You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 138 Are you kidding me? Lucky dog!

After changing clothes.

Green turned on his phone and his face changed: "Hey, guys, Boss Brian called me. Could it be that he heard the news here and suspected us?"

Ivan was fiddling with the burning clothes and shoes in the oil barrel, and said indifferently: "Don't scare yourself, just call back and say that we are in Jenny's strip club. It's too noisy here and we didn't hear his call."

"I suggest we go to the club first and then call back..." Glenn showed his phone: "Brian also called me. I guess he really suspected it."


He quickly took out his phone and fell silent after seeing the missed calls on it.

Brian is a dog, so he reacts so quickly!


Looking at the burning vehicle and the three obsession balls in the flames, Brian's heart was half cold.

Three obsession balls.

Isn't it just corresponding to Ivan and the other three!

"Three bastards, don't you know to talk to me if you have something to do, especially Ivan and Glenn, why do you bring Green with you!"

Brian became more and more angry as he thought about it.

All three people burst out of obsession, you can imagine how desperate the people in the car were at that time.

But he didn't even know what happened.

Just then.

The phone in Brian's pocket rang.

He was angry, and didn't look at the caller. He picked up the phone directly and answered it coldly: "Who?"

"Bryan, this is Green, that, I saw you called me."

Listening to the noisy voice on the other end of the phone.

Brian said impatiently: "Don't bother me, Green, I still have things to deal with here, you? Green? Where are you now?"

"Jenny strip bar?"

"Ivan and Glenn are there too?"

"Oh, it's okay, you guys have fun, I'll come later."

Brian hung up the phone speechlessly and breathed a sigh of relief.

He was a little amused.

It turned out that he had misunderstood.

But picking up three obsessions by accident was also an extra gain.

Brian walked towards the pilot who had made some branches as a temporary roadblock: "Hey, man, how many people were in the car at that time?"

"Three, they are a bunch of crazy people, they never slowed down from beginning to end, the road cracked here, the car tilted and hit the tree."

Another person also added: "The explosion was very loud at that time, there must be a lot of high explosives hidden in the car. This is the first time I have seen such crazy thugs. I feel that the security environment in Los Angeles has become worse and worse since the second half of the year."

Brian nodded.

This is true.

Three people, three obsessions directly.

I don't know why these three guys had such great emotional fluctuations before they died, and the explosion rate was as high as 100%.

After the follow-up police support arrived.

Everything that could be burned in the car was burned.

Brian felt something was wrong.

It was too clean.

Generally, explosions rarely last for a long time, unless there are not only explosives but also accelerants in the car.

The problem is.

Who stuffed a lot of accelerants in the car when escaping!

Could it be that they were planning to kill people in the factory and then set it on fire?

The crowd found some human skeletons, broken bones and flesh, a sniper rifle that was blown up, an old M60 machine gun, and a common automatic rifle that was seriously damaged from the surroundings and the wreckage of the car.

All the evidence showed that the three dead people were the thugs who attacked the factory.

Brian found an opportunity with doubts and collected three obsession balls.

Pretending to smoke.

Brian's heart moved, and three obsessions flooded into his mind:

Obsession 1: Let those three bastards feel the despair of not being able to go up or down and can only watch their lives enter the countdown!

Obsession 2: Let those three bastards feel the despair of not being able to go up or down and can only watch their lives enter the countdown!

Obsession 3: Let those three bastards feel the despair of not being able to go up or down and can only watch their lives enter the countdown!

After reading three identical obsessions, Brian showed a question mark face.

What the hell?

With doubt, he received the information provided by the obsession.

The next moment.

Three familiar faces appeared in his mind, which were Ivan with a hideous smile, Glenn with a cold expression, and Green who pretended to be calm!

Brian silently threw the cigarette butt in his hand on the ground and crushed it repeatedly with his feet.

Okay, okay!

You lied to me, right!

You didn’t answer the phone, right!

Jenny’s strip bar, right!

You made me ride a motorcycle late at night, right!

Brian thought of himself rushing up like a fool, and couldn’t help but smile, and then the smile slowly turned into a silent grin.

These three bastards!

Wait for me!

After saying hello to the person in charge on the scene, Brian got on the motorcycle and returned to the original way.

At this time, in Jenny’s strip bar, three big men huddled in the corner, out of tune with the surrounding environment.

Green drank one beer after another.

Ivan patted him on the shoulder: "Why, are you feeling a bit overwhelmed by the killing?"

Green shook his head: "No, I just feel a little embarrassed for having deceived Boss Brian. By the way, you are fully capable of dealing with those people by yourselves, why did you call me?"

