You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 134 The Abnormal Truth (Additional chapter 10 for the leader of the ‘Glorious Night’)

It's about nine o'clock in the evening.

The calm mid-range community is now shining with red and blue light, reflecting a tense atmosphere.

When Brian arrived, Green had already led people to take care of Soraya's mother.

"Good evening, Brian."

The patrolmen guarding the door greeted each other enthusiastically when they saw a person and a dog coming.

Brian smiled back.

He is now feeling the benefits of fame.

At least with one word, Green, the newcomer, came over with the patrol officer on duty without any hindrance.

They don't have an arrest warrant.

Once there is a problem, everyone will have to deal with it.

But the patrols came anyway.

That's what Brian's fame does.

Enter the room.

Mrs. Gilman, Soraya's mother, sat on the sofa holding a puppy with an angry expression.

Her husband, Billy Rockey, said nothing, sitting on a separate sofa, staring blankly at the coffee table, wondering what he was thinking.

I saw Brian coming over.

Green hurriedly came up to her: "Boss Brian, I have controlled this woman. By the way, there is also a guy. You asked him to come here."

As he spoke, he pointed to a young white man sitting on the steps of the stairs in the distance.

This white man looks young, in his early twenties, with flamboyant gray hair, and his right ear is full of earrings. He is handsome and not short. He is wearing a neat white and blue jeans + flight jacket. Look. It has a handsome temperament and is the style that many girls like.

Brian nodded and ignored the handsome young man. He sat directly opposite Mrs. Gilman and knocked on the coffee table: "I went to the Bibb Pig Farm today. What do you want to say?"

Mrs. Gilman's face froze with anger.

She had a big reaction: "I don't know what you are talking about. I just know that these bastards are restricting my and my husband's personal freedom without an arrest warrant. There are many lawyers and teachers living in this community. Just wait." You will regret this!"

Seeing this vicious woman, she has a tough mouth.

Brian looked at Billy Rockey, who was bowing his head and saying nothing. "What about you, Mr. Billy Rockey? I know you have been doing good things over the years and have a good reputation in school. I am very curious about you." Why does such a respected teacher act so guilty when he mentions Soraya?"

Facing Brian's inquiry, Billy Rockey maintained a stiff posture and said nothing, as if he was under a restraining spell.

Seeing this, Brian was not in a hurry and turned to look at the handsome guy on the stairs: "They don't cooperate. I'm in a dilemma. What about you? By the way, I don't know your name yet."

"Wulf, my name is Woolf, sir."

"Very well, tell me about your relationship with Soraya."

The handsome boy Wolf quickly walked over to Brian and sat down, with his legs together, showing great cooperation:

“I am Soraya’s boyfriend, just one of them.

I know dozens of her partners.

But I don’t care, who would refuse free stuff?

She was good-looking and willing to spend money on me, so we kept in touch. But she was unlucky and was often reported to me at work.

More than a year ago, she went in again.

I originally wanted to pick her up, but after I went there, I found out that she had left long ago, and since then, I have not contacted her again.

Until the day before yesterday.

She suddenly contacted me and hoped that I would go to a place to pick her up and take her back to the city.

But I have no money or a car, so I can only ask her to find others for help. "

Brian knocked on the coffee table, and the life force field on his body slowly enveloped Woolf: "I am not a person who likes to be lied to. Did you go or not that day?"

A trembling feeling came to Woolf's heart.

He subconsciously sat back. After feeling that the feeling of being out of breath disappeared, he hesitated and said:

“I went, but I really don’t have a car and I don’t have any money.

All my money was spent on attracting fans.

Soraya told me that she had saved a lot of money, but was imprisoned in a place. She would escape and wait for me at the corner of a road, and then we could fly away together.

For that money, I went to the place Soraya said and stole a Cadillac.

But I can’t remember clearly what happened next.

I swear!

Because there were actually a few packets of powder hidden in that damn car. I couldn't help it, so I sucked it in and drove towards the place Soraya said in a daze.

It seemed like something hit in the middle.

Anyway, when I woke up the next day, the car was in the wilderness, with a dent in the front and some obscure blood stains.

I figured I might have hit a wild boar or something.

Later, I contacted my buddy, took the car back, modified it, and prepared to exchange some money. As for Soraya, I really don’t know her situation.

I contacted her later and the person who answered the phone was a man. "

Woolf shrugged: "She probably found someone else to pick her up. After all, she has a lot of partners. Apart from being envious of that bastard, I didn't continue to pester her. By the way, sir, does this count as car theft?" Surrender?"

Green on the side:.

Soraya was knocked away by someone she called.

Really bloody.

Brian didn't expect this.

He only knew from the licking dog Dolly that Soraya called back later, said some inexplicable words and then hung up.

Therefore, it is speculated that Woolf may have contacted Soraya when Soraya escaped and deceived her.

I didn't expect the truth of the matter to be like this.

He wanted to say something.

Soraya's stepfather, Mr. Billisloch, who had been silent on the side, suddenly pounced on Woolf, strangled him by the neck, and said with a ferocious face: "What did you say, what did you say! What kind of imprisonment! Soraya Ya, she disappeared for more than a year. Was she imprisoned? "

Green and several patrol officers quickly pulled him away.

Seeing that Billis Rocky was in a state of excitement, Brian guessed what he was doing and directly said:

"Yes, after Soraya was released from prison, her mother sold her to a brothel owner.

