You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 136 Spending millions! Isn't this such a coincidence?

Brian didn't know at this moment that his younger brother Green was not taken to help solve the case, but was taken by the beasts of the Teddy Combination to kill and set fire.

He was driving a car, following the car of weapons expert Ali, preparing to buy his first motorcycle in his life.

In Los Angeles, there are many second-hand car markets and related trading websites. Many things can be equipped online at this time, but the speed of delivery to the door is a bit hard to describe.

So people who are in a hurry prefer to go directly to the car supermarket or motorcycle supermarket to buy the desired means of transportation on the spot.

The motorcycle supermarket that Brian and his friends came to is hidden in an inconspicuous commercial street.

The motorcycle supermarket has a total of three floors. It looks shabby from the outside, but once you walk in, you will find that the decoration is very intelligent.

This motorcycle supermarket, which looks like there are not many motorcycles, is also different from other motorcycle supermarkets. It does not display a large number of motorcycles, but a series of cylindrical lifting display stands.

Cool-looking motorcycles were placed on these stands, slowly rotating under the light, like beautiful women posing and seducing every customer who came in.

"It looks so cool!"

Brian sincerely praised: "This place is really nice, but why can't I see the receptionist?"

"I guess they are playing with cars on the track in the back. The motorcycles here have smart locks, so ordinary thieves can't steal them."

After a simple explanation, Ali took Brian to the third floor.

There was a reception desk at the elevator entrance on the third floor.

In front of the desk was a large LCD screen with various monsters constantly rushing over. A yellow-haired man was holding a laser-sensing automatic rifle and yelling at the monsters.

On one side of the reception desk was a closed silver door with a full sense of metal.

Ali stepped forward and patted the yellow-haired man on the shoulder: "Hey, Kabu, stop playing your crappy game. My colleague wants to get a powerful motorcycle."

The yellow-haired man, or Kabu in Ali's words, stopped and turned his head impatiently.

Seeing that it was Ali, he dropped the laser-sensing prop gun in his hand in surprise and punched Ali: "You bastard, you actually went to work, so boring."

Ali shrugged: "Man, I'm old and have children, I can't accompany you to go crazy, hurry up, I'm in a hurry to get off work."

After a brief greeting, the two of them.

The yellow-haired Kabu looked at Brian: "Man, I have a lot of wild motorcycles here, how exciting do you want?"

"The kind that can catch up with the plane, less than 300 kilometers per hour, very boring."

Brian glanced at Thirteen under his feet and added: "It would be better to add a back seat so that I can enjoy speed and passion with it."

"300 kilometers per hour?"

Kabu didn't expect Brian to make such a violent request as soon as he opened his mouth.

He looked at Ali: "Dude, are you sure this is a colleague from your new department and not a professional racer? The road conditions in Los Angeles do not support motorcycle racing at this speed, otherwise it will really fly."

Ali shrugged: "This is the autopsy officer of our department. You can call him Brian. I have confirmed his needs. We just need to modify the tires and shock absorber system later."


When Kabu heard the word autopsy officer, he stopped talking nonsense and distanced himself from Brian: "Come with me, all the good stuff is here."

As he said, he walked to the metal silver door, stretched out his palm, and swiped his palm across a metal screen in front of the door.

The screen lit up, and a wavy voice wave appeared: "Welcome back, Commander Kabu."

Accompanied by a slight mechanical sound.

A large amount of white spray was sprayed from both sides of the door, giving people the illusion that behind the door, it was not a warehouse, but a sci-fi base.

Brian looked at Ali beside him: "Hey, are you sure you brought me here to buy a motorcycle, not a spaceship?"

Ali shrugged: "These are just fake decorations, just a sensor door. Kabu and the others are rich young people. You know, young people prefer these formal things."

Okay, it turns out to be a middle school student.

Behind the warehouse door, it is actually similar to the first floor, but there are many more sci-fi texture decorations and lights.

