You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 127 Outlaw, art is explosion!

Looking at the drone swarm overhead.

Brian grinned and chuckled. With the help of Hawkeye, the drones hidden in the night were not only clearly visible, but also slowed down.

Under the perception of the supercomputer.

A large amount of data poured into his mind.

When these drones approached the rifle's limit of about 800 meters.

Brian picked up the automatic rifle in his hand and pulled the trigger.

The technical team member who controlled the drone looked at the tall and thin masked clown under the monitoring, who actually pulled the trigger directly from such a long distance, and sneered: "This idiot must have been scared by the sound of the drone swarm and shot at the dark sky."

"It's really stupid. This bastard made us stay up late and work overtime. I hope those monsters in the hunting team can torture this prey more before completing the capture."

The companion responded, but found that the companion who spoke at the beginning was staring at the control screen with a dull look.

He quickly looked at the screen and was also petrified.

Under the densely packed drone transmission monitoring, more than 20 screens have gone black, and this speed is still increasing.


"Evacuate quickly!"

The head of the drone battle group roared at the sluggish appearance of his subordinates.


Under the continuous repair of parameters by the data perceived by the supercomputer, Brian, who was in control of the body and as accurate as a robot, tilted the bullets madly, treating those precise night drones as targets and blasting them one by one.

The power of the automatic rifle was brought to the extreme performance by Brian, a flesh-and-blood mechanical monster!

In the blink of an eye.

Three magazines were emptied.

There were only more than 30 remaining drones left in the group of hundreds of drones, which fled in embarrassment and never dared to approach this area within a kilometer.

Throw away the emptied magazine and replace it with a new one.

Brian's vision was pulled towards the figures rushing towards this side, and he took out a high-explosive grenade.

With the blessing of supercomputer perception + Hawkeye dynamic vision.

A large amount of data poured into his mind.

Wind speed..

Target speed.

Explosion range of high-explosive grenade

Detonation time

Three seconds later, Brian pulled out the grenade fuse with one hand, calculated the time, and his right hand suddenly expanded. His muscles were like springs, and like layers of waves, he completed acceleration again and again, gathering all his strength in the high-explosive grenade in the palm of his hand.

With a whoosh.

A high-explosive grenade drew a high arc in the night sky, flew a full 300 meters away, and under the influence of the night wind, it changed direction slightly and fell down.

The next moment.

Two expressionless hunting team members stepped on the sand under their feet to make deep pits and rushed to the front of the falling grenade.


The two reacted very quickly and saw the falling high-explosive grenade at the first time.

This reaction far exceeded that of ordinary people, so that they did not die unclearly, and clearly saw the scene of the grenade surface breaking and countless steel balls flying out.


Amid the flames, two tattered bodies, wearing heavy exoskeleton equipment, fell heavily on the beach.

"Suppress fire!"

This group of well-trained hunting team members, not caring about not being in the best range, lifted the heavy weapons on the exoskeleton and pulled the trigger towards Brian's position.

Under the aiming algorithm equipped with the exoskeleton.

They still maintained accurate pre-aiming and locking while moving at high speed.

Facing the rain of bullets covering four or five hundred meters, Brian smiled lightly under the mask, and his streamlined legs suddenly exerted force, and his figure jumped towards the pile of stones behind him.

When people were in the air, the automatic rifle also spewed out flames.

The three hunting team members paused with their heads back, fell to the ground without a word.

"What a strong firepower."

After landing, Brian looked at the bullets squirming out of his thighs and arms, replaced the new magazine, listened to the rhythm of the gunfire outside, took out two high-explosive grenades, and threw them blindly.

Under accurate throwing.

His grenade, as if it was equipped with automatic navigation, landed precisely in the middle of the hunting team members with the most bullets.

There were several more screams.

The hunting team was reduced again.

Feeling the pressure of firepower eased.

Brian did not hesitate, rolled out of the pile of stones, and shot at the enemies in his sight while quickly adjusting the trajectory. Dozens of bullets, at a rate of 950 rounds per minute, were evenly poured into the bodies of the three figures in front.

In ten seconds.

One-third of the 24-man combat team was killed or injured.


Brian, who retreated back into the pile of stones, laughed at the bullet hole in his chest, with bloodshot eyes.

He spit out a bullet that hit his cheek, let the granulation tissue on his body repair the wound, replaced the new magazine, and shot at the remaining personnel in the torrent of bullets.

Once there was a gunshot approaching, two grenades were thrown accurately.

If it weren't for the last suppression of reason, Brian even wanted to throw the VX gas bomb on his belt directly, so that the group of bastards who surrounded and beat him could feel the despair of biotechnology.

When Brian had used up all the magazines of his automatic rifles and thrown all the high-explosive grenades.

There was no movement in front.

The remaining dozen or so combat team members, under the suppression of firepower, also used up the ammunition belts they carried and curled up.

FBI hunting team headquarters.

The old man looked at the combat units whose light disappeared one by one, and his body trembled with anger.

He picked up the communicator and roared: "Load the high-explosive bomb, kill him, kill him!!!"

Losing so many elites who spent a lot of resources to train them all at once, even if he is a supervisor, he will be severely punished by the organization afterwards.

Received summons.

The remaining members of the hunting team all saw the bitterness in each other's eyes.

In the past, they had always crushed the aberrants with their firepower, and even most of the time, they preferred to attack directly rather than using firearms.

