You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 11 This world is so ugly

Along with the second light point shattered.

A new picture appeared in front of Brian.

For the first time, he saw the reality of single mother Emmaline Keller.

Although this 27-year-old mother is not beautiful in appearance, her soft facial features and the smile that always hangs at the corner of her mouth make it easy for people to feel good about her and think that she is a kind-hearted woman.

This is also true.

in the screen.

Emmaline Keller was wearing pajamas and looked worriedly at the staggering drunken neighbor Andres who appeared in front of her.

She glanced at the second floor hesitantly, and finally chose to help Andres into the room. She thoughtfully poured a glass of water and fed it to Andres before putting on her coat. She seemed ready to go to the neighbor's house to find him. Andres' wife came to pick up the drunk neighbor.

She didn't notice that Andres, who seemed to be full of alcohol, turned his drunken eyes into greedy ones the moment she turned around.

The first screen is broken.

Brian clenched his fists.

He had already guessed what happened next.


Should kind people encounter bad luck?

The other party's experience reminded Brian of his own situation, and he felt strong empathy!

Look at what a good person like me, who is kind to others, has been forced to do by life!

With rising anger.

Brian looked at the newly formed second picture:

It seems to be in the bathroom.

Everything has changed.

The gentle and kind-hearted Emmaline Keller, who had always been smiling, now has many bruises and bruises on her face. The coat and tightly wrapped pajamas she originally wore on her body have also disappeared.

She lay on the cold ground, with tears in her eyes, naked, and kept kowtowing to the dark figure blocking the bathroom door, her lips moving, as if she was praying to him for something.

The dark shadow is none other than the shirtless Andres.

He tilted his head and leaned on the bathroom door, with a joking expression and ferocious eyes. He seemed to be very satisfied with this feeling of being superior and controlling other people's lives.

Until a vehicle passes by outside.

Andres nodded reluctantly.

See it.

Emmaline Keller wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, glanced reluctantly in the direction of the second floor, bit the towel in her mouth, her trembling and frightened body, lay down on her back, and closed her eyes.

The second screen ends here.

Brian was silent for a long time as he watched the empty space in front of him after the screen disappeared.

After a long time.

Only then did he let out a long sigh.

He had some vague guesses about the course and details of this case.

But Brian didn't dare to think about it.

Because the details are too cruel!

If it is really what he guessed.

Then he could easily end the life of Andres, a beast, and it would be too easy for him!


This suppressed emotion made Brian couldn't help but shout crazily in the white space.


It’s hard to calm down!

Until exhausted.

Brian was panting and floating in the air, and cursed towards the white space: "Fuck you, I wonder if I have a mental problem. You still use these pictures to stimulate me, let me get out!"

The words fell.

The white space collapsed quickly.

The moment Brian's body dissipated, two light spots invisible to the naked eye merged into his spiritual body.

Jingle bell bell~

The noisy alarm clock rang.

Brian jumped up from the bed and looked around. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the familiar surroundings.

He seemed to have had a dream last night.


Brian felt the clear memories in his mind and realized that the white space and the memory of the deceased last night were not dreams!

He remembered correctly.

before leaving.

There are also two ice-cold light spots that merge into his spiritual body.

I feel that my mind seems to be much clearer than before.

Brian was shocked.


That should also be a gift from the deceased.

But it only affects the spirit.

It's just that the reinforcement is not obvious.

Brian wasn't even sure if his mental power had really been strengthened.

He didn't worry too much about this.

Too lazy to think about it.

Anyway, after more experience in the future, you will know whether it is true.

However, Brian clearly felt that perhaps the heaviness that had been weighing on his heart in the past dissipated with the arrival of Golden Finger. His mood was obviously much more active than before, and his whole person was not as depressed and gloomy as before.

He is more lively.

The numb heart also became active.

It seemed like it had been reborn.

Maybe this is what he really is.

It's about nine o'clock in the morning.

Finished washing.

Brian was fully dressed, kicked open the apartment door that had not yet been repaired, and walked downstairs in high spirits.

In Los Angeles, traffic peak hours are from 7:00 to 9:00 in the morning and from 16:00 to 18:00 in the afternoon.

To save time and use resources efficiently.

The Bureau of Medical Examiners has designed a work and rest system suitable for Los Angeles.

Implement the system of starting work early and leaving get off work early.

For example, under an 8-hour working day, employees can go to work at 6:00 in the morning and get off at 14:00, or they can go to work at 10:00 and get off at 18:00.

Classes are held five days a week and the rules are as above.

You only need to report the schedule for the next month in advance at the end of the month. It is very free.

