You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 125 The magical eagle eye destroys another team (Additional chapter 7 for the leader of the

Brian was surprised to find that in his eyes, the originally silver-grey night had turned into a colorful world that was slightly darker but similar to the early morning perspective!

He can see at night!


A layer of light red light enveloped the entire world's vision.

Is this ultraviolet light?

Brian left here with doubts. After finding a higher place, he studied his eyes.

The eagle's vision sense is actually similar to that of human vision sense, but the visual distance is about eight times that of humans, and it is good at catching moving objects, but its night vision is weak.

I don’t know what kind of breed this one is, but its night vision is so strong!

Brian was surprised to find that not only could he see night vision and ultraviolet light, he could also adjust the focus of his field of vision at will, clearly seeing details at least three or four miles away, and he could integrate human emotions into this sense. Perspective makes things in the field of vision more vivid and clear.

The only change is that his pupils will shrink in this situation.

But if you don't look carefully, it's hard to see anything unusual.

What's even more amazing is.

Brian also discovered that he could slow down the trajectory of living things in his eyes if he needed to.

Although limited by his own nerve reflex speed, his body cannot keep up with the 'time slowdown' brought about by this dynamic vision, but getting familiar with it will undoubtedly give Brian more time to react to unexpected situations.

"My supercomputer perception is very suitable for this kind of enhancement of smell, perspective and so on. It allows me to easily adapt and control it, and it can also be enhanced."

Brian had a great time.

This kind of happiness that keeps getting stronger really makes people feel happy.

However, Brian found that turning on the eagle eye view for a long time would be like strengthening the sense of smell, increasing the processing load on his brain, causing him to feel tired after ten or twenty minutes.

Fortunately, the impact is not big.

Normal eagle eye is enough for daily use.

With full firepower, you won't need to use it most of the time.

With the joy of harvest.

Brian returned to his car and prepared to leave.

Suddenly, he stopped inserting the key, squinted his eyes slightly, switched to the full eagle eye perspective, and looked at the dark sky.

A few kilometers away, a dozen silently suspended drones were seen flying quickly towards the circus.

"Come so quickly..."

Brian's heart sank.

Some of the technological developments in this world far exceed those of this point in his previous life.

The last time he was in Forest Park, Brian had seen the advanced drones inside those armed helicopters.

This place was originally located in a remote location.

If you drive away by yourself, it will be very conspicuous.

"Fortunately, this car is a disposable vehicle that is ready to be abandoned at any time. It has no conspicuous signs. The location where it is parked is also a normal parking is still a long way from the circus' station."

Think of this.

Brian didn't hesitate, got out of the car, found a building, and hid in it.

He was confident that he had handled it cleanly this time. From the smell to the traces, at most there was feedback on the corpse, but it could not be pinpointed to him.

There must be traces of what has been done.

Brian did his best.

He didn't believe that the official group of people who arrived could target him!

More than half an hour later.

A large number of drones searched the entire area, and it seemed that they were sure that no suspicious person was found, and they gradually disappeared into the sky.

Brian observed for a moment and was about to leave.

A team of six people, riding cool motorcycles, slowly stopped outside the building where he was.

Park the car.

These six men and women surrounded them.

These six people, five men and one woman, were all dressed in casual clothes. No weapons and equipment could be seen, but their walking posture gave people a sense of oppression. They all wore some sci-fi full-covered silver glasses, some like those in X-Men. The laser glasses look very cool.

Brian was like a Spider-Man, climbing on an inconspicuous corner of the wall, looking at the six people at his feet and frowning.

He was very familiar with the walking postures of these six people.

This unique walking posture was clearly the same as the group of killing machines he saw when he received the skill memory of female veterinarian Laura.

These people also wore a badge similar to the FBI badge on their chests, but with two sharper blades on both sides.

Brian suspected that these people were members of the FBI hunting team with the same identity as female veterinarian Laura.

Why did these guys lock themselves here?

Just when Brian was confused, the leading man knocked on his glasses and said: "This is a shopping mall. According to Oden's lock, the big fish that was hooked before hid in this area. The opponent's strength is very strong." Big, will also use modern weapons, stay vigilant.”

"Captain, the prey abandoned the car and fled. They must have discovered those drones. They are probably far away."

The only female member of the team was chewing something in her mouth and said indifferently.

Regarding the female member's words, the leading man did not refute, but nodded in agreement: "I guess so, otherwise those bastards from Team 1 would not have handed over this area to us. Although the image of Oden, a special observation satellite, is clear, , but each time you lock it, you can only fix the area, otherwise the fluctuation will be great, and every time you call it, it will be very troublesome. If it were not like this, it would be easier for us to hunt. "

Listening to the conversation of the group of people below, Brian's heart sank.


Originally, this group of FBI people had already locked onto the black clown stationed in the circus. The reason why they didn't take action or show up was to fish.

The reaction was really fast.

Fortunately, I disguised myself.

But in this situation, how can I escape back to the crowded urban area?

Just when Brian was struggling with the retreat.

In the six-member team, a silent male member looked at the darkness above his head with a sense of feeling.

In his field of vision, the glasses collected the surrounding light bit by bit, presenting the originally dark building with a clear gray interface.

Almost at the same time.

Relying on his extremely powerful core strength, Brian grabbed the protrusion outside the building, like a spider, swinging continuously. When the male members below locked their eyes on his area, he barely moved to the side of a sewer pipe and quickly moved down.

