If I can't tell you, I won't!" Brian transformed into a bully who bullied children: "Not only are you not allowed to eat now, you are not allowed to eat anything in the future!"


Seeing that he was tall, fat and strong, but with a very gentle personality, Pierre nodded: "Well, Pierre, go to bed. You won't be so hungry when you sleep."

As he spoke, he walked to the haystack in the room and pressed on it.

A few seconds later.

He just purred.


Brian was dumbfounded.

He thought about many things, such as that Pierre was also a deformed person and suddenly turned against him and pounced on him, or he was frightened by himself and directly completed the clown's obsession.

I didn't expect to be so good.

Brian couldn't help but feel guilty for bullying a child.

If you do this, how can you fulfill the clown's obsession?

Looking at Pierre who fell asleep.

In desperation, Brian wandered around the house.

The place where Pierre eats is a room in the warehouse.

There are piles of sundries in the warehouse, and there is also an icehouse.

However, the icehouse was open, and there was no smell or anything. Only a pile of hooks and transparent plastic bags stained with blood could be seen.

There were no animals sent to the slaughtering place.

Judging from the traces, work has not started for some days.

Brian also saw a sunken blood-stained mark on the ground where the slaughter was done. The mark was similar to the hammer in the clown's hand.

He suddenly realized.

It is estimated that in normal times, the clown holds a hammer and helps his parents kill livestock.

Yes, small farms, butchery is so rough.

In fact, this is illegal and affects the quality of the meat.

That is, small workshops in remote places still use this method to kill animals.

A regular slaughtering company has a similar layout to this one, but it will have an additional high-voltage equipment to directly electrocute the animals and then dismember them mechanically. They also need to be equipped with expensive offal drainage and other waste disposal channels.

Some of these waste materials that they do not eat will be processed and made into cans and sold to countries around the world that eat offal and sewage. Some of them will be sold to pet feed processing plants, and the remaining part will be sent to oil production or made into high-quality food for industrial use. Protein powder.

As for where it is sold, whether it is eaten by people, or used as industrial supplies, it is difficult to say.

In addition, some of the bones left behind by the animals also require additional processing.

It used to be sold to feed mills.

After the emergence of mad cow disease, this was no longer allowed.

while walking.

Brian came to the residence here.

Once close.

He smelled something bad.

Push the door open and go in.

What you see is messy furniture, and you can see traces of fighting.

In the open kitchen, there are a lot of feed bags containing feed, and in the big pot, you can still see the thick yellow soup that has not been poured out.

This soup is exactly the kind that was in the Peel basin before.

Brian just calls good guy.

He really eats feed.

This made him feel a little pity for this eight-year-old child.

Walk through the messy living room and kitchen.

Brian came to the bedroom.

He went directly into the master bedroom.

As soon as he entered, he smelled a faint smell of blood and putrefaction.

This made Brian wary.

He directly activated his enhanced sense of smell, collected the scattered smell into his nasal cavity, then decomposed and located it, and finally followed the putrid smell to a dark black floor.

The bloodstains were all over the place.

The bloodstains had turned black, and it was obvious that they had been there for quite a long time.

In addition,

Brian also saw two pieces of clothing on the ground that were completely stained black with blood. Judging from the style, they were two pairs of pajamas for men and women, piled together.

This made him have some guesses.

According to Pierre,

His parents had been missing for many days, and only his brother, the Joker, was left.

Judging from the situation, they were murdered.

Brian suspected that it was the Joker who, after awakening, hammered his parents to death and disposed of the bodies.

With this guess, Brian continued to check for traces.

He squatted down and observed carefully, and saw some traces of rotten meat in the cracks of the floor.

No wonder there was a lingering stench.

There were traces of cleaning around, and the traces looked like a brush with three or four fingers together.

This kind of brushing traces can be found on the wall and the ground, and they are very obvious.

"No, the previous speculation is a little wrong!"

Brian overturned the previous speculation.

This scene, no matter how you look at it, is wrong.

He touched his chin: "Why do I feel like someone ate Pierre's parents right here, and ate them very cleanly. After eating, he licked this place with his tongue."

Pierre's figure slowly emerged in Brian's mind.

Thinking of this idea.

Even Brian, who has killed many people, felt a little uneasy at this moment.

It was really that the contrast between his speculation and Pierre's performance just now was too great.

If his speculation was true

Just then.

The phone rang, and Brian, who was suspicious, was scared and pulled out his pistol directly.

He couldn't help rolling his eyes: "Damn, why did he become so timid all of a sudden!"

Brian took back the pistol and found that it was a call from Alba, who led the team to collect the bodies yesterday.

He answered the phone: "Alba?"

"It's me, Brian. How is it? Is there any situation?"

Alba's tone was full of expectation:

"If there is a problem, I will bring my brothers here to harvest it directly.

The one yesterday, after testing, was a medium-concentration mutant. It's a pity that he is dead, otherwise you can get at least 300,000 US dollars in bonus. Now it's only 200,000 US dollars, which is 50% less.

If there are still, we'd better catch them alive, which is more valuable!"

Brian said uncertainly: "There are some situations, but I'm not sure."


He twitched his nose and said speechlessly: "Okay, it's confirmed, that eight-year-old child is also a mutant. I only have a small pistol. I don't know if I can withstand it."

At this time, a huge figure blocked the door of the house.

Pierre's scarlet eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the wooden wall. He stared at the direction of Brian's master bedroom, and a lot of saliva flowed from his mouth: "Meat, hehe, meat, I want to eat meat"

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