You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 120 The Hungry Psychologist

Young Green doesn't want Hader to be mentally ill.

The next day, early in the morning, he called two old police detectives, Ivan and Glenn, and went to the Parker Center, the headquarters of the LAPD, to retrieve the files on Hader and his mother.

They also applied for assistance in the investigation from the police station at Hader's original address.

Brian is much busier.

He extracted Hader's genetic information, fist prints and other traces, and compared them with the various traces extracted from the family extermination case.

B6's laboratory is very crude.

Brian was also a little confused about the use of some instruments, and Thom didn't understand it even more. In the end, he was sent to the Legal Affairs Department of the Forensic Medicine Bureau.

The Legal Affairs Department is the only core department of the Forensic Medicine Bureau besides the forensic doctors. It can detect all kinds of traces. Almost all its members are experts in various trace examinations, poisons, pathology, etc.

This made Brian plan to recruit more talents from the Legal Affairs Department of the Forensic Medicine Bureau when the B6 team expanded its recruitment again.

Brian is not greedy.

He hopes that in the future, the B6 group will also have a legal office to serve him.

Otherwise, he is afraid that as he becomes more and more awesome, the logistics will not be able to keep up.

It's easy to get things done with acquaintances.

Near noon, Thom came back with the test results from the Department of Legal Affairs.

"Bryan, after testing, the biological traces left on the hostess's body in the family murder case are completely consistent with the genetic information of the suspect Hader. In addition, the fist print marks, after testing, also match the fist prints on the male host's chest. It is almost certain that Hader is the murderer.”

The corpses of the three members of the family that Thom personally dissected gave him the most direct understanding of the cruelty of this case.

After hearing this morning that the suspect Hader may be suffering from schizophrenia, I felt a little emotional.

Because prescription drugs are rampant + there are many rich people.

In the United States, there are a large number of similar cases every year, and they end without any resolution.

Part of it is real mental illness.

Some of them are just awesome lawyers hired by rich people, who portray themselves as mentally ill, or directly use their money power to defeat the tribunal.

The most outrageous case was probably more than 20 years ago, when a young man from a wealthy family suddenly lost his nerve, shot the then federal president, and pulled the trigger, ultimately killing one person and injuring another.

The results of it.

The young man's family was so powerful that he forcibly molded himself into Schrödinger's mental illness. It was probably in the few minutes before and after the shooting that he suddenly fell ill.

In the end, the young master was acquitted.

Shot the federal president and was acquitted.

This is almost impossible in other countries.

But it did happen in this magical federation.

But that rich boy didn't feel well either.

Mental illness naturally requires treatment in a mental hospital.

That guy applied for discharge many times, but in the end he died because of his Schrödinger's mental illness. Every application was rejected, and he was locked up in a small room every day where suicide was difficult.

Prison inmates can still enjoy their time.

He is not allowed.

Every day is confinement and taking medicine. If you want to come out, it will probably be in your lifetime.

Brian took the feedback appraisal results from the Forensic Medicine Bureau, looked at them, and threw them directly on the table: "Tom, how are cases of this kind of mental illness usually handled?"

Tom shrugged and said in a hoarse voice:

“If the evidence chain is complete, the police station will ask a psychologist to conduct a preliminary appraisal and present the appraisal results.

Of course, the defendant or the defendant's family can also invite lawyers and experts to participate if conditions permit. Finally, these will be submitted to the trial court, and the justices will determine whether the defendant is mentally ill.

If it is not recognized, the sentence will be based on normal criminal law.

If accepted, the defendant will be found not guilty, but he will need to go to a mental hospital for treatment. Only when the mental hospital provides a recovery report can the defendant finally leave. "

As he spoke, he took out a cigarette, lit it, took a deep breath, and then continued with satisfaction:

"However, believe me, unless your family has money and connections and can deal with the greedy people in the mental hospital, entering there will be more uncomfortable than death. It is better to go directly to prison.

When I was a police detective, I handled a case in a mental hospital.

It turned out that someone inside was testing drugs on those mentally ill people.

Later I learned that many industries such as homelessness, mental illness, adoption, etc. have their own industry chains and cooperate with each other. "

Edna, a female clerk on the side, interjected curiously: "How is that case?"

Thom blew out a smoke ring and laughed at himself: "I just ignored that case, otherwise you wouldn't have seen me."


What else did Edna want to say.

Old Harden, who was sitting opposite her, knocked on the table: "There are many things that are beyond our control. Edna, hurry up and finish the report on the previous case while there are no new cases."

This interruption.

Everyone is no longer interested in chatting.


Brian had just given Gouzi thirteen and conducted his first school exam.

The contents of the paper were all written by himself.

Of the 100-point paper, the last thirteen students only scored nine points.

Brian looked at Thirteen who was squatting on the ground obediently, looking at him expectantly with dog eyes, and couldn't help but touch his hand to the belt around his waist.

When I have time, I will teach you addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, reading and writing, and the multiplication table.. I hope you can be a new-age, dreamy, cultured, and thoughtful cultural dog.

In the end, you only got a score of 9?

Is it worthy of my careful cultivation?

