When the adrenaline faded, Brian felt the joy of being tortured.

He sank into the water, gritted his teeth, and deliberately did not use the gift energy to repair his body, which was collapsing bit by bit. Instead, he used supercomputing perception to amplify the pain from his body to the maximum, and gradually impacted his upper limit of pain tolerance.

Until the whole person was numb.

Brian spit out a large mouthful of blood and began to repair his body.

"Damn, these FBI bastards!"

Feeling the warm current washing over his body, Brian couldn't help but curse!

Since he resolved the threat from his uncle.

This is the first time he has suffered such a big loss.

As the saying goes, if you take a step back, the sky will be wider. If you endure for a while, you will get angrier and angrier!

When I was weak, I acted like a grandson.

I am so strong, and I still have a lot of equipment, but I still act like a grandson!

Then I became stronger in vain?

The afterimage of the blood moon loomed in Brian's eyes.

His emotions, unconsciously, became more paranoid and arrogant.

An unknown fire burned in his chest!

After all the eight gift energies stored in his body were used up, Brian felt a little tingling in his body, and immediately checked the four obsessions he had gained.

Brian was ready to go back and fight those FBI hunting team members if he could gain extra gift energy!

He could change his body shape and voice, and he could also restrain the pheromones in his body. Under the control of his body, as long as there was no limb loss, he could also avoid exposing his body information to the greatest extent.

In this case, he had to return home in anger.

Brian felt that the nameless fire in his chest would burn him crazy!

The first three obsessions were gained from the primitive sect hiding in the sewer.

One belonged to ordinary believers, one belonged to the bald leader, and the other belonged to another unknown black-robed deformer who was directly killed by the explosion.

Believers' obsession: dedicate everything to the primitive totem.

Gift: 8 points of gift energy.

Bald leader's obsession: get enough water of reason.

Gift 1: 30 points of gift energy.

Gift 2: 5 points of gift energy + body expansion

Unknown Deformer's Obsession: Kill Prothemis Akachi Priest!

Gift 1: 25 gift energy points.

Gift 2: 5 points of gift energy + beast alienation

The believer's obsession was completed immediately after Brian accepted the obsession, turning into a warm current, flowing through Brian's body.

"Eight gift energies."

Brian's face was happy, enough.

I didn't expect the believer's obsession to be completed directly.

That's right, dying under the totem, even life is gone, isn't it just dedicating everything to the original totem?

But why didn't this obsession count as completed before?

I have to wait until I check the content of the obsession before it shows that the obsession is completed?

Brian thought of his previous experience and guessed that it was because he was in a hurry at the time and didn't check the content of the obsession, similar to not accepting the obsession task, so he didn't give feedback immediately!

Who knew that the happy event was not completed yet.

Another warm current surged through Brian's body.

This time, it was the obsession of the unknown deformer that was completed.

Brian suddenly realized that the so-called priest was probably the bald leader who was killed by him.

Compared with those brainwashed believers, this group of deformed people is much more rubbish. Not only are their minds messy, but they also beg for mercy, and their fighting will is much weaker.

This time, Brian directly chose thirty gift energies.

For him, the talent of the beast alienation is not much of an improvement, but it will increase the mental strength pressure that he can't keep up with.

Brian doesn't plan to take ordinary talents at all.

In this way, Brian immediately has thirty-eight gift energies in surplus.

The completion of the two obsessions also repaired his body that has not yet fully recovered.

A sense of abundance of returning to the peak surged in Brian's heart.

Thirty-eight gift energies are enough for him to break the physical limitations, enter the strongest form, and open three or four times of invincibility!

Moreover, he doesn't care whether he will be exposed in anti-hunting, and he doesn't need to consider close combat at all!

Resist the urge to rush out and kill people everywhere.

Brian continued to click on the obsession of the black man who called himself an orc.

Black obsession: Let the bastard who wore a clown mask and caused me to lose the specially cultivated falcon enjoy the pain of being devoured by thousands of insects!

Gift 1: 40 gift energy points.

Gift 2: 5 gift energy + biological control


Brian was surprised.

This guy's gift is almost close to the seven deadly sins deformer-gluttony encountered before, and is stronger than the bald black leader!

The opponent's talent, biological control, Brian speculated that it should be the secretion of a hypnotic pheromone to forcibly control insects or beasts.

He had smelled the special pheromone emitted from the opponent before.

But thinking of the falcon that suddenly committed suicide.

Brian guessed that this biological control talent should also have some unknown information link and communication capabilities.

So strong!

Combined with his own "pheromone control" talent, it feels very good!

The only pity is that the opponent's obsession is to let himself enjoy the pain of being devoured by thousands of insects.

There is no such completion condition now.

As for enjoying the pain of being devoured by thousands of insects?

Having experienced the powerlessness of not being able to control his own destiny, Brian doesn't care as long as he can gain power.

