You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 112 Bottleneck, Doglicker Thirteen (Additional chapter 2 for the book friend

Give energy +50, gluttony.

After completing the obsession of glutton Pierre, Brian has two choices.

One is to simply give energy, a full 50 points, which is equivalent to the obsession gift of eight or nine ordinary people.

The other is to give a small amount of energy + a gluttony talent.

Thinking of Pierre's ghost appearance, Brian shook his head.

He couldn't imagine himself turning into a big ball weighing hundreds of pounds, drooling and wanting to eat every day.

"Get energy directly! It's just right to strengthen again. I don't know if I can break the limit of the human body and enter a new level this time."

With expectation.

Brian drove away, and after returning to the city, he went directly to a fast food restaurant and feasted.

Half an hour later.

Brian forced the Coke that was pushed up his throat to swallow, threw the contact information that the waitress gave him into the trash can, and returned to the car.


He closed his eyes, waiting for the effect of this strengthening.

A large stream of warm current surged throughout Brian's body, and he squinted his eyes in comfort.

The enhancement of gift energy is actually very abnormal.

The whole body is enhanced without dead angles.

Each time it is improved by 0.1, it is not a percentage increase, but after the improvement, it can easily overturn the previous three or four index increases.

If the physical enhancement can reach 1.3 this time, Brian suspects that he can reach the level of a beast, and officially step into the non-human.

The time of this enhancement is obviously much longer.

After more than ten seconds, the warm current gradually disappeared.

Brian immediately checked his status.


Seeing the status data formed by the supercomputer perception.

Brian frowned.

After fifty gift energy enhancements, his physique did not change at all.

What the hell?

Brian got off the car unconvinced, found an open space without surveillance, and began to test his physical condition.

After testing again and again.

Brian was very disappointed.

There was some improvement, but not much.

For example, when he was in normal state before, 100 meters was about nine seconds, close to ten seconds, and now it is about eight seconds, which is about the same speed as under the effect of adrenaline.

The same is true for strength, some progress, but not much.

As for endurance

Brian suddenly realized that something was wrong.

His endurance seemed to be a little bit wrong.

The 100-meter test is actually very physically demanding.

His endurance is not bad, but after so many times, he will be a little out of breath.

But now he still feels full of energy.

Brian thought of a possibility: Could it be that the 1.2 physique and the 1.3 physique are two different realms, similar to the martial arts novels he read in his previous life, and need to break the limit?

Thinking of this.

Brian looked at the remaining 21 points of gift energy accumulated before, gritted his teeth, and consumed 15 units again to strengthen his body.

This time, the strengthening reaction was much smaller.

If it weren't for the warm current comparison.

He even doubted whether the strengthening had not started yet.

"It seems that there is indeed a bottleneck between the 1.2 physique and the 1.3 physique."

Brian confirmed this matter with some depression.

After 65 units of gift energy, the strength did not show obvious feedback as before, which made people feel a little disappointed.

With depression, Brian returned to the apartment.

"Wang~ (Big Dog!)"

The hungover Thirteen had woken up long ago. Seeing Brian coming back, he excitedly jumped directly from the sofa, jumped four or five meters away, and jumped accurately into Brian's arms.

The enthusiastic Thirteen made Brian's depressed mood dissipate a lot.

He held Thirteen: "Are you hungry?"

"Wang~ (No.)

Wangwangwang! (Big Dog, you smell so good!)"

Thirteen struggled and wanted to jump into Brian's arms again, but was caught by the back of fate's neck and could only flutter his short legs in the air.

Brian was a little confused by the information conveyed by Thirteen.

He smelled his body and found that there was no fragrance at all except a smell of sweat.

Brian suddenly thought of his previous enhancement, his eyes lit up, and he held Thirteen in front of him: "Are you sure I smell good?"

Thirteen took the opportunity to stick out his tongue and hit Brian's face hard.

"Eh~" Brian threw Thirteen on the sofa in disgust: "You're too young to learn well. You're just trying to be a licker like others. Answer my question."

“Wang (so fragrant!)”

Thirteen was thrown away, refused, and rushed over again.

After a few times.

Brian finally understood.

Thirteen is a mentally retarded dog. Although he is humane and has an IQ comparable to that of a ten-year-old child, he is so uneducated that he cannot accurately express his senses. He only knows how good it smells.

This is very helpless.

"Thirteen, starting from today, you can give me an online education!"


"You just have to study, and you have to take exams. If you fail, you have to get beaten!"



After continuous testing.

Brian finally understood what had changed in him.


To be precise, it is the activity of cells!

His cells now have very strong vitality.

For example, for a small wound cut with a knife, it used to take about two or three minutes to completely stop bleeding. Now it takes about a little more than a minute for the blood to stop.


For testing.

Brian deliberately used a baseball bat to break his calf again, and then used gift energy to heal.

The unit of gift energy is the energy consumed by healing a leg fracture.

Normal situation.

This healing will consume one unit of gift energy.

As a result, this time, it was different.

He only consumed 0.6 units of gift energy.

In other words, after 65 units of gift energy for physical strengthening, Brian's physical feedback seems to be not much improved, but in fact, the vitality has increased by about 40%.

Based on this, Brian speculated that the main difference between 1.3 physical fitness and 1.2 physical fitness lies in this vitality.

As for what this thing is used for.

Brian is not clear at the moment.

"Forget it, don't think about it. In more than a month, I have grown to the current level. Even if I slow down for a while, it will not affect my current situation much."

After thinking about these clearly.

Brian was too lazy to continue to entangle on this.

It's rare that there is no case today, and it's Halloween again.

He planned to take Thirteen to buy a fluorescent jacket, so that he could scare people when he went out at night.

While buying holiday clothes, Brian heard a few little girls chatting nearby and learned that there would be magic and circus performances at Maria Beach tonight.

He quite liked watching these.

He immediately decided to spend the night at Maria Beach tonight.

Buy the holiday clothes.

Brian drove more than 30 kilometers to Maria Beach, booked a hotel nearby, and after eating something, he wore beach pants and took Thirteen to the beach to appreciate the harmonious beauty of man and nature.

Chapter transition.

Reward: 14-2=12 chapters

First order: 22 chapters

Monthly ticket: 1 chapter

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