You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 9 Don’t tell me? You can tell me if you want to!

Brian was not very familiar with the environment here.

He didn't know where the Little Sparrow Hotel was.

Considering that target Andres is more familiar with his surroundings.

Therefore, the location of the hotel should not be too far from the other party's residential community.

Wandered around a few times.

Brian finally saw a sparrow with spreading wings and neon lights on a dilapidated street.

“Thanks for the privacy bill!”

At this point in time, many public places in downtown Los Angeles have not yet installed surveillance equipment. Instead, due to the poor security environment, most private residences will install surveillance equipment in small courtyards.

Brian chose a location without surveillance, parked the car, avoided the private residences with surveillance, and turned left and right. It took him seven or eight minutes to reach the alley behind the Little Sparrow Hotel.

It was pitch black all around.

Most cities in the United States are not safe in the early morning.

At this time, few people will go out.

Brian fumbled for a while with a flashlight and the repair screwdriver provided in the car, and finally came to an electrical box. After a few operations, he cut off the power supply to the small hotel.

Do it all.

Brian perked up his ears and listened to the goings on in the small hotel.

Silent night.

Except for the occasional barking of dogs and meowing in the distance, there was no movement in the small hotel.

This is also normal.

It's not bars or nightclubs.

It's past three o'clock in the morning, even if I'm playing table tennis, I've already been lying down.

It is estimated that no one in the small hotel noticed that the power was out.

Wait a moment more.

Brian just returned to the main entrance of the small hotel.

He glanced at the extinguished hotel sign, squatted down, stuffed the sponge he pulled out from the back seat of the car into the shoe covers, and then put the shoe covers on his feet again.

In this way, it can not only effectively reduce the sound of his footsteps, but also blur the traces caused by shoe covers.

Even if he accidentally leaves traces in the hotel.

No matter how powerful the trace expert is, he can only tell that the owner of the trace has deliberately disguised himself, but it is difficult to obtain accurate information.

Little Sparrow Hotel is a typical community family hotel.

Compared with the cumbersome procedures required for renting.

Many families with unstable jobs and incomes will stay in such small hotels for a long time.

Some people have affairs and eat pheasants.

This kind of place will also be chosen as a trading place.

Therefore, the front desk of the hotel is very simple, more like a long table placed randomly, with a small gap left against the wall for entry and exit. There is a sofa in the not-so-large space inside.

A fat man with a full beard was lying on the sofa, fast asleep.

There was also a small desk lamp plugged into a cord on the table.

This lamp should have a charging reserve function.

So it was not affected by the power outage.

This also facilitates Brian's movement.

He walked lightly from the small gap to the fat man's front desk, found the right position, and firmly grabbed the man's mouth and the carotid arteries on both sides of his neck with his gloved hands.

The fat man who was sleeping and snoring showed obvious struggling movements.

But before he regained consciousness, as the blood supply to the carotid artery was blocked, in just a few seconds, the fat man resumed his sweet sleeping posture like a baby.

Brian quickly retracted his hands.

Fainting caused by insufficient blood supply.

Depending on each person's physical condition, the duration may be about a few minutes.

If it's serious, it'll be a disaster.

A few minutes were enough for Brian to let go.

He first picked up the notepad on the table and found the registration for room 304. After confirming that the target Andres lived here, he found the key to room 304 from the key hanging on the wall.


Brian stepped on the inferior carpet under his feet and inserted the key into the keyhole.

The room door opened a crack.

Brian quietly stretched out his palm, and in the darkness, following the feel of his hand, he removed the hanging door stop chain, then quietly pushed the door open, and then closed it gently.

The dim moonlight filtered in through the window.

Brian saw a not-so-tall humanoid figure lying on the tall, thick bed against the wall of the hotel.

There was a strong smell of alcohol in the room.

Obviously, the figure on the bed probably drank a lot of wine before going to bed.

Brian didn't let his guard down.

Like a ghost, he walked to the bed and stretched out his palm more skillfully.

Once alive, twice familiar.

The figure on the bed was probably under the influence of alcohol and was sleeping even more deeply. Even though his breathing was blocked, there was only a weak instinctive struggle of the body. After a few seconds, the struggle was gone.

Until then.

Brian breathed a sigh of relief and took back his hands.

He first tied the figure's hands and feet and gagged his mouth, then turned on his flashlight, searched the room for a while, and found the other person's driver's license.

By comparing the portrait on the driver's license.

Brian determined that the person sleeping on the bed was his target - Andres.

By the light of a flashlight.

Brian then discovered that Andres didn't even take off his clothes and shoes. The police probably saw that he was drunk, so they asked him to find a place to sober up without even asking.

The arrangement looks a bit rough.

But in this country, police are just a job.

No one wants to ask for trouble.

Identity confirmed.

Brian didn't hesitate and stepped forward to fulfill Andres' wife's obsession.

at this time.


A large amount of vomit poured out of Andres' mouth.

The vomit not only woke Andres up, but also brought out the debris that was blocked in his mouth.

Andres didn't seem to realize what was happening. He wanted to get up, only to find that his hands and feet were tied.

He subconsciously wanted to scream.

A sharp Torx screwdriver was pressed into Andres' throat along his open mouth.

Brian's exposed gaze was fierce.

He pressed his whole body on top of Andres and whispered: "If you want to die, just make a sound!"

There was still a large amount of alcohol in Andres's body that had not been decomposed, and his whole body was unable to exert any strength. When he found that his hands and feet were tied, and a sharp instrument was pressed against his throat, he dared to resist, so he quickly whimpered, saying that he would not Resist.

Brian originally wanted to take action directly.

Unexpectedly, Andres happened to wake up.

It just so happens that we can take the opportunity to test the mechanism of obsession.

Think of this.

Brian slowly took back the screwdriver in his hand, shook the flashlight, and shined it directly into Andres's eyes, making him close his eyes tightly before asking in a low voice: "Why did you kill your wife and... Female neighbor?”


Andres, who had his eyes closed tightly, suddenly opened his panicked eyes in the face of the dazzling light, stuttering and trying to quibble: "I, I didn't, huh?"

He seemed to have thought of something, and the panic on his face slowly dissipated and turned into calm: "I'm sorry, I don't know what you are talking about, but I must tell you, no matter what your identity is, you are violating my personal safety now. , this is illegal!”

Watch the other person's reaction.

Brian frowned.

Isn't this guy afraid of death?

Brian didn't say anything.

Andres became more certain of his conjecture and tried to make a false statement:

"Although I don't like my wife, I won't kill her, let alone hurt that poor single mother, if Mr. Detective suspects me.

Please provide evidence, otherwise please let me go. "

Brian was stunned.

It turned out that Andres regarded himself as a police detective who did not follow the rules and deliberately used intimidation and clichés.


As soon as the case was reported, someone came to the inn to arrest him and ask about the case.

A slightly smarter person.

Everyone would think that it was an unruly person from the police who took action.

Brian's eyes showed sarcasm.

Unfortunately, he is not.

You won’t say it, right?

Do you like to talk when you are riding a horse?

next moment.

A sharp screwdriver penetrated Andres' throat from the carotid artery with ruthless precision.

Andres's eyes widened and he wanted to let out his last cry.

The surging blood from the damaged carotid artery drowned out his voice, and he could only moan in despair.

Brian had no nostalgia.

He held the sheet against the wound, took out the screwdriver, wiped away the blood, closed the door, and turned around to leave.


Under the internal pressure of Andres' body, a large amount of blood spurted out along the wound, slowly dyeing the white quilt covering the wound into blood.

Good night.

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