You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 117 My gun, I won’t allow anyone to be so arrogant in front of me!


Another shot sent sparks flying across the concrete floor!


The man in sunglasses was in a state of excitement and was a little crazy: "Call the police to see us for something!"

Helen has been wandering around for so many years, she has seen gangster policemen and lawless gangsters armed with Thomson machine guns, but this kind of lunatic who is so arrogant in exposing his identity in front of dozens of people armed with firearms across regions, he is still First time meeting.

Helen's confidant approached Helen and whispered: "I called and the operator said that there was a cross-regional case to be handled and the transfer had been made. These bastards must have called in advance with the Anti-Crime and Anti-Narcotics Department of the Police Detective Bureau. call."

The Los Angeles Police Department is divided into three parts: the Detective Bureau (detectives), the Operations Division (patrol police), and the Special Operations Bureau (SWAT, K-9 dog team, etc.).

The Anti-Gang and Anti-Drug Division is a department of the Los Angeles Police Detective Bureau. It is similar to the comprehensive anti-gang and anti-drug team. It has the most dealings with gang members, and the composition of the people there is also very complex.

Helen's heart sank when she heard this.

This is really troublesome.

He gritted his teeth and took out his pistol: "This is Los Angeles, not Las Vegas. Brothers, don't be afraid. These people are pretending to be drug police. We have never been in the drug trafficking business. They just want to rob us." Territorial, do it”

The words are not finished yet.

The cell phone on the man's chest rang.

He tilted his head, looked at Helen who was encouraging his men, grinned silently, and turned on the voice button on his phone in front of everyone.

On the other end of the phone, the operator's gentle voice came: "Agent Ladd, we have received a call from residents of Akarun Community."

The man in sunglasses, also known as Ladd, directly interrupted the operator: "Sorry, our team is being violently resisted by the suspect. Some residents may have misunderstood. As long as we are here, we will ensure the safety of those innocent citizens!"

When saying the last sentence.

The people behind him sneered and pinned the police badges belonging to the Las Vegas Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) on their chests, and at the same time raised the muzzles of their automatic rifles and pointed them at Helen and the others. Small-time smugglers.

"Okay, if you need force support from the Los Angeles Operations Department, please contact us in time." The operator obviously didn't have a good impression of the slums and quickly hung up the phone.

Helen is a person who recognizes reality.

If he is the boss of a drug gang and has dozens of subordinates who dare to fight and fight, then he now dares to step on these people's heads and ask them to kneel and lick his toes.

Too bad he wasn't.

If you dare to resist, even if the group of people in front of you is clearly violating the rules, in order to maintain authority, the Los Angeles Police Department will be followed by a steady stream of death attacks. Surviving and finding another place is the smart thing to do.

Besides, it’s not like he has no way to break the situation!

Think of this.

Helen quickly wiped off the fingerprints on the pistol, threw the pistol to the ground, raised her hands high, knelt down and surrendered: "Mr. Agent, I can swear on the name of my grandmother that I have not touched anything that I shouldn't have touched, and Helen's gang also We will cooperate with all investigations!”

When a group of Helen Gang gangsters saw this, they all breathed a sigh of relief, dropped their pistols, followed their boss, and surrendered on their hands and knees.

With a meager income of one to two thousand dollars a month, what kind of life do you have to work for?

Ladd burst out laughing when he saw this.

He enjoyed the pleasure of controlling the fate of these pigs.

What a bullshit gangster!

To hang out, you must have strength and background!

If you say they are thieves, they are thieves!

It is only natural to beat them yourself!

If they dare to fight back, they are thugs and will be crushed to pieces by violent institutions!

Suddenly, Ladd, who was laughing arrogantly, was stunned.

He pulled down his sunglasses and saw two straight figures standing among a group of kneeling people.

It turned out that Helen and the others knelt down, directly highlighting Brian and Green.

"Boss Brian, what should we do now?"

Green felt like he was suffocating when the psychotic Ladd looked at him.

FK, it’s just my first day working at NW. Do you want it to be so exciting?

"What do you mean?"

Brian glanced at Green strangely and unbuttoned his shirt: "This is Los Angeles. When did a group of Las Vegas drug addicts come over and act arrogantly?"

While talking.

Ladd, with a group of his men, had already walked up to Brian.

His sunglasses had been pulled up to the wings of his nose, and in the sunken eye sockets were a pair of brown eyes covered with bloodshot eyes.

Ladd looked at Brian who was looking at him calmly, with red bloodshot eyes pulsing: "You are very brave."

Brian shrugged: "You are also very arrogant."

"My arrogance is the right given to me by the badge on my chest!" Ladd slowly filled the shotgun in his hand with cylindrical bullets: "Your boldness will make your life end today. night."

Brian glanced at the group of people watching the show behind Ladd and shook his head: "You want to kill me in front of so many people?"

Ladra pulled the bolt and loaded the gun, putting the muzzle of the gun against Brian's chest: "Be good, kneel down."

at this time.

One of the men behind Ladd suddenly glanced at the badge on Brian's collar, and then looked at the bulge on Green's body that was blocked behind Brian, similar to a body armor, and his expression changed slightly.

not good!

These two are Los Angeles police officers!

He was just about to remind Boss Ladd who took two pills before taking action.

next moment.


A gunshot rang out.

Ladd's figure trembled, and his crazy and excited eyes turned into confusion.

This pretty boy actually shot?

How dare he shoot!

