In more than half an hour, in a place like the United States, online and offline, to get a person's information.

Brian had reason to suspect that Old Harden was teasing him.

Old Harden was old and shrewd, and he saw something in Brian's eyes at a glance.

He had to explain to Brian: "A person's information is mainly divided into connections, work, family, and funds. The most difficult is the connection. The others are searched according to the identity information, which is quite simple."

Brian didn't say anything.

He picked up the information and flipped through it quickly.

This information about Bilisrocki looks very comfortable.

Work experience, family members, credit card daily expenditure locations, etc. are all marked separately. In addition, there is also a general pattern and location analysis of Bilisrocki's daily activities, which is very considerate.

The most outrageous thing is that there is a page at the end of Bilisrocki's mobile phone, email address list, call duration, and the identities of those people are marked out.

The key is that it shows Bilisrocki's three mobile phone numbers, not just one number on the police registration information.

You should know that the mobile phone numbers here are all fake names.

Brian only had a bunch of disposable mobile phone cards in his hand.

However, there was no information about Bilisrocki's specific bank statements, personal connections, etc. in the file.

Even so, Brian was amazed: "Dude, how did you get these?"

"It's very simple, just follow a point you can find and dig down."

Old Harden pointed to the information:

"Billis Rocky's work experience was seen from his association information.

Credit card daily expenses and email address book were all seen directly from his email, which contained credit card bills and detailed consumption, making it easy to determine his usual activities.

As for telephone communications, just look through the telephone company's database and search.

Although the mobile phone number is not registered, there is a payment record. You can find it by doing a related search, and then check his contact association. As long as Billis Rocky doesn't use that phone only once, he can't get away."

As he said, Old Harden lit a cigarette lightly, took a deep breath, and said in the smoke, a little melancholy: "It's a pity that a lot of bank information is an independent information database, and some are simply paper information files. Although some can be found, it is not comprehensive, so I'm too lazy to print it out."


Brian swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

What do you mean by directly looking?

Human language?

Isn't this just hacking into those systems and other people's mailboxes?

Is this old man so powerful!

Brian suddenly thought of something.

Tom once said that he felt that old Harden, this old Deng, had great computer skills.

Brian felt a little sneerful at the time, and didn't think that an old Deng in his sixties would have any achievements in this new technology that has only been around for a few years.

Now, he seems to be a clown.

Seeing Brian didn't speak.

Old Harden leaned on the desk, shook the ash on his hand, and said lightly: "This information was obtained by a friend of mine. If you need it next time, remember to pay."

As he said that, he was about to shrink back to his workstation in the corner and continue playing games.

Brian quickly grabbed Old Harden, glanced at Edna, a female clerk who was reading a book, and lowered his voice and said, "Is your friend a hacker?"

Old Harden quickly shook his head: "No, no, no, hacker is not a good name. My friend is a good person who abides by the law. He just knows some technical means."

"Why didn't I hear you talk about this friend before?"

Old Harden spread his hands: "You didn't ask."

According to his personality, if Brian is not really capable, the group is on the right track, and he is old, he wants to pave the way for the younger generation and accumulate some young connections, he will not show his value properly.

Outstanding ability is sometimes not a good thing.

Seeing that Old Harden was unwilling to say, Brian was too lazy to ask: "Okay, thank your friend for me. If you need your friend's help next time, how much do you usually charge?"

Old Harden waved his hand: "Let's talk about it later."

After that, he slowly returned to his seat.

Looking at Old Harden's back, Brian retracted his gaze.

Everyone has his own secrets.

As long as it doesn't affect you.

Brian began to carefully check the information of Bilisrocki.

Bilisrocki is the stepfather of the victim Soraya. The relationship between the two is not very harmonious. He even didn't bother to pretend to see Soraya for the last time.

When asking about Soraya's situation, every time Soraya's mother mentioned Soraya, this man would subconsciously look at his feet and act guilty.

This can easily make people think of something bad.

More than ten minutes later.

Brian rubbed his temples and tapped his fingers on the table.

From the information, Bilisrocki is a very good person.

The other party came from an ordinary family, and his parents were ordinary working class, but he relied on his own efforts to get into a prestigious university in this place where it is difficult for ordinary people to rise to the upper class.

After graduation, Bilisrocki became a teacher at a high school in Los Angeles. His income and social status are not bad. His daily life is regular, and he also goes from one place to another.

Except for occasionally going to a cafe to sit.

Billy Rockey doesn't go to bars or legal adult entertainment venues. The address book and email on his mobile phone are basically his colleagues, and there are no members of the opposite sex with complex social identities.

When asked before.

Brian's enhanced sense of smell had never smelled the smell of smoke or other members of the opposite sex from Billy Rockey.

As for Billy Rockey's other two cell phone numbers, it's even more surprising.

There are indeed contacts on it.

But judging from the IP information that Old Harden searched out, those were all landlines of welfare institutions.

In Billy Rockey's mailbox, there are also emails from welfare organizations regarding his fixed donations.

That is to say.

The stepfather of the victim Soraya was a man who lived a regular life, did not smoke or drink, and was very caring. To a certain extent, Soraya's mother was not worthy of him at all.

