You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 140: The case of the female corpse on the tree, breaking the limits of the human body! (Crow

After absorbing the spiritual crystals left by the three dead, Brian felt that his tense nerves these days were relieved a lot, and his temper was also eased a lot, not as irritable and emotional as before.

Unfortunately, under the supercomputer perception, his mental strength is still 1.2.

This also made him dare not continue to absorb additional talents for a short time.

This will increase his mental burden.

Once the income is not enough to cover the expenses.

Brian will feel the unique influence of the deformed, become emotional, irritable and bloodthirsty, act paranoid and cruel, and ignore the consequences.

The innate ability is not very useful.

For him, it is harmful and useless.

In addition.

The much stronger vitality has also affected his current living habits.

Since the physical enhancement has reached a bottleneck and the enhancement has acted on cell activity, Brian's energy has become very strong.

He only needs to sleep about four hours a day to ensure that he is energetic all day.

At first Brian was not used to it.

I woke up at more than four o'clock, and it was still dark outside.

Sometimes looking at the dead silence outside, I still feel a little lonely.

But when he picked up the magic tricks he played before, he felt different.

The visible progress and gains were really great!

This gave Brian a strong sense of accomplishment.

Not only magic tricks.

He planned to learn and practice darts, sketching, carving, calligraphy, etc., all skills that require physical talent, to kill time.

The next day.

It was a little after four in the morning.

Brian looked at Thirteen who was still snoring, got up carefully, washed up, and simply ate some sandwiches he made.

As usual.

He entered the NW internal network to browse the latest internal information, and read the contents of the USB flash drive left by his uncle Billy.

The contents of the USB flash drive were very messy.

Some were the rules of the underground world.

Some were Billy's development and research of his abilities after he became a deformed person.

Some were records of his personality changes and psychological changes that Billy occasionally wrote after he became a deformed person.

The most helpful thing for Brian was Billy's records of his psychological changes.

As a highly contaminated deformer who experienced the secondary radiation of the blood moon, Billy's records over the years have been of great help to Brian, and he has a clearer understanding of his own situation.

Brian also felt the powerlessness of the deformer who was losing control a little bit.

This world is, after all, an ordinary world that has mutated. There are no immortal cultivation methods in Brian's previous life novels, nor are there so-called martial arts secrets. The only way to resist the loss of control of the deformed consciousness is the strength of one's will!

There have been more than 60 years of research in this area around the world.

At present, there are only three best ways to solve the loss of control of the deformed.

The first way is that the deformed can strengthen their mind and willpower through self-abuse, spiritual belief... Anyway, no matter what method is used, they can suppress their bloodthirsty desire and avoid bleeding.

This has the best effect.

If they can avoid bleeding for a long time, the deformed can even keep their consciousness clear for a long time.

As for how long it will be, it depends on the degree of deformation and the strength of willpower.

Everyone's situation is different.

The second way is to inject special reagents developed by major research institutions.

The reagents of each institution are called differently, but the effects are similar.

In Brian's hand, there is an inhibitor left by Billy.

This inhibitor was developed by the Doomsday Cult and is addictive. It is one of the means by which the Doomsday Cult controls the deformed people below.


Brian injected a little bit by virtue of his "body control" + "pheromone control".

How to say it.

It is very strange, similar to antidepressants, which can affect the secretion of specific hormones in the body, but the core is that the reagent contains a strange special substance that can play a role of forced calmness and reduce the emotional fluctuations of the injector, but this special substance is highly addictive.

Once metabolized.

Brian felt like there were ants crawling all over his body, and his emotional fluctuations were even greater than before.

This is the effect of him injecting only a little.

Brian couldn't imagine how his uncle Billy could resist the side effects of this reagent.

Brian's demand for this is not great at present.

His ability not only allows him to use gifted energy to strengthen his body and take away the special skills and talents that the corpse had before, which can be called the power of rules, but also allows him to fuse the spiritual crystals left in the corpse of the deceased to strengthen his own spiritual strength.

As long as he does not encounter a bottleneck similar to physical strengthening.