With this thought, Rad's crazy consciousness was swallowed up by infinite darkness.

Brian stretched out his fingers, gently moved the muzzle of the shotgun away from his chest, walked to Ladd's stiff body, leaned to his ear, and whispered: "My gun is not allowed to be used by anyone." So arrogant in front of me!”

Grinding and chirping.

If there weren't too many people here and he needed a reason to shoot, he would have shot all Ladd's group down!

Several people behind Ladd were shocked by this sudden situation.

A man touched the blood splattered on his face and realized that their boss Ladd was suddenly shot in the head by the pretty boy in front of him.


He just pulled the trigger.

Almost at the moment of the gunshot, a bullet passed through Ladd's armpit and was accurately delivered to his eye socket. It passed through the soft brain tissue and exploded from the back of the man's head with a ball of red and white mixture. out.

He fell down in a daze, and pulled the trigger tightly, drawing the bullet from the gun into a long arc. Most of it hit Ladd's corpse, which was used as a shield by Brian, and the rest flew toward Ladd. sky.

When the bullet passed through Ladd's body and hit Brian's chest body armor, it had lost much kinetic energy, but the blood-stained bullets and dense bullet holes were still very shocking to see.

Killed two people in a row.

Brian then said loudly: "NW Operations Department, everyone put down their guns!"

Green also followed Brian's instructions, took out his ID, rushed to Brian, pointed his gun at Ladd's remaining men, and shouted:

"We've called for backup!

There are dozens of witnesses here. Ladd, who killed civilians indiscriminately and tried to shoot police officers, was shot dead on the spot. You were just deceived by that Ladd. Think of your wife and children at home, and put down your weapons! "

If Brian's approach only temporarily suppressed this group of lawless black police officers, Green's words directly became the last straw in the hearts of this group of people.

After all, this is not their territory.

The long-haired white young man who first noticed that Brian was wearing a police badge, but did not have time to warn him, was the first to drop the automatic rifle in his hand.

Under his leadership.

Except for one guy with a crew cut full of earrings, everyone else chose to give up resistance.

Brian pushed away the corpse in front of him and looked at the man with earrings: "You seem a little unconvinced?"

The man with earrings has fierce eyes.

He dropped the rifle in his hand and sneered: "No matter who you are, if you kill Ladd, you will get yourself into trouble!"

Brian was too lazy to deal with such an idiot who couldn't see the situation clearly.

No matter how big the trouble is, it will only happen in the future.

But the other party can't see it.

Brian shook his head towards Green: "He also shot just now, kill him!"

Green was stunned for a moment, gritted his teeth, pointed directly at the shocked man with earrings, and pulled the trigger.

"No, I didn't shoot, I was wrong, don't"

Bang bang bang~

Before the man with earrings could finish his begging for mercy, he knelt down on the ground without any peace of mind and made no sound.

Obviously, his body is not as tough as his mouth and cannot withstand bullets.

At this scene, the remaining J drug policemen were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

They seem arrogant.

But from the beginning to the end, Ladd took drugs and directly beat a guy to death. The person he beat to death was a low-class bastard with no social status!

Now, these two people have killed three of them.

Who is the arrogant one?

The local police officers are so brutal!

In the distance, a group of Helen gang members were so frightened that they lay on the ground with their faces pressed tightly to the ground. The main thing is that they don't see, hear or know!

Gang leader Helen was even more worried.

He admitted that he took the lead in kneeling down just to let Brian and the two of them attract the madman's attention.

But he never expected that this sweet-faced boy, who seemed so gentle and gentle, was also a lunatic. Facing the J drug police who also belonged to a violent organization, he would kill him at will without any hesitation.

Helen felt extremely tired now.

You should engage in some smuggling yourself. The biggest violent act is to teach the people below you to take those poor people to those shops to do some zero-dollar purchases and collect the wool of capitalists. Why did you attract these two gangsters?

Brian was very satisfied when he saw Green shoot decisively.

He patted Green on the shoulder: "Very good. You have learned the working style of our B6 team. I will propose that you become a regular as soon as possible. Before support comes, what do you think we should do next?"

When Green heard Brian's words, his big black face lit up with joy.

There was cruelty in his eyes: "Boss Brian, do your best!"

After saying that, Green walked up to the long-haired white man who first put down the gun: "You saw that guy and fired too, right?"

The long-haired white man screamed in his heart, but he was lying on the ground having learned from the past and could only nod: "Yes, Hasawa also shot, he shot at you."

"There are traces!"

Green followed Brian's example and waved his gun!

Even though his hand holding the gun was shaking, no one would doubt this young black man's determination to shoot.

Under Green's watchful eye.

These people walked to the dead body of the earring man, grabbed his hand and pulled the trigger.

At this point, the three Las Vegas "black police" who attacked Brian and Green were all killed.

The Helen Gang members were locked up in the warehouse behind them.

While the reinforcements have not arrived yet.

Brian learned the purpose of this group of Las Vegas DEA police officers through the mouths of these J drug police.

This matter is still related to Sherrick, the second in command of the Helen Gang and the victim of the murder case.

This greedy guy, when he picked up the goods in Las Vegas last time, somehow learned about a batch of stolen goods and dirty money that Rad and his men concealed their identities and hid here. I don't know what means he used to take down this legitimately renewed warehouse.

The problem is.

When these drug police received the news, it had been several days. They only recently investigated this matter and chased after it.

They did not do anything to Sherrick.

They didn't kill people.

In this case, who is the murderer?

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