You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 137 Massacre, three small balls of obsession (Additional chapter 11 for the leader of the ‘G

After thanking the patrol officer.

Back to the car.

Brian immediately took out his mobile phone and called Ivan and others.

The first call, to Ivan, was unreachable.

Brian licked his lips, changed people and continued to fight.

The second call, Glenn, didn't go through.

Brian unbuttoned the lining and continued to beat someone a little irritably.

The third call, to my younger brother Green, still failed to get through.



He slapped the steering wheel.

I can't contact all three of them. I'm sorry!

I'm really afraid of what I'm going to do.

He had just started flirting with Susan, and he said he would guard the B6 team and wait for her to come back.

So it’s only been a few days?

Brian sighed, found a neutral position, and turned the car around forcibly. Amidst the scolding, he returned to the motorcycle supermarket and found Huangmao Kabu who was still playing the game: "Man, lend me a motorcycle. "


Kabu dropped the prop gun in his hand and took out a bunch of keys from his pocket: "No problem, the motorcycle is parked downstairs, the yellow one with lightning. What's the matter? I remember you drove here."

Brian pushed Thirteen in front of him: "The real 3D version of Vice City is released. As a beta player, I need to rush there now. Okay, help me take care of my dog, and I'll find you later!"

After saying that, Brian ran outside.

He didn't want to go late and end up seeing only the bodies of his team members.


"Why haven't I heard this news? Is it true?"

Kabu wanted to ask, but Brian had already disappeared from his sight.

In desperation, Kabu lowered his head and looked at Thirteen at his feet. Thirteen also looked up at him. One person and one dog stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, all acting a little reserved.

"Um... do you want to play games?"

Kabu said blankly.

Thirteen was unmoved.

Kabu touched the yellow hair on his head: "If you don't like games, why don't you go to the back alley? There is a pet shop there. There are many little bitches with good figures in the shop."

Thirteen's big eyes blinked, still unmoved.

This guy is silly and fun.



He has never had a dog!

After going downstairs, Brian relied on the electronic lock of the motorcycle to find Kabu's car.

He didn't know much about motorcycle brands, but this yellow lightning car looked really flamboyant and cool, and the thick exhaust pipe looked very powerful.

Accompanied by the roar of the throttle.

Brian rode his motorcycle and rushed out of the street.

He had ridden motorcycles for a long time before.

In fact, for teenagers here, the first means of transportation after the age of 16 is often a small motorcycle, otherwise it is inconvenient to go out.

However, ever since Brian witnessed one of his high school classmates being knocked seven or eight meters away due to racing, he rarely used this kind of iron-clad means of transportation.

Muscle memory slowly comes back to life.

Under physical control + supercomputer perception.

It only took Brian a dozen seconds to adapt to the temper and performance of this violent beast. He kept accelerating, weaving in and out of the traffic, passing by the cars, like a flowing lightning in the long queue of traffic.

This is actually a very dangerous behavior.

Once any idiot owner sticks his head out, he will be in danger of being shot in the head by a motorcycle.

Brian has dynamic vision and has the confidence to respond promptly when encountering unexpected situations, which is why he dares to drive so fast.

After a while.

He caught up with the police car stuck in front of the traffic, then completed the overtaking and rushed towards McCall Avenue in the suburbs.

Ten minutes later.

Above Brian's head, the helicopter reappeared.

On the wide road, there were motorcyclists honking their horns and chasing them towards the east.

They seemed to be chasing something.

far away.

Flames soared into the sky, orange-red firelight reflected the dark clouds in the evening, black smoke rose into the sky, and sirens blared.

Under the super field of vision, one can see the field staff of the Forensic Medicine Bureau arranging the corpses in a row.

Outside the long cordon, cameramen and reporters carrying cameras risked their lives to attack the blocking patrol line, hoping to capture first-hand information.

Some of them were fully prepared and drove over directly with signal receiving vehicles to start live broadcasting.

What a chaotic scene.

Brian was in no hurry to pursue the helicopters.

He flicked his tail and accurately drifted outside the cordon. He took off his helmet and rushed to the on-site patrol police: "I am the acting team leader of the B6 team of the NW Operations Department. Is there anyone in charge here?"

Brian's voice was loud.

The leading police officer with a big belly and a lieutenant's epaulette turned his head, glanced at Brian, and walked over doubtfully: "I know you, Brian, the star employee of the police force recently, but as far as I know, this time Operation, it seems that the NW Operations Department was not notified.”

"Passing by." Brian didn't waste time with this fat man and said directly: "What happened here?"

The fat police officer shook his head:

“It’s unclear at the moment, but the murderer used machine guns to massacre everyone here, and our people also found traces of sniper rifles.