As long as he does not absorb talents and abilities randomly and increase his mental burden.

Brian is confident that he can always maintain a general emotional stability.

Unless he is too tired and encounters something very unpleasant.

At this time, he will become paranoid and do something impulsive.

The previous annihilation of the original sect and the FBI combat team was somewhat affected by this aspect.

The third method is self-brainwashing.

This method is somewhat similar to the first method, but it is more crazy and more difficult, and it seems to have very serious sequelae.

Brian's uncle Billy used this method before.

In the USB flash drive, Billy just briefly introduced this method, but did not explain the method. The only useful information was just one sentence: When you need it, you will know how to do it yourself. If I tell you in advance, you will only know how to do it. Let you fall into the same chronic death as me. Remember, follow your inner choice, whether it is right or wrong.

"out of control."

Brian shook his head.

He glanced at the slightly bright sky outside and turned on the TV.

At this time, there are only some paid programs, some soap operas, or some rebroadcasts of previous news.

Brian lay on the sofa in a comfortable position and turned the TV to the news replay channel.

Above is a TV reporter interviewing a bearded gun shop owner:

"Mr. Sprung, we have noticed that many gun stores have long queues recently."

"Yes, my business is very good, very good. In fact, I have sold out of goods. My brother's shooting range business is also very good. By the way, if there are brothers who are good at shooting and want to make some pocket money, welcome Go to XX shooting range to apply for a teaching position”

The shop owner of this chicken thief took advantage of the interview and spoke very quickly to advertise the brother's shooting range.

The reporter quickly signaled the cameraman to turn the camera and said to the audience: "This is the thirteenth gun shop owner we have interviewed on the spot. According to statistics from our staff, starting from October, the gun shop business in the entire Los Angeles area has been higher than before. At least 376% better. The large number of guns has led to the deterioration of social security. The deterioration of public security has also led to more citizens rushing to buy guns and ammunition. Herein"

Brian immediately switched channels.

After the blood moon, the security environment around the world has deteriorated significantly.

Everyone has lost a lot of patience and acted in a lot of extremes.

Maybe what you said before was that the quarrel was over after a few words, but now it is possible to quarrel after a few words, either with a gun or a knife, and you will not give up until there is blood.

In addition, some new aberrations hidden in the crowd committed crimes.

In Los Angeles County alone, in more than a month, the number of vicious homicides has caught up with more than half a year ago. The year-on-year increase has exceeded 300%, and this proportion is still increasing.

But according to NW internal information.

This situation will slowly reduce its impact within one or two years after the blood moon until it returns to the previous normal level.

"..Disney co-signed children's version of the self-defense counterattack rifle, available in colors, easy to operate, weighing as little as less than one kilogram, even a six-year-old child can hold it to protect their own safety. Buy now and get a customized version Pendant, what are you waiting for?"

This is an advertisement for an arms dealer.


Is it so outrageous?

In this world, the United States Federation's madness is even more exaggerated than in his previous life.

Brian lost interest in watching TV.

never mind.

It's not too early, it's time to set out to complete the orc aberration's obsession.

Thirteen years old, lethargic.

Brian didn't wake it up. He threw it into the passenger seat and drove towards the suburbs.

Termites are widely distributed.

But the most common area is near farms.

There is enough food there to support the termite colony, allowing them to grow their population.

Brian was going to go to the pig farm where Soraya, the victim of the previous case, was imprisoned. Firstly, he would fulfill his obsession. Secondly, he would go to the house of Dolly, the dog-licking guard who helped Soraya before, to verify something of his own. A conjecture.

He always felt that that case was not that simple.

It was too smooth and too coincidental.

The town is still the same town.

In two days, there was no obvious change here.

Plus it's not even seven o'clock yet.

Except for a few residents who got up for a morning jog, there was no one on the street.

Brian arrives outside Dolly's house, only to find that he is not home.

It's still early.

Most of the surrounding residents are still asleep.

Without disturbing them, Brian turned the car around and drove towards the pig farm.

