You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 130 The identity of the deceased, a strange sixth sense

"Boss Brian, can you tell me what the traces you found earlier represent?"

Green said eagerly.

Some he understood, some he didn't.

He knew absolutely nothing about the field of autopsy traces.

Brian nodded, pointed to the nasal cavity of the female corpse and the lungs lying aside, and after explaining some of the physical symptoms of drug addicts to Greencop, he pointed to other parts of the deceased:

“I won’t talk about these simple impact marks.

Look at the deceased's ankles. There are deep pigmentation and marks here, indicating that she was locked with an anklet for a long time before she was alive.

There are also local areas of the deceased.

The two bruises on the buttocks are the result of being hit for a long time.

Bruised knees are caused by kneeling for too long.

The bruises were long and concentrated at two points on her knees, indicating that the man she was with was acting very roughly. It was not a normal communication relationship, but more like an abuser's attitude toward a captor.

The human body's recovery metabolic rate usually takes about two months, which shows that the deceased has been in this state for a long time.

I suspect that her personal freedom was restricted, and the space was not too big, so she would use one or two monotonous postures for a long time to vent. "

Brian paused, pointed to the woman's mouth, and used tweezers to pick out her tongue:

“Look at the distribution of tongue coating.

This kind of white and thick tongue coating is in the middle, and the edges of the tongue are slightly curled and pink. This means that her tongue has been in contact with something for a long time. You understand.

Drug abuse, imprisonment, and these traces I mentioned

What did you think of, Green? "

Green said with some regret: "Boss Brian, are you saying that someone imprisoned her as a slave, and then she escaped, but was hit and killed on the roadside?"

Brian nodded:

"If the person who was chasing her was unlikely to use a car to commit the crime, that's what you said.

In addition, the victim had been confined to a small space for a long time and was taking drugs, so her physical strength was not very good, so her escape distance could not be too far.

The closest thing to the crime scene is a town and several surrounding farms.

If I guessed correctly, the person who imprisoned her was a certain farmer.

Because only they have the conditions and venue. "

This is related to the living habits here.

In densely populated areas like cities and towns, any noise may cause neighbors to call the police, which is not safe. Only farms with large private areas have this implementation condition.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some urban residents expanded the underground space in the basement of their home to form a dungeon for keeping X-slaves.

There are similar cases every year.

The last time Brian met, the victim was a girl who was only thirteen years old.

The murderer was a junkie in his thirties who had a love for money. He parked the car directly outside the girl's yard, pointed a gun at the girl who was playing with the dog, and asked her to get in the car.

Just a few minutes.

The girl disappeared near her home.

It was not until more than a year later that the unprofessionally excavated basement collapsed, causing problems with the foundation of the house. People from the property management company intervened and discovered the girl's body buried underneath, and this evil deed was exposed to the sun.

To some extent.

The federal government of the United States has always stated that it attaches great importance to the issues of children and adolescents. The main reason is that these two groups have always been the main victims.

What is missing is what is emphasized.

I heard that Brian used the traces to deduce what happened to the girl.

Green looked at the girl's pretty face and felt a little uncomfortable: "This sounds really sad. She finally ran out, but died in a car accident."

Brian was noncommittal: "Destiny does like to play tricks on poor people. If you really feel sorry for her, you should solve the case quickly and arrest all those who have hurt her."


Brian grabbed the palm of the female corpse and put the dirty nails in front of Green: "I didn't check here on purpose, just hoping you would remind me, but you have been looking at the two lumps of flesh on the female corpse, man, you are I’m really hungry, I suggest you find a partner as soon as possible.”

Hearing this, Green lowered his head in shame.

He felt embarrassed that his old father had caught him secretly glueing himself.

Seeing this, Brian laughed inwardly.

This can be regarded as some of his bad tastes.

He saw some shadows of his previous life in Green.

But it has to be said.

This guy Green is really an anomaly among the black community.

Many black people about his age who came from the slums have already produced several single mothers with children. There are very few people like Green who have never seen the world.

Put away the bad taste.

Brian used a tool to get out the dirt from the fingernails of the female corpse. After examining it for a moment, he confirmed: "This is a mixture of lime and soil. When I go to investigate those farms tomorrow, I will find out which farm has purchased a large amount of lime in recent years." "

"Okay, Boss Brian."

Green nodded.

At this point, the case is basically just one step away from being solved.

One is a criminal who imprisons the dead.

One is the owner of the Cadillac that killed the deceased.

Towns are just that big.

Once you have the direction, it's easy to investigate.

But due to the rigor of the work.

Determining the identity of the deceased is also a top priority.

The deceased had no identification documents, no dental implants, and no traces of surgery on his body.

In this case, there are three main ways to find out the identity.

The first method is to extract the fingerprints or DNA of the deceased to see if there is any information about the other party in the police archives.

This is actually very unlikely.

Due to the protection of citizens' personal privacy, in the police archives, only those who have broken the law, been in jail, or been involved in certain cases will leave their fingerprints and DNA. Ordinary citizens have no relevant information. .

The second method is to carry out intelligent face recognition.

Thanks to the development of technology.

The Los Angeles Police Department, which is not short of money, already has relevant technical support.

The appearance of the female corpse is relatively intact. As long as the victim is a native of Los Angeles County, through facial recognition technology, similar citizen information can be found and the victim's identity can be locked.

This method is the most reliable, but it requires help from the technical department of the Los Angeles Police Headquarters-Parker Center, which is not possible today.

