You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 111 Special Deformers, Seven Deadly Sins! (Additional chapter 1 for the book friend

"Did you kill him?"

Alba looked at Pierre who was motionless and his mouth was beaten to pieces, feeling a little disappointed.

The life of aberrants is obviously more valuable.

Brian shook his head: "Probably not dead yet, but I suggest killing him directly. This aberration is very strange and dangerous!"

In the doubtful eyes of everyone.

He asked a soldier to borrow a dagger, then cut his palm open and dripped blood on Pierre's rotten mouth.

At first, the blood just slid down the inside of the mouth normally. Within a few seconds, the tattered skin of Pierre's mouth started to squirm strangely, accelerating the flow of Brian's blood into his mouth, as if he was actively sucking.

After absorbing nearly two hundred milliliters of Brian's blood.

Bullets were forcefully squeezed out of Pierre's mouth. Pierre, who had been silent, began to gradually change.

More than a minute later.

Pierre, a tall, thin, skinny man, opened his eyes in confusion.

He looked at the people around him, acting a little scared. It wasn't until he saw Brian that he showed a relaxed expression: "I remember you, Xiangxiang TV interviewer, are these your colleagues?"

Brian ignored him and explained everything that had happened before to the confused Alba and others.

Of course, some modifications must have been made during the process.

Seeing that Brian didn't pay attention to him, Pierre touched his belly and wanted to go to the kitchen to find something to eat.

This move immediately aroused the vigilance of several soldiers.

They aimed their automatic rifles at every part of Pierre's body. As long as the opponent made the slightest movement, they would shoot without hesitation!

Facing several dark guns pointed at him, Pierre screamed and cried loudly.

See it.

Alba waved his hand thoughtfully.

Only then did several soldiers get out of the way.

Seeing these people get out of the way, Pierre stopped being afraid and stumbled towards the kitchen.

Looking at his back, Alba said to Brian with solemn eyes: "Brian, have you ever heard of the Seven Deadly Sins?"

"Seven deadly sins?"

Brian nodded: "Of course I have heard of arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony, and lust. Could it be that the special characteristics of Peel, the aberrant person, are related to gluttony?"

Alba nodded:

"Based on your description, it's very possible.

The aberration's abilities come from the combination of the mind and the blood moon.

The seven deadly sins almost cover the negative aspects of human nature, and almost everyone has some of them.

But those children's emotions are the purest.

If they have not received instruction since they were young and have been acting instinctively, what ability do you think is easiest for them to awaken? "

Brian barely hesitated and said directly: "Eat!"

This is not only human instinct, but also the instinct of all living things.

Alba nodded:

“Yes, eat!

Perverts like Pierre are called gluttons and are one of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Don't look at how he looked just now, he looked normal.

In fact, this is all an illusion!

Appetite is all he has.

The Seven Deadly Sins deformed people have no humanity at all, only desire.

When they grow up, they become terrifying existences comparable to those aberrant beasts. They are completely different creatures from the aberrants we usually encounter.

The evil in their hearts is too pure, which makes them all extremely powerful, but their minds are not as good as those aberrations that have not lost control.

Just like a glutton.

According to NW records, almost all gluttons discovered so far are children or beggars.

They have experienced some very cruel encounters, or have serious mental problems. If they are in a state of extreme hunger during the blood moon radiation, they will have a constant desire to eat.

They are never satisfied.

If not discovered in time, they will eat everything they can and grow larger and larger until their body collapses on itself and dies. "

"Inhumane?" Brian felt something was wrong: "But didn't he act scared just now?"

Without even humanity, how can he fulfill the obsession of Pierre's brother, the clown: to make Pierre afraid?

"It's just an illusion." Alba shrugged: "Have you ever seen a normal person who, after being frightened, would run to find food like a normal person?"

Brian nodded: "Okay."

Alba licked his dry lips and continued to tell Brian:

"The most disgusting thing is that the special components in the bodies of the Seven Deadly Sins aberrants will gradually lose their activity once they are separated from the body. They are completely worthless for research and containment, and they are very harmful to society.

Therefore, after being discovered, they are usually killed directly. "

Brian was thoughtful when he heard this.

No wonder he felt that Pierre, a young aberration, was too comprehensive and powerful. He turned out to be a special aberration that could compete with the aberration beasts.

Not good.

Pierre was stunted because there was enough feed here and he ate feed every day, and he didn't grow up at all.

Brian looked at Alba: "You mean, our work today was in vain?"

Now he can only hope that after Pierre's death, his obsession will be revealed.

Alba shook his head:

"It doesn't matter, at least we have dealt with a threat, and there will still be a lot of bonuses.

As for merit points, don’t even think about it.

This thing is based on precious reagents.

Special reagents are difficult for outsiders to buy with money.

If the base had not restricted the outflow of reagents, any treatment reagent taken outside could be sold for at least a million dollars, which is much more cost-effective than directly exchanging merit points with insiders. "

In response, Brian nodded with deep understanding.

