You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 139: Broad-minded Brian

The vehicle stops.

Ivan and the other three got out of the car smelling of alcohol.

Green was a little afraid to face Brian.

He gritted his teeth and apologized to Brian: "Boss Brian, I'm sorry for what happened today."

Seeing that he didn't make excuses, Brian nodded: "I don't like people around me saying sorry to me, because it means my trust has been betrayed, but this time it's not your problem. I'll talk to you about it later. something.”

With that said, he walked towards the teddy pair of Ivan and Glenn.

Brian was actually not particularly angry about what Ivan and the others did.

But these two bastards shouldn't involve their newly acquired little brother!

Looking at Brian coming over, Ivan breathed out the smell of alcohol and spread his hands: "Brian, I'm sorry, man, this matter is a bit complicated, but"

The words are not finished yet.

Brian had already rushed in front of him and struck him with a vicious knee in the abdomen.

Ivan could block with both hands.

next moment.

His expression changed greatly.

The power contained in Brian's knees was really terrifying. It easily overwhelmed the strength of his arms, and with his hands pressed against his abdomen, he forcibly lifted the feet of this big man, who weighed more than 200 kilograms, off the ground. Ten centimeters.


With a ferocious expression on his face, Ivan clutched his stomach and lay on the ground, unable to breathe due to the pain.

In the face of brute force, the fighting skills he was proud of turned out to be so pale.

Killed Ivan.

Brian looked at Glenn.

This guy was too much of a thief. He covered his face with his hands and squatted down: "Don't slap me in the face!"


If you don't resist, what pleasure will I get from fighting you?

You sincerely don’t want me to vent my anger, do you?

Brian kicked Glenn over and punched him harder than Ivan.

Glenn screamed and screamed, and soon he collapsed on the ground with a bruised face and a dead body.

Ivan finally recovered after vomiting what he had eaten today.

Seeing his good brother being ravaged, he quickly hugged Brian from behind: "Calm down, Brian."

The muscles on Brian's body were like waves, shaking from top to bottom. While resisting Ivan's bear hug, he threw him on his back, smashed him next to Glenn, and then beat him severely!

I'm addicted to fighting.

Green, who was trembling on the side, was also caught by Brian and participated in the B6 group's internal heart-to-heart meeting.

Ten minutes later.

Several people with bruised noses and swollen faces sat dirty on the ground. One of them held a cigarette in his mouth, grinning in pain while puffing away smoke.

"FK, those strengthening reagents are so perverted. It's only been a month and you can actually hold me down and beat me. It's really unfair!"

Ivan exhaled a puff of smoke, indignant!

Glenn seemed to have lost his dream in life. His face was swollen like a pig's head, and his eyes were squinted and lifeless as they were squeezed by red and swollen muscles.

Why does it have to be slapped in the face!

He has been in this broken B6 group for just over a month, and his face has been swollen for at least half the month!

Green was much happier.

Boss Brian didn't slap him in the face, at least he didn't have to explain anything when he got back.

The boss is still considerate.

Waiting for everyone to finish smoking a cigarette.

Brian pinched the cigarette butt and flicked it away without any sense of ethics, and then said quietly: "Tell me, why did you go to the Crips Gang without telling me."

Glenn's face was so swollen that he couldn't speak clearly, so Ivan had to tell what happened.

The reason was that when they were investigating the dismemberment case, they targeted the Crips Gang based on clues, and through information from Glenn's informants and friends, they found the Crips Gang factory that produced batteries during the day and had a poison maker involved in the evening.

According to clues, the victim who was dismembered and dumped in the trash can was the waste processor of the factory, who was responsible for processing chemical waste released during the production of drugs.

Generally speaking, even if such an informed person is executed by a gang for some reason, his body will never be dumped randomly. Instead, the body will be handled very carefully to prevent the body from being discovered by the police and follow the clues to find the disguised drug manufacturing factory.

The results are still under investigation.

Glenn's informant friend, who drank and talked nonsense, told the prostitute about his recent investigation of the Crips Gang.

Prostitutes snitch in exchange for money.

Glenn's informant friend was brutally murdered.

When Glenn realized something was wrong and rushed to his friend's house, he only saw his friend with all his fingers and toes cut off.

Ivan exhaled a puff of smoke and sighed: "Brian, you know, if we follow the rules, even if we can catch those scum in the end, they will be able to live very comfortably with the gang's care. This pair It wasn't fair to Glenn's friends, so we took matters into our own hands."

"Blood for blood, tooth for tooth!" Glenn also waved his fists excitedly, but his words were a little leaky and he was drooling a little.

Brian shrugged: "I'm just an acting team leader and don't care about this, but you shouldn't drag Green into the water. He has a mother, a younger brother, and a younger sister to support. If something happens to him, there is no hope of getting rid of the family's difficulties. Hope is gone."

Hearing this, Green lowered his head, a little scared.

Ivan shrugged: "We placed him at the back door. Before the operation, we also set up booby traps at the back door. Green staying there will not be much more dangerous than when we usually go to work. NW is also full of dangers. Death is... "Every employee who joins the police force must have the awareness from the beginning that if Green dies, we will support his family."

"Not a good reason!"

Brian shook his head: "You two bastards clearly wanted to see me groom Green, so you deliberately dragged him into the water to test my attitude."

Ivan was noncommittal, imitating Brian's example, and crushed the cigarette butt in his hand: "At least it seems to have a good effect, he helped us share a lot of your fists, FK, enhanced people are really abnormal, your fists are not as good as those of heavyweights The boxing champion is light!”

This shameless appearance didn't make Brian angry, but it made Green quite angry.

He angrily gave Ivan a middle finger: "You two are so shameless."

