You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 122: The original sect appears! (Additional chapter 6 for the leader of the

Thinking of Schrödinger's surveillance.

The patrolman suddenly realized, and roughly wrapped up the dazed Xierlu, half-supported and half-dragged her out of the detention room.

The gunshot just now would attract the attention of the police station.

He had to go out and explain the situation quickly.

Seeing that the people had left.

Brian took out the hemostatic spray that he had prepared long ago, and first stopped the bleeding of Hader, who had no more troubles, and then tied up his hands and feet, preparing for the next attempt.

In fact, he could have just used his feet to physically reduce the secretion of male hormones in Hader's body.

But it was too disgusting.

He couldn't do it.

Yes, the second step is to remove Hader's troubles.

Whether it is chemical or physical methods, it will work.

Hader's situation is more complicated.

He himself is a congenital patient with super male syndrome, but for some reasons, Hader's personality has not been greatly affected during his growth.

In the middle, some accidents occurred, causing Hader to give birth to a second personality that truly fits the super male syndrome under the hormones in his body and external stimulation.

According to Brian's current understanding.

It should be Hader's mother who taught Hader with her love and formed his current personality, but Hader's mother's professional influence, subconsciously, gave birth to Hader's second personality.

But none of this matters.

Hader's fate is destined to enter a mental hospital.

Brian must take this opportunity to proceed to the third step.

He had been thinking about how to torture a second personality.

First, the basis for the existence of this personality must be destroyed: the abnormal hormone secretion.

This step has been completed.

There is no root of trouble.

Hader's male hormone level will drop rapidly.

Now we are going to the third step.

Here we have to consider a question: What is torture?

Is torture simply physical torture?

Brian, a senior mentor in this regard, does not think so.

Mental torture is also a kind of torture.

He used his body to block the surveillance, took out the sterilized scimitar, first controlled himself to emit the pheromone specially customized for Hader, concentrated it in the blood of his fingers, then cut his fingers and evenly smeared the blood on Hader's scalp.

In this way, under the stimulation of pheromones, Hader's second personality would have no way to hide, and could only endure the stimulation of pheromones, but could not get it.

I don't know how long it can last.

After doing all this.

Brian put away the spray and the knife, and with a thought, the wound on his finger automatically moved, and even without using the gift energy, it turned into a fine red line, and there was almost no sign of injury.

Under his powerful cell activity.

In a day at most, this wound will be completely healed.

Next, it is to wait for Hader's second personality, who is unsatisfied with desire, but cannot get it, and finally collapses under this torture.

Before that.

Brian is not sure if he can complete the obsession of the deceased.

He just did what he wanted.

The kind Hader should not be tortured by himself.

The evil Hader should not hide every time he did something bad and let his good side suffer the punishment.

This code of conduct made Brian feel that his heart was becoming calmer.

The absurd incident in the detention room was handled as quickly as possible after involving the wife of a congressman.

The surveillance in the detention room was broken just in time, resulting in the loss of all stored data.

The secretary of the congressman arrived at the branch as soon as possible. After consulting with all the insiders, the incident was characterized as follows:

When conducting the appraisal, the expert Xierlu encountered a shameless attack by the criminal. The police officers of the branch were well-trained and rescued the poor Ms. Xierlu at the first time, and shot and wounded the mentally ill criminal Hader.

In this way, Xierlu's shameful experience naturally did not exist, and she would not be embarrassed. Maybe after a few short essays, she would be praised by the outside world.

In order to save the lost hearts of those criminals and to maintain the fairness and majesty of the law, Ms. Xierlu, a psychology expert and authority on criminal psychology, risked her life to appraise emotionally unstable criminals.

Listen, how great.

The branch office doesn't have to take responsibility anymore.

Brian also completed his work casually.

If Hader is lucky, he can concentrate on the mental hospital in the future, enjoy the life of free food and accommodation, and become his true self.

Xierlu also used her body to save the criminals and fulfilled her declaration of the Virgin Mary.

Everyone is happy.

Two ambulances took Xierlu and Hader away respectively.

The former was taken directly to a private medical club with strong secrecy.

The latter was fixed with his hands and feet, and was taken to the ambulance under the supervision of several patrolmen.

Before leaving.

Hader was still roaring at Brian frantically: "Give it to me, give it to me!"

This made Brian realize the horror of himself as a male succubus.

A true killer of both men and women!

In other words, he was tired of eating seafood, and now wanted to pursue some spiritual satisfaction and be a good man, otherwise Brian would not dare to think how depraved he would become.

Humming a little song.

Brian rejected the patrolman's request to follow him and drove back to the B6 office.

As soon as he came back, Brian saw Thirteen on his desk, watching the preschool education video repeatedly.

But the sleepy eyes of this guy had betrayed him.

Edna, the female clerk, added: "Hey, Thirteen, you woke up, haha, Brian, why do you want a two-month-old puppy to receive preschool education? How can a puppy be so smart?"

As soon as she finished speaking.

Thirteen had already bared his teeth at the bad female dog who leaked the secret.

