You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 135 Thirteen has a plan, and the Teddy group is in trouble

The case of the female corpse on the tree involved a bloody family drama + forced selling of Y + car theft and hit-and-run.

Everyone at the scene sighed after learning what happened.

But the next day, no one mentioned this matter.

Every day there are unfortunate people and unfortunate things. If they don’t happen to themselves, everyone will mention it at most when they think of it: Oh, you said that poor beautiful girl, it was really a misfortune caused by the original family. We should call for strengthening the physical and mental care of children.

The other few people responded with a few words and changed the topic.

The next day, after transferring the case of the female corpse, Brian briefly asked Ivan about the progress of the case, and then took the simple drawing board and held Thirteen to teach.

Thirteen had a bitter dog face.

It felt that its dog life was a bit difficult.

It wanted to run around outside and enjoy the happiness of being the boss and leading a group of dogs to bully cats and chase raccoons.

Brian felt it was fun to see its appearance. After pinching its chubby cheeks, he took a deep breath, imagined Susan's appearance, and began to draw, which he had not touched since graduating from kindergarten.

Under the control of the flesh.

Even though Brian had not systematically learned the painting techniques, he could sketch some people or objects in a similar way, with lines and shadows.

Except that it didn't look like anything at all, it looked quite regular.


"What a shit!"

Brian looked at the pile of line garbage on the drawing board, threw away the paintbrush, and tore off the drawing paper to destroy it.

"You still need to learn some skills for this thing."

Brian realized that he needed to find a teacher.

Seeing the big dog's unstable mood, Thirteen shrank his head and wanted to take the opportunity to run away, but was picked up by Brian and thrown on the table: "Come on, draw me in your eyes."

Contrast creates confidence.

Brian felt that before learning to paint, he needed to accumulate some confidence.

Without waiting for Thirteen to refuse, a sketch pencil was stuffed into its dog's mouth.


A dozen minutes later.

Thirteen slumped on the table with no interest, his tongue limply lying on the tabletop, his big eyes looking at Brian expectantly, hoping that the big dog would praise him.

Brian looked at the drawing paper, a short stickman and a stickdog that was almost as tall as himself, and suddenly thought of a word: dogs look down on people.

He realized that dogs' vision was different from that of humans. Even if Thirteen could sketch, it seemed that he couldn't transform the things in his vision into the perspective of humans.

After careful teaching, it might be possible, but it was too troublesome.

Brian was afraid of trouble.

The plan to teach Thirteen to sketch collapsed halfway.

Today is the last working day of the week.

Except for the Teddy combination who was busy with the case, everyone in the office seemed a little lazy and unmotivated. Occasionally, they chatted about where to go after get off work.

Who likes to go to work?

Brian was the same.

The fun of playing with dogs was lost.

He lazily lay on the chair, his feet on the desk, holding a deck of playing cards, which kept changing in his hands, showing the flexibility of those slender fingers.

This is a magic trick, which can hide and change cards by using tricks.

Brian is very interested in these.

He had learned a lot of tricks before, but his hands were not very flexible, so he gave up after getting bored. It was not until now that he had the talent of controlling the body that he started playing again.

Unfortunately, his memory is not particularly good.

After playing a few times, although Brian can easily use various difficult tricks, he can't remember the position of all the cards.

If you can't remember, you can't accurately control the points of the changed cards.

Otherwise, Brian would have to drag a few people in the office to play, so that they can re-recognize themselves as the office gambling god.

Thirteen, who was next to him, was no longer oppressed by the big dog, and he also lay lazily beside Brian's feet, with his four legs up in the air, his tongue hanging at the corner of his mouth, enjoying the breeze blowing in from the window, and comfortably posing in a lying dog posture.

Just when this man and dog were killing time and slacking off at work.

Edna, a female clerk, walked up to Brian with a box.

She glanced at Brian's slender and flexible fingers, swallowed subconsciously, and put the box on the desk: "Brian, this is the organization issued to Thirteen by the logistics department after the Ministry of Internal Affairs reviewed it. In the box, there are his ID, uniform, and customized dog tags."

