You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 123 If you mess with me, I'll have to send you off

The Primitive Sect is an organization that originated from the African Deformers.

Not long ago, this organization suddenly pulled a group of stupid blacks to attack the twelve teams of the NW Operations Department, and directly destroyed the organization of the B1 team, leaving only a few lucky people who were not there at the time.

Brian's colleague Tom is one of them.

The cause of this incident is also related to Brian.

At that time, the people of the B1 team were investigating the brutal "butcher" who blew up the leader of the A1 team. Through the butcher's mask and dress, they accidentally investigated a big figure of the Primitive Sect and killed them directly.

The Primitive Sect sent people to retaliate.

The butcher is Brian.

Seeing their letter, Brian realized that his life, which had just been peaceful for two days, was about to be broken again.

Back to the house.

Brian opened the envelope.

There was only a piece of paper with a fishy smell inside.

On the paper, three strings of abstract federal texts were written in unknown blood:

I found you.

If you don't want to expose yourself, come to Smith Circus immediately.

I will keep an eye on you!

At the end of the letter, there is a pair of blood-red eyes.

The person who drew it, I guess his cultural level is not very high, so it looks like a child's graffiti. Apart from being a little weird, it doesn't look very shocking.

"Interesting, you found me?"

Brian touched his chin.

He didn't know whether it was a test or he really found himself.

After all, the deformed have many abilities. When he played the butcher, he didn't get the ability of 'pheromone control' + 'body control'. Maybe there was a residue of his pheromone at the scene.

The problem is that after he killed the leader of the A1 team, he was dragged back to the crime scene by Susan the next day.

At that time, he had a public identity!

Even if someone relied on a deformed ability similar to smell, he shouldn't have locked himself because of the smell, right?

Brian thought for a moment and gave up.

It doesn't matter.

No matter what the other party's reason is, as long as all the people are dead, he will still be the respected coroner!

"I just want to live a peaceful life, why do bedbugs always come out to disturb me?"

Brian shook his head, put away the letter, left his residence, went to the safe house secretly rented upstairs, restrained the pheromones in his body, took a clean shower, then changed clothes, put on a clown mask, took the smelly letter and smelled it carefully.

The fresh pheromones left on it immediately flooded into Brian's mind.

He walked to the mirror and twisted his neck. Under the dim light, the clown mask on his face showed a cold, arrogant and crazy smile.

Leave the apartment.

Brian did not rush to track the location of the owner of the pheromone, but first came to a safe independent house closest to him.

This is one of the safe houses left by his uncle Billy.

The house was in the name of a salesman who traveled around the world. As for whether there was such a person, Brian was not sure, but he found out that this person had complete tax and shopping records every year, and there should be someone who was responsible for collecting money and doing things.

None of this was important.

What was important was the equipment here.

Came to the underground secret room of the house.

Brian looked at a large amount of munitions and even a large box of high-explosive grenades, and his lips curled up under the mask.

Damn sense of security!

He picked and chose, put on a tactical vest, found a Glock 17 that he used most, equipped it with ten standard unit magazines, and then carried a silenced automatic rifle and ten standard unit magazines, hung eighteen high-explosive grenades, and put on a tactical belt.

A fully armed thug clown appeared in the secret room.

But these were just routine preparations.

Brian walked through the not-so-long munitions display wall, came to a heat preservation refrigerator, and opened the refrigerator door.

Inside was a row of biological and chemical bombs similar to transparent crystal balls, showing yellow and green colors.

This is the famous VX poison bomb, which contains a colorless and odorless oily liquid. Once it comes into contact with oxygen, it will form neurotoxin gas, which is extremely lethal. It belongs to Uncle Billy and is the ultimate counterattack prepared for himself.

Let's put it this way.

The VX poison bomb in Brian's hand is the size of an egg. The poison gas contained can kill nearly a thousand people and cause hundreds of deaths.

Of course, this is just theoretical data.

The spread of this thing mainly depends on the air. After it explodes, the VX component inside will react with the air to form a colorless and odorless neurotoxin. It can also be put into the water source to form poisonous water.

