You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 128 S-level wanted order: The Laughing Clown, new case (Additional chapter 8 for the leader

Come to the office.

Because of the case, everyone came earlier than usual, but Brian was the last to arrive.

They were sitting in a circle, chatting animatedly.

See Brian coming.

Ivan immediately pulled him over: "Man, you definitely have no idea what happened last night!"

Brian slapped the other person's enthusiastic hand away and asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

"Big event!"

Ivan was mysterious and wanted to show off, but Glenn stabbed him in the back:

"The FBI received intelligence last night that people from the primitive sect may have appeared in Maria Beach. They hid it from NW and sent people to set a trap there. As a result, there were heavy casualties. In the end, a primitive sect was captured. One of them escaped."

Ivan glared at Glenn and added: "I heard that armed helicopters and ships were dispatched in the end, but I don't know if there was any result."

Brian was a little surprised.

Did the news spread so quickly?

The key is, why is a lot of information different from what I know?

Chatted for a while.

Brian found out that it turned out to be early in the morning. After NW learned the news, he was very angry at the FBI's private action and sent the entire matter to Police News.

However, the details were not clearly stated.

Information and truth are also far apart.

After Brian knew this, his heart was calm.

According to the confession of the orcs, the people they sent the letters to were all people who appeared and had contact with the villa bombing, and they were sent randomly, including people from the FBI's Los Angeles branch.

Although Brian couldn't understand the brain circuits of these black uncles.

But in the villa bombing case, there were at least hundreds of official personnel present, including not only the patrol police, but also people from the FBI and NW, and even reporters who sneaked in afterwards and people who were curious to death.

The identities of these people are too complicated.

The members of the original sect who knew about it all died at their own hands.

Without knowing the cause and effect, it’s hard to think of the ‘butcher’ incident.

Not to mention the NW organization, which was so powerful that it directly reported the FBI's unfortunate encounter to the police.

Now the other people who received the letter are probably going to pretend to be dead.

No one who knows their own way of doing things wants to get themselves into trouble.

Even if he was exposed in the end, Brian wouldn't panic.

After yesterday's battle, he is now confident enough that even if he is exposed, he is not afraid of being surrounded and killed as long as he is in the city.

The talent left to him by the shapeshifter was too perverted.

Coupled with the talent of pheromone control.

Bones, face shape, smell, voice, except for genetic material, Brian can become another completely unrelated person at any time now.

Today, one and a half months after the blood moon, he already has the initial ability to control his own destiny!

After eating the melon.

After a brief meeting, Ivan and Glenn were busy investigating the dismemberment case discovered yesterday.

Green was a little stimulated. Instead of watching the case today, he went to the underground shooting range to practice his marksmanship.

Brian didn't care.

He couldn't tell his little brother Green that those aberrations meeting him would be equivalent to meeting the God of Death in advance.

Brian is not someone who likes to show off.

low profile.

He turned on his computer and sent Susan a daily email. He briefly talked about the group situation in the past two days and how he missed her. When he saw that there were no extra emails, he cursed a scumbag and started grabbing ten 3. Carry out daily training.

The teaching content is mainly some simple conversations in federal language.

Although the exchange of pheromones allows Shisan to communicate with himself, Shisan doesn't really understand what other people say and can only rely on guessing.

This process needs to be taught.

When you become familiar with the language of the Thirteenth Federation, you can be a bitch and help eavesdrop on some conversations.

Busy until noon.

Ivan and the others haven't come back yet, and they don't know the progress.

After Brian took Thirteen out for a quick snack, he took advantage of his lunch break to quietly click on the obsession he had learned from the two members of the hunting team yesterday.

Yesterday, after the battle, he was continuously shot, which resulted in 38 points of gift energy, and only 26 points were consumed. Brian was going to gather 50 points to strengthen it again.

Otherwise, after ten or twenty o'clock, I feel like there is not much change.

It can be predicted that the further you go, the greater the amount of gift energy required for strengthening.

