You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 121 You are the saint, right?

Come to the branch.

Brian and Syllu were led to the small single room where Hader was held.

Hader was sleeping soundly, and would smack his mouth from time to time, looking innocent and honest.

No one would believe that such a stupid man killed the hostess, beat the male host to death, and threw the child into the oven and roasted him alive.

Sillu looked at the dilapidated single room and Hader on the bed with disgust.

She said directly to the patrolman next to her: "Open the door, and please leave. I don't like a third party present when conducting a mental evaluation."

"Ma'am, are you sure?"

The patrolman looked at Sillu like an idiot.

This woman, doesn’t she know how cruel the seemingly honest guy in front of her is?

He had heard about the brutal crime scene from his colleagues.

In addition, for normal identification, the prisoner is brought to the interrogation room, shackled, and watched by someone to prevent the prisoner from becoming violent.

Xilu didn't take it seriously: "I've made it very clear. If you are worried about the big man inside hurting me, there is no need to do so. I am an expert and authority in this field. No one understands mental illness better than me. Now, Please open the door here and leave with this pretty boy!"

She is indeed a parallel importer and basically goes through the process, so she doesn't like the presence of outsiders.

Of course, this time Xilu was going to disgust Brian, the pretty boy who refused her invitation, and she couldn't let outsiders be present.

Seeing this, the little patrol officer could only look at Brian.

Brian said in a relaxed tone: "Ms. Sirlu is a psychology expert specially appointed by the General Administration. She is an authority in this field. We should trust the authority."

With that said, he left directly.

Sillu didn't even look at Hader's information carefully before. She was probably confused by Hader's appearance and didn't understand the seriousness of the matter.

Brian wanted to have fun.

The little patrol officer, who was still responsible, continued to persuade him earnestly: "Madam, this person is very dangerous. It is best to have someone watching outside, or as usual, take him to the interrogation room for questioning, otherwise"

Seeing him whining, Xilu's well-maintained face showed a look of disgust: "Are you discriminating against the guys inside? Mental patients are also human beings and have human rights. We should treat everyone equally. If you continue to behave If you show this kind of discriminatory attitude, I will complain to your boss!”

Their movements woke up the sleeping Hader.

He stood up and looked outside blankly: "Can I go out?"

The little patrolman glanced at the stupid Hader and thought there would be no problem.

He sighed and opened the lock of the small prison: "Hader, this is Ms. Sirlu. I want to find out something from you. Please cooperate well."

After saying that, he also left this temporary detention place.

Sillu walked into the single room in disgust, and then covered her nose.

It actually smells like shit and urine here!


This simple temporary detention room had no place to sit except for a bed.

Xilu regretted that in order to avoid the surveillance and monitoring of the interrogation room, he placed the psychiatric examination in such a dirty and disgusting place.

Although there is surveillance and monitoring here, it cannot be used as indicative evidence unless something goes wrong.

For these things, Xilu is clear.

Seeing that she has been silent.

Hader scratched his head: "Madam, what do you want to know?"

Sillu stood at the door and said perfunctorily: "Tell me briefly about your life experience, such as your mother, family, etc., and by the way, tell me about your interests and hobbies."

Hader nodded and began to tell about his life experience.

About ten minutes later.

With the information she knew, Xilu called Brian and the patrolman in again, stood at the railing, and said impatiently:

"Mr. Brian, after my identification, this Mr. Harder has symptoms of schizophrenia due to his mother's experience as a prostitute when he was a child.

He has no obligation to bear criminal responsibility and should not be tried by the law!

In addition, when Mr. Harder is normal, he is an honest and good man.

He is very kind.

I think it is a very inhumane act for you to lock him up in such a place before the court pronounces the sentence. As a member of the Prisoners Care Association, I question your approach!

I suspect you are abusing innocent people! "

The little patrolman on the side thought he had something wrong with his ears.

Otherwise, how could a woman who seemed very intellectual and knowledgeable say such stupid things?

But when he heard the name of the organization 'Prisoners Care Association', he showed surprise and disgust.


It turns out to be those bitch saints who make decisions for prisoners and demonstrate their human rights!

Brian was also a little speechless: "You mean, let a guy who tortured a family of three and might get sick at any time, let him roam outside before trial?"

Seeing Brian's reaction, Xilu knew that Brian was unhappy, so she felt very happy!

She nodded: "Is there any problem? Since the trial has not even started, then Hader is by definition an innocent citizen and should enjoy human rights and freedom. What you are doing now is abuse!"

Brian's eyes flashed coldly.

This woman is really annoying!

I really want to break her neck!

Brian took a deep breath and suppressed the unknown fire in his heart: "But he tortured and killed a family of three, and there is clear evidence that he did it. We all follow normal procedures, otherwise such a dangerous person can go out at any time. Innocent people may be harmed.”

"You are discriminating!" Xi Lu said righteously:

"I must warn you, you are discriminating against prisoners!

Everyone will do something wrong. We should learn to forgive them, influence them with love, and let them know that they are wrong, instead of irritating them with discriminatory eyes!

Case aside, Hader is a very kind man. I have been alone with him for so long, and he has never done anything to harm me! "

Brian no longer wanted to talk nonsense with this idiot.

He glanced at Hader, who was listening curiously to their conversation, and directly followed his own thoughts and activated the succubus state...


This time, Brian turned the pheromones he emitted into aphrodisiac pheromones specially customized for Hader.

To a certain extent, he was now seducing Hader.

And it is the powerful temptation of the enhanced version and the 1V1 customized version.

This state is most likely to inspire Hader's other super-male evil personality.

It was almost seconds after Blaine released the pheromones.

Hader's originally dull eyes began to change.

He slowly lowered his head.