The scene was tragic, with more than forty people dead and injured.

The attackers started running east only when they heard the sirens.

Helicopters are in pursuit. "

At this moment, a patrolman who knew Brian came over and whispered: "I saw Tiger, Tiger the Chin Killer."

The fat police officer seemed to have heard of this name and looked at the little patrolman: "Are you talking about Tiger, the second leader of the Crips Gang who likes to break people's jaws?"

The patrolman nodded and pointed to the corpses arranged in a row: "That's the corpse. He died miserably. The murderer broke his five limbs and made him bleed to death."

"Five limbs?"

"Yes, the murderer had a very bad character and even blew up Tiger's bird."

Brian interrupted the two people: "Where is east of here?"

"There are several towns close to the road. The rest of the area is deserted. Apart from wild animals, there are mountains and forests. There is a branch leading to the mountains. It is estimated that the attackers just wanted to hide in the mountains."

The fat police officer was obviously relieved to hear that the dead people were probably gang members.

Brian nodded: "Thank you, can you give me a communicator? The Cripple Gang is involved in a case involving our team, and I need to go up and follow up."


Taking the communicator he had obtained and adjusting the channel, Brian restarted his motorcycle and chased eastward.

Looking at his rapidly disappearing figure.

The fat police officer looked at the little patrolman beside him: "I remember, isn't this pretty boy a coroner?"

A coroner who works in logistics goes after a group of thugs who look like lawless gangsters. He is really mentally ill and has lost his good skin.

Seeing his big belly, he suddenly lost interest in chatting. Without waiting for the patrol officer to reply, he waved his hand and motioned for him to continue doing his work.


Throttle roar.

On the open road, Brian directly turned the throttle to the bottom. It only took about ten minutes to catch up with the previous motorcycle riders, and then passed them. Taking the lead, he continued to pursue the front according to the helicopter's reported point. .


In the communication, a somewhat urgent message came from the observer: "All units pay attention, all units pay attention, the target has been hit, the vehicle has been destroyed, repeat, all."



No, I still haven’t caught up!

With a sullen face, he continued to rush towards the final reporting point of the target without slowing down.

If there were really three Ivans in the vehicle and died, Brian would have stepped on their bodies!


Won't you tell him something?

Three people were reduced at once, and a massacre of gangsters was carried out.

Forget about the massacre and still get caught!

What rubbish!

Brian didn't even know how he would explain it to Susan!

at this time.

A sewer manhole cover was pushed open.

Three wretched figures climbed out of it one after another.

"FK, it stinks in here!"

Glenn walked aside with some disgust and rubbed on the ground, trying to get rid of the dirt on the bottom of his shoes.

Ivan walked directly under a large oil drum and took out a large package: "Don't bother, I've prepared clothes. Come here quickly, take off your clothes, and burn them all."

Looking at the two calm people, Green felt as if all his strength had been drained away from him after an intense exercise.

He sat on the ground, his hands and feet shaking uncontrollably.

So exciting.

The scene before was so exciting!

Ivan stood in front, crushing more than a dozen people and unable to lift their heads.

Glenn is hiding in a high place, and any enemy that appears or hides will be killed immediately.

The three of them were killed indiscriminately.

He is in charge of Gaga and acts as the atmosphere team to make up the numbers.

Ivan and Glenn were responsible for the indiscriminate killings.

"Is this your first time experiencing this kind of scene? Are you not used to it?"

After changing his clothes, Ivan enthusiastically helped Greene up from the ground and then helped him take off his clothes.

Green wanted to do it by himself, but found that his hands and feet were not obedient, so he had to let Ivan move his hands up and down his body: "Yes, I felt dazed the whole time, especially when I heard the siren, I felt like my heart was going to explode. They Came too fast."

Green was a little scared when he thought about the speed of the police's response.

There were no residential areas near the factory. The police came too quickly and almost caught them.

Ivan took off Green's pants and said, "Because this is what Glenn called the police. Otherwise, how could we arrange for the scapegoats to die for us?"

Green said worriedly: "What if those three guys are not dead?"

"No, we not only used the brakes, but also made a timed explosion trap. If you brake or crash, you will die. Even if they are good at driving, the vehicle will explode when the time comes... Come on, lift your feet, and I will help you put on your pants. Changed."

Green: ..

Ivan is good at everything, but he's so enthusiastic that I'm not used to it.

the other side.

Brian hurriedly and slowly arrived at the location where the vehicle exploded before the police echelon.

Not far away, the helicopter that had been pursuing them had parked aside.

Brian took out his ID and got in.

Take a closer look.

Brian's heart suddenly went cold.

In the sky above the still burning vehicle, three blood-red balls of obsession were seen floating in the flames.

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