In addition, there are fewer motorcycles here, only twelve.

Kabu walked to the first cool motorcycle and introduced it to Brian:

"The coolest motorcycle supercar here - Dodge Tomahawk!

This speed monster is a motorcycle sports car produced by Chrysler in 2003. It is equipped with the 8.3-liter V10 engine of the Dodge Viper and the four wheels of the sports car. The maximum speed exceeds 600km

In fact, if you don't care about your life, it can reach 0.55 Mach at the fastest speed. The general type of fighter planes have to follow you and eat the exhaust gas.

The Dodge Tomahawk is currently produced in very small quantities. I finally got one. If you are not Ali's friend, I won't even show it to you!"

As he said, Kabu touched his slanted yellow hair with his right hand and said proudly: "This Dodge Tomahawk has also been installed with intelligent lighting and voice systems. When you exceed 300 kilometers per hour, it will appear like this"

He snapped his fingers and pressed a button on the counter.

The next moment.

Wisps of cool lights flashed across the entire body of the Dodge Tomahawk in front, like lightning flashing across it. The slide turned off, which was extremely cool. At the same time, a cold female voice sounded around: "You have turned on flight mode."

The lines that follow are too middle-of-the-road.

Brian didn't want to hear it.

Looking at the sci-fi-looking Dodge Tomahawk in front of him, Brian was a little moved.

He had heard of this car in his previous life. It was a concept car, but it later turned out to be a joke.

But the car in front of him was very sci-fi, completely different from what he remembered from his previous life!

Brian was even more excited when he heard Huangmao Kabu's introduction!

Except for the voice acting, it's too average.

Everything else looks perfect!

It is indeed a supercar among motorcycles, so handsome!

"No no no!"

Before Brian could speak, Eli jumped out:

“Dude, don’t be tempted by this crappy car!

This crappy car is just for show!

If you really drive it on the road, believe me, with the current shock absorption and intelligent adjustment technology, as long as the speed exceeds 350 kilometers per hour and you drive over a small pothole, you will know what it is like to be a trapeze artist.

Even if you can't fly, you still have a chance to see the flame special effects that come with this motorcycle. "

"Fire effects?"

"It's just that the speed is too fast, the tires rub against the ground and catch fire, and then the motorcycle flies out, leaving behind sparks and your body parts along the way!"


He really wanted to try speed and passion, but he didn't want to try all the sparks and lightning, trapeze, and road limbs.

After the introduction of the first car, Brian figured it out.

Huangmao Kabu, the only indicators recommended are numerical value and coolness, and all other indicators are not considered.

I don’t know if there are any negative reviews from his customers.

Brian directly asked Eli to act as the introducer.

Every motorcycle here is the current version of TO, a performance monster.

Combine appearance and performance.

Brian, who was not short of money, finally chose a niche heavy-duty motorcycle sports car - Beast S, on the recommendation of Ai Li.

The Beast S looks very similar to the Kawasaki H2r in Brian's previous life, but is more sci-fi and has similar performance. It belongs to a niche brand that Brian has never heard of - Beast Heavy Machinery Company.

Many of the accessories of the Beast S are specifically for aviation. It is a racing motorcycle supercar independently designed to establish itself as a local motorcycle brand in the United States. It can reach speeds of more than 200 kilometers per hour at one revolution, and the fastest speed is close to 500 kilometers per hour.

This thing must use exclusive customized fuel. After it is started, the special tail pipe will spray blue flames, which is very cool. Maintenance is very troublesome, and the tires are also worn out and need to be replaced frequently.

According to Aili's assessment, if used daily with low frequency, the additional monthly expenditure will not be less than 10,000 US dollars, which is a gold-swallowing monster that ordinary people cannot afford.

Brian didn't miss this point and decided directly.

Aili is really good. After confirming that Brian selected Beast S, he started chattering:

“Brian, for the sake of safety, I asked Kabu to help you adjust the speed gearing, and also add a certain degree of off-road performance to it.

