You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 116 Call the police? What do you want from us? (Additional chapter 4 for the leader of the ‘

There is little specific evidence left in the murder case, but there are many directions to investigate.

The key to solving the case is to find the right direction.

When cleaning up the drugs, corpses and the pile of money in the victim's home, Green was sent by Brian to investigate the social identity of the victim.

He was born in a slum and had a group of friends who were in gangs themselves, so he was well-informed.

Green also brought back the news quickly:

"Boss Brian.

The male victim in the murder case was named Sherrick, the second-in-command of the Helen Gang.

The Helen Gang is a smuggling gang with only about a hundred people. It specializes in smuggling some zero-dollar purchases and electronic equipment abroad. It is not very eye-catching and belongs to the beggar gang. There are only three core figures.

Sherrick is one, the gang leader Helen is one, and there is another person named Qi Baosen, who is of Chinese descent and is the accountant of the Helen Gang and the person in charge of the overseas smuggling channels."

Green is a discerning person and directly called Brian the boss.

Brian was very satisfied with Green's efficiency: "Do you know where the headquarters of the Helen Gang is?"

Green nodded: "Although the Helen Gang is just a beggar gang, many people know about it in this slum. People often bring their gains to them to sell stolen goods or buy some cheap stolen goods. They have a fixed warehouse and range of activities."

After eating something.

The two of them and the dog continued to set off and headed for the Helen Gang.

For the slums.

Although it was not where he lived, Green still acted familiar with it. Along the way, he kept popularizing some knowledge to Brian.

Although Brian was clear about these things because of the Kamo family, he was far less familiar with them than people in Green's circle, so he also learned something.

Not long after.

They came to a small building that looked a little shabby.

There was also a warehouse next to the building. Outside, a few black people were playing cards under the light of a headlight. A little further away, there were some children burning fire in oil barrels, laughing and joking, and they looked quite peaceful.

The two checked their equipment, put on their bulletproof vests, and then got off the car.

Thirteen stayed in the car this time.

He had been up a lot these past two days, and he was still young, so he was sleeping soundly now.

He saw a car suddenly stop, and two tall men got out.

Several people immediately put down their cards and looked at Brian and the others, and some people had already touched their waists.

It was not that they were sensitive, but the slums and the outside world, which might be separated by only one street, were two different worlds. Usually, you could not see the shadow of patrolmen at all, and shootings between gangs could break out at any time.

Several black kids who were playing with fire also quietly hid in the shadows.

Once there was a situation, they would go and call for help.

Seeing this.

Green quickly made a gesture unique to black people: "Hey, brothers, we have no hostility, we just want to ask you something."

"Who are you?" A black man with thick lips said in a bad tone: "We don't have brothers like you who are dressed so well."

"Isn't Sherick dressed very well? His big gold necklaces and gold diamond rings look very valuable." Brian shrugged: "Yes, you are just a bunch of small characters, he will definitely not treat you as brothers."

Green secretly thought it was not good.

Sure enough, the next moment, two black people took out pistols: "What did you say, you little white face raised by a bitch."

Bang bang~

Two gunshots.

The pistols held by the two black people were directly shot away.

They looked at Brian with dull eyes, some of them didn't react.

For them who have been shooting bullets randomly for many years and can't kill people, this shooting skill and shooting speed are a bit beyond their cognition.

Brian flicked his gun and pointed at the NW Operations badge on Green's chest and said, "Remember, wear this, only we are thugs. Whoever dares to draw a gun will have his head blown up. This is the style of our B6 group."

After saying that.

He walked to the black man who had just started to insult, put on autopsy gloves, and slapped each of them: "You should be thankful that you didn't turn on the safety just now, otherwise you can kiss the soil under your feet with your stinky mouths now!"

Brian's arrogant attitude not only did not make these gangsters furious, but made them dare not act rashly.

Those who are impulsive, stupid, and have no vision will not live long.

Anyway, this is the territory of their Helen Gang.

These two people can't run away.

Seeing that these people didn't speak.

Brian didn't care, and directly greeted Green, sat in the position before these people, and waited.

He dared to be so arrogant, because he had the confidence.

As for Green.

Behind him was the warehouse.

He was sure that he could throw the other party in when he was in danger.

It depends on whether Green has the courage.

This is also a small test from Brian.

If he doesn't have this courage, no matter how talented he is, he can't achieve anything and is not worth cultivating!

Although Green predicted what would happen next, he still followed Brian unswervingly, but the safety of his gun had been opened.

Now Green regretted not taking the automatic rifle from the car directly.

After two or three minutes.

A group of dark people surrounded the area with guns.

The few people who had just guarded the warehouse hurriedly joined their companions.

The guy who spoke at the beginning reported the situation to a fat, dark man in the crowd.

The big black fat man glanced at Brian who was sitting calmly, and immediately asked his men to put down their guns. With a simple and honest smile on his fat face, he walked over alone: ​​"I am Helen, please tell me, Mr. Police Officers, what do you want? What do you know?"

The leader of the gang, in front of so many subordinates, had no airs at all and simply chose to bow his head.

"Very discerning."

Brian complimented and took out a printed photo: "You should know this person, right?"

Helen took the photo doubtfully.

next moment.

His expression changed drastically, and he said angrily: "Sherick! This is my good brother Sherrick, who killed him!"

Brian shook his head: "We're checking. Is there anything unusual about Sherrick recently?"