I really don’t know how these two people got together.

"Why does such a person show a guilty conscience every time he mentions Soraya? Why did he resist seeing Soraya's body before?"

Brian wrote this point down at the top of the document, drew a double horizontal line to indicate his focus, and then locked the document in his drawer.

Manpower shortage.

We'll wait for Green's survey feedback.

It's about four o'clock in the afternoon.

It's almost time to get off work.

Green returned to the office with Gouzi Shisan in a state of embarrassment.

Looking at the bruises at the corners of his mouth, Brian frowned: "Did something happen?"

Green shook his head: "Fortunately, I pretended to be a passerby walking my dog. No one paid attention to me, but I didn't gain much. I took Thirteen around the farms, but Thirteen didn't react at all.

I went to the town bar and asked people about it, but I didn't hear that anyone had purchased lime in large quantities. Not many people needed it, and no one would pay attention to it. "

"What about your mouth?"

Speaking of this, Green showed a depressed look: "After I had no harvest, I was going to take Thirteen to eat something and come back, but Thirteen suddenly yelled at a man. The man seemed to be in a bad mood and still had alcohol on him. Taste. Anyway, I had a fight with him, nothing happened.”

Hearing this, Brian looked at Thirteen.

Thirteen looked at Green with disdain: "Wangwangwang~ (The smell... the big black dog can't understand what Thirteen said, and it still can't win. Thirteen shouldn't follow him anymore, it's a lost dog~)"


In other words, Thirteen can use pheromones and coordinate calls to convey information, otherwise he wouldn't understand its meaning.


He didn't even understand what Thirteen meant by smell.

Thirteen’s expression and understanding of things still have some limitations.

Seeing that Brian didn't speak, Green thought he was disappointed and said a little embarrassedly:

“But I did find some information about the Cadillac.

Not many people drive this car in town.

The waiter told me that there was a white gangster named Arab who often drove a Cadillac to this side of the town.

The day before yesterday, his car was stolen.

This incident caused quite a stir in the small town.

Arab made harsh words, saying that if he found the car thief, he would chop off the other person's hand. "

"The day before yesterday?"

Brian nailed the key points of the message.

This time was almost the time when Soraya was hit by the Cadillac.

Green nodded:

"The car was stolen at about the same time as Soraya was injured. It was probably Arab's car that hit and killed Soraya who was running away.

He just wasn't sure if his car was actually stolen or if he hit Soraya and disposed of the car to avoid trouble.

But I feel the former is more likely. "

Brian nodded: "I also think the car was really stolen."

Because of a certain mafia godfather before.

Many gangsters, after becoming rich, will spend a lot of money to customize a bulletproof Cadillac sedan of their own, and then sit in it with a cigar in their mouth and a woman in their arms.

If you have more money, you will also be equipped with yachts and private jets.

It's almost become a trend.

In short, Cadillac is a model that gang members like very much, just like black people like AJ shoes.

If Soraya was hit by a gang member named Arab, in such a remote place, he would rather bury the body than get rid of his car.

"Yes, that's what I think, so I asked my friends to ask some black car gangs to find out about this Cadillac, but this requires some money.

It's the basement where Soraya is imprisoned.

If there are no other clues, we may only be able to find the suitable suspect by investigating the farmers' information, conducting analysis, and then applying for a search warrant to go in and search. "

Green is still very understanding of people and the world. He didn't say that Brian's dog was incompetent. Instead, he directly gave a solution that he thought was appropriate.

"There is no problem with funding. As for the investigation of the farmer's information, there is no need to rush. You must find the Cadillac as soon as possible."

Brian wrote a note and asked Green to go to the clerk Edna to collect the cash check.

Because of Old Harden's experience with prostitution at the beginning, Susan did not trust Old Harden very much, and directly handed over all the funds of the B6 group to the newcomer Edna.

Currently, Team B6 has a surplus of more than $50,000 in crime-solving funds.

For a group that has only been established for more than a month, it is quite wealthy.

After Green went to find Edna.

Brian threw Thirteen on the table, touched its head, and started talking.

After a while.

He finally understood what Thirteen meant.

According to Thirteen, the person it yelled at had the smell of the female victim Soraya, and the smell was very fresh.

This is very important information.

Including today, Soraya has been dead for three or four days.

The smell on a person will not last long, which means that the drunkard had a high probability of contact with Soraya before Soraya escaped!

Even, the drunkard may be the one who imprisoned Soraya!

Unfortunately, after Green got the check, he was busy leading his friends to investigate the stolen Cadillac, and Thirteen couldn't describe the appearance of the drunkard.

Brian could only take Thirteen back to the town.

This also made him realize that Thirteen's sketching teaching had to be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

Thirteen didn't know that he was going to suffer again.

It sat happily in the co-pilot, enjoying the breeze outside and the joy of its tail wagging.

Following Brian, the leader, out, I feel so safe.


At this time.

A warehouse converted into a cattle pen.

Under the watchful eyes of the gun-wielding man, the women dressed coolly got on the back seat of a Dodge car that looked like a Wuling van.

At the end of the cattle pen, a tattered sign was thrown on the ground, covered with footprints.

It read: Bieber Pig Farm

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