The third way is to issue an announcement and let people claim the body.

Generally, this is rarely used, and it is easy to alert others.

The laboratory of Group B6 is a bit rudimentary, but it is still very simple to perform basic fingerprint extraction and upload. There is special equipment for rapid extraction and upload, so there is no need to bother and make comparisons.

Clean up the messy anatomy room.

The time has come to nine o'clock in the evening.

At this time, if you want to eat, there is no place to eat.

As Brian's body got stronger, his consumption increased. In desperation, he had no choice but to ask Green to put on his weapon, go out for a run, and go to the 24-hour convenience store to buy some high-energy food.

Half an hour later.

Before Green came back, Brian had already completed the fingerprint comparison test.

The results were surprising.

The police database not only contains information records of the deceased, but the other party is also a habitual criminal!

Brian clicked on the deceased's information page: Soraya Layton, female, 23 years old.

Based on archival information.

The female victim, whose full name is Soraya Layton, was born in a single-parent family and lived with her mother since she was a child.

Soraya is a repeat offender.

When she was fifteen years old, she went to jail many times for illegal prostitution, theft, assault and other crimes.

After coming out.

She was admitted several times for similar crimes one after another. It was not until she turned 22 that there was no relevant record.

When he saw the charge of illegally selling Y, Brian shook his head.

Some are illegal, and some are legal. The difference is whether the venue has a business license and whether the prostitute has a health certificate.

If you have a backend and pay a protection fee, it is legal.

However, this fee is also high.

So most people still like to patronize the illegal ones.

As for the vehicles that Brian works part-time on, they are similar to those on the periphery and are used for high-end private business. It is another model, which is equivalent to being affiliated with the 'brokerage company' run by the Camo family, and then taking over business and activities.

Take back your thoughts.

Brian continued looking down.

The information about the victim Soraya ends here.

The other party doesn't even have a fixed address.

However, the archives are relatively complete regarding Soraya’s mother’s information.

Soraya's mother is only 38 years old this year. When she was about fourteen years old, she became pregnant with Soraya and gave birth to her. She also found a man to marry her when Soraya was about 4 years old. married and continues to this day.

Under the information, there is also the other party's address and phone number.

Print out all these information.

Brian was a little confused as to why Green had been gone for so long.

He took out his mobile phone and planned to call Green and ask him to go home directly, and then he would get off work.

At this moment, Green ran into the office, panting and carrying a big box.

He looked a little panicked.

When Brian saw this, his nose twitched slightly: "Green, why do you look a little panicked?"

Green put down the box and said helplessly: "When I went to the convenience store, I met a young man robbing him. I..."

"Did you just shoot?"

Brian interrupted Green and asked directly.

Green was silent for a moment and nodded: "I don't know why I reacted so violently. When I saw him looking at me with a gun, I drew my gun and shot. I didn't react until the other person fell."

Brian nodded: "Did you find out that the robber didn't even turn on the safety on his pistol after killing the person?"

Normally, Green shouldn't have reacted this way.

Brian somewhat understood why his uncle Billy was so good at 'mind reading' before.

With strong observation skills, it is easy to see many things from the micro-expressions of an undisguised person. If you know the person well, the effect is indeed not much different from mind reading.

Green looked at Brian with some surprise and nodded again: "Yes, I didn't react until after the shooting. Usually this kind of robbery is just a show. It's rare for the store to fight back, and it's rare for the robber to actually do it." "

Brian patted Green on the shoulder: "Man, you are right. If it were another situation, your mother would have cried looking at your body."

Green should be suffering from the sequelae of seeing blood before.

After killing and seeing blood, when encountering danger, the first reaction is to kill directly until time heals this stress state.

So every time the police kill a criminal, they need to see a psychologist and take a vacation.

NW has more power, so if he doesn't do these things, his recovery will be slower.

After Brian's comfort.

Green looked much better.

He pushed the food he bought in front of Brian: "I'm much better, Boss Brian, but I need to go to the police station to make a statement, so I'll go back today."

NW has a lot of power. As long as he doesn't kill people indiscriminately, he can just make a report afterwards.

Green's situation was an accident, so he also needed to follow the procedures of the police station, which would not affect tomorrow's work.

"Forget it, I'll go with you."

Brian simply carried the food, called Thirteen, and accompanied Green to the police station to make a statement before returning to the apartment.

After eating and taking a shower.

Brian was lying on the sofa, and was about to make a cross-border call to Susan to harass her, when a warm current suddenly surged in Brian's body.

Under the perception of the supercomputer, the feedback of gifting energy +10 also emerged in his mind.

Brian was a little surprised.

What's going on?

After thinking for a while, he realized that this was the murderer of the previous murder case, who was schizophrenic. His second personality was broken and self-destructed by himself.

"This method really works."

Brian was a little happy.

He now has 45 units of gift energy storage, and he also has an orc obsession that is not difficult to complete. After completing that obsession, he will have dozens of energy gifts.

I don't know if the current bottleneck can be broken and enter the next stage after strengthening it!


A doubt interrupted Brian's expectations and emerged in his mind: Who was the person who called the police for the murder case?

At the beginning of the murder case, an unknown man called 911 through a street phone booth, and the case was transferred to the police station. After the police station gave feedback, it was transferred to Group B6.

Originally, the case was solved, and it didn't matter who the reporter was.

Brian was not a person who liked to meddle in other people's business.

But this thought just suddenly appeared in his mind uncontrollably, as if his sixth sense was telling him that this matter was not that simple.

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