Pain is better than not having the power to resist when danger comes.

At this moment, Brian somewhat understood his uncle Billy's paranoia.

In this gradually crazy world.

Not having the power to resist is more desperate than death.

Buzz buzz buzz~

A series of low-altitude hovering search drones flew quickly over Brian's head for the sixth time.

It is estimated that the loss of a team angered the FBI hunting team that has always played the role of hunters, so that after more than ten minutes, this group of people has not given up searching around.

In addition to the special satellites that cannot be seen overhead.

Unless you can walk on the seabed, it is really difficult for ordinary people to escape from the encirclement of this group of people.

Unfortunately, they met Brian, a madman.

No one can understand what a madman will do when he is emotional!

For example: if everyone is killed, there will be no encirclement!

Listening to the hovering sound of the drone searching overhead, Brian's eyes loomed with the afterimage of the blood moon, and the nameless anger in his heart became more and more vigorous.

He did not rush out of the sea.

Brian's mind moved.

After the obsessions of the two dead were completed, the remaining spiritual crystals immediately turned into comfortable energy and merged into his spiritual body.

A sense of ecstasy surged into Brian's heart.

This time, the dead were of high quality.

They were either deformed people who had been fighting against desire for a long time, or ordinary people who were severely brainwashed and extremely paranoid.

Their spiritual will was far superior to that of ordinary people.

Although the spiritual crystals of the two dead did not further transform Brian's spiritual strength, they restored his tired mind to its peak again and made it much stronger.

Three consecutive fights.

Brian not only did not fall into a weak state, but was much stronger than before he went out!

Waiting for the drone above to leave.

A clown mask slowly emerged from the water.

It looked up and looked at the bright moon above its head. Under the silver light, the cold lines of color outlined a wild and crazy smile.

Four teams, twenty-four people, scattered within a radius of one kilometer.

They don't like to use firearms. At this moment, they are wearing heavy-duty auxiliary combat exoskeleton equipment that was urgently airlifted. They are like emotionless robots, searching for all life forms that emit heat sources in their field of vision.

A cold mechanical voice came from the communication headset: The third search for Oden has begun.

The four combat teams immediately stopped and waited for the search results of the Oden satellite.

The exoskeleton equipment they are equipped with at this moment is the top individual combat equipment of the Federation. Each one is expensive and is only used for special operations. So many of them are dispatched in a row, which can be regarded as looking down on this prey!

As long as the other party dares to show up, there is only one way to die!

The distant FBI Hunting Division base.

An old man with white hair and a pair of deep eyes looked at the picture on the projected map with cold eyes.

The ability of the deformed is weird.

It's not that the hunting department has not seen a whole team killed in the hunting process.

But except for that legendary figure, no one has been surrounded and slaughtered their hunting team and can get away unscathed!

Under the crushing of modern technology.

The deformed person with flesh and blood is just a joke!


The old man's eyes fixed and looked at the red aperture that suddenly appeared in the projection screen.

Inside the aperture, a thin and tall figure with a smooth figure slowly stepped out of the rocks on the beach, looked up at the sky, and seemed to see the suspended Oden super-perspective satellite, looking at him

What kind of eyes are these!

The old man looked at the blood-red eyes exposed under the mask of the crazy laughing clown, and even at a long distance, he still felt a little cold in his heart.

Oden is a pursuit satellite that is far beyond the technology of this era at any cost. It is specially made for hunting special deformed people. Under the supercomputer algorithm, the super-perspective lens can see a person's hair clearly.

This also makes the projection image in front of him very real.

At this moment, the old man felt that the prey was standing in front of him, through Oden's lock, crossing the space and looking at himself.

The technical team below didn't know what their supervisor felt at the moment.

After Oden locked the prey.

Almost without any delay, the instructions of the supercomputing intelligence center were conveyed to the four combat teams near the beach: the target has been found, the drone combat group has been locked, hunting B4 team, please go to the marked location as soon as possible.

24 cold-looking hunting team members, with the blessing of external combat mechanical skeletons, burst out at a speed of 70 to 80 kilometers per hour and rushed towards the location marked by the drone.

Looking at the light spots of the marked combat units, all surrounding the crazy and laughing blood-eyed clown, the old man in charge relaxed his tense heart.

Perhaps it was because he was frightened and angry!

He rarely picked up the communication equipment and sent a message to the combat team: "Find the target, capture the target alive, and airlift it back to headquarters!"

He wanted to bring the other party to him, step on his head, and then watch those scientific researchers dismember the other party bit by bit, and finally take off the annoying eyes, make a specimen, and put it on his desk!

These deformed people are all bugs, prey, and resources!

No bugs can scare him!

Thanks to the book friend ‘Christmas adsf’ for the reward of 5,000 book coins, and thanks to the boss!

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