You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 131 Remember to follow Thirteen's instructions! (Additional chapter 9 for the leader of

"Whatever you want."

After thinking for a moment, without any prior information, Brian shook his head and stopped thinking about this question.

Anyway, it's not against him, so don't meddle in other people's business.

Targeted him.

The corpses of the primitive sect and the FBI hunting team are all lessons from the past.

With the joy of unexpected gains, Brian called Susan.

Susan is not stupid, but she is often stubborn and careless, and it is easy to offend people inadvertently.

I don't know if she has been bullied in London.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, the phone was connected.

Brian hadn't spoken yet.

There were screams of men and women from the other side.

In the screams, there was also Susan's vicious voice: "You bitch, come to mess with me, don't run!"

After another scream.

Except for a slight hum, the surroundings gradually became quiet, and Susan's soft voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hey, Brian, why are you calling me at one in the morning?"

One in the morning?

Brian looked at the wall clock and found that it was past ten o'clock in the evening. According to the time difference, it was just past one in the morning in London.

But he reacted quickly:

"Hi, Susan, I was going to contact you tomorrow morning, but I don't know why, I suddenly thought of you just now.

I didn't expect you to answer.

I didn't expect God to be so kind to me, letting me hear your voice and relieve my longing. Thank God.

By the way, how are you doing here?

You didn't reply to the email I sent you."

At this time, London.

Susan sat on the two bruised women. When she heard Brian's words, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up, and her voice became softer:

"It's okay. The people here have good tempers, but the food is too rubbish, which made me very angry recently. But I just had some fun with my new friends and I feel much better.

As for the email, I'm sorry, I can't check it recently.

The Night Devil Organization where I am training has very strict rules. They often announce some early morning hunting activities."

Night Devil Organization?

Official organization in London?

Brian wanted to laugh when he thought of what Susan said about the good temper of the people there.

He was so stupid that he actually worried that Susan would be bullied there.

Brian was about to say something.

A man's scolding suddenly came from Susan's phone.

"Let's talk later, Brian"

After Susan finished speaking, the microphone came with a whistling sound, followed by the man's angry voice, which quickly turned into a scream, and the scream quickly turned into a plea for mercy.

Brian checked the time.

Susan was very efficient. It took only more than ten seconds to complete the friendly communication over there. She picked up the phone again: "Sorry, the people here are too enthusiastic. It's a pity that I can't bring my revolver over, otherwise the communication will save more time. By the way, Brian, is the team going well?"

"It's pretty good, but without you, I'm always out of shape when doing things. Sorry, I know it may be abrupt to say this, but the fact is that I can't lie to you at all."

Speaking, Brian took out a sticky note, looked at the time recorded on it, and then looked at the current time, and continued: "Susan, you left for 86 hours, 15 minutes and 32 seconds. I have been thinking about you, so remember to take good care of yourself in London. I will protect the B6 team before you come back."



Susan stepped on a man's head, and the phone in her hand slipped from her palm and fell to the ground.

She wanted to cover her pounding heart, but found that her hands were too small. In the end, she could only cover her hot face and shouted to the phone: "Okay, Brian, I have something to do here, let's not talk for now!"

After saying that.

She kicked the temporary captain under her feet, picked up the phone, and hung up the phone quickly.

After doing all this.

Susan gasped for air.

Damn it.

How could Brian, this bastard, say such disgusting words!

So shy.

Seeing her like this.

The male captain who was beaten black and blue, and the second generation who almost lost his life and provoked Susan before, and the bodyguards who were all knocked down while protecting the two second generations. All suspected that they had hallucinations.

This violent girl actually has such a shy look?

Oh my God.

The guy named Brian must be the dragon knight who can subdue the dragon in the fantasy novel!

Susan seemed to feel the gazes of the people on the ground, and her shy face changed and turned into indifference again.

She clenched her fists: "What are you looking at!"

The second generation and the bodyguards were frightened and lowered their heads again.

Susan's temporary captain said awkwardly: "Susan, there is a new mission, and also, the information of the Night Demon Organization, don't..."

Seeing Susan's increasingly unfriendly eyes, he quickly changed his words: "I mean, the mission is more urgent, let's go first."


Susan nodded and walked towards the temporary team.

Looking at her back, the temporary captain breathed a sigh of relief.

His family, in America, is no worse than Susan's family, so he dared to use the identity of the temporary captain to find an excuse to take over Susan, a temporary team member.

After all, who can't have ideas about a beautiful and capable female subordinate?


Whoever wants it can take it.

If his body can't resist the beating, forget it.

After the temporary captain got up from the ground, chased after him, and left, the two second-generation men and women who had been beaten by Fatty got up from the ground in embarrassment.

One of the men touched his disfigured face and clenched his fists angrily: "The descendants of these barbaric sinners, Sow Luo! How dare they beat the son of an earl in the street! I must deal with her!"

Another second-generation female also had viciousness flashing in her eyes.

She was about to say something, but suddenly, her pupils dilated, she squatted down subconsciously, hugged her face, and said in horror: "It's none of my business!"


The so-called Earl's son saw his companion's reaction and was about to say something when a strong force suddenly grabbed his hair and lifted him up.