If you want to cause large-scale killing, the best way is to disperse and throw it to form a poison circle, or use aircraft spraying and poison gas missiles to form a deadly death blockade.

However, this thing has become a banned weapon because it is too vicious.

The most appropriate way to use VX poison bombs is to place them in public places with a large flow of people and water plants to form a counter-deterrence.

This thing is easy to carry and has a high success rate, making it a favorite of terrorists.

However, it is very difficult to make and requires professionals and cutting-edge equipment.

Ordinary organizations simply do not have the ability to make it.

Brian did not know how his uncle got these things.

But seeing that he was able to keep these things, it was clear that the group of idiots in the FBI hunting team had offended someone.

They were so stupid as to arrange a training team to use Billy's laboratory to develop the "divine revelation" reagent, and finally kill three birds with one stone.

That means Billy is going to lose control.

Otherwise, Brian has no doubt that his uncle can kill those FBI people.

He carefully hung all the VX bombs on his belt, ignored the protective clothing prepared on the side, went to the garage, got on the unlicensed car, and left the safe house.

Smell tracking, before modern times, is undoubtedly a tracking skill.

But in modern times with developed transportation, it seems a bit difficult.

The smell in the car is the most difficult to track.

Brian followed the possible route, going back and forth seven or eight times, and finally slowly tracked to a slum on the east side of the city.

Here, he smelled the smell of pheromones on the letter.

This is a black slum, but the main group is the black group of African immigrants.

In fact, the main immigration countries of this group are all in Europe. Not many people come here because they are too small and are easily bullied and discriminated against.

They are not accepted by local blacks, and the living environment is not good.

Following the smell.

Brian came to a somewhat old apartment building.

Walking in the dim corridor, the strong smell of marijuana, urine, alcohol and vomit, etc., emanated from each room. The original color of the corridor could no longer be seen, making people feel sick.

Came to the room at the end of the corridor.

Brian paused for three seconds, and with the help of supercomputer perception, he barely confirmed that there was no movement inside. Then, with his gloved hand, he grasped the door handle, just like his uncle twisted the door lock of his apartment door, and forcibly twisted the inferior door lock.

Walked into the room.

On the sofa, a black youth with a protruding mouth and a matte black color, wearing shorts, was sleeping on the sofa with his legs spread out. There was a pile of food scraps and beer cans beside him. Next to the cans, there were 17 or 18 small-denomination US dollars.

Brian sniffed lightly, and after confirming that the other party was his target, he closed the door, searched the room first, and then walked in front of the other party, picked up the man's neck, and dragged him away like a dead dog.

The man woke up from his deep sleep when his throat was locked.

He was extremely angry, and then he was squeezed by Brian's nearly 500 kilograms of brute force, and he was squeezed to the point of hypoxia and fainted again.

If Brian were put in the era of cold weapons, he would be a monster who could hold a two-handed heavy sword weighing dozens of kilograms in one hand and draw a sword flower with heavy armor. His endurance was comparable to that of cattle and horses. It was no problem for him to kill hundreds of cold weapon troops alone!

Came to the empty garbage disposal plant.

Brian threw the man to the ground and slapped him a few times.

Under his criminal law, no carbon-based creature can keep a secret!

The black young man, stimulated by the pain, opened his eyes in confusion, but saw a mask with an evil smile...

Half an hour later

A sewer network node with a bad smell.

A group of people kneeling under a sculpture and praying devoutly.

A bald black man looked at his subordinates: "Have all the letters been sent out?"

The subordinates were wearing black robes and hiding in the darkness, like ghosts. They nodded: "Priest Alaba, there are a total of 27 odor suspects. Unless the butcher can cover up the smell on his body, he must be among these 27 people."

"Twenty-seven people."

The bald black man sighed: "Too many, whether there is a result or not, the orcs hiding in the circus must leave, and we must also evacuate. In the face of the high-tech means of the hyena, our hiding is becoming more and more difficult."

If it weren't for completing the sect's revenge mission.