Because of physical weakness.

Brian always chooses to go to work at 10 am and get off work at 6 pm. He also chooses two days from Monday to Friday as his rest days to avoid the peak visiting hours of medical institutions and to visit his adoptive parents.

Half an hour later.

Bureau of Forensic Medicine.

After punching in, Brian greeted his colleagues enthusiastically, then came to his work station, slowly sipping the poured coffee and flipping through today's newspaper.

Ten past ten.

The superior supervisor summoned everyone from the forensic department to start meetings and work arrangements.

Brian sat directly at the back and touched the fish skillfully.

It is important to mention here the structure of the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner’s Office.

The Los Angeles County Medical Examiner's Bureau has five departments: Medical Examiner's Division, Legal Affairs Division, Operations Division, Administrative Services Division, and Public Services Division.

At the core, there is only one forensic department.

The remaining four departments all serve the Forensic Medicine Division.

The treatment in the forensic department is also the best.

Brian is a skilled worker in the forensic department.

He rarely goes out into the field.

As for my colleague Thom from last night, he belongs to the Operations Division and is responsible for field work.

The main body of the forensic department is the forensic doctor.

Among them, there are 17 general forensic doctors, 4 senior forensic doctors, 1 forensic supervisor, and 1 chief forensic doctor.

There are 23 forensic doctors in total.

Here in Los Angeles, there was originally a very senior autopsy officer, whose status was equivalent to that of the chief medical examiner.

However, the other party is old and cannot keep up with the various advanced instruments that are changing with each passing day.

So I retired last year.

Back to the topic.

Among 23 forensic doctors.

The Chief Medical Examiner, whose rank is comparable to that of the chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, has a very high status and basically does not participate in front-line work.

The main business of the Forensic Medicine Bureau is usually the forensic supervisor and several senior forensic doctors, who are responsible for assigning cases to the global forensic doctors.

These few rarely participate in ordinary front-line work.

That is to say.

In the entire Los Angeles County, the huge business volume is basically handled by 17 ordinary forensic doctors at the bottom.

The entire Los Angeles County has a population of more than 10 million, but the Medical Examiner's Bureau only has so many medical examiners. This is because the conditions for becoming a medical examiner are too harsh.

They need to first study four years of college engineering, and then four to five years of medical school. After graduation, they continue to go to the hospital to do four to five years of anatomical pathology and clinical pathology residency.

Usually to this extent.

These doctors in their thirties, apart from their inferior status, academic authority, etc., their income far exceeds that of ordinary forensic doctors.

That is to say.

Many talents will not choose to change careers when they reach this point.

Only a few, for various purposes, would choose to resign from the hospital and then take a national professional examination.

After passing the exam.

They need to go to the Forensic Medicine Bureau, serve as a forensic pathology intern for a year, and complete more than 250 autopsies before they can become a professional forensic doctor.

What a concept.

It's equivalent to saying.

From a high school graduate, every step goes smoothly, and it takes at least 13 to 14 years for them to become an ordinary forensic doctor with a monthly salary of more than 10,000 US dollars by the time they are in their thirties.

Any fool knows how to choose.

Ten talented people who have what it takes to get this far.

Nine of them will choose to become a doctor.

Only the remaining one will be transferred to a forensic doctor with lower income, higher academic authority and status.

Therefore, any of those unattractive-looking, mostly bald people in white coats sitting in front of Brian are among the top talents in Los Angeles County.

The meeting lasted about half an hour.

In fact, it is basically formalism.

The core is the worksheet sent by the secretary at the end.

Holding the worksheet in hand, Brian put on a full set of surgical attire similar to that of a butcher in advance, went to the morgue, and pushed the two corpses of victims delivered last night to the designated autopsy room to wait.

About ten minutes passed.

A middle-aged white man with a bald head and a yawn came to the anatomy room where Brian was.

The moment I saw Brian.

The originally listless bald forensic doctor became energetic:

“Brian, are you assisting me in my work today?

This is great!

The second-hand car you introduced last time was good, but a little boring.

Guys, any new resources? "

Brian's mouth twitched under his mask: "Forensic Examiner Henry, let's deal with today's work first."

Bald Henry nodded with some disappointment.

Compared to the cold corpses on the morgue.

He prefers used cars that are warm and welcoming.

"Well, Brian, I believe you won't let me down, as for today's work."

Forensic Henry yawned: "I received a notice from above that a new department will be established in Los Angeles. The salary is very good. Brian, you need more exercise. Today's work will be completed by you alone. I will be by your side. Look up."

This is an obvious illegal operation.

