You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 124 Lion? Killed with one punch! Hawkeye

Smith's Circus is the circus that Brian watched perform on the beach before.

Unexpectedly, there are still members of the primitive sect hiding in this place.

Because I've been there once before.

This time, after driving for more than an hour, Brian arrived at the circus under the moonlight with a familiar road and an invitation from the God of Death.

Hidden ones are easy to find.

The aberrants and believers of the primitive sect are all black, and they are still the original version. Blacks who have not been neutralized by mixed blood are very easy to distinguish.

In this environment where there are innocent people.

Gas bombs are naturally inappropriate.

This thing will last a long time, and Brian doesn't want to cause a massacre.

The circus, where the circus was stationed, was located in the large clearing.

Brian didn't expect that before he could look for it, a black man in a robe and two lions took the initiative to find him.

The black man looked at the tall man wearing a clown mask in front of him and said in unskilled federal dialect: "Aren't you a butcher?"

Looking at the two lions with dull eyes, Brian asked curiously: "Your ability is to control wild beasts?"

His enhanced sense of smell smelled the unique pheromones that the black man continuously emitted from the lion.

Brian was certain that his body could not secrete this kind of pheromone.

This is probably a special organ secretion produced by the unique ability of the aberrant.

The abilities of this group of aberrants from Africa seem to be biased toward those of beasts.

"Forget it, regardless of whether you are a butcher or not, everyone who comes here today will die."

The black man waved his hand, and two lions, one on the left and one on the right, surrounded Brian.

This embarrassed Brian.

Brother, it’s the 21st century.

By doing this, are you looking down on the automatic rifle on my back?

The idea almost came to Brian just now.

He suddenly felt the exposed neck skin on his back go numb.

This kind of paralysis spreads quickly.

"No, I've been hit!"

Brian's heart moved, and the blood and muscles in the paralyzed area wriggled, wrapping up the toxins injected into the body for the first time. Then, through the local heating of the body, the toxins were slowly converted into gas and stored in the body.

Under the control of the physical body.

He is not afraid of any biological toxins!

The black man thought his plan was successful.

He walked up to Brian and saw that he didn't move. He smiled disdainfully and stretched out his palm.

A black spider the size of an egg immediately crawled from Brian's back to the man's arm, and finally disappeared under his black robe.

"If no one else comes later, I wonder if you can feed my two new pets."

The black man waved to the two heroes: "My name is Orc, and I really hope you are the butcher our sect is looking for. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to get enough water of reason when I go back this time. Tell me your identity, no." People of value can only become food for my two new pets.”

The two lions also showed their ferocious fangs towards Brian.

Hearing this, Brian used his voice-changing ability and said softly in a rich male voice: "Aren't you afraid of the noise here and alerting the people in the circus? Besides, how can you be sure that I am the butcher?"

The black man shook his head: "The people in the circus were all knocked unconscious by my medicine. As for your identity, stop pretending. The hyena collected the scents of all the people who appeared in Villa XX that day. The butcher who caused us to be surrounded and suppressed , must be hiding inside, since you are here, even if you are not a butcher, there must be something wrong with your identity!"

"You mean, all the people in the circus were knocked unconscious by you?"

The corners of Brian's mouth turned up under his clown mask.

The black man looked at Brian in confusion: "You can't move half of your body now. Next, you can only feel your body being bitten and devoured little by little. This is a very painful execution. Aren't you afraid?"

"Why should I be afraid of dead people?"

Brian tilted his head slightly and looked at this stupid black man.

The black man's expression changed.

Poisonous spiders are useless!

next moment.

A long leg kicked hard on the black man's chin, sending him flying more than a meter high, as if he saw his own breasts.

Almost at the same time.

Brian took out his right hand and sprayed flames from the muzzle of the gun. He beat the lion that was attacking him, howled miserably, and with a mouth full of bullets, under the action of inertia, it jumped in front of Brian, motionless. Kill.


The air was vibrating.

Another male lion had already rushed in front of Brian and bit him with a roar and bad breath.


Brian let out a roar that was more ferocious than a lion. The bones of his left hand exploded. The muscles of his entire arm swelled in a circle, with bulging veins. He punched the hero's nose, and he actually forcibly killed the four-headed man. The lion, which weighed more than 100 kilograms, was knocked upside down and rolled around on the ground three or four times.

The lion twitched a few times, dark red blood slowly flowed out of its seven orifices, and it lost its breath.

Kill a lion with one punch.

The all-out explosion that breaks through the limitations of the body is so terrifying!

Brian spent three points of gifted energy to repair his left arm that had broken down and caused musculoskeletal collapse. He replaced the pistol with a new magazine and walked up to the still dazed black man, about to extract a confession.

A black shadow, like a sharp arrow, swooped down from the dark sky, carrying momentum, using its mouth as an arrow and its body as an arrow shaft, roaring with wind, and rushed towards Brian's neck.