Along the rugged trail.

About ten minutes later.

Brian's little broken car arrived at an open space outside the pig farm that he had visited once before.

He did not go directly, but found a suitable high place and opened his eagle eyes. From a distance of nearly two thousand meters, he had a panoramic view of the pig farm hidden in the forest.

To Brian's surprise.

It had only been two days since the Soraya case ended, and the process of the case was still going on, and the time was not expected to be short. A figure actually reappeared at the pig farm.

Such an early hour.

In the pig farm, several elderly men and women dressed in rags were busy cleaning and decorating with various tools inside and outside the pig farm, as well as in the wooden houses and open spaces used for fun.

There was also some trimmed wood piled around.

It seems that this place is also planning to expand and renovate...

at this time.

A familiar figure changed from his previous decadent state. Wearing a expensive suit, he walked out of the attic on the second floor of the wooden house behind the pig farm in high spirits, facing the open wilderness in the distance, opening his hands as if embracing his own kingdom. generally.

This person is none other than Dolly, the 'kind-hearted dog licker' who released Soraya in the previous case!

"I just said there are still problems with this case."

Brian looked at Dolly from a distance, smiled and lit a cigarette.

In fact, he felt something was wrong at that time.

One is too smooth.

One was Soraya's body, which was discovered two days later.

This means that two days have passed since Dolly secretly released Soraya!

Why wasn't the other party retaliated against?

Although Dolly explained that the owner of the pig farm might be moving the site and dealing with the traces of the pig farm, and was afraid of attracting the attention of the police, this excuse was still too far-fetched.

Brian didn't explore it at the time, mainly because there was no need.

He had planned to come here to fulfill the orc's obsession, and regarded Dolly as a little easter egg to adjust his boring life.

If it is true, then come and take a look, lest this licking dog is retaliated against.

It would be more interesting if it were fake.

If you are taken to jail, you can still live.

Provoke yourself


Brian retracted his gaze from the dead man, returned to the car, drove the car near a pumpkin farm, shook Thirteen awake in the passenger seat and said, "Thirteen, it's seven o'clock, get up and pee and go to work."


Thirteen looked at Brian sleepily.

I feel so sleepy and want to sleep.

However, under Bu Papi's urging, Shisan had no choice but to jump out of the car.

It walked on its short legs, sniffed and sniffed first, found a geomantic omen, put up its right foot, and started scent marking for the new day.

Brian ignored it and searched for a while along the pumpkin farm. Finally he found a piece of chewed pumpkin scraps. After first collecting the special biological scent of the termites on it, he gave it to Thirteen to smell it, and then One person and one dog started searching around.

Ten minutes later.

A termite mound nest was discovered by Thirteen.

With an IQ that is no weaker than that of a ten-year-old child, it has already crushed the scumbag Brian in search.


Brian thrust an old pumpkin that he had picked up by hand in front of Thirteen: "Top it first, and I'll make you pork chops and egg noodles when you get back."

"Wang~ (What is this?)"

"Pumpkin is delicious and good for dogs."

"Wangwang~ (Big dog, you are so good!)"

"Yeah, just know."

After perfunctory thirteen, Brian picked up the shovel and started digging.

Pumpkin ripening time is generally from July to September.

All that's left on this farm are some old, unwanted pumpkins, so don't worry about anyone coming to the farm.

Brian has great strength and endurance, and is a natural working animal. Even if the termite nest is very strong, it still cannot withstand the violent demolition of this animal.

Ten minutes later.

Brian dug a shallow pit that was more than three meters long and two meters wide.

Inside the shallow pit, there are winding passages, and a large number of termites surge out of the soil, which is enough to make the scalp of people with trypophobia go numb.

Brian has no ink.

He took off his clothes, leaving only a pair of underpants to hide his shame, and lay down directly.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

A warm current surged.

The orc's obsession is complete!

Brian, who had countless red dots all over his body, got up from the ground covered in sweat.

He exhaled with dull eyes, pulled out a cigarette with trembling hands, and lit it.

Until one cigarette is finished.