Forensic Henry did this, obviously in order to obtain the high-quality resources in Brian's hands and chose to take the initiative to show his kindness.

Brian didn't refuse.

Two hours later.

Brian glanced at the female corpse that had been scratched out in a standard Y" shape, and said expressionlessly:

"The deceased was Emmaline Keller, 27 years old, white female.

There are lacerations on the lower body, and no semen remains.

The deceased should have been violated before death.

There are multiple broken marks on the teeth, with the force facing inwards, and no obvious wear, which should be caused by biting some soft objects.

There is a lot of blood accumulation around.

Before death, the deceased should have suffered a lot of pain, but did not shout loudly. Instead, he bit an object and endured the pain, which led to excessive force and broke his teeth.

There are linear fibers remaining in the gaps between the teeth.

The specific components need to be tested..

But combined with the previous analysis, I guess it is a towel.

The cause of death of the deceased was multiple heavy blows to the face with a blunt object, resulting in a skull fracture and respiratory tract"

Henry, a forensic doctor, looked at Brian in surprise: "My friend, your growth is amazing. At least I didn't find any problems with your autopsy analysis. You may really have a chance to join the newly formed department. "

He actually had something else to say: for example, trace analysis.

Brian's scar analysis just now.

Even he, an old forensic doctor who has been in the industry for more than ten years, was a little amazed.

Too professional.

It was as if he had seen the crime scene with his own eyes!

"Forensic doctor Henry, I heard about this from Tom in the Operations Department yesterday. Can you reveal some information about the new department?"

Brian simply handled the scene, took off his gloves, and said casually.

He did not show excitement about Henry's exaggeration.

Making these analyses.

It's just that he knew the results, and then reversed the process, cheating.

Henry nodded: "I only know that the department is under the jurisdiction of the city government, with the dual rights of autopsy and solving cases. The name is borrowed from CSI in New York. You can call it the Crime Experiment Team."

"What about the time?"

Brian wrote down a few numbers on a piece of paper and handed it to the bald forensic doctor Henry.

Henry took the paper with a smile, and said happily without keeping it a secret: "At the end of September, someone will come to the Forensic Bureau to rescue people. I heard that because of this incident, the chief forensic doctor has been in a bad mood recently. "

Brian nodded thoughtfully.

It seems that he still has more than two weeks of buffer time.


After dinner.

Brian came to the empty rooftop, lit a cigarette, and looked at the tall buildings in the distance with deep eyes.

After the autopsy in the morning.

Combined with the death memory scene he saw last night.

He basically confirmed what happened last night:

The murderer Andres ran out to drink because of a conflict with his wife.

Perhaps under the stimulation of alcohol.

Andres, who was not drunk, came to the door of his neighbor Emmaline Keller's house to vent his accumulated dissatisfaction. He pretended to be drunk and walked into the wrong door, took advantage of Emmaline Keller's sympathy, entered the door, and then violated it.

At that time, Emmaline Keller's three-year-old daughter was sleeping on the second floor.

Perhaps this is the reason.

Andres succeeded easily.

After the crime.

Andres did not choose to let the poor single mother Emmaline Keller go.

He wanted to kill her to silence her.

Emmaline Keller was worried that after Andres killed her, he would kill her daughter by the way.

She knelt on the ground and begged this pervert who had just violated her, and in order to avoid her screams, waking up her sleeping daughter and causing Andres to s murderous intention.

Emmaline Keller took the initiative to bite the towel and lay on the ground, allowing Andres, the pervert, to hammer her to death with a hammer.

Even if it hurt so much that her teeth broke.

This woman didn't scream until she died...

The long ash dissipated in the air.

Brian let the burnt cigarette butt burn the skin on his fingertips, breathing heavily, and a blood moon in his eyes was looming.

Even after death.

Emmaline Keller's obsession was not revenge.

She just wanted to protect her children.

Brian flicked the cigarette butt and looked at the blue sky above his head and murmured: "This world is so ugly..." "

He somewhat missed the pleasure of the screwdriver piercing his flesh and blood that night.

A 4,000-word chapter, happy Lantern Festival.

By the way, a reminder.

In the story, the protagonist swallowed the crystal gifted by the memory of death. After waking up, he felt that his numb heart became active again, as if he had been reborn.

This paragraph is actually a foreshadowing.

Foreshadowing should not be revealed.

But in order to avoid some readers who read ten lines quickly and think that the protagonist does not have that cold style later, I still say it.

After all, it is about a bloodthirsty forensic doctor, not a serial killer.

As for what the foreshadowing is related to, I won't spoil it.

Good night

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