You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 115 The Brutal Murderer, the Seven Dwarfs and Snow White (Additional chapter 3 for the leade

"The deceased is a family of three. We went to the scene and saw that it was a bit tragic.

The neighbors were either celebrating the festival outside and didn't come back all night, or they were partying with a group of friends and making a lot of noise. We didn't hear anything special."

A patrolman told the information he knew in advance.

Brian nodded: "Where is the reporter?"

The patrolman shook his head: "Someone reported the case through a public phone at 1 pm. There is no surveillance there. We can only confirm that it is a male. The report information is also very brief, just saying that the family of three here are dead."

Hearing this, Brian immediately realized that this case was not simple.

This report call was either the murderer's own explosion.

There really is such an arrogant guy.

Generally, in this case, the case is often more difficult.

The other is that the insider reports the case.

They feel guilty and know some of the situation, but they dare not provoke the murderer, so they will choose this anonymous way to report the case.

This means that the murderer is not simple.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are people who don't like to get into trouble and report the case, but this kind of person is obviously not suitable for this case.

Thanks to the two patrolmen.

Brian and Green put on shoe covers and walked into the apartment.

Thirteen put on special transparent clothes to prevent hair loss and followed in.

This is a high-rise building on the 13th floor, with a total area of ​​about 150 square meters, four separate rooms, two bathrooms, and a living room connected to an open kitchen and a large balcony.

Without a common area.

This house looks really big and spacious.

The first dead person died on the sofa in the living room.

This is a black man in his thirties, wearing pajamas, a large gold necklace around his neck, and several gold rings with diamonds on his fingers. He looks like a nouveau riche.

His eyes were wide open, and obvious fear and hatred could be seen on his face. There were bruises and blood in his mouth, and glass fragments and blood on his knees.

There were blood and dried liquid residues on the coffee table in front of the man.

On the floor in front of him were broken pieces of a water cup, and blood could be seen on some of the fragments.

In addition.

A very red obsession ball was suspended above the man's body.

Brian was not in a hurry to collect the obsession ball. He first looked at Green who had been looking at the body: "Can you see anything?"

Green nodded:

"The deceased must have been threatened before he died.

He was first punched in the mouth, and then forced to kneel on the ground with glass, with his head pressed

So the deceased and the murderer must know each other.

The key is that although the things on the deceased are not sure whether they are true or false, the murderer did not take them away after killing him. I suspect that the murderer's purpose is to force him to ask for something or intelligence."

Pa pa pa~

Brian clapped his hands in surprise: "Green, you are very talented!"

Green smiled shyly: "The main reason is that I grew up in the slums and have seen many death scenes. I know these things better."


He pointed at the tattoos on the black dead body and said:

"This man is obviously from a gang.

This tattoo is from the Helen gang.

This teardrop means he has killed at least one person, or a loved one has left him. As for this spider web, judging from its shape, he has been in prison, three times, but it shouldn't be serious."


Brian looked at Green with a new eye.

This kid might be a talent if he is trained.

Brian took out his gloves, examined the dead body, and took the opportunity to collect the obsession ball.

A message came into his mind: Kill that Mexican and avenge my family!!!

"What a heavy grudge."

Brian muttered in his heart, and after finding that the obsession feedback was ten units of gift energy, he continued to examine the body.

A moment.

He placed his palm on the dead body's chest, pressed it, and then lifted the other's pajamas to cover it.

Only under the pajamas could be seen.

A large black and blue fist mark was shocking.

Brian looked carefully at the distribution of blood spots under the eyes of the deceased, and finally came to the conclusion: this guy was hit by a punch of at least 400 kilograms, his ribs were broken, and his heart stopped and he died suddenly.

"The fist mark is condensed and powerful. The murderer may have a foundation in boxing, and his physique should not be small."

After Brian came to the conclusion, he took Glenn to continue walking inside.

As soon as Thirteen came in, he sniffed everywhere.

Brian saw that Thirteen did not emit special pheromones, so he was too lazy to care about him.

The second body was in the bathroom.

The deceased was a plump black woman with a deformed buttocks.

The other party's head was buried in the bath water in the bathtub, her hands were floating on the water powerlessly, her abdomen was leaning on the edge of the bathtub, her buttocks were raised high, and you could see traces of body fluids sticking to her legs and drying.

Seeing the body, Green subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and his eyes were fixed on the other party's buttocks that were somewhat large and deformed.

Brian rolled his eyes.

Black people seem to like this one.

The marks on the female corpse are obvious, and you can see some bruises caused by struggle. The main cause of death is drowning.

The murderer should have pressed her into the bathtub, while pulling carrots, and drowned her alive, which is very cruel.

In fact, it is not an easy thing.