He had previously thought about exchanging reagents and selling them for money.

But Susan warned him not to do it.

If you just exchange reagents and give them to people around you, it's nothing.

If you exchange merit points for reagents and sell them outside for money, it will be very troublesome and even fatal if NW finds out.

For Brian, small amounts of money were not in short supply, but big money was not a factor, so in the end he chose to ask Susan to help him find someone inside the base to exchange money.

This should also be a rule deliberately set by the founders of NW.

The people below either risked their lives to capture those aberrations, or relied on their abilities to develop various reagents in order to obtain merit points.

If these people want the benefits of the reagent, then let these people exchange their merit points for the reagent to give benefits to the people below.

If the people below want money or other things, then regulations will be made to force them to find only those "internal" qualified people to exchange their merit points for the money and things they want.

This not only avoids the outflow of resources, but also limits the price of merit point exchange, which is destined not to be too high.

Belongs to conspiracy.

During the conversation between the two.

There was new movement in the house.

I saw Pierre, who was tall and thin just now, turned into a big ball again, looking greedily at the people outside the room: "Meat, so much meat, and delicious meat."

Looking at Pierre who had fully recovered except for his eyes and Wolong Valley, Brian felt a chill down his back.

Eat some feed and you will be resurrected with full health in no time!

This damn thing is so perverted!

Alba probably guessed it a long time ago, but he didn’t have any special reaction.

He waved to the soldiers behind him, and then took out the rifle whose model could not be seen on his back:

"Each of the seven deadly sins aberrations has unique abilities.

The most abnormal thing about gluttons is their resilience. As long as they are not directly beaten to death, they can slowly recover from injuries even if they eat grass. If it were in the era of matchlock guns, it would be really difficult to deal with, but now?"

Alba pulled the trigger.

Da da da~

Special bullets shot out from the muzzle of the gun, hitting the silly Pierre who was in a state of gluttony.

The torn pelvic cavities, like spots, reappeared on the surface of Pierre's body.

A large amount of yellowish-brown, aspic-like stuff flowed out from those cavities, emitting a rancid smell.

Haven't taken a step yet.

The big guy who was chasing Brian like crazy fell to his knees and lost weight again.

"What kind of bullet is this?"

"Armor-piercing explosive shells are made of special materials and can basically only maintain circulation and consumption within the organization. However, they can ensure sufficient lethality against aberrations with weird abilities!"

Olba fired more than a dozen shots, probably feeling a little distressed, and waved to a few soldiers.

Several people understood and walked towards the helicopter.

the other side.

Pierre is also perverted enough.

He stretched out his long tongue and actually licked back the yellowish-brown substance on the ground. He produced and sold it himself, and really expelled all the special bullets that had entered his body.

Seeing this, Alba's face darkened.

Brian chuckled: "I think this thing will either break the neck directly or use an incendiary bomb, otherwise it will be too disgusting."

While talking.

Several soldiers had unloaded the two M134 rotating machine guns from the helicopter and set them up in front of the house in front.

Alba stretched out his hand towards Brian: "Do you want to try the joy of hundreds of bullets per second?"

This thing is actually Gatling for the equality of all living beings.

Those who are deformed by the Seven Deadly Sins only have desire and no humanity.

Pierre even has his own parents.

This kind of thing can be killed without any psychological burden!

Brian rubbed his hands and walked up to an M134 rotating machine gun without ceremony. After briefly familiarizing himself with the operation, he directly pulled the trigger.

next moment!

A long dragon of flames spit out.

Brian barely felt the huge recoil, but saw countless bullet casings thrown away, and everything in front of him was torn apart by the torrent of bullets.

Pierre, who had just recovered and had only shrunk a bit, was torn into a pile of fragments without saying a word under the torrent of a hundred bullets per second.

Not only that.

The wooden house behind Peel was also riddled with countless bullet holes. In the end, all the supporting columns were broken and began to collapse.


Brian finished firing a large magazine before letting go of his hand with satisfaction.

This is the romance of men!

This also made Brian realize more and more, keep a low profile!

Flesh and blood are really fragile in the face of these modern weapons.

"Okay, now I'll leave it to the logistics people to handle the scene. We'll work together again if we have the opportunity in the future, Brian." Alba paused: "I feel that your probability of encountering aberrations is extremely high. With you If you cooperate, there will be no shortage of opportunities to earn merit points in the future, hahaha.”

Wait until the helicopter disappears from the sky.

Brian, who was standing there, stepped on the bullet holes on the ground and came to the place where Pierre was blasted. He gently crushed a small obsession ball that was three times larger than an ordinary person's. .

The obsession ball turned into a red light and shot into Brian's eyes.

The next moment.

A message emerged in Brian's mind: Eat once!

"It's pure obsession."

Brian chuckled and looked at the reward he could get.

With such a big obsession ball, the reward must be good!

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