"Hehe~" Glenn got up from the ground and showed an ugly pig-headed smile: "It's not a bad thing for young people to suffer more. You see, you are much smarter now and know that we are not good people."

Ivan added: "Boy, your boss Brian is not a good person either. Have you forgotten that he asked you to kill the J drug policeman before?"

Although the matter was suppressed, it could not be hidden from their colleagues.

It's also because of this incident.

Ivan and the others confirmed Brian's temper before they brought Green into the team, not only to train new people, but also to serve as a buffer for communication with Brian.


He suddenly felt that compared to the people in front of him, who grew up in a black slum, he was not only as innocent as a little white rabbit, but also as innocent as a baby that had not yet been weaned.

The three of them looked at Brian.

Brian spread his hands: "Okay, I am indeed not a good person, Green, welcome to the villain group."

Several people looked at each other and laughed.

With Green as a buffer.

After experiencing this incident.

Brian and Teddy are very close to each other.

The main reason is that everyone is not an honest child and has the same views.

For Brian, it is in his interest to have such a group of villainous colleagues. Otherwise, imagine that the colleagues you work with will violently enforce the law against you. You are forced to do it directly because of the rules.

It’s uncomfortable to think about it like that.

It's much better now.

He doesn't need to be so restrained when doing things in the future.

"Okay, we'll talk about it directly in the future. Brian, that's it for today. I have to take Glenn to the doctor. He's drooling like an idiot now."

Ivan looked at the time and prepared to leave with Glenn.

Brian, this bastard, hits very hard, hitting places that are very painful and not prone to internal injuries. Even he, a veteran, can't bear it now.

Thirteen, who had been watching the show, jumped out from the corner and blocked the two of them, saying that this road was blocked.

Brian shook his head and pointed to the playground behind him: "No, no, no, we can't leave now. I asked you here not just to vent my anger."

The three of them felt bad.

Green suddenly thought of Brian's pettiness, licked his lips, and said uneasily: "Boss Brian, is there anything else?"

Brian shrugged: "Please recall the happiness of childhood."

The lights of the dead amusement park come on.

In front of the rusty jumping machine, shrill screams were heard from time to time.

The weightless feeling of taking off up and down is not the most scary thing.

The most terrifying thing is that when the rope is thrown up and down, it is accompanied by the crunching sound of breaking at any time.

This unknown fear of not knowing when the rope will break, becoming a trapeze artist, and falling into pieces is the most tormenting thing.

More than half an hour later.

The twelfth jumping experience is over.

Green was already crying for his mother, Ivan, a strong man, rolled his eyes, and Glenn, a boy with weak kidneys, even spit out foam.

Brian finally felt three warm currents surging through his body.

'Let those three bastards feel the despair that I feel now that I can't go up or down, and can only watch the countdown of my life! 'Obsession X3, completed!

Brian let out a comfortable breath.

The three previous obsessions were finally completed!

It was true that he spent a lot of money to specially book this amusement park, and also asked the employees to deliberately make abnormal noises on the ropes of the jumping machine, in order to psychologically torture the three bastards Ivan.

After beating Ivan and the three of them, he also completed three more obsessions.

Brian, who was broad-minded, nodded with satisfaction.

Finally feel comfortable!

As a caring and warm man.

Brian first sent Green home, and then sent Ivan, whose legs were still shaking, after resting for more than an hour, and Glenn, who was immediately unconscious, to the hospital.

Tomorrow is a day off.

There is no need to worry about these three guys being absent from work, giving them enough time to recover from their physical and inner trauma.

The main focus is thoughtfulness.

Return to the apartment.

Brian kicked a bag of cash earned by Thirteen under the bed: "Thirteen, keep the money with me first. When you grow up, I will give it to you to marry a wife and have children."

Thirteen wagged his tail obediently: "Wangwang~ (Big dog, you are so kind~)"

"Silly, if I treat you badly, who will treat you well?" Brian touched Thirteen's head and said PUA: "Make money in the future and keep up the good work. Next year, I will try to buy another bulletproof car to take you out for a ride, and find you a mistress to love you together."

Children should be educated from an early age.

He praised and rubbed his face.

At two months and sixteen days old, Thirteen returned to the bed in a daze, digesting the pancake that Brian had stuffed into his mouth, and even forgot to eat dinner.

With a sense of accomplishment after educating the child, Brian washed up, ate something simple, and began to check today's gains.

Three obsessions, a total of 23 points of gift energy were harvested.

Each one is average, but it adds up to a lot.

So far.

Bryan is richer than ever before, accumulating 68 points of gift energy!

He resisted the urge to spend money: "Tomorrow is a day off, just in time to go to the suburbs to deal with the obsession of the black deformer called Orc."

The obsession of the Orc deformer: Let the bastard who wears a clown mask and caused me to lose the specially cultivated falcon enjoy the pain of being devoured by thousands of insects!

Isn't it just the pain of being devoured by thousands of insects?


Tomorrow, go to the suburbs to find a termite nest, dig it and lie in it, and it's done.

There are many termites here, gathering in community wooden houses, underground near farms, and so on. Any termite nest has hundreds of thousands to millions of termites living.

Who are you looking down on for the pain of being devoured by thousands of insects?

The obsession of the Orc deformer, two gift options, both good.

Gift 1: 40 gift energy points.

Gift 2: 5 points of gift energy + biological control

No matter which one you choose, it's fine!

Brian plans to complete this obsession tomorrow, and then strengthen his body. If 68 points of gift energy are not enough, choose the first gift and continue to strengthen!

I don't believe that after adding more than a hundred points of energy, I still can't break through the bottleneck of strengthening!

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