You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 10: Strengthening the body again, memories of death (Happy Lantern Festival)

Went downstairs.

Brian put the room key of 304 back into its place.

He did not leave in a hurry, but held the screwdriver and opened the eyelids at the front desk. Through the frequency of eye movement, he made sure that the other party was not pretending to sleep, and then left quietly.

Back to the car.

Brian took off his clothes and packed them in a package.

While recalling all the actions just now, making sure nothing was missed.

While waiting for feedback from Goldfinger.

This is also an experiment for him.

The wound just now seemed simple.

But even if Andres is on the operating table in the hospital now, it is almost impossible to save him.

He is dead!

However, when Brian left, the other party was still alive.

He does not know exactly the time of death of the other party.

If Goldfinger can still respond immediately this time, it means that the mechanism for determining the completion of obsession belongs to the rule system and is not based on Brian's cognition.

This also means that Brian can't rely on some self-suggestion and deception to get into the bug.

For killing people.

Brian didn't feel uncomfortable.

on the contrary.

When he inserted the screwdriver into the target's carotid artery just now, Brian felt a strange sense of relief that surged from head to toe, almost making him tremble with pleasure.

This feeling is wonderful.

But this is not the feeling of relief that comes with gifts from the dead.

It’s more like the feeling of satisfaction a person who quits smoking and is irritable feels when his body is suddenly filled with nicotine again after suffering from depression for a long time.

It's just weird.

In fact, this is not the first time Brian has killed someone.

When he was eight years old, he killed someone.

There's more than one.

But the reaction afterwards was nausea, fear, and nightmares for a long time.

This time, it was a completely new feeling.

Killing people, but satisfying

"Am I born to be a pervert?"

Brian smiled, suppressed this thought, took out his mobile phone, and calmly estimated the approximate time of the target's death.

As for the reaction tomorrow when Andres is found dead in the hotel.

Brian didn't care.

In the absence of the Sky Eye system + effective evidence, when the police solve a case, they will usually investigate the motive of the crime, the interpersonal relationship of the deceased, etc.

Between Brian and Target.

We neither know each other, nor have any explicit indirect interests or grudges.

No matter how hard the police officers tried, they wouldn't be able to suspect him.

This is why the most difficult cases to solve are random crimes without any reason, involvement, or witnesses.

"about there."

Brian murmured softly.

A few more seconds passed.

A familiar feeling spread from the body.

This is a gift from the deceased after the obsession is completed!

Andres is dead!

Brian was happy, but also a little disappointed.

This means that the standard for judging the completion of obsession is most likely to be similar to rules.

I can't fix the BUG myself.

This gift is still physical strengthening.

However, the intensity is much weaker than the last gift.

Brian speculated that this might be related to the intensity of the deceased's obsession before his death.

Being a mother means being strong.

In this case, it is normal for the deceased, who was a single mother, to be more obsessed with protecting her children before she died than the other deceased's obsession with revenge.

Because I am mentally prepared this time.

Although Brian felt very good, he did not lose consciousness.

This relieved him.

Otherwise, one day you will be in a dangerous situation, and the gift will come.

Losing consciousness for a few seconds can be fatal.

Now Brian doesn't have to worry about that.

After a few seconds.

The gift ends.

Brian sat in the driver's seat and moved his body briefly.

Two consecutive physical enhancements.

Brian felt that at this moment, his body, which was riddled with holes, seemed to have been lifted from a heavy burden. Not only did he feel relaxed, but he was also full of energy, as if he was back to the age of eighteen before he started working part-time.


The body, which was originally a little tired due to tight nerves, has returned to its best condition after strengthening.

This means that when a gift strengthens the body, it also has a restorative function.

Brian couldn't help but think.

Does this mean that if one day he is seriously injured or even physically disabled, he can rely on this magical ability to recover?

If so, that’s awesome!

After calming down.

Brian drove to the suburbs first, dug a hole, threw all the things he had used today and the clothes and pants wrapped outside, and lit them on fire. After they were all reduced to dust and buried, he returned to his residence.

Return to your residence.

Brian took a shower again, put on his pajamas, and began to test his current body.

The result was somewhat disappointing.

There has been a qualitative change compared to before.

But there is no real return to when I was eighteen.

can only say.

From his previous state of severe losses, body riddled with holes, and the possibility of sudden death at any time, he has become the sub-healthy state of a normal 23-year-old young man.

"It seems that the previous feelings were just an illusory feeling of strength after the body recovered from the damage."

Brian felt a little disappointed.

But not too intense.

Forensic Bureau, what’s the most?


There is great terror between life and death.

Brian didn't worry about his lack of obsession in the future.

Just give yourself time to develop.

Brian didn't dare to think about how strong he would be in the future.


Threaten me?

I have to go to work tomorrow.

I've experienced too many things today.

Although Brian is much healthier physically, he is mentally exhausted.

He set the alarm clock and fell asleep soon with the expectation of a new life in the future.

"Where is this?"

Brian looked at the white space in front of him in a daze.

Shouldn't he be sleeping?

Just when Brian was confused.

Two light spots appeared in front of him out of thin air. ·

Along with the light spots, there was also a sense of enlightenment: now he appeared in his spiritual space as a spiritual body, and the two light spots were some fragmented memory fragments of the two dead before their death after completing the obsession.

Brian casually crushed one of the light spots.

The next moment.

Several broken pictures appeared in front of him like a movie:

A woman with good features but a bit sloppy and fat, holding a cigarette in one hand and pulling the man's hair with the other hand, roaring at the man excitedly.

The man was forced to look up, close his eyes, clench his fists, and say nothing.

Brian's heart moved.

The man was Andres, who had just been killed by him.

The woman was Andres' wife, one of the victims tonight.

Unfortunately, this memory only had pictures, no sound.

Bad review!

As the first picture was broken.

A new picture appeared:

A soap opera was playing on TV, and Andres' wife, wrapped in a blanket, holding an unfinished midnight snack, leaning back on the sofa, sleeping soundly.

Andres, wearing a pair of white gloves, holding a small hammer dripping with blood in his hand, and a gloomy expression on his red and drunken face, walked in from outside.

He walked straight to the back of the sofa, his eyes slightly red, and stuck his head out, staring from top to bottom, staring at this wife who had many good memories with him.

Andres' wife seemed to feel something and opened her eyes in confusion.

The next moment.

Andres raised his arm holding the hammer high and smashed it down hard.

The scene ends here.

Brian was so choked up.

The murderer is really Andres!

Judging from the two scenes.

In his marriage life, Andres is the oppressed one.

Tonight, the couple quarreled for some reason.

Andres went out to drink in a rage, and under the stimulation of alcohol, he committed a crime of passion.

But why did the other party kill his neighbor who is a single mother?

From Andres walking into the room with a bloody hammer, it can be seen that Andres should have killed his neighbor first, and then returned to the house to kill his wife.

With curiosity.

Brian crushed the remaining light spot.

Thanks to the book friend ‘Bi Luo Hai Feng’ for the 5,000 book coins reward, thank you boss!

Brian: "Thanks to the character ‘xin crystal xin’ for the 2,000 book coins reward, thank you boss!"

Thanks to the book friends ‘酉月一’ and ‘*杀空’ for the rewards, thank you boss!

There will be another chapter later.

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