You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 8 Gift from the Dead, Another Obsession

Brian didn't expect that after hearing that the little girl Ellie was safe, he would complete the obsession of the dead without knowing it.

It was so easy.

But what about the reward?

The moment this thought came to him.

The countless red light spots that had just merged into Brian's body immediately turned into strands of subtle warm currents, surging throughout his body, and finally gathered in the kidneys, sponge complex and other parts that were severely damaged.

That feeling was like being massaged by countless pairs of warm little hands, and Brian squinted his eyes subconsciously.

Tom, who was standing aside, looked at Brian who suddenly squinted with strange eyes.

I don't know if it was an illusion.

He felt that his pretty boy colleague's expression was a little... coquettish.


Tom looked at the tall and strong Brian, and couldn't help shuddering, and said a little uneasy: "Dude, what's wrong with you?"


Brian opened his eyes again and exhaled a breath of turbid air.

This look was very much like the posture of a man exhaling the first puff of a cigarette after he was done.

The duplication rate was 99%!

Tom looked at Brian with an even weirder look.

Brian saw Tom staring at him with a weird look in his eyes, and he reacted and said perfunctorily:


I was just thinking.

Why would the murderer brutally kill a mother but let the child upstairs go?"

"I don't know, we need to investigate the details, but these have nothing to do with us." Tom urged: "Okay, it's getting late, you should go back and rest early."

"Well, see you tomorrow."

Brian turned around and left the small room without being polite.

But he didn't rush home directly.

Brian first returned to the morgue and pulled out several corpses from the freezer, trying to get new obsessions from them.

What a pity.

There were more than 20 corpses, some fresh and some that had been parked for half a month.

No small balls of obsession were found above them.

Thinking of the smoke that was slowly escaping from the small red ball before.

Brian guessed.

The obsession on the corpse may have a time limit.

The specific time of existence.

We need to study it slowly in the future.

Leaving the Forensic Bureau.

Brian was not in a hurry to go back.

He parked the car on the side of the road, tore off his shirt, and stroked his not-so-firm abdominal muscles with some nostalgia. The expression on his face gradually changed from joy to perversion.


After three or four years.

His disappeared abdominal muscles are back to him again!

The gift of the dead is awesome!

After fusing those bloody spots, Brian found that he was not only full of energy, but also felt much more relaxed in his waist and corpus cavernosum, which had been aching all the time.

He guessed that this gift should be to strengthen his body.

How much it was strengthened.

He was not sure yet.

Brian could only be sure that the weak feeling of sudden death at any time had disappeared from him.

Even if his body had not yet recovered to a completely healthy level, it had improved a lot!

This experience of completing his obsession also gave Brian a little understanding of his "golden finger".

The obsession of the corpse.

It is most likely the thing that the owner of the corpse cared about most when he was alive.

For example, the corpse on the left, Emmaline Keller, must have been very worried about the safety of her daughter Ellie before she died, so her obsession was also this.

That is, the principle of determining the completion of obsession.

Brian is not sure yet.

It may be a rule idealism.

It may also be through his own vision to determine whether the obsession is really completed.

After all, it is difficult for people to deceive themselves.

But Brian does not want to delve into this.

Since he had mental problems, he has never consumed himself.

As for the gift of the corpse after completing the obsession.

This process lasts very short.

It is probably only a few seconds.

If you don’t prepare yourself in advance, it is easy to be in a trance when accepting the gift.

It’s okay at ordinary times.

In dangerous times, a few seconds of loss of consciousness can be fatal.

This must be paid attention to.

“By the way, I have another obsession to complete.”

Brian remembered another obsession of the corpse: Kill Andres, the bastard who was born of a bitch!

Andres is the husband of another deceased, Carolina Tang.

If the previous guess is correct: the obsession on the corpse is what the deceased wanted to do most before death.

Then, Andres, who took the initiative to report the case, is very likely to be the murderer.

If this is true.

Doesn't it mean that when I solve the case in the future, I can get important clues through obsession, or even directly lock the murderer?

Thinking of this.

Brian lit a cigarette and narrowed his eyes.

When he was reading the information before, he deliberately wrote down the address of Andres's home.

If Andres is the murderer.

In order to obtain the gift of the corpse.

Then I must take the lead in the Detective Bureau.

Although Los Angeles has the death penalty, it tends to be formalistic.

Once Andres is arrested by the detectives of the Detective Bureau.

This obsession will hardly be fulfilled again.

Finished a cigarette.

Brian followed his uncle's habit, extinguished the cigarette with his fingers, put the cigarette butt in his pocket, restarted the car, and disappeared into the night.

Is there a perfect crime in the world?

Brian didn't know.

But he has worked in the Forensic Bureau for more than two years and has dissected more than a thousand bodies.

Brian can stab a person eighteen times, but the other party can only identify the effect of minor injuries. He also knows how to do it so that the detective will not leave traces at the scene that can allow detectives to identify him.

Autopsy work.

His professional ability may be average.

But if he wants to commit a crime.


Brian, who has been exposed to the world for more than two years and has seen a lot.

He has a deep professional background when he just entered the industry.

Half an hour later.

Brian parked the car, put on his clothes backwards, put on shoe covers, head covers and masks, and looked around the environment. He walked in the middle of the street, avoiding conspicuous road surveillance, crossed three streets in a row, and finally stopped in front of a two-story house surrounded by a cordon.

This is a typical single-family house in an American community, with a small courtyard, separated from the surrounding neighbors by a fence.

There is a lawn in front of the door, which is neatly trimmed.

This shows that this community has property management and is not an independent house.

There is a high probability that there are surveillance equipment in some public places in the community.

A dim street lamp not far away casts a small shadow and becomes the only source of light around.

Brian glanced at the next door and found the same cordon.

The address is correct.

This is the residence of Brian's target Andres.

Brian did not come here to find Andres.

Because Andres is definitely not here now.

This kind of burglary.

The police usually block the murder scene and arrange police officers to guard it openly or secretly.

In addition to preventing someone from sneaking in and destroying the crime scene.

To a certain extent, it is also a kind of waiting for the rabbit.

Although it is within sight.

Brian did not see the guarding police.

But he, who is familiar with the police work process, can be sure that there must be a police officer hiding somewhere.

This is the confidence that professionalism brings him.

If there are other people living in the house, they will be temporarily arranged by the police to live in a hotel or a specially cooperated reception until the police lift the blockade.

In order to avoid some things like letters not being received in time.

Before leaving, the owner usually leaves a note on the letter box outside the house.

This is Brian's real purpose.

Brian did not look around.

Taking advantage of the dim surroundings, he determined the route and pretended to be a passerby who came back late. He walked through the community, and then when he passed by Andres's house, he quickly glanced at the letter box on the roadside.

There was indeed a note on it.

Brian quickly scanned the content on it: "If you have any letters, please forward them to Room 304 of the Little Sparrow Hotel."

Write down the name of this hotel.

Brian did not stop and disappeared at the end of the street.

Back to the car.

Brian breathed a sigh of relief.

He was very glad that no police officer suddenly jumped out to stop him and ask his identity.

Otherwise, he would most likely choose to give up completing this obsession.

Generally, the receptions arranged by the police are some cooperative apartments, not hotels.

So the Little Sparrow Hotel should be the target Andres' own choice.

This made Brian a little excited.

It was almost three o'clock in the morning.

The front desk of most small hotels is also asleep.

As for surveillance.

It's easy to handle.

Brian had helped out at the scene before and had seen how criminals handled such things.

"The sooner you do it, the better!"

Brian thought for a moment and decided to complete this obsession tonight!

I'll return another chapter later.

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