Because of this, you can catch your prey alive and get the maximum reward.

They have never seen aberrants with such exaggerated individual combat capabilities.

When did those bugs, who were constantly being attacked by their sanity, become so powerful at using modern weapons!

Even if you are afraid, you are afraid of being beaten by prey.

This group of killing machines who had been brainwashed since childhood did not hesitate to switch to exoskeleton form, put on a howitzer-like launcher, and connected the ammunition box on their back to the launcher.

"Currently, 380 meters ahead, covering bombing."

An order was given.

More than a dozen large-caliber bullets, the size of a baby's fist, arced in mid-air, evenly and accurately covering the pile of rocks where Brian was hiding.


Sand and gravel flew in the flames of high explosives.

No carbon-based organism can survive such a dense explosion!

To preserve possible remaining limbs.

This group of people did not fire a second round of high-explosive bombs.

The old man at the base also stared at the pile of rocks with flames splashing under Oden's projection.

That bedbug was hiding in a corner.

There are rocks blocking the top there, and satellites can't see through.

He can see clearly!

The other party is dead!

at this time.

The technical team members below exclaimed: "Behind, the prey is behind."

The old man was startled and immediately shifted his gaze to the back of the combat team. He saw a thin and sharp claw breaking out of the sand, and slowly emerged from the skinny upper body of a maniacally laughing clown mask.


The old man roared.

Brian quietly emerged from the sand, took out his pistol, danced like a ghost, and appeared behind the remaining members of the hunting team.

He whistled towards the crowd, making a sharp and indistinguishable voice: "What are you waiting for?"

These people were indeed elites. They didn't even look behind them. They immediately scattered and rushed forward. At the same time, they wanted to turn around the launchers in their hands and fire high-explosive bombs backwards.

There are two others, even greater, who do not hesitate to use their bodies as shields, wanting to buy time for their companions.

The reactions of these people were ridiculously slow under Brian's dynamic vision.

He just pulled the trigger.

As the saying goes, seven steps away, the gun is fast, within seven steps, the gun is accurate and fast!

Bang bang bang~

The pistol was forced to fire by Brian, making the sound of an automatic rifle.

Such a close distance.

As soon as these people made a move, they were all accurately shot in the head and fell into rolling corpses on the ground.

Exoskeletons are not mechas after all.

Can't stop a bullet!

Looking at the corpses on the ground.

Brian took a deep breath of fascination.

What a wonderful smell of smoke and blood.

Surround me?

Die to me!


So refreshing!

"Come on! You bastard! Look directly at me! Keep coming!"

Brian frantically moved towards the location of the unknown satellite, roaring wildly!

The nameless fire from before was all vented with this roar.

In Brian's body, countless restless and unknown energies, ranging from rich red to black, also fell silent again with this roar, but the original deep color became even deeper.


After regaining his composure, Brian replaced the magazine with a new one, and before the armed helicopters were dispatched, he started refilling his guns and clearing the battlefield.

Dead or not.

When he saw someone, Brian put a bullet into their head.

He had physical control and left very few traces at the scene. Even if there were some bloody bullets and sand, there was a beach next to them, so it was very easy to destroy them.

A search.

With a few unknown reagents and two small balls of obsession that he had harvested, Brian stood back on the charred and cratered rocks, and made a gesture of slitting his throat toward the top of his head.


"Too outrageous!"

The old man at the base was so angry that he smashed the communicator.

How could there be such an outlaw maniac under the pressure of the Great Federation!

How dare the other party provoke the FBI, a violent agency!

The old man's face turned red with anger. He walked to the railing and shouted angrily: "Subscribe to the nearest Marine Corps base and ask them to dispatch armed helicopters and small boats to assist and encircle and kill them all."

The words are not finished yet.

He covered his head and hit it behind him. His brain was bruised from anger due to Brian's arrogant behavior.

the other side.

Except for the VX gas bombs and trophies, Brian, who had dropped all his weight, was like a swimming fish, constantly adjusting his body posture, swimming under the sea at the fastest speed, and fleeing towards the nearest urban area.

Has the ability to change his height and appearance.

Just go to an area where people gather.

He is not worried about the next chase at all!

Half an hour later.

Bryan only brought a belt and hid in a beach villa. After finding a suitable set of clothes, he walked for more than ten minutes and turned into a short and fat white middle-aged man. He came to a residential area, stole an old car, started the car, and drove towards Los Angeles.

It was a little after five o'clock.

After changing transportation several times, Brian finally returned to the safe house.

After cleaning the traces on his body, he set up a mine trap at the entrance, hid the VX gas bomb, and left the safe house with the loot that was sure to be unlocated.

VX gas bombs are a big killer that is strictly prohibited from use.

Before the group of corpses in the sewer pipe were found.

Brian didn't want to be exposed for the time being.

It was a little after eight o'clock in the morning.

Mr. Brian, the autopsy officer, had his hair blown up, changed into an expensive custom-made suit, pinned the police badge of the NW Operations Department on his collar, put on a tie, sprayed himself with the female killer perfume that he had configured to enhance his sense of smell, and put on the watch of the Operations Department.

Looking at the gentle beast in the mirror.

Brian nodded with satisfaction.

He whistled, and walked out of the door in high spirits, taking Thirteen, who had just woken up from a hangover and was still a little shaky.

No more bedbugs to bother us.

The world is so beautiful.

Another pleasant day has begun.

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