Susan, who had gone and returned, grabbed the pretty face in front of her, with a sneer on her pretty face: "You're a sow, aren't you? Take care of me, right?"



"My father is. Ouch~"

Los Angeles.

Brian stood on the balcony, looked in the direction of London, and sighed.


Although I know Susan is very powerful.

But she still gets worried because she has such a hot temper.

I hope the family behind Susan is strong enough, otherwise I'm worried that Susan will offend people with strong backgrounds and narrow-mindedness.

It's really worrying that such a beautiful girl is out there

the next day.

Brian brought Thirteen to the office.

Old Harden was holding a cup of coffee. When he saw Brian coming, he quickly said: "Ivan and the others received some information about the dismemberment case. They came over and checked in, and then went out to work."

"It seems that their case is also stuck."

Brian asked Old Harden curiously: "The reporting center probably won't be sending any more cases. The case I have is probably going to take a few more days."

Hearing this, Old Harden rolled his eyes:

"No, there are only a few people in our B6 team, handling two cases at the same time is already the limit, how can we allocate more cases.

Brian, normal cases and the general solving cycle are calculated in weeks or months, and may even not be solved directly. Please don't regard your speed of solving cases as the norm. "

It's a pity that his vocabulary is not large enough.

Otherwise, Old Harden would have to ask Brian: If you don't show off, will you die?

Everyone is different.

Brian was too lazy to hold meetings.

Green was probably still feeling a little guilty about the shooting of a minor armed robber yesterday. He rarely overslept today and didn't run to the office until almost ten o'clock.

"Sorry, Boss Brian, I had some insomnia yesterday."

"Will it work?"

"no problem!"

Brian nodded: "That's okay. Today you are responsible for investigating the farm and the Cadillac. I will ask Thirteen to accompany you. It has memorized the smell of mud between the fingernails of the female corpse. Then you can act according to its eyes. "

Green glanced at the yellow-haired puppy, which was only more than thirty centimeters long, squatting at Brian's feet, and then looked at Brian, wanting to ask Brian if he was serious.

Act based on your looks.

What do you think?

Thirteen got a little impatient with the wait, and shouted to Green: "Woof woof woof! (Big black dog, hurry up!)"

It's a pity that Green can't understand dog language.

He looked at Brian.

Brian shrugged and took out two twenty-dollar bills and gave them to Green: "It tells you to hurry up. The other Thirteen is growing recently and eating more. By the way, if you encounter danger, you can run away by yourself." That’s fine. Thirteen is smarter and can definitely run faster than you. You don’t have to worry about it, just take care of yourself.”

"Okay, Boss Brian"

Green took the money and went to investigate the case with his dog in a daze.

It's past eleven o'clock.

The people Brian contacted also came.

The visitors were a man and a woman.

The woman is none other than the mother of the corpse in the tree, Mrs. Gilman, and her husband, Billy Rockey Gilman.

"Hello, I am the coroner here. You can call me Brian. Do you need to see your daughter Soraya now?"

Brian looked at the two of them and approached them.

Unexpectedly, the attitudes of both of them were very cold.

Mrs. Gilman shook her head: "No, she hasn't contacted me for a long time. My relationship with her is not good. Mr. Bryan, why did you call us here?"

Billy Rockey's reaction was equally cold: "She didn't want to accept my last name and she didn't like me. I didn't see the point of seeing her body."

It can be seen that they really have no feelings for the victim Soraya.

Seeing this, Brian was too lazy to talk nonsense.

He brought the two of them to the office and began to ask about Soraya's situation.

Regarding these, Soraya's mother is quite cooperative.

She thought for a moment and said slowly: "Soraya is very good-looking, so many of Soraya's classmates want to sleep with her. They lead Soraya astray, and Soraya becomes very rebellious. Twelve Thirteen When I was 10 years old, I often didn’t go home.”

Brian nodded: "How is Soraya's social relations?"

"It's a mess." Mrs. Gilman lit a cigarette and sighed, "I once wanted to save Soraya and hoped that she could have a better life, but she pulled a gun on me directly. Since then, I rarely paid attention to her. I only knew that she changed boyfriends one after another, of all ages and identities, and she was addicted to drugs. As long as she was given drugs, she would do anything. Later, I completely ignored her."

After seeing off the couple.

Old Harden walked up to Brian and said to him, "I feel that there is something wrong with that man."

Brian nodded:

"I can see that every time he mentions Soraya, his eyes will subconsciously look at his feet. This is a guilty reaction!

Old Harden, I need you to help me investigate the detailed information and connections of this man."

Old Harden shrugged: "No problem, but it may take some time."

Brian nodded: "Take your time, no rush."

After what Old Harden said before, he also realized that he was too tight on the case.

The case is endless.

He can bear it, but the people around him can't bear it.

Appropriate slacking is the best way.

Half an hour later, Old Harden took a stack of information and put it in front of Brian: "This is all the information about that Bilisro baseline, both online and offline."

Brian looked at the time, then at Old Harden, and remained silent.

Old Harden, isn't your efficiency a bit outrageous?

Here are 11,000 words, see you tomorrow.

Good night, brothers.

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