By the way, they called that local pig farm and forced the girls to obtain health certificates, then locked them there and lived like pigs to receive customers. "

Hear this.

It was as if all the bones in Billy's body had been ripped out, and he lay limply letting the Green men hold him down.

Brian was not prepared to let this fool go, and continued to hit him:

"Soraya was originally in prison and had given up her drug addiction. But because she refused, the group of people forced her to take drugs again and fell into hell again.

Until the day before yesterday.

Soraya told a guard who liked her that she had a very important agreement to keep, and begged the guard to let her go.

Unfortunately, she risked her life and escaped from that place, but found the wrong person, and was eventually knocked into a tree.

She hung on the tree, watching a car drive past her, but no one noticed her. In the end, she stayed in that place forever, and she could never fulfill that promise. "

"do not talk!"

Billis Rocky howled: "FK Squid, stop talking!"

Brian shrugged:

"Soraya is really unlucky to have a trashy mother, a cowardly evasive stepfather like you, and an unreliable boyfriend.


He walked up to Billy Rockey, looked into his eyes, and said seriously:

"If I remember correctly, your birthdays are on these two days in your file.

A father's birthday!

A promise with my father!

Billy Rockey, have you ever thought that if you had been more responsible, Soraya might have contacted you instead of this trash ex-boyfriend.

You failed her!

You are trash too! "


Billy Rockey completely collapsed, pushed Green and others away, knelt on the ground holding his head and howling, like an ostrich hiding its head in the sand.

Seeing her husband's appearance, Mrs. Gilman knew that she was completely screwed.

She gave up on herself and threw the puppy in her hand at Billy Rockey who was kneeling on the ground crying, and said viciously: "Don't mention that bitch again, yes, I sold her to be a prostitute, but if not She wanted to rob you from me, how could I do that!"

"FK Squid!"

Billis Rocky was offended by Mrs. Gilman's words!

He rushed towards his wife from the ground and slapped her in the face.

This slap contained all the anger he had accumulated.

"You are the bitch!" Billy Rockey's eyes turned red:

"At a party, you drugged my drink and then took pictures and threatened me. In order not to be humiliated, I agreed to marry you.

Soraya is such a sweet girl!

She is so kind and lovely, but she is close to me because she lacks father's love.

But you bitch, just because she is still close to me after she is a teenager, you are jealous of your daughter, think about some disgusting things, drug her, sell her to other men to rape her, and then use money to lead her astray. . "

He punched himself viciously:

"It's all my coward's fault. If I had directly shot you, a bitch, Soraya wouldn't have suffered what happened next.

But I'm afraid. I'm afraid that all the reputation I've accumulated will be in vain. I'm afraid that I will go from being a respected teacher to being slandered as a Q traitor by your photos.

At first I thought Soraya had lied to me and had returned to a depraved life after being released from prison. I didn’t expect that it was you, a bitch, who sold her again! "

"Yes, you are indeed a coward, stupid and hypocritical." Mrs. Gilman got up from the ground and spat a bloody spit on the ground:

"Do you know why I chose you in the first place?

Just because I know you're a hypocritical coward.

I threaten you, but you dare not resist.

And that bitch Soraya, why is she so close to you?

you are mine!

Do you know why I sold Soraya again after she was released from prison?

Just because I put a voice recorder on you and heard that you made an agreement with her when you were visiting the prison that you would give up drug addiction in one year, and then celebrate some bullshit birthday, and then abandon me and live together as a normal father and daughter. Life.

Bah, a bitch who follows me, a hypocritical coward!

You clearly want to leave me behind!

No one can steal my things. If anyone dares to steal, I will destroy her! "

Looking at the crazy Mrs. Gilman, everyone present was speechless by this shameless person's words.

Just because of her possessiveness and the fact that she was a bitch, she thought that her daughter was also a bitch like her, and then pushed her daughter to hell with her own hands.

In fact, Soraya just longed for her father's love because of what she had experienced as a child.

Bilisrocki is indeed cowardly, but he is not a bad person, nor is he the kind of person who covets Soraya's beauty, otherwise how could he be controlled by someone like Mrs. Gilman.

So, their relationship is clean.

Especially Soraya.

No one dared to imagine the despair and helplessness of this little girl in her teens in such a family.

A rubbish mother and a cowardly stepfather

Even so.

In the end, Soraya gritted her teeth and crawled back from hell, ready to fulfill her promise with Bilisrocki, but was knocked away by her rubbish ex-boyfriend again

An indescribable regret surged in the hearts of the people on the field.

They looked at Bilisrocki and Mrs. Gilman with disgust.

These two people are disgusting!

Green sighed, walked to Brian, and whispered: "Bryan, Boss, I suddenly feel that Soraya's death is also a good thing. Otherwise, because of that false fatherly love, continuing to come back is equivalent to entering a new purgatory."

Brian also has a lot of insights.

Unhealthy families breed children with emotional defects.

He seemed to see his own shadow in Soraya.

Unfortunately, when Soraya's body was found, it had been more than two days, and she didn't have the obsession of reuniting with her family, otherwise Brian really wanted to send these two people down to accompany their daughter.

Brian's hands are itching now.

"Take them back, there is another one in the trunk of my car, take them all back and lock them up."

Brian shook his head and walked out with Thirteen.

Human nature is something that cannot be seen through.

Can't be seen through!

Today's 11,000 words are presented, see you tomorrow, good night.

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