The FBI and the Los Angeles NW organization were chasing too fiercely.

They would not use such a stupid method of alerting the snake.

In the mind of the bald priest, this was just a show for the high-level members of the sect, and he didn't have any hope at all.

There can be no results, but there can be no action.

This is why he can become a priest of the sect.

However, the bald priest still hopes that this time, he can lead out the little mouse that has harmed their sect.

When the time comes.

He will use the most cruel punishment of the tribe to execute the other party!

At this moment.

The pupils of the believers who were kneeling on the ground to pray shrank violently, covered their throats, and collapsed to the ground in pain, like fish with their mouths wide open due to lack of water, trying to breathe, but found that their muscles had lost control, and only the instinctive reaction of the body was left, and a lot of sweat poured out of their bodies, causing their bodies to twitch.

This sudden change stunned the few black men in robes who were left at the scene.

"Not good!"


A black man, with fluorescence in his eyes, roared, his muscles swelled all over his body, and his claws extended. He roared, stepped on the sewage, and rushed into the darkness in the distance.

The next moment.

Da da da ~

The sound of dense bullets came.

The black deformed man who had just rushed into the darkness, at a faster speed, turned into a mass of rotten flesh, and crashed back to his original position, twitching twice, and then stopped moving.

Gunshots were heard.

The remaining few people no longer hesitated, turned around and left the believers who were still struggling on the ground, and rushed into the darkness behind them.

The reason why this place is regarded as a gathering point by them is because it is a junction of sewer pipes that can lead to several directions. If there is a problem, they can escape immediately.

He almost ran out in less than a second.

Three huge explosions roared in the surrounding pipes.

Shining with light and heat.

Two black men in black robes could be seen. Without saying a word, their bodies were directly pierced by countless shrapnel, and they died tragically on the spot.

Only the bald priest had a strange ability. In a critical moment, he turned into a ball and rolled in the opposite direction. Finally, carrying a bunch of shrapnel, he returned to the priest who was lying on the ground with the impact of the explosion. point.

He spat out a few pieces of his internal organs and looked ahead in despair.

Ta da~

The sound of footsteps came from far to near.

Under the dim oil lamps on both sides of the statue, the bald priest could only vaguely see a tall figure wearing a maniacally laughing clown mask, standing in front of him.

When consciousness is blurred.

The clown's voice reached his ears: If you mess with me, I have to give you a ride.

Baldhead suddenly realized.

It turned out that the butcher was actually hiding among those public officials!

He didn't expect that his one-time action to show the superiors actually led to this hidden poisonous snake. The poisonous snake also followed their actions and found its way directly to this place, revealing its dangerous fangs.

Now let's see, where is the little mouse?

It is clearly a man-eating lion!

With endless regret, the priest sent by this primitive sect to carry out revenge died angrily in the dirty sewer pipes underground in Los Angeles.

"So weak"

Brian didn't expect to kill all the primitive sect members so easily.

After all, it was during the previous interrogation.

The young black man described these 'gods' as if they were descended from the gods, and if they were offended, mortals would die miserably.

The result is a swarm of bugs that can be crushed underfoot.

With a little bit of disappointment.

Brian was bathed in the volatile VX gas and checked several times before confirming that this small gang of dozens of people was really dead.

"There is a kind of emptiness that cannot go up or come down."

Brian now feels quite disappointed that he was preparing to fight the BOSS for 300 rounds, but as soon as he took action, he was instantly defeated.

He suddenly realized that he was no longer the weakling he was more than a month ago.

He is strong.

A clear consciousness, a body that is infinitely close to inhuman, a variety of talent blessings, and modern weapons that can be used freely.

He is really strong now.

I waited for more than ten minutes.

Brian just left this sewer with the three obsession balls he had harvested.

He doesn't have time to check the contents of Obsession Ball now.

To cut the weeds, we need to get rid of the roots!

Smith's Circus, right?

I am coming!

Facing the moonlight.

The clown mask on Brian's face and the bright red crazy smile became more and more evil.

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