Brian only had time to tilt his head when he was hit behind him by a huge momentum. His extremely tough shoulder was also torn with a huge laceration that spread to the main artery in his neck.

The physically attacking figure also rubbed against Brian's body and hit the ground, turning into a puddle of flesh.

This is actually an emaciated eagle.


The black man laughed indistinctly and struggled to get up from the ground.

Dense venomous spiders emerged from his black robe and crawled towards Brian's body.

He looked at Brian with cruel eyes: "You deserve to die for causing me to lose a specially bred falcon. I will let all the insects eat your body and let you feel the pain of having your internal organs bitten bit by bit. !”

"Just you?"


There was an explosion of densely packed bones.

Brian, who was originally paralyzed on the ground, actually looked like an out-of-control mechanical monster, or like Sadako crawling in a ghost movie, standing up from the ground bit by bit in a very mechanical posture.

The black man looked at the monster before him in horror.

Under the monster's mask, not only did no blood flow out of the huge incomplete wound, but there were countless densely packed flesh buds squirming in the air, interconnected, and healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.



The black people were frightened.

He ignored the poison he was charging towards the monster and turned around to run away.

Even in the holy land of primitive sects where monsters are everywhere, he has never seen such an outrageous monster!

The wound is repaired.

Brian twisted his neck, held the gun in his right hand tightly, pointed it at the man's fleeing back, and pulled the trigger.


A bullet, traveling at a speed of several hundred meters per second, pierced the man's calf and knee.

Driven by inertia, the black man fell to the ground, hugged his right leg and screamed.

Brian took back his pistol, looked at the dense insects on the ground, curled his lips, took out an incendiary bomb from his waist, and threw it accurately into the middle of the group of poisonous insects.

Under light and heat.

These scary-looking gadgets turned into a pile of burnt-smelling corpses in less than two seconds.

Walk through the messy scene.

Brian came to the black man in black robe and spit out the poisonous gas he had absorbed before: "Tell me your plan."

The black man had been frightened by Brian's previous gesture, and before Brian could use any means, he told all the information he knew.

After hearing that not only I had received the letter, but more than twenty people had also received the letter.

Not only was Brian not happy, he was actually a little irritated.

More than twenty people, too many.

The previous terrorist attacks by primitive sects are still vivid in our minds.

Brian was almost certain that someone would report this matter to the above.

That is to say.

It's no longer safe here.

This made him want to curse.

Which primitive sect had the brains to come up with such a self-destruction plan?

Can't these black African uncles spend some money on their brains?

This made Brian a little lucky.

Fortunately, he was ruthless and decisive enough, and directly killed all the people from the original sect who knew this.

In this case, even if the official people came here and saw the traces here, they would not know who did it, nor would they know that they had received the letter.

However, doubt is certain.

I must be more careful when I act in the future.


Amidst the bloodstains on the ground, Brian crushed the bloody obsession ball that was born from the black man's corpse. After briefly cleaning up the traces he left at the scene, he was ready to leave here as soon as possible.

As for those corpses.

No need to deal with it.

Brian was worried that he would bump into official people when he was dealing with that.

He locked his pheromones throughout the process and controlled the residue in his body. There was no monitoring in this temporarily arranged place. After a simple cleanup, he was not afraid of anyone finding his clues.


Brian unexpectedly looked at the pile of rotten meat on the ground.

This is the falcon falling from the sky.

Under the control of the black man, the opponent attacked with his body and almost hit Brian on the head.

Unexpectedly, a bloody obsession ball also appeared in the sky above the rotten meat.

"With the brain capacity of a bird, enough spirituality can be born?"

Brian crushed the little ball of obsession with curiosity.

He was not in a hurry to look at the other four obsession balls, but he was still very curious about the beastly obsession he had harvested for the second time.

Along with the obsession, the small ball rushed into Brian's eyes.

A message flooded into his mind: Kill that nigger who restricted my freedom!

Almost at the same time.

Heat surged through Brian's body.

The obsession is complete.

Brian's heart moved, and the choice of obsessive gift appeared in his mind.

1: Give twenty points of energy.

Two: Give five points of energy + eagle eye.

Is this still a choice?

Brian directly chose two.

next moment.

His eyes became extremely itchy.

Brian closed his eyes subconsciously.

Within seconds.

Coolness surges.

Brian then slowly opened his eyes.

The world in front of me has changed

One more chapter.

But I guess it's nine o'clock.

Also, don’t worry about my status. In the past, when I updated every day, I always had about two chapters saved.

In other words, I only need to update two chapters before five o'clock, and then update two chapters for the next day in the evening, so I can make it in time.

As a result, I went on a long trip the day before yesterday, which disrupted my rhythm and made it seem that the time was not accurate.

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