But I have to warn you, listen, this car is heavy, and the demands on the road are not going to be low.

It's best not to attempt off-road riding unless there's no other way.

Also, don't let your speed exceed 120 kilometers per hour easily.

The road is not a race track.

If you choose such an over-standard car, I am worried that one day you will be lying on the autopsy table because of it..."


Brian was not impatient with Eli's reminder.

With a motorcycle with this kind of performance, it is indeed easy for ordinary people to get carried away and exceed the safe speed.

The previous Dodge Tomahawk had a price tag of $1.08 million.

In fact, the price Kabu got it for was only US$920,000, and its lowest auction price last year was also around US$900,000, making it a collector's item.

So Kabu is not a profiteer.

For him, buying and selling is more like satisfying his collecting habit.

Even without making much money, the price of Beast S is still exaggeratedly high.

It's more expensive than a Dodge Tomahawk because of the materials!

In addition, the modification requires the use of some materials that ordinary people cannot obtain, and the charge is 50% more expensive than the previous performance monster Dodge Tomahawk.

This is still a friendly price!

In the end, Brian swiped out 1.5 million US dollars, which was comparable to a small seaside villa.

Kabu said the modification would take at least a week.

Before separation.

He still looked at Brian eagerly, but finally couldn't hold it back, pulled Brian and said: "Man, do you really don't need me to add smart voice and lighting? It's free!"

Brian was a little confused.

to be honest.

The voice and lighting system that this kid Kabu modified is really cool, but it's just too average.

As for concealment, Brian didn't consider it.

There is only so much stock of this thing on the market, so it is not suitable for driving to do some hidden things, otherwise you can catch it accurately by looking at the tire marks.

In the end, under Kabu's strong request to reduce the price at a loss, Brian agreed to add an intelligent lighting system.

As for the voice, it really doesn't work.

Too embarrassing.

He has passed the age of second grade.

After leaving the motorcycle supermarket, it was already past seven in the evening.

In order to thank Aili for his help, Brian planned to treat Aili to a good meal.

However, Eli refused directly: "Forget it, Brian, I have to rush back to be with my wife and children. Let's talk about it when we have a chance."

"Okay, remember to come to me directly if you need anything in the future."

Brian nodded and bid farewell to Aili, who had always had little presence in the group.

On the way back.

Brian saw something strange.

This time is the peak traffic period after get off work.

In the sky, there were two helicopters branded with the LAPD logo, flying towards the suburbs.

On the ground, police cars with sirens blaring were constantly driving in that direction, but they couldn't run away. A large amount of traffic was flowing down, and they couldn't move at all. They could only drive out slowly.

"What big case is going on?"

Brian had doubts in his eyes.

It's been a long time since there was a scene like this in Los Angeles.

The key is that it doesn't look like a violent attack. Otherwise, instead of just dispatching police cars and tracking helicopters in the sky, SWAT's armed armored vehicles would be directly used.

This kind of scene would only occur in major cases where many people died and the target needed to be chased and intercepted.

The key is, he didn't receive any emergency contact from the alarm center.

After all, Brian couldn't suppress his curiosity. He got out of the car and stopped a police car going in the opposite direction. He took out his ID and asked the patrol officer in the car about the situation.

When the patrolman saw someone stopping the car, he wanted to get angry. After seeing Brian's appearance clearly, he enthusiastically pulled down the window: "Hi, Brian, are you okay?"

Brian looked at the other party's number and found that it was a patrol officer from their precinct, so he said strangely: "Sorry, I saw so many of your vehicles out, so I wanted to ask what happened."

The patrolman shook his head: "We don't know. We only know that there was a fierce gun battle in a factory on McCall Avenue. Many people died, and some people used bombs. Now, several nearby branches have been reported. The center has been dispatched there urgently.”

"McCal Avenue?"

Brian's heart skipped a beat.

Damn it!

Ivan's case seems to be located over there!

It can't be such a coincidence, right?

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