He just realized now that these two unscrupulous guys were clearly trying to drag him down.

Glenn, who had been watching the striptease, turned his head and said, "Sorry, there are only two of us, and we are still short of a backdoor. Ivan and I have discussed that you come from a poor family, so you are not lacking in blood and are motivated. You can have no criminal record in that environment, join the police station, and face cases with a kind attitude. In short, we finally chose you."

Ivan also brainwashed him on the side: "You also saw the scene before. Those bastards used the factory to produce those harmful things, and killed Glenn's informant friend in a very cruel way. That was a very good brother, but he got drunk and died at the hands of a group of trash."

Glenn also sighed: "If that idiot hadn't been drunk and talked nonsense to a prostitute, and the prostitute had informed for money, he wouldn't have died so miserably."

Green was embarrassed to mention anything else because of the two brothers' words.

In fact, he wanted to ask why he didn't just ask Boss Brian.

At this moment.

The phones of the three people vibrated at the same time.

They took out their phones, clicked on them, and found that it was a text message from Brian.

Green clicked on it and closed his eyes painfully: "FK, I knew I couldn't hide it from Boss Brian!"

Ivan and Glenn looked at each other and were also a little speechless.

The text messages of the three people all had the same message: "Come to Happy Weekend Amusement Park, I want to talk to you about the case of the Cripple Gang."

"Let's go, Brian is a loyal man, he can understand us."

Ivan believes in his ability to judge people.

When he first saw Brian, he knew that under the skin of this seemingly gentle little white face, there was a bloodthirsty heart.

"I hope so."

Green was not comforted.

He knew Boss Brian, and what he hated most was that someone cheated him.

Ivan and the others were easy to deal with.

He was in trouble.

FK, I got on the pirate ship of this pair of bastards!

Amusement park

Brian touched Thirteen's dog head, and there was a small backpack next to it.

This backpack was a gift from the yellow-haired Kabu to Thirteen.

To be precise, it was the banknotes in the backpack.

Thinking of Kabu and a few of Kabu's friends with gloomy faces before leaving, Brian wanted to laugh.

He didn't expect Thirteen to be a lucky dog.

Kabu, the yellow-haired boy, and his friends were so amused by Thirteen, a puppy who was only more than two months old, that they spent tens of thousands of dollars in cash just to let Thirteen play a game of distinguishing cash.

Based on Thirteen's confession and Kabu's own words, Brian understood what happened:

Kabu was stupid and kept asking Thirteen what he wanted to play.

Thirteen bit Kabu's wallet out, and then pulled out all the twenty-dollar cash in it.

Kabu, this kid, probably stays at home and has only a few things to play with, so he got interested.

After he found out that Thirteen only wanted twenty dollars in cash, he specially asked his friends to send a large bag of cash of various denominations, and then divided all the cash of different denominations into several piles for Thirteen to choose.

Thirteen always chose the twenty-dollar denomination.

Kabu got excited and called his friends to see this puppy who particularly liked the twenty-dollar denomination cash.

He got bored.

He also mixed several denominations together and divided them into several piles for Thirteen to choose.

As a result, Thirteen always chose the pile with the middle value.

After doing this over and over again.

Thirteen only made more than two thousand dollars at that time.

As a result, in order to test Thirteen's limit, they took out all the cash and put it in several small piles for Thirteen to choose.

They didn't believe that Thirteen could choose the pile with the middle value from so many denominations of banknotes.

The facts were as they wished.

Thirteen did not choose the pile with the middle denomination of cash.

He wanted it all!

In front of Kabu and his friends, Thirteen directly pulled all the cash under his body.

Thinking of this, Brian wanted to laugh.

He couldn't help but grab Thirteen and kissed it hard on the head: "Thirteen, good dog, worthy of being my dog, the personality is the same as mine, hahaha!"

"Wang~ (Hee~)"

Thirteen wagged his tail happily, with a healing smile on his face.

The big dog really likes these pieces of paper, and I will get more for the big dog in the future!

He praised Thirteen for a while.

Brian put it down and let it play by itself.

Speaking of which, Kabu and his friends have good personalities. They actually packed all the money for Thirteen.

Although it may be that they don't care about such a small amount of money.

But it also shows that this group of people can afford to play, let go, and keep their promises.

As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together.

Ali, the weapons expert of the team, seems to be a good person.

Thinking about it.

The lights of the car came from a distance.

Brian narrowed his eyes slightly. In the dim environment, against the light, after seeing the driver clearly, a sneer appeared on his face, slowly stood up, and clenched his fists.

He was going to teach these three bastards what it meant to convince others with reason, vent their anger, and at the same time fulfill the three obsessions they had gained today!

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