You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 133: The Fairy Dog Jumps

Arrive in town.

It's almost evening.

Under the leadership of Thirteen, Brian went to the fast food restaurant where he met the drunk man before.

This is a small fast food restaurant, which mainly sells fried chicken, drinks, burgers and other fast food. There are three tables and chairs outside. At this time of meal, there is no one inside.

This is normal.

This small town is not a tourist attraction, and it is not located on the side of the road. With not many outsiders, business is naturally average.

There is only one waiter in the store, a white lady with braided braids who looks to be in her forties, has dull skin and a thick build.

The other person was sitting boredly at the counter watching TV.

Hear the bell ringing at the door.

The eldest sister put down the snacks in her hands and looked at the door.

When she saw Brian's appearance, her eyes lit up and she said enthusiastically: "Wow, I haven't seen such a handsome guy for a long time. What do you need?"

Brian took out a twenty dollar bill and put it on the counter, pointing to the police badge on his collar: "I want to find the person who had an argument with a black guy this afternoon."

When she saw the police badge and heard about the black people, the eldest sister's expression became subtle.

She quickly put the twenty-dollar knife on the counter into her pocket and whispered: "I heard that a female body was found nearby. Officer, are you here to investigate the situation of the female body?"

Brian shook his head: "Isn't it convenient to say that the news about the female corpse has been widely spread?"

The eldest sister nodded: "Isn't this a normal thing? When many people in the town came back, they saw the patrolmen guarding the highway. This place is not big. If something happened, everyone would know it immediately. But I advise You’d better not investigate this matter, it’s very troublesome.”

Hearing this, Brian was surprised: "Can you elaborate?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came over, he got the news that Green had not found out.

This face-based world is so realistic.

The eldest sister lay on the counter, came close to Brian, smelled greedily, and then continued:

“Everyone knows it, but no one dares to say it.

Not seeing you so handsome, I actually don’t want to cause trouble for myself. "

As she said that, the eldest sister looked straight at Brian's face and pointedly said: "But if you are willing to communicate with me backstage, maybe I can take some risks."


The smile disappeared from his face, and with a cold face, he opened his coat to reveal the gun holster hanging under his arm: "I'm not a good person, maybe you can reorganize your language!"

Seeing Brian's cold face, the eldest sister felt inexplicably cold in her heart.

She quickly put away her lust and said honestly:

"If you want to know something about the female corpse, you can go find the drunkard who had a conflict with your companion. His name is Dolly and he lives in the east of the town.

The house with the Little Swan mailbox is his home.

He should be sleeping now. "

"Thank you for the message, ma'am."

Brian nodded and left with Thirteen.

Susan is right, pistols are the best catalyst for promoting civility between people.

Come to the house the waitress mentioned.

Brian rang the doorbell.

After waiting for a long time, there was no response.

Brian glanced at the surveillance camera above the door, shrugged helplessly, walked out of the surveillance range, picked up a stone, and smashed the window of the house.

It is illegal to enter another person's house without permission.

As a good, law-abiding citizen during the day.

Brian would naturally not break the law under surveillance.

He looked at Thirteen and pointed at the broken window: "Thirteen, come on!"

"Wang~ (Okay, big dog~)"

Thirteen took a run, stretched his short legs to a height of more than one meter, stepped on the wooden wall, and jumped to the window.


The closed door was opened from the inside.


"You bastard, I'm going to kick you to death!"

Following the man's angry curse, a yellow figure rushed out of the house and hid behind Brian.

Another ten seconds passed.

A limping white male young man, holding a baseball bat, wearing shorts and with a fresh tooth mark on his chest, came to the door angrily.

He was sleeping soundly, but a mad dog rushed in from nowhere and bit him on the chest, biting him awake.

Even more angry.

The young man also recognized this dog as the little thing that barked at his dog in the afternoon.

Even more angry!

He even rolled down the stairs while chasing the dog!

Now the young man has the urge to swallow that dog alive!

Thirteen hid behind Brian, changed his face like a dog, and took advantage of the strength of the people, and bared his teeth at the young man standing at the door.

The young man carried a baseball bat and glared at Thirteen fiercely. Then he looked at the tall Brian, and the anger on his face subsided slightly.

He felt that he might not be able to win over this dog's master.

Thirteen seemed to be aware of his retreat, and actually stuck out his tongue towards the young man, his eyes drooped, and he made a dirty face.

How could the young man, who was originally in a bad mood, bear such anger?

He raised the baseball bat in his hand and rushed forward: "FK, you bitch, die!"

Facing the roaring baseball bat.

Brian calmly stretched out his hand and easily grasped the stick of the baseball bat. With the other hand, he took out the small handcuffs hidden under his clothes: "Mr. Dolly, congratulations on completing the feat of attacking the police. As a reward, this pair of Please accept the silver bracelet and see if it fits your hand."


FK, this is fishing law enforcement!

If Brian could hear his voice, he would definitely tell this young man that this is called the Immortal Jump.

Ten minutes later.

Dolly placed a glass of water in front of Brian dejectedly: "Officer, if you want to know anything, just ask."

"Do you know Soraya?"

Dolly nodded: "Yes, I can't believe she is dead now. I thought she escaped."

Brian came to his senses.

What an insider.

It's not a waste of time for him to play like a fairy and a dog.

Brian nodded: "I can see that you have a good relationship with her. Please tell me in detail."

Dolly sighed:

“Soraya is a sow at Bibb’s pig farm.

I know it's inappropriate to say this, but that's the way it is.

It was a legal place to sell sex. I still don’t understand how that bastard Bieber got the business license, but it was indeed a legal place to entertain people.