Hearing his name.

Thirteen turned over, blinking his big eyes, looking at the box in Edna's hand.

Brian also became excited.

He waved his hand, put away the cards in his hand, threw the cards on the table, and took the box: "Is the efficiency over there so fast?"

Edna smiled and touched Thirteen's dog head: "It's normal. Thirteen assisted our team in solving the previous city-wide poisoning case. No one would be stuck with the organization of a police dog."

Hearing this, Brian nodded.

Before, the crematorium lunatic hunted drug addicts to make drugs and wanted to take revenge on society. In the end, Brian and Thirteen solved it in a few hours and packed it up as a gift to Susan.

At that time, Susan said that Thirteen would be assigned a police dog position in the NW Operations Department and assigned to Group B6.

Unexpectedly, after just over a week, there was feedback from the other side.

I heard that Thirteen had become a police dog.

Old Harden dropped the mouse, Green tossed the case file, and everyone came together to watch the fun.

"Boss Brian, will you get a salary after you turn 13?"

Green's eyes were filled with envy.

There is really a future for me to follow Boss Brian, and a dog will also be able to eat in the public family.

Brian nodded: "It seems there is. The standards are based on employee standards, and there are special files and numbers..."

Old Harden was also a little envious: "Then after thirteen, won't we be treated the same as us?"

Brian shook his head: "To be precise, it's better than us, because it also has various additional subsidies every month, which is equivalent to our treatment plus the treatment of a police dog."

The three people watching: There is a direct feeling that humans are inferior to dogs!

They admitted that they were somewhat jealous of Gouzi San.

Under the watchful eyes of several people.

Brian tore off the seal and opened the box.

There are quite a lot of things in the box, including a small ID booklet that all NW employees have.

Open the small book. On the left is some information about Thirteen, such as dog breed, identity, and serial number. On the right is a photo of Thirteen with a steel seal. Below it is Brian's phone number and the verification phone number of the NW Operations Center.

Under the ID booklet is a special dog tag.

The dog tag is the police badge of the NW Operations Department. There is a depression on the back where a positioning pendant can be hung. Inside the depression is Thirteen's staff number.

Next, there is the police dog uniform, two sets of freely adjustable police dog vests, and two sets of police dog bulletproof vests that are also adjustable.

There are also small pockets on the vest that can be used to stuff documents and the like.

Except these.

At the bottom of the box, there are some gadgets.

For example, the NW R\u0026D Department recently developed a portable law enforcement camera and a storage device corresponding to audio and video recordings. It looks like a small square box that can be hung on a police dog vest.

Brian couldn't understand why the NW logistics people didn't care at all about the equipment they gave them, so why did they put so much thought into the dog equipment?

There is no dedicated police dog team in NW.

He still doesn't know that Thirteen is now even more famous and popular within NW than him, the 'lucky coroner'.

After all, who would turn down a canine colleague who doesn’t have a conflict of interest with them?

Thirteen was very curious about these things at first, but under the help of a group of people, he quickly understood that he was just a decoration.

Thirteen allowed himself to be manipulated and quickly completed his transformation.

It is only about two and a half months old now, and its appetite is getting bigger and bigger, but it only grows meat. Its size has not changed much, and it is a little smaller than a Labrador of the same age.

This also resulted in a pile of equipment piling up on Thirteen, like a doll wearing heavy armor or a slug wearing a turtle shell. It looked bulky and funny.

"Wang~ (uncomfortable~)"

Thirteen looked at Brian pitifully.

Finally, at Thirteen's strong request, Brian had to put away all the equipment, leaving only a numbered dog tag.

If the locator does not send out alarms, it will naturally not be installed.

Even with just a dog tag, Thirteen still showed resistance.

It prefers unrestrained, naked happiness.

Seeing this, Brian patted Thirteen on the head: "With this brand in the future, you will be a dog with status and can bite bad people legally."

As a police dog of the NW Operations Department, ordinary small policemen have to salute Thirteen when they see him.

After Brian's teachings these days, Thirteen actually knows the difference between humans and dogs, but he just habitually calls Brian Big Dog.