He had already strengthened his sense of smell to confirm that there was no smell of the murderer at the scene, and coupled with the obsession with the deceased, he had made it clear that the murderer was a Mexican, so the people from Helen's gang should not be suspected.

Helen thought for a moment and nodded hesitantly:

“Recently we had a batch of smuggled items placed in a warehouse in Las Vegas. This is our method of legalizing some valuable smuggled items.

Sherrick took some brothers and went there to conduct a warehouse auction without renewal fees.

The whole process went very smoothly.

Sherrick brought the goods back successfully.

But then he said that he wanted to spend time with his family and take some rest. Otherwise, if something happened to him, I would have known about it. "

"Call out the people who went there with Sherrick."

Brian realized that the problem must be this trip to Las Vegas.

Involving the death of his good brother.

Coupled with this pretty boy, he is not easy to mess with.

Helen didn't hesitate and directly named a few people.

He is a smuggler, not a drug dealer and an arms dealer. Under the influence of his Chinese partner, he likes to be friendly and make money. Most of the time, he doesn't like to use knives or guns.

Brian and Green asked several people separately.

From Green's side, useful information was obtained.

Sherrick liked gambling very much, so in addition to the gang's warehouses, he also auctioned off several additional warehouses.

At first.

The other party also asked a few boys to help pull the goods, but later made an excuse to let them play and chose to load the goods themselves.

The problem probably lies in those warehouses.

This guy Sherrick probably took a photo of someone else's warehouse.

Brian couldn't help but have a headache.

This kind of thing requires cross-regional investigation, which is not easy to investigate.

It's probably going to be difficult to solve the case today.

Suddenly, noise came from outside.

A group of frightened Helen gang members kept retreating in fear, and finally even retreated behind the gang leader Helen.

Helen was a little angry: "What's going on!"

"Boss, look there."

Helen, Brian and Green beside her, all looked at the street ahead.

Only a few cars were seen slowly appearing in front of everyone.

Outside the car, several automatic rifles were aimed at everyone, so arrogant that people thought this was Mexico.

Green quickly walked up to Brian and said, "Boss Brian, something is wrong. When gangs fight, they usually agree on a date in advance and inform the surrounding residents to avoid accidental injuries and calling the police. This kind of thing will look like an outsider!"

Brian nodded and motioned for Green to watch the show.

Seeing Brian and the two standing calmly, Helen took a deep breath and signaled a confidant to step forward to inquire about the situation.

A black man in fine clothes nodded, spread his hands, indicating that he meant no harm, and approached the vehicle: "Hey, this is the Helen Gang's place, what do you want?"


Under the night, gun flames exploded.

The black man who stepped forward had no time to scream. His body was beaten more than three meters and turned into a tattered sieve. He died on the spot.

This cruel scene frightened all the gangsters who mainly engaged in smuggling and robbery.

A majestic white man with a cigar in his hand, holding a shotgun and wearing sunglasses, kicked open the car door, walked out carelessly, and pointed at everyone: "Who is the leader of the Helen Gang? Get in front of me!"

Seven or eight white men in suits holding automatic rifles stood silently behind this man, with cruel and teasing eyes, as if they were looking at a group of garbage waiting to be slaughtered.

Helen swallowed and looked at Brian for help.

This group of people, at first glance, look like ruthless people who kill without blinking an eye. If there is a conflict, my subordinates who bully the weak and fear the strong will probably run faster than anyone else.

Brian saw Helen's pleading eyes and remained motionless.

It's none of his business.

But secretly, Brian had already pressed the call for help button on the watch on his wrist.

He felt that these people were too arrogant and something was wrong.

Seeing Brian pretending to be dead, Helen could only wink at a confidant, stretched out her hands resignedly, walked a few steps, and said from a distance: "I am Helen, what do you want from me?"

I met the leader of Helen's gang, who was a big black fat man.

The man holding a shotgun and holding a cigar pulled down his sunglasses, revealing his fierce gaze under the sunglasses: "Goods, your people took our goods, hand over the people and goods!"

"Sorry, what kind of goods are they? They must be returned to us!" Helen was very cooperative: "All our goods are in the warehouse at the back. You can go and see them now."

See him cooperate.

The cigar man nodded and motioned a subordinate to go to the warehouse to check.

A few minutes later.

The subordinate shook his head at him: "Boss, they are all junk electrical appliances, electronic products and clothes, and there is no goods from us."

"You are kidding me?" The cigar man threw away the cigar in his hand, picked up the shotgun, aimed at Helen's feet, and fired several shots!

Helen was frightened by this psychopathic man and screamed, and crawled back to hide: "My people have called the police, don't be so arrogant!"

"Call the police?"

The man seemed to have heard a big joke and looked at his subordinates behind him: "Hahaha, he said to call the police!"

Those men in suits also laughed.

Under the gaze of a group of black people.

The man who laughed so hard that his stomach hurt, put a Las Vegas J-drug police badge on his chest: "Come on, the police officer is standing here, what do you want to see us for?"

Brian: Thank you for the 150,000 book coins and character rewards from the book friend 'Night of Glory', and thank you for the night boss!

Thank you for the 500 book coins reward from the book friend 'xin sleep xin', and thank you for the beauty!

Thanks to the book friends ‘Fat Bookworm’ and ‘2017 Post Song’ for the tips, and thanks to the two bosses!

Additional update:

Tip: 12-2+4=14 chapters (including 1 additional chapter from the cumulative tips from all book friends)

First order: 22 chapters

Monthly ticket: 1 chapter

Today’s 13,000 update is here, see you tomorrow at 5pm on time.

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