The other two people did not notice this change.

Seeing that Brian had stopped talking, Syllu was about to increase her intensity to disgust him.

at this time.

Hader, standing behind Sillu through a railing, raised his lowered head and said, "Excuse me, what a family of three, I don't understand what you are saying."

Feeling Hader's breath on the back of his neck.

Xilu stood far away in disgust, turned her head and said perfunctorily: "Hader, don't worry, it was not your intention to kill someone. It was all the fault of your prostitute mother. Her depravity led to your death." Schizophrenia, you are innocent."

next moment.

A big, thick hand passed through the gap in the railing and grabbed the back of Xilu's neck.

She looked shocked and wanted to turn around, but under the action of a brute force, her body was forcibly lifted up and pulled hard on the iron railing behind her, with her feet floating in the air.

Hader grabbed the back of Sillu's neck, and at this moment, his image completely changed.

The corners of his originally droopy eyes were lifted up, which seemed to have not changed much, but it ruined his honest image. Together with his asymmetrical face, he gave people a gloomy and cruel impression.

Hader gently sniffed the scent of shampoo and perfume emanating from the back of Xi Lu's head, and said in a low voice: "Smelly bitch, do you know how long I have tolerated you? If it hadn't been that I couldn't get out before, I would have thought I'll crush you to death! Don't continue to mention that bitch who was killed by my own hands in front of me!"

Syllu was frightened.

it hurts!

It hurts so much to have my hair pulled!

With tears in her eyes from the pain, she called for help from Brian and the patrolman in horror: "Help me, help me quickly, he is a madman, he is going to kill me, you two bastards, help me quickly!"

Only then did the little patrolman react to this sudden change.

He took out the pistol from his waist and was about to kill Hader on the spot, but a hand stopped him.

Brian stopped the patrolman who wanted to take action: "What do you want to do?"


"There is no but." Brian chuckled on his face: "Our psychology expert, the authoritative Ms. Silu, is now influencing the other party with love. She is a great woman. If you draw your gun now, aren't you? Discrimination criminals, be careful Ms. Sirlu files a complaint against you.”


You are the Holy Mother, right?

Now I want to see how you can use love to influence a mentally ill person!

The little patrolman also came to his senses.

He glanced at the surveillance camera above the prison and shrugged: "Thank you for the reminder, Mr. Bryan. Ms. Sillu is an authority in this regard. She said that criminals should be forgiven and influenced with love. Now she is probably setting an example for them." Let's see."

Hear these sarcastic remarks.

Xilu is going crazy!

Her originally charitable face became extremely distorted due to anger and pain: "You two bastards, I swear, I will let my husband kill you."

"It's so noisy!"

Hader angrily grabbed Sirlu's hair and violently lifted her against the railing several times.

do not know why.

There was a fire burning in his belly.

That pretty boy outside the railing smells so good!

Really want.

He was breathing heavily, his asymmetrical face full of impatience: "If you want to save this bitch, drop the gun and open the iron door."

Brian interrupted Hader: "No, no, no, what is rescue? This is Ms. Silu. In order to influence you, she sacrificed herself. I hope you can change your past and become a new person. Therefore, you should enjoy her now." Salvation for you.”

Hader was already so excited by the heat that he couldn't stand it anymore!

Seeing that the pretty girl is not wearing a condom.

He couldn't bear it anymore, and with his other hand, he roughly tore off Xilu's clothes.

Seeing that Brian and the others really didn't move, Xilu was really scared now.

She already had a premonition of what was going to happen next.

If something like that happened, he would definitely become the laughingstock of Los Angeles.

Silu stretched out her hands to Brian and the others in despair: "Help me, I'm sorry, I was wrong, help me."

Brian sneered: "Don't joke, Ms. Xierlu, you are an authority, how can you be wrong? The innocent dead are wrong, not the criminals. Isn't that what you mean?"


He walked to the struggling Xierlu and whispered:

"Do you know how the female victim of the family murder case died?

You can feel the despair immediately."

For such a saint who talks big, the best way is to let them experience the victim's experience in person.

If they can still be stubborn at that time, Brian will really admire them.

Xierlu wanted to threaten, but Hader didn't give her a chance.

Accompanied by the sound of tearing.

Xierlu screamed, and then her neck was strangled across the railing, and she was hit by Hader through the railing again and again.

Seeing that Brian hadn't moved yet, the patrolman stood there watching the show, and became a little uneasy: "Really not stopping it, there are surveillance cameras here."

Although he also wanted Xierlu, the bitch, to die, he definitely didn't want to get involved with him.

Brian shrugged: "She's not dead, just keep her breath. This bitch and her husband, the congressman, are more afraid than anyone else that the surveillance here will be leaked."

Wait until Xierlu rolled her eyes at the trouble.

Brian signaled the patrolman to open the prison door.

He got the saint and breathed a sigh of relief.

He was ready to try the method he thought of yesterday.

Bringing out Hader's second personality is just the first step.

There are two more steps to go.

Brian was still struggling with how to do the next two steps, but he didn't expect Xierlu, the idiot, to appear.

Thank Xierlu, the saint, for her selfless dedication.

Now there are only two steps left, and it's easy to do.

Seeing the door open.

Hader roared, and under the stimulation of pheromones, he directly left Xierlu, who was about to be strangled to death, and rushed towards Brian with a stick.

The next moment.


A gunshot.

Hader screamed, covered the disappeared Wolong Valley, and lay on the ground wailing.

Brian put away his castration pistol and said to the patrolman:

"Take care of this woman and take her out. Tell the people outside that this involves the face of a congressman's wife. If you don't want to get yourself into trouble, just shut up."

"Where's the surveillance?"

"It will break down on its own."

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