In the face of life and death, even a woman can burst out with amazing strength.

This once again proves that the murderer is very strong.

Finally, in the oven, the two found a curled up body of a black child.

The scene looked a bit disgusting.

Both of them were a little silent.

Green clenched his fists: "The murderer is too cruel!"

Brian didn't say anything, just asked Green to see what Thirteen was doing.

After Green left.

He directly turned on the enhanced sense of smell and began to search throughout the house.

The three victims, except for the child whose traces were severely damaged by the oven, the other two adults, died no more than 24 hours ago.

Unless the murderer is a deformed person with special abilities, he can't hide his unique pheromone smell!

A large amount of smell poured into the nasal cavity.

Soon, the smell of the two patrolmen was first eliminated by Brian.

After that, the smell of the three victims was eliminated.

Some human pheromone smells that had been left for a long time were also eliminated by Brian.

This smell, which was obviously left by someone who had been here recently and the room was not ventilated, did not match the time of death of the deceased.

At this time,

Brian walked to the toilet and sniffed it gently.

A strong smell of male hormone pheromones rushed into his nose.

Found it!

This should be the smell left by the murderer, the Mexican who was obsessed with the deceased.

Based on the pheromone residue.

Brian determined that the other party was a man with a very active metabolism, strong aggression, bad temper, and about 30 years old.

This person's sexual desire is probably very strong.

When Brian profiled the murderer.

Green was dumbfounded.


"A lot of money!"

Green kept swallowing his saliva.

It was the first time he saw so much cash.

In the cloakroom, Gouzi Thirteen pulled out most of a plaster wall, revealing the densely packed cash inside, which was stacked with banknotes.

If Brian was not next door and there were two patrolmen outside, Green really couldn't be sure what he would do now.

He risked his life to become a patrolman, why?


Now there is so much money in front of him.

If they were all his, all the problems he faced would not be problems at all!

Thirteen saw Green standing there in a daze, his big eyes flashing with doubts of human nature, and then he continued to tear down the wall.

Since he found that the big dog liked these things on the road at the Mexican border last time, he often paid attention to this smell. When he went out to play, he secretly hid a lot of what he picked up and brought them back to the apartment and hid them, preparing to give the big dog a surprise.

On the other side.

Brian also stood on the slate balcony with a strange look on his face, looking down at the slate under his feet.

If he smelled it right, the pile of slates under his feet was mixed with a lot of drugs.

This way of hiding drugs is quite novel.

Following this clue.

Brian finally found that there were a total of 122 small slates on the entire balcony, which contained drugs, but the specific content was unclear.

Confirm this point.

Brian called and gave it to Old Harden, asking him to drive over to pick up the goods.

On Green's side, after a strong ideological struggle, he finally gave up the idea of ​​hiding a few stacks of cash while Brian was away and there was only a dog who couldn't speak here.

Some things, once done, can never be turned back.

This is the way of life his mother taught him.

With a sense of loss, Green ran to Brian and told him about Thirteen finding a large amount of cash.

Brian came to the cloakroom and looked at Thirteen.

"Wangwang~ (The big black dog didn't move~)"

Thirteen said a few words of Wangwang and continued to open the box happily.

Hearing this, Brian looked at Green, who was a little guilty, and said pointedly:

"These cashes look like they should be more than one million.

Not much.

Since I joined NW, the total bonuses so far should be almost two million, and this is after tax.

Follow me in the future, work hard, and you will have so much!

In addition, part of these stolen money will be used as bonuses for our team, and you will also have a share."

After eating Brian's pancake, Green felt much better and asked curiously: "Will part of the stolen money be used as bonuses for us?"

Brian nodded: "It's normal. Without money, who would be willing to work so hard to solve the case!"

This is also to prevent corruption.

When Brian was still in the Medical Examiner's Office, he had heard a lot of rumors about the Los Angeles Police Department.

Wait until the scene is completely cleared.

It was already past seven in the evening.

Ivan had already directly locked on to the murderers of the gang rape case.

The case was very simple.

The murderers were the cosplayers of the seven dark dwarfs.

The eight of them came out to play together, and then prepared to play some exciting taboo games, but some accidents occurred during the process.

Someone recorded the process, proving that it was indeed an accident.

They were just very scared, so they dumped the body.

Cases like this.

Because the murderers were all under 18 years old, and the death was accidental.

If the parents of these children get together and hire a good lawyer, they may be exempted from punishment and only need to pay some harmless compensation.

The girl's age is forever frozen at the present.

Her family can only shed tears while looking at her photo.

Seeing Ivan's high efficiency.

Brian is also ready to solve the murder case tonight.

The murderer looks very powerful.

He is very interested.

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