You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 114 Sigma Man Brian, Family Mutilation Case

have to say.

This woman named Caroline is still good at some tricks, but she lacks actual combat experience and her strength and speed are stronger than ordinary people. But in front of Brian, she is just a child.

A lot of punches and kicks.

Caroline, who was not very resistant to beatings, honestly explained her origins.

She is Susan's best friend, and the two families are family friends.

Caroline is three years younger than Susan and just graduated from a special institution this year.

The most outrageous thing is.

Caroline has been fond of the violent Susan since she was a child.

After returning, Caroline knew that Susan had someone she liked and was very jealous. She sent someone to investigate Brian and found out that Brian was working part-time as a vehicle appraiser.

So she gave Susan advice in an attempt to reveal Brian's true face as a scumbag.

The effect is very average.

For people like Susan who have little love experience, they will not be tempted by someone easily, and they will not give up easily after being tempted.

Although she was a little concerned, she still didn't show any obvious disgust.

This made Caroline unhappy.

So there was Brian's sudden love affair last night.

Brian thought that he and Susan might encounter some second-generation provocations and fights in some bloody dramas, and then give himself a chance to show off and get slapped in the face, but he really didn't expect that the person who jumped out would be a woman. , she is also a woman who looks very royal.

Seeing Caroline crying made her cry.

Brian was not used to it, so he went up and kicked me again: "Tell me quickly, how do you know about my adoptive parents!"

Caroline wiped the nosebleed and cried:

"I am a new employee of the NW Internal Affairs Department and have the authority to review your files.

In addition, when I was investigating your information before, I found that the doctor in charge of the private medical institution where your adoptive parents worked was involved in a car accident, and your adoptive parents were also discharged and had exit records.

I felt very strange at that time.

Based on how you take care of your adoptive parents, how can you still work honestly when they go abroad?

So I suspected that there was something hidden here, so I sent people to investigate. It turned out that they only had exit information and no follow-up traces at all.

And then you can’t catch any fish.

I just wanted to threaten you."

I'll be nice.

Brian was speechless when he heard Caroline say that he was an employee of the NW Internal Affairs Department.

With your status, why didn't you tell me earlier?

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is equivalent to internal audit.


Just hit it.

Brian pretended not to hear Caroline's identity, sighed, walked to the window, and raised his melancholy chin at a 45-degree angle: "The matter about my adoptive parents is actually like this..."

It's probably because the adoptive parents feel that their time is running out and are ready to look around so that they can live a new life instead of living in the past.

This was the backup plan that Uncle Billy left behind when he was discharging his adoptive parents from the hospital.

Not to mention those overly paranoid methods.

Billy did have Brian's best interests at heart.

Brian talked about his life experience by the way.

Caroline was a little embarrassed to hear his emotional narration.

She didn't expect Brian to have such a tortuous life experience.

After saying that.

Brian took out a medical kit from Susan's cabinet. After helping Caroline treat her wounds, he said seriously: "I don't mind if you like Susan. It's fair competition at all, but have you considered whether Susan can accept this?" A same-sex love?”

Caroline lowered her head.

She actually tried it, but Susan was a straight woman and couldn't understand the meaning of her words at all, thinking she was just being affectionate.

Seeing her, she said nothing.

Brian patted her shoulder: "Okay, you go back and think about it yourself. Also, stop doing those little tricks. I hate being plotted against."

Caroline nodded and went out obediently.

Then it came back.

Caroline said with some embarrassment: "Well, I actually have other things to do when I come here this time."

It's past nine o'clock.

In the conference room, the members of Group B6 looked at the woman with a bruised nose and face in front of them with strange eyes.

Brian introduced to everyone calmly:

"This is Ms. Caroline, a staff member of the NW Internal Affairs Department.

Ms. Caroline came to our group this time mainly to commend our group for its recent outstanding performance, and also to inquire about the visit of the A1 team leader to our group the day before yesterday. "

Caroline uncomfortably praised the B6 group for their recent outstanding performance.

Everyone felt a little embarrassed.

no way.

Several cases were inexplicably completed by Brian.

They seem superfluous.

Caroline is Susan's best friend, so the question she asked was naturally a formality.

Farewell Caroline.

Brian introduced a few more people to Old Harden and introduced the new members Green and Thom.

Of the two of them, Thom was lucky. He had joined Group B1 before. However, Group B1 had suffered a terrorist attack by a primitive sect and lost its staff, so he returned to the Forensic Bureau.

So he joined the B6 team, even as a formal employee, responsible for on-site investigation and body collection, equivalent to Brian's assistant.

Patrolman Green was not so lucky.

He currently belongs to the peripheral personnel of group B6.

Similar to an intern.

If you want to become a regular employee, you need to observe for half a year.

After the meeting.

Brian called the black man Green aside alone: ​​"We don't have many people in our team. Ivan and Glenn are old partners and can be responsible for the case alone. As for me, although I am a coroner, I also know a little bit about solving cases, so before I am partnering with the team leader. Now that the team leader is not here, you can follow me for the time being. "

"no problem!"