Bieber kept those prostitutes as sows to satisfy the curiosity of some wealthy people.

I was a waitress there and I had a crush on Soraya when she first came here, but I was just a coward with no money and couldn't help her.

Until the day before yesterday, Soraya suddenly came to me and said that she wanted to escape."

"Wait!" Brian interrupted Dolly: "I don't understand. Since it's a legal place, why does Soraya want to escape?"

Dolly glanced at the well-dressed Brian and mocked:

“Legality is just a fig leaf.

How can this kind of business be clean?

Those customers were very perverted, and prostitutes were often played to death and then destroyed.

Many people in the town knew it, and even some police officers knew that someone called the police at first, but it turned out that the people who came were not police officers from the precinct, but Bieber's men.

From then on, no one dared to take care of it. "

This place seems to be only more than half an hour's drive from downtown Los Angeles, but it is a land of savage laws and hidden crimes that are difficult for outsiders to understand.

Brian mused.

It seems that local officials are involved in this place.

He nodded: "Okay, keep talking."

Dolly opened the cold beer on the coffee table and took a big sip before continuing with the smell of alcohol:

"When prostitutes come to the pig farm, they will have one foot chained, and then they have to stick their heads out and lower their heads when eating, and imitate the behavior of pigs, including excretion and so on.

When a customer comes, they will stand outside the fence and select the sow they want. Then we, the waiters, will take the selected sow to be washed, put into the uniform chosen by the customer, and then lead it there

Some work directly in the pig pen, in front of other prostitutes.

All in all, the whole process was very humiliating.

Those prostitutes who resisted and did not cooperate soon became addicted to drugs.

So does Soraya.

She was in prison and had given up her drug addiction long ago, but because of her resistance, she got into it again.

She endured it for nearly a year.

Until the day before yesterday.

Soraya told me that she had an appointment with someone outside and she had to go to the appointment. She begged me to lend her my mobile phone, and then I helped her open her shackles. "

Speaking of which.

Dolly took another sip of beer and said bitterly:

“I originally thought about running away with her, but after Soraya made the call, she told me that someone would come to pick her up, and then she ran away alone.

I was so sad that I went back to the town and waited for Bieber and his gang to take revenge. "

Brian looked at the self-motivated licking dog and shrugged: "It seems that the Bieber you are talking about is very busy recently and has no time to trouble you."

Dolly nodded: "I was also very strange at first. Later in the pub, I heard someone found a female body on the road, and then I found out that Soraya was dead. Bieber and the others were probably worried that the police in the city would find this place. I don’t dare to do anything about it.”

"Come on, take me to see Bieber."

Brian looked at the time, squeezed the can in front of Dolly, and pulled him up.

It's not good to sleep late.

He was in a hurry to finish the matter and go back.

The pig farm is located four kilometers outside the town, hidden at the foot of the mountains.

There is no record of this place on maps, including official records.

Needless to say, this must be the work of someone behind Bieber.

No wonder Green took Thirteen and found no abnormalities in those rural areas.

When we arrived at the pig farm, there was no one left here.

However, the power supply equipment here has not been disconnected yet.

Dolly turned on all the lights here with ease.

Thirteen was very excited and kept barking at the dogs in the pig pens: "Big dog, smell, the smell of earth."

The dirt inside Soraya's fingernails is from here.

Brian looked inside and found that the black and white ground was very dry.

This place must have really been a pig farm before, and then the lime water used for disinfection settled down to form the floor inside the pig pen.

Take a quick glance.

With the help of eagle eyes, the dimming night did not affect Brian's vision.

In front of the pig farm, there are rows of wooden houses, which look to be several years old. There is a large terrace in the open space, with colored lights and steel pipes tied to it.

In addition, there are tire tracks on the ground.

It can be seen that the people here have not been away for a long time.

After discovering nothing.

Brian looked at Dolly: "Do you have Bieber's phone number? Just call him over."

Dolly took out his cell phone with some fear and made a call.

After a few simple words.

He handed the phone to Brian: "Bieber said he was busy doing physical examinations for the employees below and couldn't come. If you have any questions, you can call him directly."

Brian narrowed his eyes slightly, took the phone, and without listening to what was said inside, he said directly: "My name is Brian, an employee of the NW Operations Department. If you don't show up in front of Dolly's house within an hour, I promise to send you to prison to feel the warmth of your rectum!"

Hang up the phone.

Brian threw the phone to Dolly: "Go back."

Two hours later.

Brian, with Dolly's thanks, threw a black man wearing a gold chain and beaten into a pig's head into the trunk and drove back to the city.

The black man was Bieber, a white glove who couldn't be on the stage.

At first, this guy was a little stubborn. Although he came honestly after hearing that Brian was from NW, he also cooperated to tell the story of Soraya.

But when he heard that Brian was going to take him back, he wanted to threaten Brian with his so-called background behind him - a district chief.

The result is obvious.

Just a rubbish district chief.

How dare you to talk nonsense.

Brian dared to let the district chief who was not directly involved know what civilized law enforcement is and what "being a crime" is!

On the way, Brian took out his mobile phone and called Green: "Green, no need to check, you call the patrolman on duty nearby, go directly to Soraya's mother's house to wait for me, control that woman, don't let her run away!"

Hang up the phone.

Looking at the scenery passing by quickly outside, Brian enjoyed the adrenaline rush brought by the fast car.

This case is a bit bloody.

There is one more chapter, it will be around 8:30.

Sorry, there are really a lot of things in the past few days, which makes the update time a bit unstable. I can only guarantee that it will be updated no less than 10,000 words a day.

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