I just don’t know if there will be an upper limit.

The unknown hunting team member’s obsession is to kill prey.

Gift: ..omitted.

Obsession 2 of unknown hunting team members: catching prey.

Gift: ..omitted.


These two buddies have become obsessed with trying to figure out their own urgency. Can they stop being so loyal?

Brainwashing is really scary.


Brian looked back at the second obsession.

catch prey

It didn’t say that the FBI had to catch the prey.

Brian turned to the police badge on the corner of his collar and raised the corners of his mouth.

He took advantage of a cigarette to go to the unmonitored corridor, took out the handcuffs, cuffed himself, and pretended to be saying in his mind: "You are under arrest, Mr. Bryan!"

The next moment, warmth surged.

Seeing that Brian had succeeded, he almost laughed like a pig.

This is also possible when riding a horse.

The FBI hunting team, perhaps because of their stronger will than ordinary people, directly replenished Brian with nine points of gift energy.

This means that he now has a reserve of thirty-five points of gift energy.

In the afternoon.

Because Ivan and his team brought back a half-body dead body, he had already done the autopsy and found nothing special. Brian was about to continue playing with dogs and fishing.

Old Harden suddenly called him: "Brian, the headquarters sent a fax."

Brian took the fax that still smelled of ink and checked it.

This look.

He was happy.

This is a wanted order:

Code: Laughing Clown.

Below is a satellite high-definition photo, which is exactly what Brian was wearing in the early morning.

Not to mention, it's quite clear.

Below the photo, there are three imaging portraits, the third of which is a thin and long-faced man, who is six points similar to Brian's appearance disguised under the mask last night. At least the overall direction of the bones is similar, but the facial features are a little worse.

This is the limitation of technology.

After all, satellites are not perspective.

Under the cover of the mask, even the computer supercomputing technology can only simulate through big data based on the exposed bone alignment and the distribution of the eyes and nose under the mask, but it cannot be restored 100%.

However, 60% similarity is already very impressive.

If Brian had not changed the direction of the facial bones, it would really be like the third face, and there would be a risk of exposure.

Without the physical body to control this magical skill, and close to the sea, he could run away at any time.

He really didn't dare to be so arrogant last night.

Below the portrait, there are some simple descriptions:

Body type: tall and thin, about 2.2 meters, skeleton finger bones

Deeds: One person slaughtered the FBI's full 30-member, fully armed B4 team.


Extremely dangerous deformed person, with a single arm strength of more than 500 kilograms and a speed of more than 100 meters and nine seconds. He is good at using modern firearms, has an accuracy that exceeds that of ordinary sharpshooters, accurate throwing, suspected of having night vision, and a very unstable mental state.

Once discovered, it is recommended to directly cover and kill with firepower.


My own smurfs are really awesome. The butcher's account was not treated like this before.

He put down the fax, crying thief, and sighed: "I can't imagine what we would encounter if we met such a dangerous person. How can personal force be so strong?"

Old Harden didn't react much, and said in a low mood: "The deformed are a group of monsters. The deformed who can keep their sanity are even more monsters among monsters."

Seeing this, Brian took out a cigarette and handed it to Old Harden: "Some things will be very uncomfortable if you keep them in your heart. We are companions, why don't you talk about it?"

Under normal circumstances, here, unlike his previous life, there is no habit of passing cigarettes, unless they take the initiative or the relationship is very close.

For example, Susan took the initiative to do this to Brian.

The drug addict group does have such a habit.

Old Harden took the cigarette hesitantly, but did not smoke it. He just shook his head:

"There is nothing to say. I just saw a monster more powerful than this clown when I was young.

The National Guard was dispatched at that time, but the monster disappeared into the sea after killing hundreds of people. There was no news of him afterwards."

"Are you kidding?"

Brian almost dropped the cigarette he had just lit on the ground in shock.

It was not that he was shocked, but after experiencing the systematic siege, Brian became more aware of the horror of the modern army.

You know.