Green had seen Brian solve crimes and knew that Brian was a generous man. He was very happy to see that he was following Brian.

He was very excited throughout the morning, helping everyone pour coffee, doing hygiene, etc. from time to time.

Finally, Ivan, who had mixed a lot of beer with him yesterday, stopped Green:

“Man, listen, being able to gain a foothold here depends on strength, not these things.

Of course, I still like how sensible you are, but there is no case now. You are fine. You can go and look at some case files. "

The worried Glenn on the side also expressed his approval perfunctorily.

He also went on patrol with Green yesterday, and actually picked up a few drunk girls.

After a night.

Glenn didn't know what he had gone through, and now he was full of worries.

Green listened to the teachings of his seniors, honestly took a volume of cases that Ivan gave him, and ran to the side to study.

See it.

Glenn on the side glanced at Brian who was forcing Dog Thirteen to watch a preschool education video, and quietly ran over: "Brian, my friend encountered something that I don't understand, so I thought... Ask you."

Brian asked Thirteen to watch the video and learn by himself. He turned his head and said curiously: "Ask, I hope I know."

Glenn was a little nervous:

"It's like this, my friend drank a little wine, so when he was pulling radishes yesterday, he forgot to wear a small umbrella.

When he woke up, he found that the person who was pulling the carrot was somewhat unclean.

Do you think my friend will be infected? "

Brian shook his head: "Sorry, I don't know either. I never have high-risk contacts."

After hearing this answer, Glenn was a little reluctant to give up: "If you are infected, what are the symptoms?"

Brian knew this, pointed at Glenn and said, "I don't know the other symptoms, but they usually go around like you, asking others if they are infected."

Glenn: .

He grimaced: "Okay, Brian, I need to take time off. I mean, I want to accompany my friend to see the doctor."

Watching Glenn's back as he left.

Brian chuckled and turned back to continue teaching Thirteen.

When he works part-time, he requires the cars to bring their own vehicle inspection reports before he will accept the business. Glenn is completely unscrupulous and kills everyone. It would be unscientific if he doesn't win the bid.

It's about three o'clock in the afternoon.

Glenn hasn't come back yet, and a new case has arrived.

And there are two at once.

The first case is the corpse dumping case.

Someone saw the exposed white legs of a woman in a bush. He thought it was a girl who was still hungover from the party last night. He ran over happily, only to find that it was a female corpse with a miserable death condition.

Glenn isn't here.

Brian, newcomers Green, Ivan, Thom who drove the site survey vehicle, and Dog Thirteen, four people and one dog, went to the scene.

The deceased was a beautiful girl who looked like a teenager. She was wearing a Snow White COS costume and a silver wig. The skirt was in a mess. Obvious bruises and scratches could be seen on her limbs, as if several people were restraining her body. ,Then.

This was an obvious case of multiple murders.

Ivan shrugged: "It seems to be a dark version of the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs."

After liver warming and visual inspection.

Brian determined that the time of death of the deceased was probably around early last night.

The cause of death was asphyxiation.

In the mouth of the deceased, some remnants of regurgitated food could be seen.

After some exchanges, several people speculated that the victim should have vomited out, but was pushed back again, causing suffocation and death.

Wait until you notice something is wrong.

The beasts threw the dead body into the bushes indiscriminately.

This is a very stupid crime. The murderer seems to be very young and has a very poor psychological quality.

Ivan said directly: "This case is quite simple. The murderer is either the girl's companion or a friend I met yesterday. Thom and I can handle it. You can take Green to handle another case."

Brian nodded.

When he was in the Forensic Bureau, he was exposed to many similar cases.

Most of the assault cases are committed by acquaintances. The perpetrators are either classmates or colleagues of the victim, or friends or family members.

Farewell to both Ivan and Ivan.

Brian took Thirteen, who was sniffing around, and Green, who had been listening and observing carefully before, to the scene of the second crime.

The second case was a murder case.

The crime occurred in a high-rise apartment in the jurisdiction.

When Brian and the others arrived, it was already past four in the afternoon.

"This place looks really nice."

Green looked at the facilities outside the apartment with some envy.

The suit he was wearing was bought with a credit card, costing more than a thousand dollars a suit, but he still looked a little out of place here.

"It's just fake money."

Brian pinned the police badge on his collar: "The real rich people in Los Angeles all live in manors and villa areas along the West Coast. It's a pity that our jurisdiction is not there, otherwise you would have the chance to see a lot of bloody cases."

With that said, the two came to the floor.

There were patrol police who arrived early and were guarding the scene.

Brian was just about to say hello to them.

The two patrolmen spoke first: "Brian? Wow, I didn't expect you to be in charge of this case. It seems we are lucky."

Green smiled and said: "After the last case in Forest Park, everyone in the several police stations in the area should know you."

Brian shrugged: "My pleasure, let's learn about the case first."

He found that Thirteen had been very excited since he arrived at this floor.

This was the first time he had seen such a situation.

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