Edna covered her mouth: "It can't understand what I said!"

Brian inadvertently touched the crocodile belt around his waist.

Thirteen's face changed, and he immediately showed a healing smile, shaking his head and tail, looking like an innocent puppy.

Brian changed the subject and said, "Edna, the murder case has been closed. Just submit the program. By the way, where are Ivan and the others?"

Edna's attention was successfully diverted: "A homeless man found a male corpse with only half of the body left when he was searching the garbage channel. They went to deal with it."

Brian nodded.

After Edna returned to his workstation, he smiled kindly at Thirteen: "Not bad, you have learned to pretend, and you are getting smarter and smarter."

"Woo woo~ (So sleepy~)"

Thirteen rushed to Brian's palm, squeezed his little head and acted cute.

Brian was amused by Thirteen's shamelessness, pinched its face and ravaged it for a while before letting it go.

This broken dog has not learned anything else, but its face is getting thicker and thicker.

I really don't know who it learned from.

Nothing to do.

Brian ran to the shooting range, fired more than 200 bullets, and vented his increasingly restless energy. Then it was time to get off work.

Ivan and his friends also came back with the broken body.

Brian took a quick look at the body and found that the position of the body was very strange, just like the marks of a rubber being torn apart by brute force.

If you don't understand, you can refer to the five horses dismembering the body.

However, looking at the modern times, generally only some gangs will use vehicles to carry out such cruel killing methods to deter enemies or internal members.

But now it's off work.

This is something I should consider tomorrow.

Now Brian has nothing to worry about, he is alone with his dog.

Nothing to do after get off work.

Brian directly asked Ivan and his friends to come to the bar for a small gathering.


Two large glasses of beer.

Brian exhaled comfortably: "How was the case today?"

Ivan put down the big wine glass:

"It's a bit strange. Judging from the traces, it seems that two vehicles drove in opposite directions and forcibly tore the victim's body apart and killed him.

The victim also had signs of struggling before his death, which also fits the way I said.

In the past, gangs have used similar methods to punish betrayed gang members, but generally they will deal with the bodies themselves, and the police will not deliberately investigate such cases. It is a tacit understanding between each other.

This body appeared directly in the trash can."

Green also nodded: "I suspect this case is a private revenge against the gang, and abandoning the body is to deliberately attract the attention of the police and the gang."

He was born in the slums and is naturally sensitive to these things.

Glenn interrupted the three people's chat: "Hey, it's time to get off work, don't be so boring, our life is not just about corpses, talk about something else."

Brian smiled playfully: "How about talking about your illness and treatment?"

Glenn rolled his eyes: "Come on, man, you can't help me."

"No, no, no, you can go to Chinatown, there is a private winery there, specializing in selling high-concentration medicinal wine, which can not only activate blood circulation and disinfect, but also tastes good."

Glenn's eyes lit up: "Will that wine help me?"

Brian shook his head: "It doesn't help much, but I like it."

Glenn gave Brian two middle fingers directly.

This interruption turned everyone's topic to a relaxed one.

He looked at the three people who listened with relish and took a big sip of iced beer: "I suspect I'm addicted. It's really a great massage technique. If the staff were girls, I would like it more."

Brian saw that he was enjoying it so much and smiled wickedly: "Then do you know that the mud is recycled?"

Glenn was stunned for a moment.


He thought of the shudder and his ugly face, as if he was pressed by a "big man".

Ivan was in high spirits.

He patted Glenn on the shoulder: "It sounds a bit disgusting, but it's okay as long as it works. By the way, Glenn, where is the address? Send it to me. I'm not afraid of disgust."

Green, who was standing by, drank a sip of beer silently.

He thought of his mother's teachings to him: remember to get along well with colleagues in the new department.

But mom, I often feel that I am not in tune with my colleagues in the new department because I am not perverted enough. What should I do?

After the show.

Brian carried Thirteen, who was drunk and blacked out, back to the apartment.

After approaching.

He habitually turned on the enhanced sense of smell and sniffed it.

The next moment.

Brian stopped.

He moved in his heart, and a large amount of alcohol volatilized gas, along the pores of his body, into the air, dyeing the surroundings with a strong smell of alcohol.

After ensuring his best condition.

Brian held his breath and came to the door of his apartment. He saw that on the wooden door that was originally intact, someone had left a big bloody handprint at some point.

Below the handprint, at the corner of the doorbell, there was a letter.

Brian was not afraid of the poison and took the letter directly.

On the surface of the letter, there were many totems painted in a rough way, which looked like a child's graffiti.

Brian looked at these totems and narrowed his eyes.

This is the mark of the primitive sect!

This group of people are now being hunted down by the FBI and the NW combat department because of the previous attack. How could they find him?

Extra chapter:

Reward: 13-1=12 chapters (including 1 extra chapter for the cumulative rewards from all book friends)

First order: 22 chapters

Monthly ticket: 1 chapter

I am too tired. I have been typing since I came back at four o'clock. I haven't eaten yet. That's it for today.

Today's update of 11,000 is presented. See you on time at five o'clock tomorrow afternoon!

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