Only then did Brian feel alive.

He did not hesitate and said silently in his heart: "Strengthen!"

The sixty-eight points of gift energy accumulated before turned into a large warm current, washing over Brian's body. Those dense red packets disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, a strong vitality pheromone was flowing out of control. The ground dispersed in all directions.

Thirteen, who was hiding in the distance, holding an old pumpkin and grinding his teeth, had humanized surprise in his big eyes.

The big dog has become fragrant again.

It sipped its saliva and viciously licked the pumpkin in its arms.

After more than ten seconds, the warm current intensified and began to weaken.

Brian could feel that his body was almost full, but still a little short of it.

He no longer hesitated and received the first gift from the orcs: forty energy points!

Another large amount of strengthening energy surged through the body.

This time, Brian felt completely different.

That warm and refreshing feeling disappeared!

Instead, there was an itch.

It's like there are ten thousand ants crawling all over the body, and the itching feeling that makes people want to scratch like crazy is getting stronger!

Brian had endured the pain of being devoured by thousands of insects before, and he could still bear it.

But as time passes.

His face began to gradually distort, he knelt on the ground and roared uncontrollably.

Night falls.

Thirteen looked at Brian, who was lying motionless on the ground, and wanted to go over, but he didn't dare.

Its big eyes showed worry and fear.

After the sun goes down, the scent of the big dog disappears and turns into a smell that scares dogs.

Thirteen tried to get closer, but when he was still more than one meter away from the big dog, his body's instinct made his limbs become weak and he wanted to stay away from the area at all costs.

That is a kind of suppression originating from the life level!

Gu Gu Gu~

Thirteen's stomach growled.

It licked its nose and walked towards the farm in the distance, preparing to imitate the big dog in holding melons.

at this time.

An invisible sense of oppression slowly enveloped it.

Thirteen or four short legs trembled uncontrollably.

Its little head didn't even have time to think about what was going on. Driven by its body's instinct, its head had already shrunk to the ground, and it covered its eyes with its two front paws, making random humming sounds, and its lively tail curled up under its abdomen, like a frightened mealworm.

"Tsk, coward."

Brian put away his life force field and looked at the dark sky.

Countless data poured into his mind, and then was easily classified by his brain. Even after his pupils contracted, the originally unclear stars were magnified several times, as if they wanted to penetrate the void and see the brilliant Milky Way outside the starry sky.

This was naturally an illusion.

Brian's current feeling was magical.

He felt that his body was as if it had shed a layer of shackles. Whether it was the surging blood in his blood vessels or the jumping muscle fibers at all times, they had undergone a magical transformation.

Brian licked his lips: "I seem to have broken the limit of my body and entered an unknown level!"

He moved his mind.

Under the supercomputer perception, the latest data is reproduced.

Physique: 1.3

Spirit: 1.3

Not only has the physique transformed!

The mental strength has also entered a new level!

It seems to be a 0.1 difference.

Although Brian has not tested it yet, he clearly knows that this is a completely different level.

"Try it!"

Brian looked into the distance, and countless data surged in his mind.

He tapped his toes.

The next moment.

Countless muscle fibers and bones, like the most compact instruments, mobilized and exerted force at the same time.

A clear sound of breaking through the air was heard.

The blurred afterimage slowly dissipated.

Brian stood a hundred meters away, unable to suppress the joy in his heart, grinning and laughing silently.



A hundred meters in four seconds!

He is actually almost touching the speed of the two deformed beasts before!

The key is not only speed.

He also has a synchronous transformation of strength and endurance!

Continue to strengthen it.

It seems that it is not impossible to dodge bullets in an instant!

Blazing ambition appeared in Brian's eyes!

If breaking the limit once doesn't work, then twice!

If breaking the limit twice doesn't work, then three times!

Since there are monsters that can fight the army with their bodies and kill hundreds of people and escape!

Why can't I be the next one!

For a long time.

Brian put on his clothes and took Thirteen to the place where the lights were shining in the forest.

While happy.

Open an easter egg!

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