You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 113 Today's peach blossoms are particularly strong (thanks to the leader of the book fr

"Can you please stop licking?"

Brian kicked Thirteen, who was holding his feet and biting them, away.

This dog has been holding him and licking and biting him since he came back. It's annoying.

"Wang~ (Okay, big dog!)"

After Thirteen responded, he continued to run back happily, sniffing Brian and licking him from time to time when he wasn't paying attention.

Big dog smells so good!


I really don't know who this dog is from. He is so shameless.

Fortunately, Thirteen licked for a while and probably got tired of it, so he dug a hole in the sand next to Brian.

This is its first time to play on the beach.

Without Thirteen's interruption.

Brian concentrated on enjoying the beautiful scenery on the beach under the sunset.

Looking at the generous ladies jumping on the beach, Brian couldn't help but sigh that the food here is really nutritious.

They are all white and fat.

He suddenly missed Susan a little.

It would be great if Susan was here today.

The first day Susan left, I missed her

Just then.

A slender barefoot witch wearing a long hat and veil walked towards him.

As a high-end veteran driver who can see mountains as not mountains and water as not water, Brian saw through the hidden connotation under the thick wizard robe of this witch at a glance.

As a dedicated man.

Brian immediately changed his target, shifting his gaze from the vulgar women on the beach, and concentrating on appreciating the uniform style of this witch.

"Wang? (Big dog, are you in heat?)"

Thirteen smelled the pheromones emitted by Brian, poked his little head out of the dug pit, and asked curiously.

These days, it has learned a lot of strange knowledge.

Brian glared at Thirteen: "Get out!"

Thirteen whimpered aggrievedly and jumped out of the pit.

It was ready to play in the water.

When it turned around, it bumped into the witch who just passed by, and plopped directly into the other's wizard robe.


The witch jumped up in shock at the sudden furry touch on her feet.

She lifted up her split wizard robe and saw Thirteen in a dog-eating-shit posture. She breathed a sigh of relief and laughed: "What a cute puppy."

"Its owner is even cuter." Brian said honestly beside her.

The witch looked in the direction of the voice and happened to meet Brian's deep brown eyes. Her eyes lit up, and she picked up Thirteen and walked to Brian: "So, cute puppy owner, can I sit here?"

"Of course."

"Thank you."

The witch spread the mat, took off her veil, revealing the mature face and blue eyes of the beautiful mature woman underneath, sat down slowly, revealing her long legs under her witch robe that were so white that they glowed with jade.

Brian was amazed at first sight.

My vision was really fierce.

This split robe looked really white.

Feeling his fiery gaze.

A trace of disdain flashed in the witch's eyes.

Dead scumbag!

I'll show you later!

She said to Brian, "Are you here tonight, too?"

"Yes, I heard there are magic shows and circus performances here today, and I've loved these things since I was a kid." Brian straightened his upper body, revealing his smooth abdominal mermaid line: "Your role today is a witch?"

The woman saw Brian's posture and her mouth curled up.


She reached her hand to the ravine on her chest and took out a necklace crystal ball that was only the size of a thumb: "Yes, and a fate witch who can predict. Do you want to give it a try?"

Brian raised his eyebrows: "Of course, when I went out, I had a strong premonition that there would be a beautiful encounter tonight, what do you think?"

"Not sure." The witch waved the small crystal ball in her hand that was still emitting residual heat, and chuckled: "Touch it, I'll help you see if your premonition will come true."

"No touch!"

Brian's dog face changed, and he lay back, with his calf on the knee joint of the other foot, shaking his foot.

Witch:? ? ?

The smile on her face froze on her face.

How can this dog face change so quickly!


"Get lost!"

The witch finally left in disgrace with a head full of doubts.

"Wang? (Big dog, why are you angry?)"

The underage puppy who was sitting on the side learning how to hook up with the opposite sex asked for knowledge.

Brian sighed and taught earnestly: "Thirteen, we boys have to learn to protect ourselves when we go out. Didn't you smell something wrong with the smell on that woman?"

He habitually turned on the enhanced sense of smell just now, and found that the beautiful witch who looked like a mature woman just now was actually a biochemical mother.

Brian has physical control and is not afraid of these, but he still feels disgusted.

Thirteen listened in confusion, only to feel that the big dog knows a lot.

Time passed.

The colorful night lights on the beach began to light up.

Brian got up and prepared to take Thirteen to change clothes, participate in the festival, and watch the performance.

A blonde girl who was playing with her companions stumbled and bumped into Brian's arms.

The girl jumped away like a frightened rabbit: "Sorry, sir"

Brian narrowed his eyes slightly.

My love luck is quite good tonight.