This is not a residential area.

In addition, there are not many people on the beach except tourists.

Without a large number of living people to cover up, it is difficult for him to hide his figure under modern technology.

In that case.

Let's kill them!

The few people on the ground had not yet realized that they had changed from hunters to prey.

Seeing the actions of the male team members, the leading man asked in confusion: "No. 18, what's wrong?"

"I just felt someone was watching us." He looked at the male team member above his head and retracted his gaze.

The captain heard this and his cold face became serious: "You have undergone neural transformation and your perception is the most acute. Immediately notify other nearby teams. I suspect that the prey is still here. Be careful and alert."

Before he finished speaking.

A figure suddenly rushed out from the side.

The man standing on the outermost side, without any hesitation, completed the charge in less than half a second, with a whistling sound, and kicked the joint position of the figure fiercely.

Facing the opponent's kick.

In Brian's eyes, everything slowed down.

Under the perception of the supercomputer.

His leg muscles suddenly expanded a circle, opening the unparalleled state of "rage", and the speed was 30% faster. He directly pulled out a residual image behind him, brushed the whip kick of the male team member, and punched the opponent's neck.

The man's head made a cracking sound, and it broke off abruptly, swinging softly like a whip, and hit the team members next to him with his body.


"This is a first-level evolutionary mutant!"

The captain saw that one of the team members died tragically in an instant, and he took out a reagent and stabbed it into the neck, and at the same time pressed the emergency communication.

The other few people were also frightened by the violence of this sudden attacker, and took out their pistols and prepared to shoot.

Brian himself did not shoot, so how could he give these guys the opportunity to shoot and attract other FBI hunting teams.

He suddenly released his accumulated life force field.

An invisible shock enveloped the man and woman who looked at him.

Their bodies immediately stood still on the spot, as if they had been mentally shocked.

The next moment.

Brian's hands were already grasping their necks, and he used these two men and women, who weighed more than 300 pounds in total, as meteor hammers and smashed them hard at the other two members.

Looking at his team members, three of them were killed without even a chance to fight, and the remaining two were knocked dizzy.

The captain, who had already injected the explosive reagent, let out a low roar, pulled out two specially constructed daggers, and rushed towards Brian.

"Too slow!"

Brian was the first to arrive, and accurately grabbed the opponent's hands, but found that a force almost as strong as his own came from his hands.

Almost at the same time.

The leader kicked Brian in the crotch with a vicious kick.

The biggest weakness of a man is undoubtedly the Wolong Valley.


The captain was delighted.

This masked prey is really scary. Whether it is speed or strength, it can be called the limit of the human body. It is definitely a first-level evolutionary deformer!

Fortunately, he did not hesitate and directly injected the explosive reagent with great damage.

Otherwise, their team, which did not carry any firearms, might really be killed by the opponent with bare hands.

A kick with at least 800 kilograms of force!

Hit the vital point!

Let's see how you resist!

The captain was about to kill someone when he was sick, but he met a pair of red eyes.

Endless anger surged in Brian's chest.


Under the captain's horrified eyes, Brian, who was already a head taller than him, swelled his muscles in less than a breath, turned into a two-meter-tall little giant, and stretched his clothes so hard that they made a tearing sound.

Brian grabbed the hand of the leading man in front of him, and lifted him up in the air like a baby less than a month old, and said in a hoarse voice: "Your purity is too low!"


The captain made the last sound left in the world.

The next moment.

Brian's head was like a sledgehammer, hitting him hard on the forehead.

With a crack.

The man's forehead was sunken, and his cervical vertebrae made a sound of breaking. His head could only hang behind his back with the support of flesh and blood, swaying in the wind.

Brian threw the weakling who was killed by his head like trash, and strode towards the man who had just climbed up. He punched the man hard in the heart with his big fist like a sandbag.

In the state of breaking the limit!

More than a thousand pounds of strength suddenly burst out.

This unlucky guy who just got up flew three or four meters without a sound, lying on the ground and twitching twice, and then there was no movement.

The human heart could not withstand such a concentrated blow.

The last remaining members of the hunting team completely lost the will to fight.

In less than ten seconds.

Five people, including the captain, were all killed.

This is not a monster that a hunting team of their level can deal with!

He turned and ran.

As an agility enhancer.

He was confident that he could hold on until the other teams arrived before being caught up.

Looking at the fleeing figure, Brian silently picked up a pebble. Under the control of his body, his torso bent like a spring, and the stone flew out like a cannonball with a puff, instantly crossing a distance of more than ten meters and hitting the head of the fleeing person.

He did not see the result.

Brian glanced and confirmed that these people were not obsessed with the ball, then turned and ran towards the sea.

Under the action of the adrenaline.

He did not know pain or fatigue.

By the time several teams surrounded the mall, there was no sign of prey..

Brian: Thank you to the book friend ‘Night of Glory’ for the 10,000 book coins and character reward, thank you Mr. Night.

Thank you to the book friend ‘20240319175859278’ for the 222 book coins and thank you boss!

Additional chapters:

Rewards: 12-1=11 chapters (including 1 additional chapter for the cumulative rewards from all book friends)

First order: 22 chapters

Monthly ticket: 1 chapter

Today’s 11,000 is here, see you tomorrow at 5 pm on time.

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