You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 129 Female corpse on the tree, autopsy

The place where the body was found was on a tree branch in a roadside green belt in a town.

A young blond woman who looked very cool, with black and red bloodstains all over her body, stared with wide eyes, her body stuck on a thick branch, her beautiful eyes had turned gray, and flies were crawling on it.

Under the cover of branches and leaves, it was really not easy to find a dead person hanging here if you didn't pay attention.

A few people and a dog stood under the tree.

Thom looked up at the female corpse with a little regret: "To be honest, I have seen many death scenes, but this is the first time I have seen such a unique one. She looks really sexy."

Green, the young man, nodded vigorously: "She is really beautiful. Her profile looks a bit like the female star Angelina Jolie, especially her lips. My God, how could anyone be willing to kill such a beauty."

Brian and the two patrolmen who were on duty asked about the case.

The reporter was a resident of a nearby town, working in the city, and was a white-collar worker.

On the way home from get off work, the young white-collar worker stopped the car at this corner with a slightly wider view because he had to pee urgently, and prepared to artificially fertilize the tree where the female corpse was.

After peeing, the young white-collar worker shook twice with a sense of ritual. When he looked up, he happened to look into the eyes of the female corpse. He was so scared that he didn't even zip up his zipper and called the police.

This place is located at the corner of the road. The nearest town is three or four kilometers away. It is connected to the downtown area of ​​​​Los Angeles. There are several small farms around. Every day, many town residents go to the city to buy daily necessities or go to work.

This is also a coincidence.

Otherwise, this female corpse hidden in the tree may not be discovered in ten days or half a month.

After thanking the two patrolmen, Brian followed to the bottom of the tree.

The tree looks thick, but it is only more than three meters high. The female corpse is located on a branch more than two meters high, lying prone, face down, eyes wide open, with sticky and dried blood at the corners of her mouth. It looks like internal bleeding, but it is very little, only a little dripping on the tree.

The face of the female corpse has a blue-gray network of corrupt veins, which looks like a veil.

This is actually a trace of the body that will appear after a certain period of time after death.

After a certain period of time after death, a large amount of corrupt gas will appear inside the body. These corrupt gases cause the pressure inside the body to increase, and some blood is squeezed to the surface of the body, causing corrupt blisters on the skin. Some blood will also enter the veins under the skin, forming a blue-gray corrupt vein network.

The temperature in Los Angeles is around 20 degrees most of the time, which is suitable and very livable.

In this environment, the corrupt vein network will generally only appear after 48 hours of death. After more than 72 hours, those corrupt gases cannot be discharged, which will cause the body to swell.

Judging from the situation of the female corpse, she has not gained weight yet.

Her death time should be between 48-72 hours.

After discovering that the female corpse looks good and is well dressed, the two bastards, Tom and Green, have been discussing the face and figure of the female corpse with their heads held high, which is very shameless.

Thirteen is ignorant, and he also holds his dog head high and looks at it curiously.

Brian rolled his eyes: "Guys, can you please do something? Don't corrupt my dog."

Thom shrugged, glanced at the tiny Thirteen, pointed at Thirteen's head and laughed: "It's so small, it doesn't even know what a bitch feels like, it knows nothing."

As soon as he finished speaking, a dog's head was hung on Tom's outstretched finger.

Thirteen bit Tom's finger fiercely, his small body hanging, and made threatening sounds from his mouth, looking fierce and fierce.


Thom screamed in pain and wanted to throw Thirteen off, but Thirteen stuck to his finger like a dog-skin plaster, and the more he threw it, the more painful it became. In the end, he was in so much pain that he could only ask Brian for help: "Hey, Brian, let your dog go."

Brian waved his hands: "It's called Thirteen, and it's a polite child. What I mean is that if you apologize to it properly, it should let you go."

Thom was a little skeptical.

He wanted to kick the puppy away, but the dog should be beaten according to its owner.

Thom had no choice but to walk aside and talk to Thirteen in a friendly manner.

Brian saw this and clapped his hands at Green who was watching the show: "Dude, tell me your observations."