Brian tentatively chatted with the girl and her companions, and found out that they were students at the University of California and were here to watch the performance.

In the end, three people and one dog watched the whole performance happily.

when it is time to leave.

Brian successfully obtained the room numbers of the two girls.

Don't tell me, it's quite a coincidence.

They are all a hotel.

Without saying a word, Brian packed up and checked out of the room. Then he took out his police badge and ID, went to the front desk of the hotel, and verbally asked for the two girls' information.

Unfortunately, nothing unusual was found.

The information the other party said is true.

Is it really a matter of luck?

In fact, with Brian's appearance and the figure that makes men drool now, it would be abnormal to wear shorts at a place like the beach and not have an affair.

But Brian always felt something was wrong.

Think about it.

Brian left Thirteen standing guard here.

I changed to a hotel and fell asleep soundly.


It found a creamy yellow carpet, blended in perfectly, and started its first night shift.

late at night.

A beautiful lady dressed neatly came to the room of two girls with a dark face and knocked on the door.

After the door opens.

The girl who bumped into Brian today looked apologetic: "Sorry, he didn't take the bait."

"What do you think of him?"

The girl thought for a while and licked her lips: "He looks good, has a good figure, and talks funny. In fact, even if I don't have your money, I would still like to have an affair with such a man."

The girl next to her nodded in agreement: "It's a pity that he didn't come, otherwise I would have been looking forward to it. He looks very powerful."

Beautiful lady:.

With a dark face, she handed a wad of dollar bills to the two of them, turned around and left in disappointment.

I originally wanted to take some nice photos for Susan.

I didn’t expect that bastard wouldn’t be fooled!

Looking at her back, Thirteen in the corner hunched over, imitating the tracking skills Brian taught it, and the dog followed her furtively.

The next day, early in the morning.

Brian checked out of the room and came to his car.

Thirteen has been waiting here for a long time.

"Man, how's the harvest?" Brian put the early one he bought on the passenger seat.

"Wangwang.. (Women, money, women smell like big bitches.)"

In Thirteen's intermittent and incomplete narration, Brian roughly understood what happened: a woman with the smell of Susan on her body gave money to the two female students.

Yes, the big bitch in Thirteen’s mouth is Susan

Brian touched his chin with some melancholy: "Susan went to the Commonwealth yesterday. This woman with the smell of Susan cannot be Susan's family or mother."

How can people be so bad!

I wonder if if I want to test a mirror, the mirror is destined to break!

With the emotion that people's hearts are not ancient.

Brian took Thirteen to the office of Team B6, ready for a new day of work.

Just arrived at the office door.

Thirteen suddenly bit Brian's trouser leg: "Wang! (The big dog smells like that woman!)"


Brian narrowed his eyes slightly and pushed open the office door.

He glanced around the small office.

I saw a neatly dressed woman with short hair, her slender legs resting on the desk, lying comfortably on his chair, spinning a white information book in her little hand.

heard movement.

The woman retracted her little hand and looked towards the door, just in line with Brian's line of sight.

A slight smile appeared on her face: "Hello, Brian."

Brian walked up to her: "Who are you Susan?"

Surprise flashed in the woman's eyes, and she said calmly: "I am her friend, do you know? I am very curious, you."

A big hand covering her neck choked the rest of the woman's words back into her throat.

Brian grabbed the woman's neck and lifted her up from his position little by little: "Since we are just friends, how dare you arrange for people to test me twice in a row!"


The woman felt the constant feeling of suffocation coming from her. She grabbed Brian's hand with both hands, kicked her slender legs wildly, and her fair little face turned red.


She didn't expect this man to be so reckless and would take action whenever he disagreed.

Brian was unmoved by the woman's struggle: "I hate it the most when someone plots against me, you."

next moment.

A sharp edge stopped on Brian's neck.

The originally panicked woman pressed the blade on her fingertips and raised her eyebrows provocatively at Brian.



It turned out to be an assassin.

He was happy.

Brian looked at the time and realized that it was only after eight o'clock, and his colleagues wouldn't be coming for the time being.

He grabbed the woman's right hand and stretched it forward.

The woman looked at her short hands that couldn't reach Brian's neck and fell silent.

"Playing with knives, right?"

"Sending someone to seduce me made a mistake, right?"

Brian ripped off the blade from the woman's hand and dragged her into Susan's office like a dog.

Half an hour later.

Brian shook the cigarette ashes, looked at the beaten woman with a bruised nose and swollen face, huddled in the corner, crying, and threw the information book in his hand in front of her: "So, you just want to use me to support your parents. To threaten me to leave Susan?"

He didn't expect that this woman actually knew so many things about him!

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