"Wang? (Big Dog, why are you angry? Is there an enemy?)", Thirteen smelled the dangerous smell in Brian's pheromone, and tilted his head ignorantly, ready to bar his teeth at the guy who made Big Dog angry.

Brian pulled out the crocodile belt and hooked his finger at Thirteen: "Come with me to the team leader's office, I will tell you why I am angry."

There are too many people outside.

Beating children can easily hurt their self-esteem.

"Wang~ (Hmm~)"

Thirteen wagged his tail happily and followed him in.

Big Dog said that if you do well in the exam, you will have delicious food.

Looking forward to~

the next second.


The dog's scream came from inside the office.

It was a little after two o'clock.

Green and his two companions returned to the office with a middle-aged woman who was dressed exquisitely and wearing a pair of platinum glasses.

Brian glanced at Thirteen, who was watching the teaching video carefully with tears in his eyes and pouting buttocks, and went over to greet him: "How is it?"

Green looked unhappy:

"Boss Brian, the Las Vegas Police Department helped to investigate Hader's medical records.

When Hader was in middle school, Hader was diagnosed with schizophrenia because he tried to rape a female classmate. Later, he dropped out of school and received treatment for a period of time.

There is very little information that can be found later.

But it is certain that Hader is indeed mentally ill."

Brian was not surprised by this.

He looked at the middle-aged woman who came back with him: "Who is this?"

The woman seemed to have a good life, dressed very exquisitely, and the clothes and things on her body did not look cheap.

She found a seat and sat down: "My name is Xierlu, a specially hired psychology expert of the Los Angeles Police Department. The police department gave me the task of Hader's mental evaluation, so I came here to learn about Hader's case."

Seeing this, Brian frowned slightly.

This so-called psychology expert doesn't seem to understand human nature.

He doesn't even know basic manners. Is he really a psychology expert?

Brian winked at Ivan and Glenn, then said to the woman: "Hello, Ms. Xierlu, I am Brian, the acting leader of Group B6. Please sit down first. I'll go get the information."

Ivan and the others followed.

Came to the meeting room.

Brian looked at Ivan: "Is this woman really a psychology expert?"

Ivan nodded: "This woman is a well-known fake in the industry. I don't know what means she used to get some professors and experts' titles. She specializes in making fake appraisals for some rich people. Her husband is a relatively influential congressman. Don't mess with her."

"Very powerful?"

Glenn nodded: "I don't know anything else, but she must be very hungry. When she went upstairs just now, she asked Ivan and me for contact information."

As he said, he chuckled: "If you don't like her, I'll sacrifice myself tonight."

He is now working while sick.

Brian rolled his eyes: "Dude, it's illegal to intentionally spread disease X."

Knowing that this Xierlu had some background, Brian had an idea in his mind.

He handed the case information to Xierlu: "This is the suspect Hader's information and the general situation of the murder case. We can now be sure that the people were killed by him, and the method was very cruel. Next..."

Xierlu was not interested in this.

For her, the appraisal without money was just a formality.

She was more interested in the pretty boy in front of her.

Put away the information.

Xierlu said to Brian with some dissatisfaction: "Your new department doesn't seem to know even basic etiquette. I've been here for so long, and I haven't even seen a cup of coffee."

"Shall I pour you a cup?"

"No need, just pour it directly, why ask?" Xierlu adjusted her glasses: "And your shabby appearance, I guess the coffee is cheap. How about this, when you're done, come here, I'll teach you what is the etiquette of meeting guests."

As she said, she took out a room card from her bag and gave it to Brian.


Glenn is right, this old woman is really thirsty.

His face turned cold: "No need, if Ms. Xierlu has time now, please go and complete Hader's identification as soon as possible. We are very busy here and don't have time to waste with you."


Xierlu stared at Brian, but found that he turned around and left, so she could only follow him with hatred.

She swore that she must disgust this guy to death today!

By the way.

From the attitude of the young black man before, it seems that he wants to convict Hader.

In this case

On the other side.

Before going to the police station, Brian pulled Glen aside and muttered.

After listening to Brian's words.

Glen scratched his itchy Wolonggu: "Didn't you just say that this is immoral and illegal?"

Brian shrugged: "That's true, but then again, Ms. Sillu is so hungry and still takes time to help the police station. It's touching and admirable. As a young and promising former detective, caring for each other can better reflect the humanistic care of our Los Angeles police!"

Watching Brian's back as he left.

Glen pouted.

Today, he saw the flexible moral bottom line of Brian.

This guy is really petty.

Fortunately, he had never provoked Brian before.

Considering that there might be a case at any time.

Brian asked others to be on duty in the office, and he accompanied Xierlu, a specially hired expert of the police force, to the branch alone to prepare for a psychological evaluation of Hader.

He also wanted to take this opportunity to see if he could verify his thoughts yesterday.

Hader's situation is quite special.

It is somewhat inappropriate to complete the obsession killing.

But Brian felt a little uncomfortable to let the other party go free after killing people.

This would not fulfill the obsession of the deceased.

For this reason, Brian thought for a long time yesterday and finally thought of a somewhat unethical method.

If the method is feasible, the obsession of the victim Sherik can be fulfilled without violating the principles of action, and the crime can be brought to justice!

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