Green came back to his senses and said subconsciously: "Very hot..."


Brian slapped him on the back of the head: "I know the deceased is a hot girl, but if you continue like this, I guarantee that my slap will hurt too!"

The pain awakened the young man's moral integrity.

Green covered the back of his head and organized his words again: "I just checked. There are no obvious signs of climbing around the tree, and there are no mechanical marks under the tree. The female corpse is very plump, and the skeleton looks not small. It should not be light. In addition, looking at the scratches on her exposed arms and some broken branches on the big tree, I suspect that she was knocked into the tree by something."

As he said, he paused and pointed to the road in front of the corner: "Cars appear most often here, but it is difficult to keep the body intact when knocking people so far away, so a certain angle and coincidence are required. That position is the most suitable."

After listening to Green's analysis, Brian nodded.

This kid is really smart and observant. He is a good candidate to be a detective.

Just then.

After completing a friendly negotiation with Thirteen, Tom, who was covering his fingers, also came over: "Let's get the body down first, so that it will be easier to observe."

Hearing this, Brian showed a smile on his face: "Okay, I remember there is a ladder on the survey vehicle. I'll leave this good thing to you two."

After saying that, he winked at Thirteen and ran away.

Shisanpidianpidian followed.

Every time you see the big dog wink, something is going on.

Thom and Green still don't know the seriousness of the matter.

They got together and guessed the heads and tails of silver coins, and then they determined the division of labor between Glenn holding the upper body of the female corpse and Thom holding the lower body.

The ladder is set up.

The two set to work.

As Green said, the female corpse was not small. She looked about 1.75 meters tall and had a plump figure. She was really not light.

After a lot of effort, the two of them placed the female body intact on the rack truck on the ground.

The corpse at this time had already softened.

As soon as the corpse lay down, a large amount of gas surged out from the female corpse's mouth and valley, accompanied by a popping sound, and sprayed the two women who were caught off guard.


After all, Thom was older and his reaction was slower. He was sprayed all over and fell to his knees on the spot, rolling his eyes and retching.

The same goes for Green.

But he was lucky and got out of the way in time. He was just disgusted by the smell and didn't get smoked all over. Otherwise, no matter how he cleaned up after returning, he would have been affected by the smell of corpses for four or five days.

Seeing the tragic situation of the two of them, Brian's lips turned up, revealing a gloating smile.

No matter how beautiful a beauty is, she will not be fragrant after death.

Let’s see if these two idiots still have basic professional ethics.

Thirteen, who was watching the excitement, imitated Brian's example, turned up his lips, and exposed the fangs that had just grown out on both sides, looking like a playful smile.

One person and one dog, standing together, with synchronized expressions, it seems that they are neither good people nor good dogs.

After taking photos of the scene, the traces on the trees were extracted.

The three people packed the body and fixed it on the survey vehicle.

Unfortunately, no obvious tire marks were found on the road, otherwise they could be used as directional evidence.

"Brian, have you already noticed that this female corpse is full of stench?"

Thom was lying on the ground half-dead, with foam still on his mouth, looking like he had lost half of his life.

Brian shrugged: "Don't blame me, Thom. The time of her death was so obvious. I thought you had noticed it. But judging from the situation, your attention is all on the victim's figure. This is what you should do." Well deserved retribution.”

Tom didn't want to talk anymore.

Brian continued to make additional cuts: "Man, don't say I'm unloyal. Until the stink on your body dissipates, you can work in the morgue instead of coming to the office for meetings."

Tom closed his eyes in pain.

This smell won't go away within a few days.

His beautiful young woman neighbor!

After stimulating Thom, Brian looked at Green.

Green also vomited so badly that he even vomited out stomach acid.

Seeing Brian looking over, he didn't dare to speak. He stood obediently, raised his hands in surrender and said, "Boss Brian, I was wrong. I will respect the corpse in the future."

"I hope so, let's go."

Brian, who was experienced in destroying corpses and eradicating traces, finished educating the two of them and took Thirteen into the car.

It was already dark, and the on-site investigation had been completed. The autopsy would definitely have to be done back home.

