You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 110 Kids nowadays have no moral principles!

In Brian's sense of smell, a huge hill-like life force field (special pheromones) shrouded the outside of the house, giving people the oppressive feeling of an herbivore being targeted by a carnivore.

But this feeling of oppression is not too heavy for Brian.

To some extent.

They are inhumans on the same level.

Brian hung up the phone, silently took out his 17-round Glock 17 police pistol, and walked out of the master bedroom: "It's really weird. I smelled like a dirty meat before, why? He suddenly transformed.”


The wooden planks of the house made an overwhelming creaking sound.

Pierre had also squeezed into the messy living room from outside the house.

His originally stupid gaze turned pure blood red, and he stared straight at Brian with his big eyes, and sticky yellow saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth. He looked like an underage ogre baby in a Western fantasy movie.


In line with the principle of respecting the elderly and the young, Brian waved the pistol in his hand:

“Little guy, do you want 9×19mm Parabellum bullet jelly beans?

Uncle, there are seventeen here. "

"Meat, Pierre wants to eat meat." Pierre moved his bulky body, stretched out his two big fleshy palms, and grabbed Brian in front of him like a mountain.

He has really changed a lot, his body shape has become round again, and there is some oily substance filling under the skin, resulting in an appearance with a texture like aspic. The mouth exposed when he opens his mouth also changes in a very short time. There are a large number of densely packed sharp and slender teeth, which squeeze the entire gums of the mouth and deform it.

“Looks like he’s lost his mind.”

Brian no longer hesitated and shot five times in succession, shooting into Pierre's eye sockets, neck, heart, stomach, and the Wolong Valley that his male compatriots feared the most.

Pierre had almost no intention of dodge.

He lunged at Brian with determination.

The bullets instantly spanned the seven to eight meters distance between the two people, and all hit the target!


A blood flower burst out of Pierre's right eye in an instant, and Wolong Valley was also bleeding on the spot, and pieces of flesh could clearly be seen falling from his fat pants.

Three more bullets were fired, but had little effect.

They hit the jelly-like flesh all over Pierre's body, and after penetrating into the jelly-like flesh, their kinetic energy was eliminated at a speed visible to the naked eye, leaving them inside the jelly.

Pierre lost an eye and Wolong Valley, but he didn't feel any pain at all. His bulky body was not affected by the impact of the bullet, and he was already within two meters of Brian.

next moment.

His emotions fell into an even more crazy excitement: "Meat! Meat! Meat!"


With the howling wind, Pierre's figure instantly became more than three times faster, and his fat hands suddenly hugged Brian who was caught off guard.

At the critical moment.

Brian's figure actually compressed like a spring, his bones exploded, and he shrank into a dwarf about one meter long, barely able to escape Pierre's embrace.

Looking at the big meaty man who suddenly disappeared from sight, Pierre stood there blankly.

Where are people?

It clearly smells like meat.

Where are the people!

His current IQ was almost only instinct, and he didn't even notice that Brian was under him.

See it.

Brian was like a soft snake, his shortened body expanded instantly, and with a roll, he appeared three or four meters behind Pierre and arrived at the door of the house.

Pierre finally reacted.

He turned around, his mouth full of slender fangs intertwined, pulling out strings of sticky yellow saliva: "Meat, I see meat again."


Stepping on an overburdened wooden plank.

Pierre fell back into his previous sluggish state and continued to pounce on Brian.

"Strong appetite, strong physical defense, strong senses, and seems to have no pain, but my IQ doesn't seem to be very high."

Brian seems to understand some of the obsession of Pierre's brother, the clown.

Facing such a perverted brother, he couldn't win and couldn't make sense.

Can survive.

I guess the clown has worked very hard.

Pierre's speed is about the same as an ordinary person's trot, and his endurance has not been depleted so far. For ordinary people without heavy weapons, he may be a difficult monster to deal with.

But Peel was too slow for Brian.

It seems that only when he is within two meters of the target, Pierre will feel as if he has taken stimulants. His body speed, flexibility of hands and feet, and reaction speed will all increase instantly.

Once out of this range.

Even if the target is just two meters away.

Pierre also moved his thick legs stupidly and pursued him persistently.

Brian fired a few more shots, blowing out Pierre's remaining eye and shooting the rest into Pierre's mouth.

As a result, Pierre, who had lost his eyes, was still able to lock Brian's position, and the bullet fired into his mouth did not have any impact on Pierre.

Brian suspected that there was a layer of special substance under Pierre's flesh and blood, just like a shapeshifter implanting a layer of metal mesh under his flesh and blood, so he was not afraid of bullets.

The current situation is that he can't do anything to the other party, and the other party can't catch him.

Brian needed to complete the Joker's obsession, and this time he was working with Alba from the NW War Department. He didn't want to expose too much, so he deliberately didn't bring any explosives. He wanted to get rid of Pierre, unless he made incendiary bombs on site. Somewhat helpless.

Without any choice.