When it heard Brian's words, its eyes lit up: "Woof woof woof~~ Big dog, if I see something delicious in the future, can I just grab it and eat it?"

Brian rolled his eyes.

Thirteen is a bitch. His character of relying on others' power and bullying others is probably unchangeable. If he had been in his previous life, with a middle parted comb, he would have been a translator who went to a common people's stall and ate big watermelons for no money.


Ivan and Glenn came back and took the newcomer Green away to help.

Brian could smell the blood on the two men.

The flavor is very rich.

Unless you are in an environment with a lot of blood, it would be difficult for the body surface to be stained with such a strong smell of blood.


Glenn, a pervert, still smelled very strongly of gunpowder smoke.

The smell is so strong that you can still smell it clearly without turning on the enhanced sense of smell.

Group B6 has been established for more than a month.

This was the second time that Brian discovered that Glenn had used a gun.

The last time was a terrorist attack by primitive sectarians.

Brian realized that the Teddy team encountered some troubles in solving the case.

However, Ivan and the others did not take the initiative to ask for help. Brian asked if he wanted help. After being rejected, he didn't ask any more questions.

This is probably a kind of tacit understanding in the workplace of public institutions here.

If others don't ask for help when assigned tasks, and you rush to do it, they will only feel that you don't respect and look down on them.

After all, Brian is just a verbal acting team leader, and Ivan and the others are not the kind of underlings that Green accepts.

It is still necessary to pay attention to the sense of proportion.

Throughout the afternoon, Group B6 still received no new cases.

Brian was so idle that his balls ached.

He simply took Shisan and Ai Li, a weapons expert who was fishing in the underground shooting range, to a motorcycle supermarket to buy a motorcycle for daily travel.

He had previously wanted Eli to help him get a bulletproof car that was fast and could go off-road.

Aili does have a way, but this kind of customized vehicle often takes a long time, and it needs to be tested repeatedly to ensure the safety of the vehicle.

According to Ali, it will take at least half a year.

Brian is tired of the slow speed of ordinary cars.

He plans to get a motorcycle that can reach 300 kilometers per hour before the customized car is delivered.

Speed ​​and passion have always been the romance in men's hearts.

Brian is no exception.

On the other side.

Green followed Ivan and the others in a daze and came to a small warehouse.

When the warehouse was opened.

He was dumbfounded.

Green was silent for a moment, then looked at Ivan and Glenn, two seniors: "Sorry, I don't quite understand. Excuse me, are we going to investigate a case or go to war?"

The small warehouse was filled with various automatic rifles, pistols, grenades, and an old heavy machine gun on the ground in the middle

Ivan patted Green's shoulder, licked his lips, and showed a bloodthirsty smile: "This case is a bit special. We need to knock down a bunch of bastards first before we can solve the case!"

Glenn's handsome face also showed a sneer: "Those bastards killed my informant friend. It's a pity to arrest them directly. We have to repay blood with blood and tooth for tooth!"

Green looked at the two people whose temperaments suddenly changed, and swallowed his saliva: "Will Boss Brian have any objections to doing this?"

Is this still the sunny and enthusiastic strong man Ivan and the lustful Glenn all day long!

Ivan remembered the scene of Brian crushing a cigarette butt when he first met him, and grinned: "No, Brian won't have any objections!"

This rookie hasn't figured it out yet.

Their team is not a rule-abiding group!

As an enthusiastic senior, Ivan is going to take Green to a lesson to let him understand what the B6 team's case-handling style is.

Green was sandwiched between two male colleagues, with men on both sides.

He put on his bulletproof vest, took his automatic rifle, and hung his small melon in a daze.

Ivan was very perverted, holding an old M60 machine gun weighing more than 20 kilograms, with a long ammunition belt wrapped around it, full of oppression.

Glenn took out a large sniper rifle, with pistols hanging on his legs, changing his previous listless posture, with a fierce murderous look in his eyes.

Before it was time to get off work.

Two fully armed thugs + a confused little idiot, the three drove a modified, one-way glass car and disappeared on the road

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