Have to work overtime tonight.

Thom was in bad shape.

After going back.

Brian asked him to leave work early.

Green was probably a little ashamed because of what happened before. After calling his family to talk about the situation, Green took the initiative to stay and help Brian to gain some experience.

Turn on the high-power incandescent lamp in the dissecting room.

After completing the necessary preparations before the dissection, Brian changed his clothes and smelled it first.

In fact, he used the enhanced sense of smell at the scene.

But in open air, the smell evaporates quickly.

In addition to the strong corpse odor on the body, he could only smell a slight smell of chemical drugs.

The deceased may have taken drugs before his death.

However, the specific situation will only be clear after an autopsy.

Brian took out a scalpel and deftly untied the clothes on the female corpse. After a brief inspection, he focused on the body surface of the female corpse.

I have to say, the victim really has something.

With a rigorous and professional attitude, Brian checked everything inside and out, front and back, and then started to take action while facing the camera and said in a calm and clear tone:

"The identity of the deceased is unknown. She was female. She was probably between 20 and 25 years old. The time of death was about two days ago... The specific time requires microbial testing.

The deceased's back bones were dented, there were large bruises on his back, and there were impact marks on his waist.

The branding is the obvious Cadillac logo.

There were more than twenty scratches and marks on the deceased's hands and arms.

There were pigmentation and oval-shaped marks on the ankle of the deceased's right leg.

There were black and blue bruises on both sides of the deceased's legs, and the insides of both sides of the legs and knees were severely worn, but no signs of violation were found.

The deceased's chest was slightly sunken, the 3rd, 4th, and 5th left ribs were fractured, the mouth and nose were black and bloody, and the internal organs were suspected to be damaged."

After Brian finished talking about the body characteristics of the deceased, he did not rush to perform an autopsy.

He opened the woman's mouth with his hands, and after confirming that the woman had not had dental implants or other symptoms, he looked at the woman's nostrils.

This time, I made a new discovery.

Women's nasal septum, which is the piece of cartilage that separates the left and right sides of the nasal cavity, has severe irregular perforations. This symptom usually occurs in heavy drug addicts.

Although there are some niche piercing enthusiasts who like to wear nose rings, the perforation of the nasal septum is relatively regular. Only drug addicts who rely on nasal inhalation for a long time will have irregular perforations in the nasal septum under the corrosive stimulation of those drugs.

After Brian explained this situation to the camera, he picked up the scalpel and began the dissection.

Green has seen many corpses, but this is the first time he has seen a live dissection.

He held his breath and looked at Brian's operation carefully.

A few minutes later.

Green's eyes were only amazed.

Brian's hands were steady, his strength was precise, and the dissection process was smooth.

If this was not a dissection room, Green had no doubt that Brian wanted to dismember the body, and he could quickly complete this difficult task for ordinary people with only the thin scalpel in his hand.

Too skilled and smooth!

This is already art!

Brian didn't know what Green was thinking about.

He confirmed two things from the situation inside the female corpse.

First, the female corpse was indeed a long-term drug addict.

The other party's lungs had already developed severe inflammation, and the smell emitted was also the accumulated smell of chemical drugs, which had been marinated.

Second, the female corpse had multiple fractures in the spine, and the fractures corresponded to the back impact wounds.

Brian guessed that the other party should have been hit on the back by a Cadillac, and the whole person flew up and happened to hang on the tree branch, causing left rib fractures, internal organ damage, and a lot of scratches on the arm.

At this time, the female corpse was not dead yet.

Because of the collision, her spine was damaged and she could not control her body. Because of the serious injury, it was difficult for her to call for help.

In other words.

The female corpse was actually hanging on the tree, watching the murderer drive away, watching cars passing by on the road in front of her, and finally died slowly in pain.

Completed the autopsy.

Brian took pictures and drew pictures.

After finishing the work.

He looked at Green: "Ask if you want to ask anything."

Brian deliberately did not explain the traces clearly before, hoping that Green would think about it himself, so that he would be impressed when he explained it.

He was quite attentive to this awakened little brother.

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