Brian could only walk Pierre like a dog.

He planned to drag him until Olba and the others arrived, and then use heavy weapons to break Pierre's limbs, and then slowly deal with this monster whose mind was full of eating.

This place is located in the suburbs of the county town.

If Olba and the others come by helicopter, they can arrive in at most ten minutes.

Brian calculated the time and walked Pierre.

He walked for seven or eight minutes.

After being fooled by Brian again, Pierre suddenly stopped.


Brian was about to continue to shoot Pierre to stimulate him.


Pierre's flesh, which was like aspic, rolled like waves, and a large amount of yellow-brown smelly liquid, carrying the bullets shot into his body, flowed out along the muzzle.

In the blink of an eye.

Pierre, who was as fat as a human bomb tank, turned into a tall and thin monster with a hunched back and a mouth full of fangs.

His two bloody eye sockets squeezed out two bullets, and his tongue full of barbs also rolled out three or four bullets, stammering in the air: "Pier is too hungry, Rourou, don't run, you smell so good, come to Pier's mouth."

Looking at Pier who turned into a head similar to Marvel Venom, a strong sense of crisis with hair standing on end surged into Brian's heart.

Damn it!

The last second, the two of them were still playing the Makka Baka game of you chasing me and I escaping, I escaping and you chasing.

The next second, you are playing transformation for me?

Kids nowadays are too unethical!

Brian immediately detonated adrenaline, and with the help of the control of the body, the muscles all over his body burst out with a speed far exceeding the world sprint champion, and his feet crossed at a high frequency, running away into the distance.

"Smell so good~"

Pier's long tongue rolled over the pheromones in the air, and a large amount of saliva was secreted from his mouth. His hunched back was facing down, and his feet kicked.


The ground shook slightly, and countless dust was raised.

Looking at the original place, except for a more than ten-centimeter-deep pit that was kicked out, there was no trace of the monster Pierre.

If someone could see the scene, they would definitely think they were watching a sci-fi monster movie.

On the flat wilderness.

Brian's feet crossed so fast that they became one, as if the whole person was moving rapidly on the ground, and he could rush out more than ten meters in the blink of an eye.

Pierre was even more exaggerated.

Behind him, a not-so-obvious afterimage had appeared, and his speed was nearly twice as fast as Brian's, almost reaching about four seconds per hundred meters.

It was only a dozen seconds.

Pierre had already caught up with Brian less than five meters behind him.

He was about to pounce on him.

Brian didn't even look back, and swung his hand to shoot. The tricky and vicious bullet hit Pierre's rapidly moving foot joint.


Without the protection of those yellow-brown unknown liquids.

This time, Pierre finally broke through the defense.

He screamed and rolled on the ground. Under the influence of inertia, a large amount of dust was raised, covering his body.


Brian slowed down his pace and panted violently.

He felt that if he continued to move at such a high intensity, the temperature inside his body would exceed 40 degrees.

Even now.

A large number of muscles in his body were still strained to varying degrees, and the dense tissues such as lungs and blood vessels also had hidden injuries due to the short-term intense load.

However, these changes were suppressed by the excitement brought by adrenaline.


Brian's mind moved.

Warm current surged.

Consumed two units of gifted energy.

The next second, he was back to full condition.

As the saying goes, take advantage of your illness to kill you!

Brian no longer hesitated, and took up his gun and wanted to take advantage of Pierre's defense to break one of his legs, but he saw that under the dust, there was no trace of Pierre!

The opponent disappeared!

Brian's heart beat violently.

His nostrils opened and closed repeatedly, sucking the surrounding smell into his nasal cavity, and his five senses were also brought to the extreme under the blessing of supercomputer perception.

The next moment.

Without even looking, Brian stuffed the pistol into his armpit, pointed it at the back, and pulled the trigger repeatedly!

Bang bang bang~

Almost at the same time.

A thin and long figure chewing a palm appeared ten meters behind Brian, and was hit by three bullets in the chest and collarbone, forcibly interrupting the action of killing.

This time, Brian did not dare to relax at all. Hearing the screams behind him, before he turned around, the muzzle of the gun kept spewing flames and conducting blind coverage.

After emptying the magazine.

Brian ran more than ten meters before changing the magazine and turning around to look at the situation.

I saw a thin and hunched figure lying on the ground, rolling on the ground, and gnawing on the flesh and bones on his arm.

As the flesh and bones entered his mouth.

Bullets were carried out of Pierre's body by a stream of turbid yellow-brown liquid.

Brian's scalp tingled as he looked at the flesh and bones that disappeared after one bite.

No wonder his hair stood up all over his body just now.

A bite from this thing would mean a large part of his body was lost.

His low-end immortal body couldn't stop it at all!

It's impossible to be reborn in the other party's stomach!

With a strong fear.

Brian raised his pistol, pointed it at Pierre's mouth, and emptied the magazine.

More than three minutes later.

A transport helicopter carrying two M134 rotary machine guns finally arrived above the area.

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