Even with his inhuman strength and good firepower, he was still shot more than a dozen times when facing the siege of more than 20 elite soldiers, and this was when the group did not use heavy weapons and missiles.

Brian could not imagine any monster that could kill hundreds of people and run away under the siege of the army.

After all, no matter how fast a person is, can he be faster than the bullets and missiles in the sky?

In the forest park, the two deformed beasts with a speed of 100 meters in three or four seconds gave the answer with their corpses.

Old Harden shrugged: "Before I saw it, I didn't think there was such a monster, but it is true. It happened more than 30 years ago. The other party was a Chinese. No one knew his name, only a nickname."

"What's his name?"

"Long, it started with a newly opened martial arts gym in Chinatown, Los Angeles, which was bullied by some unruly Chinese gangs. After resisting, the gang members killed the whole family.

The police station leader at the time took the money and didn't care.

Then Long appeared.

He looked only in his thirties. Overnight, he killed all the members of the gang and the black police who wanted to blackmail him, and even their families were not spared. , the matter got bigger and bigger, and more and more people died.

The police wanted to use the remaining people in the martial arts gym as bait.

In a rage, Long killed several police officers and brutally killed the families of those leaders.

In short, the National Guard intervened later. After killing many people, he fled into the sea with injuries and disappeared.

The commotion was too big.

The authorities blocked all the news. Only those of us who experienced the incident and were lucky enough to survive knew some key points.

Most people just thought it was a terrorist attack. "

After saying that, Old Harden returned to his workstation in the corner and played games.


Brian suddenly thought of the "master" mentioned by his uncle, which is obviously a title that only exists in China.

Isn't it such a coincidence?

Did that dragon go to New York after running away from Los Angeles?

Brian immediately returned to the computer, threw Thirteen, who was taking a nap, aside, and searched for news from more than 30 years ago.

Unfortunately, in addition to some news about a terrorist attack at the time, Brian only found a few news about explosions in Chinese communities caused by aging lines and pipelines, in which many people died.

"Can humans really reach that level?"

After hearing this news, Brian has been a little dazed.

Although he started running wildly on the inhuman road because of the blood moon, he is really not on the same level as the "dragon" mentioned by old Harden.

Relying on the flesh to fight against the modern army.

Even the modern army more than 30 years ago is an incomprehensible level.

At least, this shows that the other party is not afraid of ordinary bullets and missiles. Otherwise, no matter how fast it is, it will not have room for counterattack in the face of the army's blanket attack.

It's almost like a Marvel hero descending into reality.

"I don't know if I can reach this level."

Brian was just daydreaming until the end of the day.

Just when Brian was about to take Thirteen back to study how to collect a large number of insects and complete the orc's insect-eating obsession, a phone call interrupted his rhythm.

"Brian, there is a new case. Someone found a female corpse in the green belt of the road. The patrolman who arrived said that the condition of the corpse was a bit strange."

Edna, the clerk, called Brian who was about to walk to the door.


This kind of temporary overtime is really annoying!

Tom, the assistant who had been playing games all day, was chatting with old Harden. When he heard the news, he also hugged his head in pain: "Oh my God, I have an appointment with my female neighbor for dinner."

Since knowing that there are therapeutic reagents inside NW, this old guy has rejuvenated his second spring and is preparing to start dating again recently.

I didn't dare before, but there was no way.

Because of his injury, he has been weak all the time, and he is not very good at that. Women nowadays are very sensible and can accept other things, but if they can't, they will be sensible to put on a warm hat for you.

After a day of shooting, Green, who was tired, was very happy.

The more cases, the more bonuses.

Complaints are complaints.

Work still needs to be done.

Three people and a dog drove three cars to the scene of the crime.

Extra chapter:

Rewards: 11-1=10 chapters (including 1 extra chapter for cumulative rewards from all book friends)

First order: 22 chapters

Monthly ticket: 1 chapter

Today's 10,000 words are presented, see you on time at 5 pm tomorrow.

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